217 research outputs found

    Reliability Study of Battery Lives: A Functional Degradation Analysis Approach

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    Renewable energy is critical for combating climate change, whose first step is the storage of electricity generated from renewable energy sources. Li-ion batteries are a popular kind of storage units. Their continuous usage through charge-discharge cycles eventually leads to degradation. This can be visualized in plotting voltage discharge curves (VDCs) over discharge cycles. Studies of battery degradation have mostly concentrated on modeling degradation through one scalar measurement summarizing each VDC. Such simplification of curves can lead to inaccurate predictive models. Here we analyze the degradation of rechargeable Li-ion batteries from a NASA data set through modeling and predicting their full VDCs. With techniques from longitudinal and functional data analysis, we propose a new two-step predictive modeling procedure for functional responses residing on heterogeneous domains. We first predict the shapes and domain end points of VDCs using functional regression models. Then we integrate these predictions to perform a degradation analysis. Our approach is fully functional, allows the incorporation of usage information, produces predictions in a curve form, and thus provides flexibility in the assessment of battery degradation. Through extensive simulation studies and cross-validated data analysis, our approach demonstrates better prediction than the existing approach of modeling degradation directly with aggregated data.Comment: 28 pages,16 figure


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    In today's society, where digital technologies have a pervasive influence, data protection has emerged as a paramount concern across various scientific fields. In the realm of legal science, international arbitration, as an alternative dispute resolution mechanism, also faces its own challenges in this regard. This article delves into the issue of personal data, the urgency of data protection in international arbitration, and, through an analysis of typical data protection regulations worldwide, domestic laws on data protection in general and in arbitration proceedings in particular. Based on this analysis, the article proposes recommendations for enhancing data protection in arbitration proceedings, contributing to the improvement of the Draft Commercial Arbitration Law of Vietnam.  Article visualizations

    Object-Oriented Approach: Applying ISO 21001 at Vietnamese Higher Education Institutions

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    To evaluate whether an educational institution has quality or not, requires standards that reflect all the requirements of the complex relationships operating within the educational institution. At the same time, this standard must be recognized by all nations for it to apply widely. It is in this context that the ISO 21001:2018 series of standards was published. This standard mentioned three areas of activities that an educational organization must pay attention to: training, scientific research, and community service. They are also the main activities that the educational accreditation standards refer to. To meet the requirement of quality guarantee and enhancement, a higher education institution has to apply quality assurance norms in general and quality criteria on management systems. Putting the ISO 21001 quality standard into practice is the choice of Vietnamese educational institutions to ensure they meet the requirements for improving management system quality. There are a set of quality system standards for educational organizations to satisfy their specific needs. Not following the traditional approach as they apply other ISO standard systems, Vietnamese educational institutions have chosen an object-base approach, where the beneficiaries are related to the management system of the university. They then approach the PDCA cycle to build and implement an ISO 21001 quality management system. We found that, according to this orientation, the implementation processes might be ensured given that the quality thresholds set by the university are met in order to satisfy the demands of the learners and related stakeholders. The paper aims to analyze the approach of Vietnamese educational institutions in implementing ISO 21001 standards, and at the same time identify advantages and disadvantages in developing policies in the quality management system at educational institutions. The paper also gives recommendations that can be adjusted by management at other higher education institutions to improve quality assurance activities towards sustainable development. Keywords: ISO 21001:2018, quality assurance, quality management system, PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act), sustainable developmen

    The Influence Of Parental Values On The Value Systems Of Youth From Ethnic Majority And Minority Groups In Vietnam

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    Kajian ini direka bentuk untuk meneliti pengaruh nilai ibu bapa terhadap sistem nilai remaja daripada kumpulan etnik majoriti dan minoriti di Vietnam dengan identiti etnik dan karakteristik persahabatan sebagai mediator dan umur, gender dan kumpulan etnik sebagai moderator. Sebanyak 786 orang pelajar sekolah menengah dan kolej di Dak Lak, Vietnam telah menyertai kajian ini. The study was designed to examine the influence of parental values on the value systems of youth from ethnic majority and minority groups in Vietnam with ethnic identity and friendship characteristics as mediators and age, ethnicity and gender as moderators. A total of 786 high school and college students in Dak Lak, Vietnam participated in this study

    Organisational Baseline Study: Overview report for Ma CSV, Vietnam (VN01)

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    According to the data provided by Yen Bai Statistics Department (YSD), the total area of Yen Bai about 668,628 ha, of which 87.5% (585,089 ha) are agricultural land. Most of the province’s agricultural lands are sloping. The province shares the common features of the North-western Vietnam: terrain is complicated and are strongly fragmented by mountain and stream systems; climate is tropical and with different climatic sub- regions. Over 70% of the population (over 70%) are agricultural. Yen Binh district locates in the south of Yen Bai province, with the total area of 77,262 ha, and is diverse and rich in natural resources. Having diverse agricultural production activities (including crop, livestock, aquaculture and forestry) and sharing the common features with the province, Ma village has been facing important challenges caused by natural resource degradation, environmental pollution and climate variability. On the other hand, there are also great potentials for this village to develop sustainable and climate smart livelihoods and agriculture. Ma village, Vinh Kien commune, Yen Binh district, Yen Bai province has therefore been selected to be a site for building Climate Smart Villages (CSV) under the CGIAR Program “Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). An organization baseline survey, was therefore conducted as part of the baseline effort for this village, which consists of three components – household survey, village study and organizational survey. The objectives of this organization baseline study (OBS) include: - Provide indicators to allow us to monitor changes in behaviours and practices of relevant local organizations over time; - Understand the current status of provision of information/services at the local level that informs farmers’ decision making about their livelihood strategies in response to climate change. To gather necessary information, we conducted survey of organizations of which activities covered a wide range in all the aspects: natural resources management, environment and climate change, agricultural production, agricultural product processing and input supplying. The list of these organization is presented in Table 1

    Expression, purification and evaluation of recombinant L-asparaginase inmehthylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris: Expression, purification and evaluation of recombinant L-asparaginase in mehthylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris: Research article

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    L-asparaginase (EC, a therapeutic enzyme used in the treatment of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Hence, the goal of this work is study the expression and evaluation of hydrolysis activity of native sequence (X12746) encoding for L-asparaginase from Erwinia chrysanthemi NCPBB1125 in the popular expression system Pichia pastoris. The sequence of asn encoded for mature protein was expressed in P. pastoris SMD1168 and X33. SDS-PAGE analysis showed recombinant L-asparaginase was secreted efficiently. Stable and high hydrolysis activity of extracellular L-asparaginase in P. pastoris SMD1168 making it a potential candidate to produce recombinant protein. After purification, a specific band whose appearance approximately 45 kDa indicating the glycosylated protein with specific activity by 6.251 Umg-1 and about 3 folds purifications.L-asparaginase (EC, một loại enzyme được sử dụng trong điều trị bệng ung thư bạch cầu mãn tính ở trẻ em. Mục tiêu của nghiên cứu này là biểu hiện và đánh giá hoạt tính thủy phân của L-asparaginase mã hóa bởi đoạn gene (X12746) tương ứng từ Erwinia chrysanthemi NCPBB1125 được biểu hiện trong nấm men Pichia pastoris. Gene đã được cắt signal peptide và biểu hiện trong P. pastoris SMD1168 and X33. Qua phân tích kết quả điện di SDS-PAGE của môi trường sau lên men, L-asparaginase tái tổ hợp được tìm thấy trong dịch ngoại bào của P. pastoris. Với khả năng sản xuất protein có hoạt tính cao hơn so với chủng P. pastoris X33, SMD1168 được lựa chọn để biểu hiện L-asparaginase tái tổ hợp. Sau khi tinh sạch, sự xuất hiện của một băng có kích khối lượng phân tử xấp xỉ 45 kDa trên điện di SDS-PAGE cho thấy protein tái tổ hợp đã bị glycosyl hóa với hoạt tính riêng 6.251 Umg-1 và đạt độ sạch 3.471 lần

    A fluid-walled microfluidic platform for human neuron microcircuits and directed axotomy †

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    In our brains, different neurons make appropriate connections; however, there remain few in vitro models of such circuits. We use an open microfluidic approach to build and study neuronal circuits in vitro in ways that fit easily into existing bio-medical workflows. Dumbbell-shaped circuits are built in minutes in standard Petri dishes; the aqueous phase is confined by fluid walls – interfaces between cell-growth medium and an immiscible fluorocarbon, FC40. Conditions are established that ensure post-mitotic neurons derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) plated in one chamber of a dumbbell remain where deposited. After seeding cortical neurons on one side, axons grow through the connecting conduit to ramify amongst striatal neurons on the other – an arrangement mimicking unidirectional cortico-striatal connectivity. We also develop a moderate-throughput non-contact axotomy assay. Cortical axons in conduits are severed by a media jet; then, brain-derived neurotrophic factor and striatal neurons in distal chambers promote axon regeneration. As additional conduits and chambers are easily added, this opens up the possibility of mimicking complex neuronal networks, and screening drugs for their effects on connectivity

    The Distribution of Microplastics in Beach Sand in Tien Giang Province and Vung Tau City, Vietnam

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    Microplastics threaten the ecosystem because of undesirable properties such as non-biodegradability, easy-to-absorb persistant organic compounds, etc. They are found worldwide in marine, fresh water and beach sand environments. In this study, microplastics in beach sand samples from two sites in Tien Giang province and two sites in Vung Tau city were investigated. The results showed that the microplastics amount was 0 to 295 pieces/kg dry sand and they mainly distributed near estuarine areas. Microplastics were more prevalent at bathing sites than non-bathing sites. In Tien Giang fragments were the most dominant among the three types of shapes (fragments, fibers, granules) at 60.2%. In Vung Tau granules were most prevalent at 71.7%. The composition of the plastics was confirmed by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. It was revealed that PE, PP and PS were the main types of plastics found in the sampling sites.

    The Relationship between Public Debt, Budget Deficit, and Sustainable Economic Development in Developing Countries: The Role of Corruption Control

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    This study investigates the effects of public debt and budget deficits on the sustainable economic development of developing countries, taking into account the role of control of corruption. The two-step GMM method was applied for unbalanced panel data of 59 developing countries from 2004 to 2015. The study found that public debt and the budget deficit had negative effects on sustainable development, while the effect of control of corruption was positive. Moreover, using interaction terms between control of corruption and public debt and budget deficit, respectively, empirical results showed that controlling corruption limited these adverse effects. Thus, if the objective is to achieve sustainable economic development, developing countries should not see raising public debt or maintaining budget deficits as a strategy for economic development. The study contributes empirical evidence to the theory of debt overhang, crowded effects, and institutional theory in the context of developing countries. The implications are also discussed in this paper