5 research outputs found

    Despigmentaci贸n gingival y cirug铆a de alargamiento coronal en erupci贸n pasiva alterada tipo IA e IB en el mismo tiempo quir煤rgico

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    Background: Gingival pigmentation is a common feature among people whose melanic pigments are concentrated over the oral epithelium and within its basal layer. Passive altered eruption is a dental eruption alteration in which the gum and/or the alveolar bone crest do not migrate apically, resulting in short sized squared clinical crown teeth. Histologically, there could be a prominent alveolar bone crest. Commonly, patients presenting passive altered eruption and melanic gingival pigmentation are treated in two separate surgical procedures. Method:聽To describe two cases of IA- and IB-type passive altered eruption with melanic gingival pigmentation. Both cases were treated in one surgical procedure, in order to correct the melanic clinical feature and the eruption alteration. Findings: There were no complications in both cases, although patients expressed having mild pain and inflammation. Stitches were removed two weeks after surgery and a follow-up appointment took place one month after surgery. Normal healing process, optimal depigmentation, and coronal lengthening were found. Conclusion: This report introduces a technique that enables the operator to intervene both conditions in only one surgical procedure. It was applied to cases of altered passive eruption (one type IA and one type IB) both with gingival depigmentation. This procedure opens the possibility of minimizing the number of appointments, complications, and postsurgical pain.Antecedentes: La pigmentaci贸n gingival es una caracter铆stica racial en la cual el melanocito produce el pigmento desde su localizaci贸n en la capa basal del epitelio oral. La erupci贸n pasiva alterada es una anomal铆a de la erupci贸n dental en la cual la enc铆a o el hueso no migran apicalmente, por lo que los dientes quedan cortos y cuadrados. Asimismo, histol贸gicamente puede haber una cresta 贸sea alta. Por lo regular, los pacientes que tienen erupci贸n pasiva alterada y pigmentaci贸n gingival mel谩nica se tratan con 2 procedimientos quir煤rgicos separados. M茅todo: En el presente art铆culo se presentan 2 casos cl铆nicos con erupci贸n pasiva alterada, uno tipo IA y otro tipo IB, y pigmentaci贸n gingival mel谩nica. Se realiza en ambos en un solo procedimiento la correcci贸n de ambos problemas. Resultados: No hubo complicaciones posquir煤rgicas de ning煤n tipo y en ambos casos las pacientes manifestaron dolor e inflamaci贸n leves. Se retiraron los puntos a las 2 semanas y se realiz贸 control cl铆nico al mes. Se encontr贸 una adecuada cicatrizaci贸n y una 贸ptima despigmentaci贸n y alargamiento coronal. Conclusiones: Se plantea un procedimiento quir煤rgico en el cual se realiza en el mismo acto la despigmentaci贸n gingival y el alargamiento coronal en un caso de erupci贸n pasiva alterada tipo IA y un caso de erupci贸n pasiva alterada tipo IB, con lo que se evita realizar 2 procedimientos quir煤rgicos. Se minimizan as铆 el n煤mero de citas, las complicaciones y el dolor posquir煤rgico

    Despigmentaci贸n gingival y cirug铆a de alargamiento coronal en erupci贸n pasiva alterada tipo IA e IB en el mismo tiempo quir煤rgico / Gingival Depigmentation and Crown Lengthening in IA- and IB-Type Altered Passive Eruption in the same Surgical Procedure

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    Antecedentes: La pigmentaci贸n gingival es una caracter铆stica racial en la cual el melanocito produce el pigmento desde su localizaci贸n en la capa basal del epitelio oral. La erupci贸n pasiva alterada es una anomal铆a de la erupci贸n dental en la cual la enc铆a o el hueso no migran apicalmente, por lo que los dientes quedan cortos y cuadrados. Asimismo, histol贸gicamente puede haber una cresta 贸sea alta. Por lo regular, los pacientes que tienen erupci贸n pasiva alterada y pigmentaci贸n gingival mel谩nica se tratan con 2 procedimientos quir煤rgicos separados. M茅todo: En el presente art铆culo se presentan 2 casos cl铆nicos con erupci贸n pasiva alterada, uno tipo IA y otro tipo IB, y pigmentaci贸n gingival mel谩nica. Se realiza en ambos en un solo procedimiento la correcci贸n de ambos problemas. Resultados: No hubo complicaciones posquir煤rgicas de ning煤n tipo y en ambos casos las pacientes manifestaron dolor e inflamaci贸n leves. Se retiraron los puntos a las 2 semanas y se realiz贸 control cl铆nico al mes. Se encontr贸 una adecuada cicatrizaci贸n y una 贸ptima despigmentaci贸n y alargamiento coronal. Conclusiones: Se plantea un procedimiento quir煤rgico en el cual se realiza en el mismo acto la despigmentaci贸n gingival y el alargamiento coronal en un caso de erupci贸n pasiva alterada tipo IA y un caso de erupci贸n pasiva alterada tipo IB, con lo que se evita realizar 2 procedimientos quir煤rgicos. Se minimizan as铆 el n煤mero de citas, las complicaciones y el dolor posquir煤rgico.Background: Gingival pigmentation is a common feature among people whose melanic pigments are concentrated over the oral epithelium and within its basal layer. Passive altered eruption is a dental eruption alteration in which the gum and/or the alveolar bone crest do not migrate apically, resulting in short sized squared clinical crown teeth. Histologically, there could be a prominent alveolar bone crest. Commonly, patients presenting passive altered eruption and melanic gingival pigmentation are treated in two separate surgical procedures. Method:聽To describe two cases of IA- and IB-type passive altered eruption with melanic gingival pigmentation. Both cases were treated in one surgical procedure, in order to correct the melanic clinical feature and the eruption alteration. Findings: There were no complications in both cases, although patients expressed having mild pain and inflammation. Stitches were removed two weeks after surgery and a follow-up appointment took place one month after surgery. Normal healing process, optimal depigmentation, and coronal lengthening were found. Conclusion: This report introduces a technique that enables the operator to intervene both conditions in only one surgical procedure. It was applied to cases of altered passive eruption (one type IA and one type IB) both with gingival depigmentation. This procedure opens the possibility of minimizing the number of appointments, complications, and postsurgical pain

    Despigmentaci贸n gingival y cirug铆a de alargamiento coronal en erupci贸n pasiva alterada tipo IA e IB en el mismo tiempo quir煤rgico / Gingival Depigmentation and Crown Lengthening in IA- and IB-Type Altered Passive Eruption in the same Surgical Procedure

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    Antecedentes: La pigmentaci贸n gingival es una caracter铆stica racial en la cual el melanocito produce el pigmento desde su localizaci贸n en la capa basal del epitelio oral. La erupci贸n pasiva alterada es una anomal铆a de la erupci贸n dental en la cual la enc铆a o el hueso no migran apicalmente, por lo que los dientes quedan cortos y cuadrados. Asimismo, histol贸gicamente puede haber una cresta 贸sea alta. Por lo regular, los pacientes que tienen erupci贸n pasiva alterada y pigmentaci贸n gingival mel谩nica se tratan con 2 procedimientos quir煤rgicos separados. M茅todo: En el presente art铆culo se presentan 2 casos cl铆nicos con erupci贸n pasiva alterada, uno tipo IA y otro tipo IB, y pigmentaci贸n gingival mel谩nica. Se realiza en ambos en un solo procedimiento la correcci贸n de ambos problemas. Resultados: No hubo complicaciones posquir煤rgicas de ning煤n tipo y en ambos casos las pacientes manifestaron dolor e inflamaci贸n leves. Se retiraron los puntos a las 2 semanas y se realiz贸 control cl铆nico al mes. Se encontr贸 una adecuada cicatrizaci贸n y una 贸ptima despigmentaci贸n y alargamiento coronal. Conclusiones: Se plantea un procedimiento quir煤rgico en el cual se realiza en el mismo acto la despigmentaci贸n gingival y el alargamiento coronal en un caso de erupci贸n pasiva alterada tipo IA y un caso de erupci贸n pasiva alterada tipo IB, con lo que se evita realizar 2 procedimientos quir煤rgicos. Se minimizan as铆 el n煤mero de citas, las complicaciones y el dolor posquir煤rgico.Background: Gingival pigmentation is a common feature among people whose melanic pigments are concentrated over the oral epithelium and within its basal layer. Passive altered eruption is a dental eruption alteration in which the gum and/or the alveolar bone crest do not migrate apically, resulting in short sized squared clinical crown teeth. Histologically, there could be a prominent alveolar bone crest. Commonly, patients presenting passive altered eruption and melanic gingival pigmentation are treated in two separate surgical procedures. Method:聽To describe two cases of IA- and IB-type passive altered eruption with melanic gingival pigmentation. Both cases were treated in one surgical procedure, in order to correct the melanic clinical feature and the eruption alteration. Findings: There were no complications in both cases, although patients expressed having mild pain and inflammation. Stitches were removed two weeks after surgery and a follow-up appointment took place one month after surgery. Normal healing process, optimal depigmentation, and coronal lengthening were found. Conclusion: This report introduces a technique that enables the operator to intervene both conditions in only one surgical procedure. It was applied to cases of altered passive eruption (one type IA and one type IB) both with gingival depigmentation. This procedure opens the possibility of minimizing the number of appointments, complications, and postsurgical pain

    Efectos del raspaje y alisado radicular a boca completa con azitromicina sobre los niveles de proteina C reactiva ultra sensible, parametros cl铆nicos y microbiol贸gicos periodontales. Ensayo clinico aleatorizado

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    Objective: This single blind randomized clinical trial (RCT) determined the effect of scaling and root planning plus azithromycin (SRP+Azi) in serum C reactive protein levels and other blood biomarkers, clinical periodontal parameters and subgingival microbial composition three months after periodontal therapy. Materials and Methods: Forty-nine chronic periodontitis patients participatedin the study and were randomly assignedsession of scaling and root planning plus oral azithromycin 500 mg daily for five days (SRP+Azi) while, 27 patients in the control group received the same single session of scaling and root planning plus placebo (SRP+Pb). A group of 25 subjects presenting periodontal health-gingivitis were included as a comparison group and in them was determined clinical periodontal parameters, blood parameters and microbiota at baseline. Periodontitis groups received a full mouth periodontal examination, blood test and microbiological cultures at baseline, and three months after therapy. Primary outcome variable was the variation in serum high sensitive C- reactive protein (hs-CRP). Secondary outcome variables were variation of triglycerides, High density Cholesterol (HDL), low density Cholesterol (LDL), fasting glucose, pocket depth and microbial composition. Results: Therapy with SRP+Azi do not significantly reduce the plasmatic levels of hs-CRP however, a positive trend was notice (4,33 to 2,99 mg/l). This group obtained also greater reduction of pocket depth (PD), artery index and P. gingivalis and P intermedia detection frequency when compared to the SRP placebo group (p<0.05). Other blood biochemistry parameters did not changed significantly in the test group. In contrast, the control group increased the hs- CRP levels after therapy and in some cases a increase of pocket depth was detected. Conclusions: Combined SRP+Azi therapy in chronic periodontitis did not reduced hs- CRP serum level significantly after three months. However, this group reduced significantly their probing pocket depth, reduced P. gingivalis and P intermedia frequency and increased clinical attachment gain. Key words: Chronic periodontitis, Creactive protein, azithromycin, randomized clinical trial.clinical trial (RCT) determined the effect ofscaling and root planning plus azithromycin(SRP+Azi) in serum C reactive proteinlevels and other blood biomarkers, clinicalperiodontal parameters and subgingivalmicrobial composition three months afterperiodontal therapy.Materials and Methods: Forty-ninechronic periodontitis patients participatedin the study and were randomly assigned to a test group of 27 patients received onesession of scaling and root planning plusoral azithromycin 500 mg daily for fivedays (SRP+Azi) while, 27 patients in thecontrol group received the same singlesession of scaling and root planning plusplacebo (SRP+Pb). A group of 25 subjectspresenting periodontal health-gingivitiswere included as a comparison group andin them was determined clinical periodontalparameters, blood parameters and microbiotaat baseline. Periodontitis groups receiveda full mouth periodontal examination,blood test and microbiological cultures atbaseline, and three months after therapy.Primary outcome variable was the variationin serum high sensitive C- reactive protein(hs-CRP). Secondary outcome variableswere variation of triglycerides, Highdensity Cholesterol (HDL), low densityCholesterol (LDL), fasting glucose, pocketdepth and microbial composition.Results: Therapy with SRP+Azi do notsignificantly reduce the plasmatic levels ofhs-CRP however, a positive trend was notice(4,33 to 2,99 mg/l). This group obtainedalso greater reduction of pocket depth (PD),artery index and P. gingivalis and P intermediadetection frequency when comparedto the SRP-placebo group (p<0.05). Otherblood biochemistry parameters did notchanged significantly in the test group. Incontrast, the control group increased the hs-CRP levels after therapy and in some casesa increase of pocket depth was detected.Conclusions: Combined SRP+Azi therapyin chronic periodontitis did not reduced hs-CRP serum level significantly after threemonths. However, this group reduced significantlytheir probing pocket depth, reducedP. gingivalis and P intermedia frequencyand increased clinical attachment gain.RESUMENObjetivo: El prop贸sito de este ensayo cl铆nico controlado aleatorizado simpleciego fue determinar el efecto del raspaje y alisado radicular en una sesi贸n adjunto a azitromicina oral, sobre los niveles de prote铆na C reactiva ultra sensible y otros biomarcadores sangu铆neos, par谩metros cl铆nicos y microbiol贸gicos periodontales en pacientes con periodontitis cr贸nica tres meses despu茅s del tratamiento. Materiales y M茅todos: 49 sujetos con periodontitis cr贸nica participaron en el estudio y fueron asignados aleatoriamente en dos grupos de 27 pacientes, el grupo intervenci贸n recibi贸 raspaje y alisado radicular adjunto a azitromicina (RAR+Azi) 500 mg/d铆a por cinco d铆as, y el grupo control recibi贸 raspaje y alisado radicular m谩s placebo (RAR+Pb), ambos tratamiento en sesi贸n 煤nica. Los grupos de periodontitisrecibieron un examen periodontal a boca completa, an谩lisis de sangre y cultivos microbiol贸gicos al inicio del estudio y tres meses despu茅s del tratamiento. Se incluy贸 un grupo referencia de 25 pacientes periodontalmente sanos tomando muestras s贸lo al inicio. La variable principal de desenlace fue la variaci贸n de la prote铆na C reactiva ultra sensible. Las variables de resultado secundarias fueron la variaci贸n de trigliceridos, colesterol de alta densidad (HDL), colesterol de baja densidad (LDL), glucosa en ayunas, profundidad al sondaje (PS) y composici贸n microbiana. Resultados: La terapia RAR+Azi no redujo significativamente los niveles plasm谩ticosde hsPCR, sin embargo, se observ贸 una tendencia positiva (4,33 a 2,99 mg/L). Este grupo obtuvo tambi茅n una mayor reducci贸n en PS, 铆ndice arterial y frecuencia de detecci贸n de Porphyromonas gingivalis y Prevotela intermedia en comparaci贸n con el grupo RAR+Pb (p-0.05). Los otros par谩metros sangu铆neos no cambiaron significativamente. En contraste, el grupo control aument贸 los niveles de hsPCR despu茅s dela terapia y en algunos casos se detect贸 un aumento de PS. Conclusiones: La terapia de RAR+Azi ofrece a corto plazo beneficios cl铆nicos y microbiol贸gicos comparado a RAR solo. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en los niveles de hsPCR. Es necesariorealizar estudios con mayor tiempo de seguimiento para confirmar o rechazar la hip贸tesis que el tratamiento periodontal solo o con antibi贸ticos generan efectos enlos niveles de hsPCR y otros marcadores de riesgo cardiovascular. Palabras clave: Periodontitis cr贸nica,prote铆na C reactiva, azitromicina, ensayocl铆nico aleatorizado