165 research outputs found

    Trilepton Signal for Supersymmetry at the Fermilab Tevatron Revisited

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    Within a wide class of models, the LEP2 lower limit of 95 GeV on the chargino mass implies gluinos are heavier than \sim300 GeV. In this case electroweak \tw_1\twb_1 and \tw_1\tz_2 production are the dominant SUSY processes at the Tevatron, and the extensively examined isolated trilepton signal from \tw_1\tz_2 production assumes an even greater importance. We update our previous calculations of the SUSY reach of luminosity upgrades of the Fermilab Tevatron in this channel incorporating ({\it i}) decay matrix elements in the computation of the momenta of leptons from chargino and neutralino decays, ({\it ii}) the trilepton background from WZW^*Z^* and WγW^*\gamma^* production which, though neglected in previous analyses, turns out to be the dominant background, and finally, ({\it iii}) modified sets of cuts designed to reduce these new backgrounds and increase the range of model parameters for which the signal is observable. We show our improved projections for the reach for SUSY of both the Fermilab Main Injector and the proposed TeV33 upgrade. We also present opposite sign same flavor dilepton invariant mass distributions as well as the pTp_T distributions of leptons in SUSY trilepton events, and comment upon how the inclusion of decay matrix elements impacts upon the Tevatron reach, as well as upon the extraction of neutralino masses.Comment: final version to coincide with published manuscrip

    Normalizacion del umbral del potencial evocado auditivo troncoencefalico con estimulo tonal en las frecuencias de 500 y 2000 hz para la Clinica Fonoaudiolgica de la Universidad de Talca

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    48 p.Para el estudio de la función auditiva se considera gold standard la audiometría de tonos puros que permite obtener umbrales auditivos frecuencia específico. Sin embargo, en ocasiones es necesario recurrir a pruebas objetivas, que no precisan de la colaboración del paciente, encontrándose entre ellas los potenciales evocados auditivos troncoencefálicos (PEAT) que permiten conocer la respuesta bioeléctrica ante un estímulo sonoro. El método más utilizado es la estimulación con tono click que entrega una visualización global del estado de la audición, pero se ha fomentado el uso del estímulo tonal que otorga una evaluación auditiva frecuencia específico, que permitiría una implementación auditiva y terapia fonoaudiológica más eficaz. Aún no se han establecido valores normales o de referencia para utilizarse en la práctica clínica por lo cual en el presente estudio se determinaron los umbrales electrofisiológicos para una muestra de 30 sujetos normoyentes, mediante la realización de PEAT con estímulo tonal, a través de la observación del peak de onda V, a 500 y 2000 Hz. Se estableció la relación entre umbrales, obteniéndose una ecuación de regresión para 2000Hz, y así predecir el mbral audiométrico a partir del umbral electrofisiológico en sujetos normoyentes para la Clínica fonoaudiológica de la Universidad de Talca

    Salicaceae afforestations: advantage or disadvantage for Neotropical otter in its southernmost distribution?

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    Anthropogenic environmental changes may affect habitat suitability for wildlife. Currently, the commercial plantation of non-native trees is one of the most important types of land-use worldwide. The Lower Paraná River Delta in Argentina is a macromosaic of wetlands of high biodiversity value, which has been modified by the afforestation with Salicaceae species. In this context, the Neotropical otter, Lontra longicaudis (classified as Near Threatened at world level and as Endangered in Argentina), faces new challenges related to the colonization of these afforestation landscapes. On this basis, we investigated whether these human-made habitats could be a suitable habitat for the Neotropical otter. We analyzed habitat use and selection by this species at two scales of perception (micro- and macrohabitat) and in two contrasting seasons (winter and summer). Our results show that drainage channels within the afforestation landscape provide suitable conditions for this species during winter. The most important variables at macrohabitat level (dissolved oxygen, pH, and electric conductivity) and seasonally (temperature and pH) appeared to be related to prey availability in the watercourse stretches. At the microhabitat level, the primary factor for distinguishing between used and available sites was soil hardness, possibly related to favorable edaphic conditions for digging burrows. Therefore, the survival of this species in the area will depend on the afforestation management, mainly on those actions that decrease dissolved oxygen levels of waters and increase soil hardness of banks. Under the current wetland loss scenario in the region, afforestation systems may contribute to the conservation of this species.Fil: Krug, Cecilia Pamela. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Investigación e Ingeniería Ambiental. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigación e Ingeniería Ambiental; ArgentinaFil: Cabrera, M. Sol. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Quintana, Ruben Dario. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Investigación e Ingeniería Ambiental. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigación e Ingeniería Ambiental; Argentin

    Validación de la interacción verbal con un avatar en un ambiente de realidad virtual para generar ansiedad social

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    Introducción: La orientación sexual es el deseo/atracción hacia personas del mismo o diferente sexo. Actualmente, se aconseja su evaluación a través de un continuo. Según nuestra experiencia en este campo, existe, ocasionalmente, una mayor o menor disposición a tener relaciones con personas del mismo sexo en función de una determinada práctica sexual. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido llevar a cabo un análisis de esta predisposición en población adolescente. Método: La muestra incluía 400 alumnos (50,5 % chicas y 49,5 % chicos), entre 14 y 18 años (m = 16,39; dt ±1,12), procedentes de distintos institutos de la Comunidad Valenciana. Los participantes cumplimentaron el cuestionario de intereses y prácticas sexuales (Unisexsida, 2014) de 5 ítems. Para este estudio se utilizaron dos ítems: orientación sexual autodefinida y disposición hacia prácticas sexuales con personas del mismo sexo. Resultados: Se observaron diferencias significativas entre chicos y chicas respecto a su disposición a dar besos en los labios, abrazos y caricias desnudos a personas del mismo sexo, siendo mayor en el caso de las adolescentes. Entre la población de adolescentes que se consideran heterosexuales, un 4,5 % y un 59,9 % se encuentra dispuesto a realizar ciertas prácticas con personas del mismo sexo. En esta población existen diferencias significativas entre chicas y chicos respecto a su disposición a dar besos en los labios, abrazos y caricias desnudos y dejarse masturbar por personas de su mismo sexo. Conclusiones: Estos resultados enfatizan la necesidad de dejar de considerar la orientación sexual como una categoría estanca, de manera que refleje la diversidad afectivo-sexual.Abstract Introduction: Sexual orientation is defined as the desire/sexual attraction to people of the same or opposite sex. Currently, its evaluation is advised through a continuum. According to our experience in this field, there is occasionally more or less willingness to have sex with the same sex depending on a particular sexual practice. The aim of this study was to analyse this predisposition in an adolescent population. Method: The sample included 400 students (50.5% female, 49.5% male), aged 14-18 years (M=16.39; SD±1.12), from different high schools in the Valencian Community (Spain). Participants completed the questionnaire Sexual Interests and Practices (Unisexsida, 2014) with five items, although only the first (self-reported sexual orientation) and the last (disposition towards different sexual practices with the same sex) items were used. Results: Significant gender differences were found in their willingness to kiss on the lips or to hug and caress naked people of the same sex, which were higher for females. In the adolescent population who considered themselves heterosexuals, from 4.5% to 59.9% were willing to undertake certain practices with persons of their same sex. Significant gender differences were also found in this same population as to their willingness to kiss on the lips, hug and caress, and be masturbated by, persons of the same sex. Conclusions: These results stress the need to stop considering sexual orientation as a tight category to reflect sexual diversity

    Implicancias tributarias del reconocimiento del activo por “Derecho de uso” como conformante de la base imponible del ITAN

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    Desde la creación y entrada en vigencia del Impuesto Temporal a los Activos Netos – TAN, han surgido muchas interrogantes por la falta de definición y aclaración de algunos términos que la propia Ley introdujo. Aún en el 2021, estos inconvenientes se han mantenido generando que las autoridades tributarias interpreten las disposiciones normativas a su criterio. En algunos casos, han entrado en contradicciones con las posiciones adoptadas por ellos mismos en ejercicios anteriores. Es así, que a lo largo del presente trabajo de investigación desarrollamos y analizamos los lineamientos establecidos en la Ley del ITAN, en la legislación comparada de impuestos patrimoniales y las principales jurisprudencias emitidas en relación al ITAN a fin de entender el alcance de este tipo de impuestos. Luego, analizamos los lineamientos contables relacionados al activo neto, base fundamental en la determinación del ITAN y en especial del término activo por derecho de uso. Finalmente, analizamos el impacto tributario de incluir como parte componente de la base imponible del ITAN, al término activo por derecho de uso e incluimos una propuesta legislativa para disminuir la incertidumbre normativa en relación al ITAN.Net Fixed Asset Tax (ITAN for its acronyms in Spanish) was created with some important omissions as the definitions of net asset (a component of tax basis). This situation hasn´t changed so far. For this reason, Tax Authority has been issuing opinions with their own judgement about the tax treatment of an item. Sometimes, this opinion differs from a previous one, issued by the same authority. In this context, we explain and analyze the criteria applied in ITAN Law, similar taxes in America Latina and the most significant opinions issued by Tax Authority related to ITAN, in order to understand the scope of this type of tax. Then, we analyze the accounting rules related to net asset and right-of-use-asset. Finally, we analyze the tax consequences after considering the right-of-use-asset as part of ITAN tax basis. At the end of this work, we suggest a legal proposal to reduce the uncertainty related to ITAN

    Adaptación de la batería Bedside de lenguaje para la evaluación de la afasia.

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    El objetivo del presente estudio es lograr la adaptación válida y confiable de la batería Bedside de lenguaje para su uso en la evaluación de la afasia en pacientes afásicos que se atienden en algunos hospitales de Lima y Callao. La batería Bedside de Lenguaje es un instrumento de cribaje (screening) diseñado para la detección de afasias tras una lesión cerebral, es de rápida y simple aplicación al pie de la cama, y puede ser utilizado por médicos o especialistas de lenguaje. Evalúa cinco dominios lingüísticos: Lenguaje espontáneo, Comprensión, Repetición, Escritura, Lectura. La puntuación máxima obtenible es 26, es de fácil corrección, con puntos de corte bien establecidos, y ofrece una excelente especificidad para la detección de la afasia y una buena correlación con pruebas formales como el Test de Boston para el diagnóstico de la afasia. La muestra estuvo conformada por 100 pacientes afásicos entre 18 y 89 años que se encontraban con tiempo de evolución dentro del periodo de 0 a 2 años luego de haber sufrido el daño cerebral, y que se atendieron en el Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación del Callao, el Hospital Dos de Mayo, el Hospital Geriátrico de la Policía y el Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen. Los resultados indican que la batería Bedside adaptada es confiable y válida (alfa de Crombach 0.956, sig < .001) y ningún ítem ha sido objetado por criterio de jueces. Así mismo indican una excelente consistencia interna de la prueba adaptada. Además se calculó el coeficiente de Spearman Brown (0.876; sig <.001), siendo este último también altamente significativo.A comprehensive evaluation of speech and language puts a lot of stress on the patient with a cerebral lesion. The battery Bedside of Language (BL) is short in duration and it is designed to presume a diagnosis of aphasia in patients with cerebral lesions. The present applied research is directed to validate the battery Bedside of Language in an urban population of adults from Peru (18-89 years old). The items were analyzed with U de Mann Whitney, for comparison, and rho de Spearman for correlations. The validity was determined by judges’ expert criteria and the Spearman-Brown Split half coefficient. A total of 100 subjects were evaluated using the battery BL and five linguistic dimensions were evaluated which were: spontaneous language, comprehension, repetition, writing and lecture. The maximum possible score is 26 with the cut-off score very well established. It was found that the battery BL has high feasibility and internal consistency. Alpha de Crombach for all the linguistic dimensions aforementioned was 0,956. Also when comparing the total of each scale with the grand total of the BL, subjects with presumed diagnosis of aphasia versus subjects with no diagnosis of aphasia; the U de Mann Whitney fluctuated between 5.287 and 6.706 which was highly significant and shows an excellent criterion-related validity as well. The results indicated that the battery BL is a potentially useful tool for predicting aphasia and sensible to the changes in the acute stages of language disorders

    Adaptación de la batería Bedside de lenguaje para la evaluación de la afasia.

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    El objetivo del presente estudio es lograr la adaptación válida y confiable de la batería Bedside de lenguaje para su uso en la evaluación de la afasia en pacientes afásicos que se atienden en algunos hospitales de Lima y Callao. La batería Bedside de Lenguaje es un instrumento de cribaje (screening) diseñado para la detección de afasias tras una lesión cerebral, es de rápida y simple aplicación al pie de la cama, y puede ser utilizado por médicos o especialistas de lenguaje. Evalúa cinco dominios lingüísticos: Lenguaje espontáneo, Comprensión, Repetición, Escritura, Lectura. La puntuación máxima obtenible es 26, es de fácil corrección, con puntos de corte bien establecidos, y ofrece una excelente especificidad para la detección de la afasia y una buena correlación con pruebas formales como el Test de Boston para el diagnóstico de la afasia. La muestra estuvo conformada por 100 pacientes afásicos entre 18 y 89 años que se encontraban con tiempo de evolución dentro del periodo de 0 a 2 años luego de haber sufrido el daño cerebral, y que se atendieron en el Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación del Callao, el Hospital Dos de Mayo, el Hospital Geriátrico de la Policía y el Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen. Los resultados indican que la batería Bedside adaptada es confiable y válida (alfa de Crombach 0.956, sig < .001) y ningún ítem ha sido objetado por criterio de jueces. Así mismo indican una excelente consistencia interna de la prueba adaptada. Además se calculó el coeficiente de Spearman Brown (0.876; sig <.001), siendo este último también altamente significativo.A comprehensive evaluation of speech and language puts a lot of stress on the patient with a cerebral lesion. The battery Bedside of Language (BL) is short in duration and it is designed to presume a diagnosis of aphasia in patients with cerebral lesions. The present applied research is directed to validate the battery Bedside of Language in an urban population of adults from Peru (18-89 years old). The items were analyzed with U de Mann Whitney, for comparison, and rho de Spearman for correlations. The validity was determined by judges’ expert criteria and the Spearman-Brown Split half coefficient. A total of 100 subjects were evaluated using the battery BL and five linguistic dimensions were evaluated which were: spontaneous language, comprehension, repetition, writing and lecture. The maximum possible score is 26 with the cut-off score very well established. It was found that the battery BL has high feasibility and internal consistency. Alpha de Crombach for all the linguistic dimensions aforementioned was 0,956. Also when comparing the total of each scale with the grand total of the BL, subjects with presumed diagnosis of aphasia versus subjects with no diagnosis of aphasia; the U de Mann Whitney fluctuated between 5.287 and 6.706 which was highly significant and shows an excellent criterion-related validity as well. The results indicated that the battery BL is a potentially useful tool for predicting aphasia and sensible to the changes in the acute stages of language disorders.Tesi

    My migraine voice survey. aA global study of disease burden among individuals with migraine for whom preventive treatments have failed

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    Background: Migraine is associated with many debilitating symptoms that affect daily functioning. My Migraine Voice is a large global cross-sectional study aimed at understanding the full burden and impact of migraine directly from patients suffering from ≥4 monthly migraine days (MMDs) with a history of prophylactic treatment failure. Methods: This study was conducted worldwide (31 countries across North and South Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Northern Africa, and the Asia-Pacific region) using an online survey administered to adults with migraine who reported ≥4 MMDs in the 3 months preceding survey administration, with pre-specified criteria of 90% having used preventive migraine treatment (80% with history of ≥1 treatment failure). Prophylactic treatment failure was defined as a reported change in preventive medication by individuals with migraine for any reason, at least once. Results: In total, 11,266 individuals participated in the survey. Seventy-four percent of the participants reported spending time in darkness/isolation due to migraine (average: 19 h/month). While 85% of all respondents reported negative aspects of living with migraine (feeling helpless, depressed, not understood), sleeping difficulties (83%), and fear of the next attack (55%), 57% shared ≥1 positive aspect (learning to cope, becoming a stronger person). Forty-nine percent reported feeling limited in daily activities throughout all migraine phases. Migraine impact on professional, private, or social domains was reported by 87% of respondents (51% in all domains). In the previous 12 months, 38% of respondents had visited the emergency department (average: 3.3 visits), whereas 23% stayed in hospital overnight (average: 3.2 nights) due to migraine. Conclusions: The burden of migraine is substantial among this cohort of individuals with at least 4 migraine days per month and for whom at least 1 preventive migraine treatment had failed. Interestingly, respondents reported some positive aspects in their migraine journey; the greater resilience and strength brought on by coping with migraine suggests that if future treatments could address existing unmet needs, these individuals with migraine will be able to maximize their contribution to society

    Fenofibrate unexpectedly induces cardiac hypertrophy in mice lacking MuRF1

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    The muscle-specific ubiquitin ligase muscle ring finger-1 (MuRF1) is critical in regulating both pathological and physiological cardiac hypertrophy in vivo. Previous work from our group has identified MuRF1's ability to inhibit serum response factor and insulin-like growth factor-1 signaling pathways (via targeted inhibition of cJun as underlying mechanisms). More recently, we have identified that MuRF1 inhibits fatty acid metabolism by targeting peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα) for nuclear export via mono-ubiquitination. Since MuRF1−/− mice have an estimated fivefold increase in PPARα activity, we sought to determine how challenge with the PPARα agonist fenofibrate, a PPARα ligand, would affect the heart physiologically. In as little as 3 weeks, feeding with fenofibrate/chow (0.05% wt/wt) induced unexpected pathological cardiac hypertrophy not present in age-matched sibling wild-type (MuRF1 +/+) mice, identified by echocardiography, cardiomyocyte cross-sectional area, and increased beta-myosin heavy chain, brain natriuretic peptide, and skeletal muscle α-actin mRNA. In addition to pathological hypertrophy, MuRF1−/− mice had an unexpected differential expression in genes associated with the pleiotropic effects of fenofibrate involved in the extracellular matrix, protease inhibition, hemostasis, and the sarcomere. At both 3 and 8 weeks of fenofibrate treatment, the differentially expressed MuRF1−/− genes most commonly had SREBP-1 and E2F1/E2F promoter regions by TRANSFAC analysis (54 and 50 genes, respectively, of the 111 of the genes >4 and <−4 log fold change; P≤.0004). These studies identify MuRF1's unexpected regulation of fenofibrate's pleiotropic effects and bridges, for the first time, MuRF1's regulation of PPARα, cardiac hypertrophy, and hemostasis