64 research outputs found

    Ultrasonographic honeycomb pattern of the spleen in cats: correlation with pathological diagnosis in 33 cases

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the ultra sonographic (US) diffuse honeycomb pattern (HCP) of the spleen and a pathological diagnosis in cats, and to assess the influence of transducer type on HCP visualisation. Methods: Abdominal ultrasounds of cats with an HCP were reviewed and splenic size, shape, margination, other parenchymal alterations and splenic hilar lymphadenopathy were recorded. When applicable, images acquired with high-frequency linear and curvilinear transducers were compared to determine if an HCP was more frequently demonstrated on high-resolution images. A retrospective review of the corresponding splenic cyto histopathological samples was also performed. Results: Thirty-three cats met the inclusion criteria. Five cases were diagnosed by histology and 28 by cytology, confirmed by PCR for antigen receptor rearrangements (PARR) in uncertain cases. There were 15 cases of lymphoid hyperplasia, eight cases of lymphoma (four B cell, three T cell and one large granular lymphocytes), six cats with splenitis, three with extramedullary haematopoiesis and one with histiocytic sarcoma. The prevalence of lymphoma in cats with an HCP of the spleen was 24%. Splenomegaly was the most frequent US feature associated with an HCP and was observed in all lymphoma cases. In the images obtained from both high-frequency linear and micro-convex transducers the visualisation of an HCP was enabled in all cases (24/24) and in 62.5% (15/24), respectively. Conclusions and relevance: Based on our findings, an US HCP of the spleen in cats can be associated with benign and malignant disorders and is infrequently associated with lymphoma in comparison with dogs. Cytological or histological examination, possibly supplemented by PARR, should always be performed for diagnostic support. Use of high-frequency linear transducers is recommended to properly recognise an HCP or subtle changes in splenic parenchyma

    Periarticular histiocytic sarcoma with heart metastasis in a cat

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    A 4-year-old intact female domestic short-haired cat was referred for recommendations about adjuvant medical treatment 1 month after left forelimb amputation due to periarticular histiocytic sarcoma (HS). At presentation, physical abnormalities were limited to enlarged ipsilateral superficial cervical and axillary lymph nodes. Routine blood analysis, abdominal ultrasound, and thoracic radiology were unremarkable. The cat initially received lomustine without any adverse events. Four weeks later, the cat developed severe acute respiratory distress. Results of thoracic radiographs and transthoracic echocardiographic analysis were suggestive of pulmonary and heart metastasis. Due to the cat's poor clinical condition and prognosis, the owner elected euthanasia, and a necropsy was performed. Based on gross pathology, histopathology, and immunohistochemistry, an HS with nodal, renal, pulmonary, and heart (right auricular and right ventricular) metastases was diagnosed. This case represents the first description of HS with a heart metastasis in a cat, providing further insight into the clinical course and metastatic behavior of this rare malignant neoplasm. Clinicians should be aware of this site of metastasis and consider HS in the list of differential diagnoses for secondary heart tumors in cats

    Rapporto tecnico sulla valutazione della biomassa ittioplanctonica mediante l'utilizzo del Multi Plankton Sampler (MPS)

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    Il piano di campionamento della campagna oceanografica BANSIC'14, condotta a bordo della N/O "URANIA" dal 22 Luglio al 9 Agosto 2014, lungo transetti sotto costa e a largo delle coste meridionali della Sicilia, ha avuto l’obiettivo generale dello studio delle relazioni tra le strutture oceanografiche a mesoscala (vortici verticali ed orizzontali, upwelling, etc.) e le strutture spaziali dei fenomeni biologici relativi ai primi anelli della catena trofica (zooplancton, distribuzione e abbondanza di larve di piccoli pelagici e grandi pelagici) (vedi Rapporto finale BANSIC 2014) per la stima dell’abbondanza dello stock riproduttore. E' una campagna di ricerca nell'ambito del WP3 del progetto SSD-Pesca, finanziato dal MIUR su fondi MISE, a supporto della pesca italiana nelle Regioni Obiettivo 1 e del progetto RITMARE (SP2_WP4_AZ2_UO04). Il campionamento ittioplanctonico Ăš inserito anche nel piano di lavoro del progetto regionale MIPAF-FAO “MedSudMed” (“Assessment and Monitoring of the Fishery Resources and the Ecosystems in the Straits of Sicily”). Il campionamento dell’ittioplancton, durante questa campagna, oltre ai metodi tradizionali quali le reti di tipo Bongo, ha visto l'utilizzo del Multi Plankton Sampler (MPS) MultiNet. I campionatori ittioplanctonici hanno lo scopo di prelevare porzioni di mesozooplancton da un massimo di 100 m fino alla superficie, in quanto le uova di pesci pelagici possiedono una galleggiabilitĂ  tale che nonostante le turbolenze superficiali dell’acqua, un campionamento entro i primi metri restituisce un dato affidabile della distribuzione anche se alcune uova possono trovarsi a maggiore profonditĂ  (Ahlstrom, 1959). Il campionatore MPS consente, a differenza di altri strumenti, di prelevare la frazione di zooplancton d'interesse con diverse modalitĂ  di campionamento: orizzontale, verticale e obliquo e, allo stesso tempo, permette di campionare a differenti quote di profonditĂ . Le informazioni cosĂŹ ottenute sono state utilizzate per valutare la variazione della biomassa ittioplanctonica, l'abbondanza e la composizione delle specie lungo gli strati della colonna d'acqua anche in relazione alle componenti oceanografiche. Grazie all'utilizzo di questo strumento Ăš possibile validare e verificare alcune informazioni e acquisirne delle nuove sull’ecologia delle specie larvali e sul mesozooplancton, sul modo in cui queste si distribuiscono lungo la colonna d'acqua e sulle interazioni intra ed interspecifiche legate anche a fattori oceanografici. CiĂČ consente di ottenere maggiori informazioni e contribuire al miglioramento della comprensione della biologia e dell'ecologia delle specie rinvenute e, nel contempo, approfondire e migliorare le conoscenze sugli stadi di sviluppo di uova di specie ittiche che allo stadio embrionale sono ancora poco conosciuti

    Variability of water mass properties in the Strait of Sicily in summer period of 1998–2013

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    The Strait of Sicily plays a crucial role in determining the water-mass exchanges and related properties between the western and eastern Mediterranean. Hydrographic measurements carried out from 1998 to 2013 allowed the identification of the main water masses present in the Strait of Sicily: a surface layer composed of Atlantic water (AW) flowing eastward, intermediate and deep layers mainly composed of Levantine intermediate water (LIW), and transitional eastern Mediterranean deep water (tEMDW) flowing in the opposite direction. Furthermore, for the first time, the signature of intermittent presence of western intermediate water (WIW) is also highlighted in the northwestern part of the study area (12.235◩ E, 37.705◩ N). The excellent area coverage allowed to highlight the high horizontal and vertical inter-annual variability affecting the study area and also to recognize the permanent character of the main mesoscale phenomena present in the surface water layer. Moreover, strong temperature-salinity correlations in the intermediate layer, for specific time intervals, seem to be linked to the reversal of surface circulation in the central Ionian Sea. The analysis of CTD data in deeper water layer indicates the presence of a large volume of tEMDW in the Strait of Sicily during the summers of 2006 and 2009.peer-reviewe

    Report relativo all'esplorazione di sismica a riflessione effettuata sul Palinuro Seamount

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    Le sorgenti sismiche solitamente contengono energia in un range di frequenza tra 1 e 100 Hz e man mano che si propagano l’attenuazione riduce l’energia nel terreno ; la maggior parte dei profili di sismica a riflessione commerciali Ăš realizzato con l’utilizzo di sorgenti caratterizzati da range di frequenza fra 5 Hz e 15 kHz.Le sorgenti utilizzate differiscono se le prospezioni devono tenersi in ambiente subaereo o marino. Nel primo caso, vengono utilizzati esplosivi (piazzati alla base dello strato aerato) oppure dei Vibroseis, ossia dispositivi vibranti solidali al terreno. Le sorgenti marine piĂč efficaci sono di tipo acustico, come ad esempio cannoni ad aria compressa che rilasciano una bolla d’aria ad alta pressione che oscilla, con un’emissione di energia che Ăš funzione della dimensione della camera di compressione

    Structural and optical properties of (In,Ga)As/GaP quantum dots and (GaAsPN/GaPN) diluted-nitride nanolayers coherently grown onto GaP and Si substrates for photonics and photovoltaics applications

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    San Francisco, California, United StatesInternational audienceLattice-matched GaP-based nanostructures grown on silicon substrates is a highly rewarded route for coherent integration of photonics and high-efficiency photovoltaic devices onto silicon substrates. We report on the structural and optical properties of selected MBE-grown nanostructures on both GaP substrates and GaP/Si pseudo-substrates. As a first stumbling block, the GaP/Si interface growth has been optimised thanks to a complementary set of thorough structural analyses. Photoluminescence and time-resolved photoluminescence studies of self-assembled (In,Ga)As quantum dots grown on GaP substrate demonstrate a proximity of two different types of optical transitions interpreted as a competition between conduction band states in X and Γ valleys. Structural properties and optical studies of GaAsP(N)/GaP(N) quantum wells coherently grown on GaP substrates and GaP/Si pseudo substrates are reported. Our results are found to be suitable for light emission applications in the datacom segment. Then, possible routes are drawn for larger wavelengths applications, in order to address the chip-to-chip and within-a-chip optical interconnects and the optical telecom segments. Finally, results on GaAsPN/GaP heterostructures and diodes, suitable for PV applications are reporte

    Ki67 proliferation in core biopsies versus surgical samples - a model for neo-adjuvant breast cancer studies

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    Background: An increasing number of neo-adjuvant breast cancer studies are being conducted and a novel model for tumor biological studies, the "window-of-opportunity" model, has revealed several advantages. Change in tumor cell proliferation, estimated by Ki67-expression in pre-therapeutic core biopsies versus post-therapeutic surgical samples is often the primary end-point. The aim of the present study was to investigate potential differences in proliferation scores between core biopsies and surgical samples when patients have not received any intervening anti-cancer treatment. Also, a lack of consensus concerning Ki67 assessment may raise problems in the comparison of neo-adjuvant studies. Thus, the secondary aim was to present a novel model for Ki67 assessment. Methods: Fifty consecutive breast cancer cases with both a core biopsy and a surgical sample available, without intervening neo-adjuvant therapy, were collected and tumor proliferation (Ki67, MIB1 antibody) was assessed immunohistochemically. A theoretical model for the assessment of Ki67 was constructed based on sequential testing of the null hypothesis 20% Ki67-positive cells versus the two-sided alternative more or less than 20% positive cells.. Results: Assessment of Ki67 in 200 tumor cells showed an absolute average proliferation difference of 3.9% between core biopsies and surgical samples (p = 0.046, paired t-test) with the core biopsies being the more proliferative sample type. A corresponding analysis on the log-scale showed the average relative decrease from the biopsy to the surgical specimen to be 19% (p = 0.063, paired t-test on the log-scale). The difference was significant when using the more robust Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test (p = 0.029). After dichotomization at 20%, 12 of the 50 sample pairs had discrepant proliferation status, 10 showed high Ki67 in the core biopsy compared to two in the surgical specimen (p = 0.039, McNemar's test). None of the corresponding results for 1000 tumor cells were significant - average absolute difference 2.2% and geometric mean of the ratios 0.85 (p = 0.19 and p = 0.18, respectively, paired t-tests, p = 0.057, Wilcoxon's test) and an equal number of discordant cases after dichotomization. Comparing proliferation values for the initial 200 versus the final 800 cancer cells showed significant absolute differences for both core biopsies and surgical samples 5.3% and 3.2%, respectively (p < 0.0001, paired t-test). Conclusions: A significant difference between core biopsy and surgical sample proliferation values was observed despite no intervening therapy. Future neo-adjuvant breast cancer studies may have to take this into consideration

    Engraulis encrasicolus (Linnaeus, 1758): technical report about extraction and recognition of the digestive tract contents in early stages of the life cycle

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    The study of ichthyio-plankton stages and its relations with the environment and other organisms is therefore crucial for a correct use of fishery resources. In this context, the extraction and the analysis of the content of the digestive tract, is a key method for the identification of the diet in early larval stages, the determination of the resources they rely on and possibly a comparison with the diet of other species. Additionally this approach could be useful in determination on occurrence of species competition. This technique is preceded by the analysis of morphometric data (Blackith & Reyment, 1971; Marcus, 1990), that is the acquisition of quantitative variables measured from the morphology of the object of study. They are linear distances, count, angles and ratios. The subsequent application of multivariate statistical methods, aims to quantify the changes in morphological measures between and within groups, relating them to the type and size of prey and evaluate if some changes appear in food choices along the larvae growth
