35 research outputs found

    Control previo y las cuentas por pagar en el área de tesorería del hospital de Andahuaylas, año 2020

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    La presente investigación lleva como título “Control previo y las cuentas por pagar en el área de tesoreria del Hospital de Andahuaylas, año 2020”, mismo que considero analizar de qué manera el Control Previo se relaciona con las cuentas por pagar en el área de tesorería, como objetivo general- Se empleó una investigación de tipo básico, de diseño no experimental y como nivel de estudio, descriptivo correlacional, la información de las variables en estudio se recopilo a través de una encuesta como técnica que fue validado por juicio de expertos los cuales fueron presentados a los 30 trabajadores administrativos involucrados en los temas de estudio, utilizando como instrumento dos cuestionarios, los cuales son apreciados mediante el alfa de Cronbach para ver su grado de confiabilidad haciendo el uso del programa SPSS versión 26, obteniendo los siguientes resultados, 67% de los encuestados están de acuerdo que al contar con un profesional capacitado facilitaría el desarrollo de los procedimientos para realizar un buen control previo y al momento de ejecutar el pago puedan realizar la verificación de los documentos y así mostrar transparencia, calidad en el pago y no tener problemas posteriores. Asimismo el 80% de los que fueron encuestados afirman estar de acuerdo con que el cumplimiento de metas, que permite medir y evaluar los logros alcanzados según metas programadas durante el año para una adecuada evaluación de eficacia. De acuerdo al análisis estadístico se ha evidenciado el coeficiente de correlación de Rho de Spearman de 0.392, presentando una significancia de (P=0.03) por lo que se acepta la hipótesis alterna. Finalmente se concluye que el control previo se relaciona con las cuentas por pagar en el área de tesorería del hospital de Andahuaylas, año 2020

    Demand forecasting using a hybrid model based on artificial neural networks: A study case on electrical products

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    Purpose: This work aims to evaluate demand forecasting models to determine if using exogenous factors and machine learning techniques helps improve performance compared to univariate statistical models, allowing manufacturing companies to manage demand better. Design/methodology/approach: We implemented a multivariate Auto-Regressive Moving Average with eXogenous input (ARMAX) statistical model and a Neural Network-ARMAX (NN-ARMAX) hybrid model for forecasting. Later, we compared both to a standard univariate statistical model to forecast the demand for electrical products in a Colombian manufacturing company. Findings: The outcomes demonstrated that the NN-ARMAX model outperformed the other two. Indeed, demand management improved with the reduction of overstock and out-of-stock products. Research limitations/implications: The findings and conclusions in this work are limited to Colombian manufacturing companies that sell electrical products to the construction industry. Moreover, the experts from the company that provided us with the data also selected the external factors based on their own experiences, i.e., we might have disregarded potential factors. Practical implications: This work suggests that a model using neural networks and including exogenous variables can improve demand forecasting accuracy, promoting this approach in manufacturing companies dealing with demand planning issues. Originality/value: The findings in this work demonstrate the convenience of using the proposed hybrid model to improve demand forecasting accuracy and thus provide a reliable basis for its implementation in supply chain planning for the electrical/construction sector in Colombian manufacturing companies

    Enolase: A Key Player in the Metabolism and a Probable Virulence Factor of Trypanosomatid Parasites—Perspectives for Its Use as a Therapeutic Target

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    Glycolysis and glyconeogenesis play crucial roles in the ATP supply and synthesis of glycoconjugates, important for the viability and virulence, respectively, of the human-pathogenic stages of Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanosoma cruzi, and Leishmania spp. These pathways are, therefore, candidate targets for antiparasite drugs. The glycolytic/gluconeogenic enzyme enolase is generally highly conserved, with similar overall fold and identical catalytic residues in all organisms. Nonetheless, potentially important differences exist between the trypanosomatid and host enzymes, with three unique, reactive residues close to the active site of the former that might be exploited for the development of new drugs. In addition, enolase is found both in the secretome and in association with the surface of Leishmania spp. where it probably functions as plasminogen receptor, playing a role in the parasite's invasiveness and virulence, a function possibly also present in the other trypanosomatids. This location and possible function of enolase offer additional perspectives for both drug discovery and vaccination

    Delineating transitions during the evolution of specialised peroxisomes: glycosome formation in kinetoplastid and diplonemid protists

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    One peculiarity of protists belonging to classes Kinetoplastea and Diplonemea within the phylum Euglenozoa is compartmentalisation of most glycolytic enzymes within peroxisomes that are hence called glycosomes. This pathway is not sequestered in peroxisomes of the third Euglenozoan class, Euglenida. Previous analysis of well-studied kinetoplastids, the ‘TriTryps’ parasites Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanosoma cruzi and Leishmania spp., identified within glycosomes other metabolic processes usually not present in peroxisomes. In addition, trypanosomatid peroxins, i.e. proteins involved in biogenesis of these organelles, are divergent from human and yeast orthologues. In recent years, genomes, transcriptomes and proteomes for a variety of euglenozoans have become available. Here, we track the possible evolution of glycosomes by querying these databases, as well as the genome of Naegleria gruberi, a non-euglenozoan, which belongs to the same protist supergroup Discoba. We searched for orthologues of TriTryps proteins involved in glycosomal metabolism and biogenesis. Predicted cellular location(s) of each metabolic enzyme identified was inferred from presence or absence of peroxisomal-targeting signals. Combined with a survey of relevant literature, we refine extensively our previously postulated hypothesis about glycosome evolution. The data agree glycolysis was compartmentalised in a common ancestor of the kinetoplastids and diplonemids, yet additionally indicates most other processes found in glycosomes of extant trypanosomatids, but not in peroxisomes of other eukaryotes were either sequestered in this ancestor or shortly after separation of the two lineages. In contrast, peroxin divergence is evident in all euglenozoans. Following their gain of pathway complexity, subsequent evolution of peroxisome/glycosome function is complex. We hypothesize compartmentalisation in glycosomes of glycolytic enzymes, their cofactors and subsequently other metabolic enzymes provided selective advantage to kinetoplastids and diplonemids during their evolution in changing marine environments. We contend two specific properties derived from the ancestral peroxisomes were key: existence of nonselective pores for small solutes and the possibility of high turnover by pexophagy. Critically, such pores and pexophagy are characterised in extant trypanosomatids. Increasing amenability of free-living kinetoplastids and recently isolated diplonemids to experimental study means our hypothesis and interpretation of bioinformatic data are suited to experimental interrogation

    Seroprevalence of T. cruzi infection in Canis familiaris, state of Sucre, Venezuela

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    Introduction. T. cruzi infections in humans have been extensively studied in Venezuela, however, the reservoirs of the disease have been little studied. Objective. The aim of this study was to determine the seroepidemiology of T. cruzi in dogs in Sucre state, Venezuela. Materials and methods. This was a cross-sectional and prospective study conducted in 95 towns and 577 dwellings in 15 municipalities of Sucre state, Venezuela, from August to November 2008. Serum samples from dogs were tested by the CruziELISA kit and the multiple antigens binding assay (MABA). In addition, epidemiological surveys were undertaken to evaluate the risk factors. Results. We surveyed dogs from 576 houses in 95 rural towns in the15 municipalities of Sucre state. A total of 363 dogs were evaluated (mean age: 2.6 ± 2.2 years, male: 226, female: 137). The combination of the ELISA / MABA detected 78 positive sera, sixty nine negative and 10 inconclusive results. This gave a seroprevalence for T. cruzi infection in dogs in Sucre state of 22.1% (95% CI: 20.58-22.4%). There was no statistically significant association between dogs infected with T. cruzi and the following epidemiological variables: hunting dogs, dogs which sleep outdoors and wander freely around the town, sex of the dog or their eating habits. T. cruzi infection was associated with age, being significantly higher in dogs aged 0 to 3 years as compared to the older groups. Conclusions. The high T. cruzi seroprevalence detected in dogs shows that this represents a high risk factor for the transmission of this parasite to human populations. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.7705/biomedica.v33i2.760Introduction: Trypanosoma cruzi infection in humans has been extensively studied in Venezuela; however, in reservoirs it has been less investigated.Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the seroepidemiology of T. cruzi in the state of Sucre, Venezuela.Materials and methods: A cross-sectional and prospective study conducted in 95 towns and 577 dwellings in the 15 municipalies of the state of Sucre, Venezuela, from August to November, 2008. The evaluation of serum samples was performed with the CruziELISA kit and the multiple antigens binding assays (MABA). Furthermore, epidemiological surveys were applied to evaluate the risk factors.Results: A total of dogs (average age of 2, 6 + 2.2 years, 226 males and 137 females) was evaluated. The combination of the ELISA / MABA tests detected 78 positive sera, sixty-nine negative and 10 of inconclusive results. The seroprevalence of the T. cruzi infection in dogs in the state of Sucre, was 22.1% (CI 95%: 20.58-22.4%). No significant statistic association was found between the T. cruzi infection in dogs and the evaluated epidemiological variables: hunting dogs that slept oudoors roaming freely in the populated center, sex of the animal and eating habits. The T. cruzi infection was associated to the age of canines, being significantly higher in the group of 0 to 3 years, when compared with older dogs.Conclusions: The high T. cruzi seroprevalence dected in dogs shows that in this región of Venezuela there prevails an important risk factor of transmissibility of this parasite to human populations.doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.7705/biomedica.v33i2.760

    Estudio entomológico de vectores transmisores de la infección por Trypanosoma cruzi en la población rural del estado Sucre, Venezuela

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    Introduction: The ecological niche of Reduvidae vectors has been modified due to environmental changes and human encroachment into the rural areas.Objective: This study evaluates the current entomological indices of triatomines responsible for Trypanosoma cruzi infection in Sucre State, Venezuela.Materials and methods: A cross-sectional and prospective study was conducted in 95 towns and 577 dwellings in the 15 municipalities of the state of Sucre, Venezuela, from August to November, 2008. Triatomine bugs were identified on the basis of morphological characteristics, and their feces examined for T. cruzi infection through direct microscopy. Positive slides were stained with Giemsa and parasites were identified by morphologic characterization.Results: The entomological indices expressing the highest values were dispersion (16.67%) and household colonization (33.33%). The triatomine species captured were: Rhodnius prolixus, Rhodnius pictipes, Rhodnius robustus, Panstrongylus geniculatus, and Triatoma maculata, the latter being the main intradomiciliaryvector.Conclusions: Despite the low index of vector infection (1.72%), the existence of species with domiciliary and peridomiciliary reproductive success ensures the persistence of the epidemiological chain both for the disease and the parasite.Introducción. Debido a los cambios ambientales y a la intervención del hombre en los espacios silvestres, se ha cambiado el nicho ecológico de los vectores reduvídeos.Objetivo. En el presente estudio se evaluó la situación actual de los índices entomológicos de los triatominos responsables de la transmisión de Trypanosoma cruzi en el estado Sucre.Materiales y métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio prospectivo transversal en 96 centros poblados y 576 viviendas de los 15 municipios del estado Sucre, Venezuela, entre agosto y noviembre de 2008. Los vectores se identificaron con base en sus características morfológicas. La identificación de Trypanosoma spp. en las heces de los triatominos se hizo mediante el examen directo por microscopía. Las láminas positivas se tiñeron con Giemsa y los parásitos se identificaron por sus características morfológicas.Resultados. Los índices entomológicos con los valores más elevados fueron la dispersión en centros poblados rurales del estado Sucre (16,67 %) y la colonización de las viviendas (33,33 %). Las especies de triatominos capturados fueron Rhodnius prolixus, Rhodnius pictipes, Rhodnius robustus, Triatoma maculata y Panstrongylus geniculatus, siendo T. maculata el principal vector en el domicilio.Conclusiones. A pesar del bajo índice de infección natural en vectores (1,72 %), la existencia de especies con éxito reproductivo en el domicilio y el peridomicilio puede garantizar el mantenimiento de la cadena epidemiológica, tanto de la enfermedad como del parásito

    Proteomic analysis of glycosomes from Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes

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    In Trypanosoma cruzi, the causal agent of Chagas disease, the first seven steps of glycolysis are compartmentalized in glycosomes, which are authentic but specialized peroxisomes. Besides glycolysis, activity of enzymes of other metabolic processes have been reported to be present in glycosomes, such as β-oxidation of fatty acids, purine salvage, pentose-phosphate pathway, gluconeogenesis and biosynthesis of ether-lipids, isoprenoids, sterols and pyrimidines. In this study, we have purified glycosomes from T. cruzi epimastigotes, collected the soluble and membrane fractions of these organelles, and separated peripheral and integral membrane proteins by Na2CO3 treatment and osmotic shock. Proteomic analysis was performed on each of these fractions, allowing us to confirm the presence of enzymes involved in various metabolic pathways as well as identify new components of this parasite’s glycosomes