91 research outputs found

    Pauta de reconstrucción de malestar psicológico: aplicaciones a un caso clínico

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    The purpose of this article is to describe the Psychological Distress Reconstruction Pattern [RMPS] and its clinical applicability in a didactic case. The RMPS for therapists emerges from the investigation on transcripts from successful and unsuccessful psychotherapy processes. RMPS draws on gleaned clinical experience as well as from cognitive psychotherapy tradition.El propósito del presente artículo es describir la Pauta de Malestar Psicológico [RMPS] y sus posibilidades de aplicabilidad clínica en un caso didáctico. Esta pauta de observación para terapeutas, surge de la investigación de transcripciones de procesos de psicoterapia tanto exitosos como no exitosos. La RMPS se inspira tanto en la experiencia clínica atesorada como en la tradición cognitiva en psicoterapia

    Formulación de Caso: Disolviendo Temáticas Disfuncionales Mediante Regulación de Dominios de Conocimiento Intersubjetivo

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    The present text arises from a research program in psychotherapy processes whose main objective is to contribute to understanding and changing intersubjective meaning involving psychological distress and/or dysregulation, which we call the Dysfunctional Intersubjective Theme. Specifically, we address the following a) we propose an evolutionary case formulation model that essentially emerges from qualitative research of complete psychotherapeutic processes, relates and integrates the nomothetic and idiographic and the paradigmatic and narrative, b) we describe the evolutionary case formulation protocol (FCE) composed of three sections: Case Formulation_Evaluation, Case Formulation_Intervention and Process Appraisal Interview, and c) a clinical case is presented that exemplifies the elaboration of the initial conceptualization, using the FCE_Evaluation.El presente texto surge de un programa de investigación en procesos de psicoterapia cuyo principal objetivo es contribuir a comprender y cambiar el significado intersubjetivo que implica malestar y/o desregulación psicológica, y que denominamos Tema Intersubjetivo Disfuncional. Concretamente, abordamos lo siguiente: a) se plantea un modelo de formulación de caso con sello evolucionista que esencialmente emerge de la investigación cualitativa de procesos psicoterapéuticos completos, relaciona e integra lo nomotético e idiográfico y lo paradigmático y narrativo, b) se describe el protocolo de formulación de caso evolucionista (FCE) compuesto de tres secciones: Formulación de Caso_Evaluación, Formulación de Caso_Intervención y Entrevista de Valoración de Proceso, y c) se presenta un caso clínico que ejemplifica la elaboración de la conceptualización inicial, utilizando el FCE_Evaluación

    Evaluation of exposure to pesticide mixtures in the population of the municipality of Montelíbano (Córdoba) in Colombia, 2021

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    Introducción: En Colombia las actividades agrícolas generan contaminación con plaguicidas en las diferentes matrices ambientales, con potenciales efectos sobre la salud humana y sobre los componentes del ecosistema, constituyendo además un factor de riesgo en la seguridad alimentaria. Aunque los organismos vivos están expuestos a mezclas de contaminantes de manera simultánea, no se conoce con certeza el efecto tóxico de las interacciones entre estas sustancias ni sobre los efectos crónicos sobre la salud, ya que la mayoría de estudios de mezclas han sido realizados en diferentes modelos animales con estudios in vivo e in vitro. Objetivo: Determinar la exposición a mezclas de plaguicidas organoclorados, organofosforados y carbamatos en población del municipio de Montelíbano (Córdoba) en Colombia. Materiales y métodos: se condujo un estudio de tipo descriptivo transversal, se realizó un muestreo no probabilístico, en 99 personas en Montelíbano (Córdoba) el 63,6% de la muestra fue de personas ocupacionalmente expuestas y 36,4% ambientalmente expuestas. Se realizaron mediciones de plaguicidas organoclorados, organofosforados y carbamatos en muestras biológicas (sangre) y encuestas que incluyeron datos socio–demográficos, así como antecedentes laborales, de exposición ambiental y hábitos en la población estudio. Para el análisis de los datos se calcularon medidas de tendencia central y dispersión y se compararon las concentraciones de plaguicidas entre los grupos con exposición ocupacional y ambiental. Se utilizó la prueba de asociación Chi cuadrado para identificar posibles factores asociados con la exposición. Resultados: Los participantes de este estudio fueron 99 personas del municipio de Montelíbano (Córdoba) en Colombia, 63 (63,6%) con exposición ocupacional y 36 (36,4%) con exposición ambiental. La edad media fue 52,8 años (D.S 11,2 años),83,8% eran hombres), 67,7% mestizos y 20,2% afrodescendientes. Según exposición, se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significantes por género (p = 0,000), área (p = 0,012) y tipo de seguridad social (p = 0,005). De 63 personas expuestas ocupacionalmente, el 90,5% trabajan en actividades de minería. El metal de mayor uso es níquel (98,2%). En el grupo de exposición ambiental ninguno reportó trabajar en actividad minera, solo en oficios varios y en agricultura. Dentro de los plaguicidas que reportaron usar están los grupos químicos de Carbamatos, Organoclorados y Organofosforados; no se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significantes según exposición. Conclusiones: Se encontró un 41,7% de uso de organofosforados, 33,3% de organoclorados y un 25% de carbamatos. Este estudio detectó el uso de Endosulfan el cual está prohibido en nuestro país. Los plaguicidas de los cuales se encontraron niveles en sangre fueron: Aldicarb, Propoxur y Carbofuran (carbamatos); Malation, Paraoxon metil y etil y Paration metil y etil (organofosforados) y Endosulfan alpha, Endosulfan beta; Endosulfan sulfato y Hexaclorobenceno (organoclorados), siendo el Endosulfan sulfato el de mayor porcentaje hallado en sangre.In Colombia, agricultural and mining activities generate contamination with metals and pesticides in the different environmental matrices, with potential effects on human health and on the components of the ecosystem, also constituting a risk factor in food security. Although living organisms are exposed to mixtures of pollutants simultaneously, the toxic effect of the interactions between these substances or the chronic effects on health is not known with certainty, since most of the studies of mixtures have been carried out in different animal models with in vivo and in vitro studies. Objective: To determine the exposure to mixtures of organochlorine, organophosphate and carbamate pesticides in the population of the municipality of Montelíbano (Córdoba) in Colombia. Materials and methods: a cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted, a non-probabilistic sampling was carried out, in 99 people in Montelíbano (Córdoba) 63.6% of the sample was occupationally exposed and 36.4% environmentally exposed. Measurements of organochlorine, organophosphate and carbamate pesticides were carried out in biological samples (blood) and surveys that included socio-demographic data, as well as work history, environmental exposure and habits in the study population. For data analysis, measures of central tendency and dispersion were calculated and pesticide concentrations were compared between groups with occupational and environmental exposure. The Chi square test of association was used to identify possible factors associated with exposure. Results: The participants of this study were 99 people from the municipality of Montelíbano (Córdoba) in Colombia, 63 (63.6%) with occupational exposure and 36 (36.4%) with environmental exposure. The mean age was 52.8 years (S.D. 11.2 years), 83.8% were men), 67.7% mestizos, and 20.2% Afro-descendants. According to exposure, statistically significant differences were found by gender (p = 0.000), area (p = 0.012) and type of social security (p = 0.005). Of 63 people exposed occupationally, 90.5% work in mining activities. The most widely used metal is nickel (98.2%). In the environmental exposure group, none reported working in mining activities, only in various trades and in agriculture. Among the pesticides reported to be used are the chemical groups of Carbamates, Organochlorines and Organophosphates; No statistically significant differences were observed according to exposure. Conclusions: A 41.7% use of organophosphates, 33.3% of organochlorines and 25% of carbamates was found. This study detected the use of Endosulfan which is prohibited in our country. The pesticides of which blood levels were found were: Aldicarb, Propoxur and Carbofuran (carbamates); Malathion, Paraoxon methyl and ethyl and Parathion methyl and ethyl (organophosphates) and Endosulfan alpha, Endosulfan beta; Endosulfan sulfate and Hexachlorobenzene (organochlorines), Endosulfan sulfate being the highest percentage found in blood.2022-05-27 11:35:02: Script de automatizacion de embargos. Correo recibido 10 feb 2022: Muy respetuosamente solicito embargo del artículo EVALUACIÓN DE LA EXPOSICIÓN A MEZCLAS DE PLAGUICIDAS EN POBLACIÓN DEL MUNICIPIO DE MONTELÍBANO (CÓRDOBA) EN COLOMBIA, 2021 por 2 años. ÁLVARO RAÚL JOSÉ SUÁREZ QUIÑONES ING. AMBIENTAL Y SANITARIO ESP. SISTEMAS INTEGRADOS DE GESTIÓN - HSEQ EST. MAESTRÍA EN SALUD OCUPACIONAL Y AMBIENTAL CEL. 312523392

    Modelo Pindó : un modelo de alfabetización en información para el Plan Ceibal

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    Colaboradores: Natalia Aguirre -- Lucía Baica -- Gastón Begueríe -- Magela Cabrera -- Javier Canzani -- Alicia Díaz -- José Fager -- Sandra García-RivadullaPrólogo / Martín Rebour y Martina Bailón -- Palabras de nuestro asesor internacional / Miguel Ángel Marzal – Prefacio – Introducción -- Presentación del modelo de alfabetización en información para el Plan Ceibal: Modelo Pindó -- Marco teórico. Sociedad de la información y del conocimiento -- Alfabetización en información -- Concepto de competencia -- Recursos de información -- Plan Ceibal -- Lectura y competencias lectoras -- Modelo Pindó – Objetivo – Características -- La elección del nombre – Alcance -- Etapas, objetivos competenciales y fases del modelo -- Metodología aplicada en la investigación – Generalidades -- Relevamiento documental -- Entrevistas a informantes calificados -- Experiencias con escolares y sus laptops (xo) -- Instrumentos de recolección de datos -- Selección de casos y dinámica de la observación -- Dificultades en la implementación -- Descripción y resultados de la experiencia -- Apreciaciones generales -- Entrevistas a maestros -- Experiencia con Maestros de Apoyo Ceibal -- Instrumentación de la experiencia -- Resultados de la experiencia -- Pautas para la construcción de un modelo de alfabetización en información para el Plan -- Ceibal -- Reflexiones finales – Referencias -- bibliográficas – Bibliografía – Anexos -- Anexo 1. Lista de informantes calificados -- Anexo 2. Pauta para la realización de entrevistas a informantes calificados -- Anexo 3. Aplicación informática. Sistema recolector de datos -- Anexo 4. Pauta para la observación de la experiencia con escolares y sus xo -- Anexo 5. Pauta para la entrevista realizada a maestros -- Anexo 6. Pauta de trabajo con Maestros de Apoyo Ceibal -- Anexo 7. Sitios referentes del tema a nivel internacional

    Analysis of inefficiencies in customer service

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    En toda compañía es fundamental brindar un buen servicio de calidad a sus clientes, debido a que eso la mantendrá posesionada en los primeros lugares dentro de su sector, también es muy importante resolver todas las peticiones, quejas y reclamos de los usuarios para poder satisfacer sus necesidades, pero cuando se incrementan las quejas y reclamos por un deficiente servicio se hace necesario intervenirlas. Por ello se realizó este estudio, el cual se desarrolló en una empresa donde se tienen unos estándares de atención a usuarios de 8 minutos cada uno. Con base al análisis del diagrama de Ishikawa, se puede notar que las causas de mayor incidencia tienen en la deficiente atención que se les presta a algunos usuarios, son la falta de entrenamiento y las pocas personas en los puestos asignados Mediante las herramientas de calidad se realizó un proceso de recolección de datos y estudio de posibles causas, con la ayuda del diagrama de causa y efecto se identificó que la causa con más incidencia es la ausencia del personal y falta de capacitación, con las Cartas de Control (por variables o por atributos) se evidenció que se cumplen los estándares de calidad establecidos en el tiempo de espera pero el proceso no se encuentra estable y posteriormente con la Capacidad de Proceso se evidenció que la empresa no cumple con las especificaciones establecidas.Providing a quality service to its clients in every company is essential to provide a quality service to its clients, it is very important to resolve all the requests, complaints and claims of the users to satisfy their needs and manage to remain possessed in the market. But due to the increase in complaints from users to meet all their needs, but due to the increase in complaints and complaints about the poor service in that area a detailed study of the problem was carried out. The quality tools carried out a process of data collection and study of possible causes, with the help of the cause and effect diagram it was identified that the cause with the most incidence is the absence of staff and lack of training, with the Letters of Control (by variables or by attributes) it was shown that the quality standards established in the waiting time are met but the process is not stable and subsequently with the Process Capacity was shown that the company does not meet the established specifications

    Brake discs: A technological review from its analysis and assessment

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    Braking systems are undoubtedly the most important component for road safety, since it determines the total or partial stop of a vehicle and, therefore, guarantees the physical integrity of passengers. Normally, the front brake discs and the remaining percentage absorb 70% of the kinetic energy produced within a vehicle by the rear brake discs, which tend to have the formof a drum brake. These systems benefit from friction to stop a moving vehicle, under the umbrella of hydraulic pressure that pushes the brake pads against the iron-cast disk. In this document, concepts of famous authors around the world on analysis and evaluation of brake discs are provided, which are carried out using a descriptive methodology and an estimation of the characteristics of the brake disc. The review is carried out in computer assisted design through several existing CAD software in the industry, as the main methodology applied to the development of certain research projects, where different geometric characteristics of the brake discs are considered, as well as problems related to wear and corrosion. This research project has shown that it is vital to incorporate existing computer assisted design software to predict performance, improve components and optimize the functionality of the brake system. In this way, road traffic safety and systems efficiency are achieved, which are a matter of great importance for the industry. It is vital to analyze brake systems through Finite Element Analysis (FEA), with the intention of achieving a broader vision of its performance, since the information collected reveals that the geometric characteristics of the brake and cooling ducts influence the heat dissipation. It depends on the form, the type of material and the application, the heat generated between the pad and the brake. Therefore, the heat is dissipated rapidly according to the analysis performed mathematically by the researchers, which are compared with the made in computer assisted design software.Braking systems are undoubtedly the most important component for road safety, since it determines the total or partial stop of a vehicle and, therefore, guarantees the physical integrity of passengers. Normally, the front brake discs and the remaining percentage absorb 70% of the kinetic energy produced within a vehicle by the rear brake discs, which tend to have the formof a drum brake. These systems benefit from friction to stop a moving vehicle, under the umbrella of hydraulic pressure that pushes the brake pads against the iron-cast disk. In this document, concepts of famous authors around the world on analysis and evaluation of brake discs are provided, which are carried out using a descriptive methodology and an estimation of the characteristics of the brake disc. The review is carried out in computer assisted design through several existing CAD software in the industry, as the main methodology applied to the development of certain research projects, where different geometric characteristics of the brake discs are considered, as well as problems related to wear and corrosion. This research project has shown that it is vital to incorporate existing computer assisted design software to predict performance, improve components and optimize the functionality of the brake system. In this way, road traffic safety and systems efficiency are achieved, which are a matter of great importance for the industry. It is vital to analyze brake systems through Finite Element Analysis (FEA), with the intention of achieving a broader vision of its performance, since the information collected reveals that the geometric characteristics of the brake and cooling ducts influence the heat dissipation. It depends on the form, the type of material and the application, the heat generated between the pad and the brake. Therefore, the heat is dissipated rapidly according to the analysis performed mathematically by the researchers, which are compared with the made in computer assisted design software

    Current Advanced Therapies Based on Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Skin Diseases

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    Skin disease may be related with immunological disorders, external aggressions, or genetic conditions. Injuries or cutaneous diseases such as wounds, burns, psoriasis, and scleroderma among others are common pathologies in dermatology, and in some cases, conventional treatments are ineffective. In recent years, advanced therapies using human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) from different sources has emerged as a promising strategy for the treatment of many pathologies. Due to their properties; regenerative, immunomodulatory and differentiation capacities, they could be applied for the treatment of cutaneous diseases. In this review, a total of thirteen types of hMSCs used as advanced therapy have been analyzed, considering the last 5 years (2015–2020). The most investigated types were those isolated from umbilical cord blood (hUCB-MSCs), adipose tissue (hAT-MSCs) and bone marrow (hBM-MSCs). The most studied diseases were wounds and ulcers, burns and psoriasis. At preclinical level, in vivo studies with mice and rats were the main animal models used, and a wide range of types of hMSCs were used. Clinical studies analyzed revealed that cell therapy by intravenous administration was the advanced therapy preferred except in the case of wounds and burns where tissue engineering was also reported. Although in most of the clinical trials reviewed results have not been posted yet, safety was high and only local slight adverse events (mild nausea or abdominal pain) were reported. In terms of effectiveness, it was difficult to compare the results due to the different doses administered and variables measured, but in general, percentage of wound’s size reduction was higher than 80% in wounds, Psoriasis Area and Severity Index and Severity Scoring for Atopic Dermatitis were significantly reduced, for scleroderma, parameters such as Modified Rodnan skin score (MRSC) or European Scleroderma Study Group activity index reported an improvement of the disease and for hypertrophic scars, Vancouver Scar Scale (VSS) score was decreased after applying these therapies. On balance, hMSCs used for the treatment of cutaneous diseases is a promising strategy, however, the different experimental designs and endpoints stablished in each study, makes necessary more research to find the best way to treat each patient and disease.Instituto de Salud Carlos III (European Regional Development Fund "A way to make Europe") PI13/02576 PI17/02083Andalusian Regional Government SAS PI-0458-2016 PIGE-0242-2019Instituto de Salud Carlos III (European Social Fund "Investing in your future") FI18/0026

    Influencia del “bullying” y el “ciberbullying” en la motivación de los estudiantes de secundaria y su efecto en el rendimiento académico

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    El acoso escolar es una alarmante realidad en nuestra sociedad. Cuando hablamos de “bullying” nos referimos a situaciones en las que uno o más estudiantes persiguen e intimidan a otro/a por medio de insultos, rumores, humillaciones, aislamiento social, sobrenombres, agresiones físicas, amenazas y coacciones, pudiendo desarrollarse a lo largo de meses e incluso años, evolucionando en “ciberbullying” que hace referencia a una forma de agresión a través de las tecnologías, siendo sus consecuencias devastadoras tanto a nivel social como personal. Por eso la comunidad educativa no puede obviar estas situaciones y tomar conciencia para dar soluciones y procurar prevenirlo.El objetivo principal de este trabajo es diseñar una herramienta para determinar si el acoso escolar, ya sea en posición de víctima o agresor, es el factor determinante de la falta de motivación y el bajo rendimiento académico de los estudiantes en las escuelas de Educación Secundaria en Puerto Rico. A tal fin, se creará un cuestionario para maestros y otro para estudiantes, tanto de la corriente regular como de educación especial, para atender la necesidad y ayudar a entender realmente cuales son los factores asociados al problema objeto de estudio. Eso será precisamente lo que se presente en este artículo, el cuestionario elaborado y ya validado por criterio de jueces expertos y que tras su implementación y la obtención de los resultados servirá para presentar un modelo de intervención para estudiantes y profesorado que pretende potenciar la motivación y el rendimiento escolar de los estudiantes sobre todo cuando son víctimas de acoso escolar en cualquiera de sus modalidades

    The Role of Exosomes Derived From Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in Dermatology

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    This study has been funded by the Carlos III Health Institute of Spain through the PI13/02576 and PI17/02083 projects [cofunded by European Regional Development Fund "A way to make Europe" and Andalusian Regional Government Finance (SAS PI-0458-2016)]. The work of MQ-V was supported by a predoctoral fellowship (BOE 22/10/2019) from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. This study is part of her doctoral research in the Biomedicine program at the University of Granada.The skin is the largest organ of the human body and its main functions include providing protection from external harmful agents, regulating body temperature, and homeostatic maintenance. Skin injuries can damage this important barrier and its functions so research focuses on approaches to accelerate wound healing and treat inflammatory skin diseases. Due to their regenerative and immunomodulatory properties, mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) have been reported to play a significant role in skin repair and regeneration. However, it seems that the secretome of these cells and exosomes in particular may be responsible for their functions in skin regeneration and the immunomodulation field. The present review aims to gather the available information about the role of MSC-derived exosomes for both in vitro and in vivo models of different skin conditions and to highlight the need for further research in order to overcome any limitations for clinical translation.Carlos III Health Institute of Spain [European Regional Development Fund "A way to make Europe"] PI13/02576 PI17/02083Carlos III Health Institute of Spain [Andalusian Regional Government Finance] PI13/02576 PI17/02083 SAS PI-0458-2016Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities BOE 22/10/201