16 research outputs found

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    Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy, Farm Management, Land Economics/Use, Production Economics, Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession,

    Articulation d’instruments d’action publique pour l’écologisation de l’agriculture rĂ©unionnaise

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    L'idĂ©e de dĂ©dier un dossier spĂ©cifique Ă  la dimension "Ă©cologisation" des politiques publiques agricoles date du colloque national "Ecologisation des politiques publiques et des pratiques agricoles" qui s'est tenu du 16 au 18 mars 2011, en Avignon - organisĂ© par l'UR d'EcodĂ©veloppement, Inra-centre de recherche d'Avignon.National audienceCe travail a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© dans le cadre du projet Serena (Services environnementaux et usages de l’espace rural), financĂ© par l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) française. Les politiques publiques françaises d’appui Ă  l’agriculture ont progressivement Ă©largi leur champ d’action au cours des derniĂšres dĂ©cennies en intĂ©grant la dimension environnementale ainsi que le dĂ©veloppement rural. À la RĂ©union, les trois grandes composantes de l’agriculture, la canne Ă  sucre, l’élevage et les cultures de diversification, bĂ©nĂ©ficient d’un catalogue consĂ©quent de mesures d’appui adaptĂ©es et instruites par une diversitĂ© d’acteurs. L’observation des interactions explicites et implicites entre ces instruments met en Ă©vidence diffĂ©rentes formes d’agencement, « l’isolement » de la Mesure canniĂšre agroenvironnementale (MCAE), la « factorisation » des incitations Ă  la certification en agriculture raisonnĂ©e, et « l’accumulation » de contraintes liĂ©es Ă  la mise aux normes des bĂątiments d’élevage. La comparaison de ces agencements montre que l’écologisation des politiques publiques est en cours essentiellement au travers d’un appui Ă  la professionnalisation des exploitations qui, du fait des normes europĂ©ennes, respecteront davantage l’environnement. L’analyse pose la question de l’équilibre entre efficacitĂ© environnementale et acceptabilitĂ© d’un instrument

    Plan for Using and Dissemination of Knowledge, D0.3.1, SEAMLESS integrated project

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    The SEAMLESS project has high ambitions both concerning its scientific goals and its aim to create an impact assessment tool that can be useful in future policy making in the agrienvironmental area. Interaction between researchers and the society therefore is a crucial component of the project. In the last phase of the SEAMLESS project the dissemination of knowledge produced in the project becomes particularly important. The general objective of this Deliverable is to present the aim, topic, form, timing and responsible persons of different dissemination activities, aiming at assembling information from the policy community and at enhancing the use and dissemination of knowledge produced by the SEAMLESS project. The report covers the following main themes: ‱ Interaction with the policy community where we separate between interactions with the User forum, targeted meetings with specialists, National Ministries and regional authorities, European Organisations as well as other users, such as Farmers organisations. ‱ Interactions with the scientific community where we outline the SEAMLESS contributions to conferences, SEAMLESS related publications and the final Symposium that the project will organise at the end of the project. ‱ Cooperation with other projects and how it can be strengthened during the last phase of the project. ‱ Communication tools implemented by the project such as the SEAMLESS portal and website, the Newsletters as well as other means of communication

    Rhetoric of sustainable development in industrial symbiosis

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    International audienceAs scientific evidence exposes the need for paradigm shifts in the management of resources of industrialized societies (IPCC, 2019), initiating collective action towards such shifts remains challenging (Berkes, 2017). Industrial Symbioses (IS) are important examples of collective regional initiatives contributing to this shift. They aim at reducing environmental burden and improving economic performance by substituting raw inputs with compatible by-products or by achieving pooling and sharing practices (Chertow, 2000). These initiatives are for instance frequent in cement or energy production (Cao et al. 2020) but also cover the management of organic waste to build synergy with local agriculture (Wassenaar et al. 2014). Understanding social dynamics beyond IS may unlock new development potential, and help to translate a known need into real change. Several authors suggest that an approach based on discourse analysis may lead to a better comprehension of IS initiatives. For instance, Queste (2016) shows the importance of rational myths (RM), which are collective justification for action (Holm, 1995), in collective waste management. We studied Industrial Symbiosis Initiatives (IS-I) as a succession of discourses and examined the key elements of these discourses, in order to improve the understanding of collective management dynamics. We selected 14 French IS-I based on national inventories (Oree, 2016, Ademe 2018), according to their diversity in terms of spatial range, type of synergies and type of actors involved. We identified discourses in these case studies, and focused in particular on the collective justification of actions - the RM - at different moments of the initiatives. This analysis shows that an important number of the actions are undertaken as a collective commitment to normative, long term and ill defined objectives. Rhetoric studies used the term ideograph to designate words that embody such objectives, which have been shown to play an important role in the development of new technologies (McGuee, 1986; Joly 2010). We propose to expand the use of the term ideograph to designate these particular types of collective justifications, and analyse how these discourses integrate the broader ideograph of Sustainable Development (SD) (Brundtland, 1987, Bos et al. 2014). To deepen their description, we decompose the discourses according to the triple bottom line framework, often acknowledged as a normative objective of SD, which implies to improve at the same time the environmental preservation, the economical performance, and the social well-being. Figure 1 shows the diversity of situations in which ideographs are used regarding the stage of IS-I and the type of actors. It also suggests the relative importance of economical, ecological and social concerns through the practice of IS, decreasing in this order. Results lead us to conclude that (1) all IS-I contain at least one discourse that embeds one or more ideographs (2) These ideographs are present at all stages of IS-I, and mainly during the evolution, (3) they are used by both public and private actors, and (4) most IS-I involve all three dimensions of SD through ideographs but these are not simultaneously present in all discourses. Our study remains limited to a certain type of collective action and a single national geographic area. The results suggest that it might not always be necessary to have a comprehensive knowledge of local situations to initiate and maintain collective action in the context of IS-I, since ideographs may be powerful collective justifications. The concept of plausible promise (Wassenaar et al., 2014; Douthwaite et al. 2002) may help to better characterize the performativity of these discourses, which is their ability to change the behavior of actors (Austin, 1962). Understanding the generation, diffusion and evolution of ideographs could then be an important lever to enhance collective actions such as IS-I

    Assessing the performance of a national participatory scheme for the co-management of the mangrove crab fishery in Madagascar

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    International audienceIn the context of the FAO's Small-Scale Fisheries (SSF) Voluntary Guidelines, inclusive management and participatory research approaches to SSF have been encouraged. To date such initiatives have been limited at the sub-national and national levels. The CORECRABE action research project (2019-2023) addressed that challenge in mangrove crab export-fisheries in Madagascar. Our research aimed at assessing local stakeholders’ learning and participation in the processes of collaborative management of these fisheries through this transdisciplinary case study. We first evaluated the technical, normative and relational learnings of 52 stakeholders who have participated in the project’s regional working groups and/or the national workshop organized from 2020 to 2022. Then, in 2023, we interviewed 300 local SSF actors (fishers, buyers, and community leaders) within 77 focus groups (separated by occupation, age, and gender) in 12 coastal villages involved or not in the project activities. Their fishery knowledge, project participation, social network construction, and management perceptions were collected. The actors’ participation and representation in the project workshops were compared across two intervention regions, as well as the transfer of knowledge to and from the local communities at the regional and national levels. The study highlights the challenges and opportunities of transdisciplinary approach associated with learning mechanisms at varying scales for operationalizing SSF co-management

    A Micromachined 1.37 THz Waveguide-Based 2 × 2 Beam Divider

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    International audienc