23 research outputs found

    Autoaprendizaje a través de Trabajos de Investigación Tutorizados en la enseñanza de Ingeniería de los Nuevos Materiales

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    El presente trabajo pretende abordar las posibilidades de la innovación docente, haciendo que los estudiantes de segundo y tercer curso de I.T. Industrial se inicien en métodos y técnicas de investigación que le ayuden en su propio aprendizaje así como en el diseño y planificación de sus trabajos. Los nuevos estudios de grado diversifican los instrumentos pedagógicos al servicio del docente para transmisión del conocimiento al alumnado

    Estudio cuantitativo del comportamiento frente a la corrosión de aceros inoxidables pulvimetalurgicos

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    Este proyecto de innovación docente pretende adaptarse al cambio metodológico que propone el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) que promueve la enseñanza virtual o no presencial, en la cual el alumno es el elemento más activo del proceso de aprendizaje, convirtiéndose el profesor en facilitador del aprendizaje. El objetivo principal planteado es rediseñar y adaptar el material docente empleado en la parte práctica de la asignatura Ciencia de los Materiales de las titulaciones de I.T. Industrial e I.T.de Minas impartida en la EPS de Linares. Para ello se han utilizado las nuevas tecnologías y herramientas pedagógicas para elaborar un material didáctico capaz de mostrar contenidos tanto teóricos como prácticos, mediante la inclusión de un video digital, de los distintos ensayos de las propiedades mecánicas de los materiales que deben realizar en cada sesión en el laboratorio. Este material pretende eliminar en lo posible la desmotivación del alumno, al ser un complemento eficiente y de apoyo para un mayor seguimiento y compresión de la actividad práctica

    Elaboración de material docente multimedia para la enseñanza práctica de Ciencia de los Materiales

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    Este proyecto de innovación docente pretende adaptarse al cambio metodológico que propone el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) que promueve la enseñanza virtual o no presencial, en la cual el alumno es el elemento más activo del proceso de aprendizaje, convirtiéndose el profesor en facilitador del aprendizaje. El objetivo principal planteado es rediseñar y adaptar el material docente empleado en la parte práctica de la asignatura Ciencia de los Materiales de las titulaciones de I.T. Industrial e I.T.de Minas impartida en la EPS de Linares. Para ello se han utilizado las nuevas tecnologías y herramientas pedagógicas para elaborar un material didáctico capaz de mostrar contenidos tanto teóricos como prácticos, mediante la inclusión de un video digital, de los distintos ensayos de las propiedades mecánicas de los materiales que deben realizar en cada sesión en el laboratorio. Este material pretende eliminar en lo posible la desmotivación del alumno, al ser un complemento eficiente y de apoyo para un mayor seguimiento y compresión de la actividad práctica

    Mining Wastes of an Albite Deposit as Raw Materials for Vitrified Mullite Ceramics

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    In this work, an examination of mining wastes of an albite deposit in south Spain was carried out using X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), particle size analysis, thermo-dilatometry and Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) and Thermogravimetric (TG) analysis, followed by the determination of the main ceramic properties. The albite content in two selected samples was high (65–40 wt. %), accompanied by quartz (25–40 wt. %) and other minor minerals identified by XRD, mainly kaolinite, in agreement with the high content of silica and alumina determined by XRF. The content of Na2O was in the range 5.44–3.09 wt. %, being associated with albite. The iron content was very low (<0.75 wt. %). The kaolinite content in the waste was estimated from ~8 to 32 wt. %. The particle size analysis indicated values of 11–31 wt. % of particles <63 µm. The ceramic properties of fired samples (1000–1350 °C) showed progressive shrinkage by the thermal effect, with water absorption and open porosity almost at zero at 1200–1250 °C. At 1200 °C, the bulk density reached a maximum value of 2.38 g/cm3. An abrupt change in the phase evolution by XRD was found from 1150 to 1200 °C, with the disappearance of albite by melting in accordance with the predictions of the phase diagram SiO2-Al2O3-Na2O and the system albite-quartz. These fired materials contained as main crystalline phases quartz and mullite. Quartz was present in the raw samples and mullite was formed by decomposition of kaolinite. The observation of mullite forming needle-shape crystals was revealed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The formation of fully densified and vitrified mullite materials by firing treatments was demonstrated

    Study of a Waste Kaolin as Raw Material for Mullite Ceramics and Mullite Refractories by Reaction Sintering

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    A deposit of raw kaolin, located in West Andalusia (Spain), was studied in this work using a representative sample. The methods of characterization were X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), particle size analysis by sieving and sedimentation, and thermal analysis. The ceramic properties were determined. A sample of commercial kaolin from Burela (Lugo, Spain), with applications in the ceramic industry, was used in some determinations for comparison purposes. The kaolin deposit has been produced by alteration of feldspar-rich rocks. This raw kaolin was applied as an additive in local manufactures of ceramics and refractories. However, there is not previous studies concerning its characteristics and firing properties. Thus, the meaning of this investigation was to conduct a scientific study on this subject and to evaluate the possibilities of application. The raw kaolin was washed for the beneficiation of the rock using water to increase the kaolinite content of the resultant material. The results indicated that the kaolinite content of the raw material was 20 wt % as determined by XRD, showing ~23 wt % of particles lower than 63 µm. The kaolinite content of the fraction lower than 63 µm was 50 wt %. Thus, an improvement of the kaolinite content of this raw kaolin was produced by wet separation. However, the kaolin was considered as a waste kaolin, with microcline, muscovite and quartz identified by XRD. Thermal analyses by Thermo-Dilatometry (TD), Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) and Thermo-Gravimetry (TG) allowed observe kaolinite thermal decomposition, quartz phase transition and sintering effects. Pressed samples of this raw kaolin, the fraction lower than 63 µm obtained by water washing and the raw kaolin ground using a hammer mill were fired at several temperatures in the range 1000–1500 °C for 2 h. The ceramic properties of all these samples were determined and compared. The results showed the progressive linear firing shrinkage by sintering in these samples, with a maximum value of ~9% in the fraction lower than 63 µm. In general, water absorption capacity of the fired samples showed a decrease from ~18–20% at 1050 °C up to almost zero after firing at 1300 °C, followed by an increase of the experimental values. The open porosity was almost zero after firing at 1350 °C for 2 h and the bulk density reached a maximum value of 2.40 g/cm3 as observed in the ground raw kaolin sample. The XRD examination of fired samples indicated that they are composed by mullite, from kaolinite thermal decomposition, and quartz, present in the raw sample, as main crystalline phases besides a vitreous phase. Fully-densified or vitrified materials were obtained by firing at 1300–1350 °C for 2 h. In a second step of this research, it was examined the promising application of the previous study to increase the amount of mullite by incorporation of alumina (α-alumina) to this kaolin sample. Firing of mixtures, prepared using this kaolin and α-alumina under wet processing conditions, produced the increase of mullite in relative proportion by reaction sintering at temperatures higher than 1500 °C for 2 h. Consequently, a mullite refractory can be prepared using this kaolin. This processing of high-alumina refractories is favoured by a previous size separation, which increases the kaolinite content, or better a grinding treatment of the raw kaolin

    Comportamiento de ecoladrillos con inclusión de biomasas residuales

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    Industrially manufactured ceramic bricks have a negative effect on the environment due to both the depletion of natural resources and the CO2 emissions resulting from the considerable amount of energy used in their production. Recently, diverse waste or subproducts from different industrial processes have been used to improve the performance of ceramic materials, giving rise to the creation of the «ecobrick». In this study, we present the results obtained from experiments using various biomass waste products to create a porous network capable of modifying the properties of traditional bricks to adapt them to modern technical requirements. 19 type of brick were manufactured with the addition of 6 biomass subproducts: rice husks (C), almond husks (CA), olive stones (HA), olive leaves (HO), olive wood (LO) and pruning waste from olive trees (PO). These materials were added to a conventional clay mix in three different proportions (7.5 %, 15 % and 25 %) and three different particle size distributions (0/1 mm, 1/2 mm and 0/2 mm). The results show that particle size does not affect the performance (physical and mechanical) of the ecobricks. However, performance was negatively affected in proportion to the amount of biomass waste added to the mix, without this undermining the normal functionality of the bricks. In fact, a considerable improvement was observed in the thermal conductivity of the ecobricks. This was true particularly, and surprisingly, of the mix containing the lowest proportion of additional material.El ladrillo cerámico como material de construcción industrial contribuye negativamente al deterioro del medioambiente, tanto por el agotamiento de los recursos naturales como por la elevada cantidad de energía necesaria para su fabricación, que se traduce en emisiones de CO2. La incorporación de productos residuales o subproductos procedentes de diversos procesos industriales ha dado lugar a los denominados «ecoladrillos». En este trabajo de investigación se estudia el comportamiento de ladrillos cerámicos con la incorporación de diferentes biomasas residuales con la función de generar una red porosa que modifique sus propiedades para adaptarlos a los requerimientos técnicos actuales. Para ello se han fabricado 19 tipos de ladrillos con la incorporación de 6 subproductos biomásicos: cascarilla de arroz (C), cáscara de almendra (CA), hueso de aceituna (HA), hoja de olivo (HO,) leña de olivo (LO) y poda de olivo (PO). Las biomasas se han incorporado a una arcilla convencional en tres proporciones en volumen (7,5 %, 15 % y 25 %), con tres tamaños de distribución de partícula (0/1 mm, 1/2 mm y 0/2 mm). Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el tamaño de partícula no ha condicionado el comportamiento físico y mecánico de los ecoladrillos, no así la proporción de biomasa, aunque en ningún caso se ha comprometido la normal funcionalidad de los mismos. Por el contrario, se ha observado una mejora considerable en la conductividad térmica de los ecoladrillos fabricados, fundamentalmente, con los menores porcentajes de reemplazo

    State and perspectives of sustainable production of traditional silicate ceramics

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    The traditional ceramics industry uses large amounts of primary mineral raw materials. Improvements in the production of building materials based on non-metallic minerals can contribute to sustainable development in many ways, such as saving natural resources, using waste materials, reducing energy consumption, decreasing emissions hazardous to the health and the environment, particularly carbon dioxide, and reclamation of mines after exploitation of raw materials, etc. This paper describes the state of application of mineral raw materials and waste in the traditional ceramics industry with a perspective on future challenges. Intensified research is needed to complement the laboratory data and re-scale to the industrial-sized products while improving communication between both sectors

    Towards the Use of Yellow Clay in Fired Bricks

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    This chapter deals with the study of the possibility of using yellow clay - which was only used in pottery so far- in the civil engineering field as building materials, especially in the field of fired bricks. With the aim to improve the technological properties of yellow clay based bricks, two wastes were used as secondary raw materials. The first one is a mineral waste - pyrrhotite ash - this waste was neither characterized nor valued before by any other author. While the second waste is an organic waste - cedar sawdust - which is from the artisanal sector. Clay bricks containing yellow clay and different content of wastes were prepared and tested to evaluate their technological properties: water absorption, bulk density, porosity and mechanical strength… The test results indicate that the addition of wastes to clay bricks improves their technological properties and highlights the possibility of wastes reuse in a safe and sustainable way

    Ceramic Materials - Synthesis, Characterization, Applications and Recycling

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    Scientific and technological development has led to the formulation of tailor-made materials, which have given rise to materials with new structural and industrial applications. This book aims to analyze the synthesis, characterization, and applications of ceramic materials. This includes an introduction to traditional and advanced ceramics, the use of traditional ceramic materials as ideal candidates for absorbing wastes, and the synthesis and characterization of advanced ceramics as nanoceramics, ytria ceramics, and electronic ceramics