25 research outputs found

    Characterization of 3D genomic interactions in fetal pig muscle

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    Genome sequence alone is not sufficient to explain the overall coordination of nuclear activity in a particular tissue. The nuclear organisation and genomic long-range intra- and inter-chromosomal interactions play an important role in the regulation of gene expression and the activation of tissue- specific gene networks. Here we present an overview of the pig genome architecture in muscle at two late developmental stages. The muscle maturation process occurs between the 90th day and the end of gestation (114 days), a key period for survival at birth. To characterise this period we profiled chromatin interactions genome-wide with in situ Hi-C (High Throughput Chromosome Conformation Capture) in muscle samples collected at 90 and 110 days of gestation, specific moments where a drastic change in gene expression has been reported. About 200 million read pairs per library were generated (3 replicates per condition). This allowed: (a) the design of an experimental Hi-C protocol optimized for frozen fetal tissues, (b) the first Hi-C contact heatmaps in fetal porcine muscle cells, and (c) to profile Topologically Associated Domains (TADs) defined as genomic domains with high levels of chromatin interactions. Using the new assembly version Sus scrofa v11, we could map 82% of the Hi-C reads on the reference genome. After filtering, 49% of valid read pairs were used to infer the genomic interactions in both developmental stages. In addition, ChIP-seq experiments were performed to map the binding of the structural protein CTCF, known to regulate genome structure by promoting interactions between genes and distal enhancers. The Hi-C and ChIP-seq data were analysed in combination with the results of a previous transcriptome analysis, focusing on the hun-dreds of genes that were reported as differentially expressed during muscle maturation. We will report the observed general differences between both developmental stages in terms of transcription and structure

    Key contribution of eIF4H-mediated translational control in tumor promotion.

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    Dysregulated expression of translation initiation factors has been associated with carcinogenesis, but underlying mechanisms remains to be fully understood. Here we show that eIF4H (eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4H), an activator of the RNA helicase eIF4A, is overexpressed in lung carcinomas and predictive of response to chemotherapy. In lung cancer cells, depletion of eIF4H enhances sensitization to chemotherapy, decreases cell migration and inhibits tumor growth in vivo, in association with reduced translation of mRNA encoding cell-proliferation (c-Myc, cyclin D1) angiogenic (FGF-2) and anti-apoptotic factors (CIAP-1, BCL-xL). Conversely, each isoform of eIF4H acts as an oncogene in NIH3T3 cells by stimulating transformation, invasion, tumor growth and resistance to drug-induced apoptosis together with increased translation of IRES-containing or structured 5'UTR mRNAs. These results demonstrate that eIF4H plays a crucial role in translational control and can promote cellular transformation by preferentially regulating the translation of potent growth and survival factor mRNAs, indicating that eIF4H is a promising new molecular target for cancer therapy

    Anesthesia of Epinephelus marginatus with essential oil of Aloysia polystachya: an approach on blood parameters

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    This study investigated the anesthetic potential of the essential oil (EO) of Aloysia polystachya in juveniles of dusky grouper (Epinephelus marginatus). Fish were exposed to different concentrations of EO of A. polystachya to evaluate time of induction and recovery from anesthesia. In the second experiment, fish were divided into four groups: control, ethanol and 50 or 300 mu L L-1 EO of A. polystachya, and each group was submitted to induction for 3.5 min and recovery for 5 or 10 min. The blood gases and glucose levels showed alterations as a function of the recovery times, but Na+ and K+ levels did not show any alteration. In conclusion, the EO from leaves of A. polystachya is an effective anesthetic for dusky grouper, because anesthesia was reached within the recommended time at EO concentrations of 300 and 400 mu L L-1. However, most evaluated blood parameters showed compensatory responses due to EO exposure.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul/Programa de Apoio a Nucleos de Excelencia (FAPERGS/PRONEX) [10/0016-8]; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq) [470964/2009-0]; Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior, Brazil (CAPES)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo o estudo de filtros de carvão ativado modificados com nanopartículas de prata e cobre. Para a impregnação dos metais na superfície do carvão ativado foi utilizado o método de impregnação por excesso de solvente nas concentraçÔes de C/Ag0,5%, C/Ag1,0%, C/Cu0,5%, C/Cu1,0%, C/Ag0,5%Cu0,5%, C/Ag0,5%Cu1,0%, C/Ag1,0%Cu0,5% e C/Ag1,0%Cu1,0%. Os filtros produzidos foram testados (com ågua da torneira) quanto aos parùmetros físico-químicos (cor, turbidez, pH, cloro, dureza, sólidos dissolvidos totais e metais) de acordo com a Norma ABNT NBR 16098:2012 e permaneceram dentro da faixa de aceitação para o consumo humano (Portaria 2914:2011 e ABNT NBR 16098:2012). Para a determinação da concentração dos metais lixiviados para ågua durante a passagem pelo filtro foi utilizada a absorção atÎmica de chama, todos os resultados obtidos permaneceram dentro da faixa de aceitação para o consumo humano de acordo com a Portaria 2914:2011 e ABNT NBR 16098:2012. Sendo assim, o carvão ativado produzido poderå ser aplicado no tratamento de ågua na remoção/inativação viral.AbstractThis research aimed at studying filters of activated carbon modified with silver and copper nanoparticles. For the purpose of metal impregnation on the surface of activated carbon, it was utilized the excess solvent impregnation method at concentrations of c/ag0.5%, c/ag1.0%, c/cu0.5%, c/cu1.0%, c/ag0.5%cu0.5%, c/ag0.5%cu1.0%, c/ag1.0%cu0.5% and c/ag1.0%cu1.0%. The produced filters were tested (with tap water) relative to the physical-chemicals parameters (color, turbidity, ph, chlorine, hardness, total dissolved solids and metals) according to regulation abnt nbr 16098:2012 and remained within the acceptable range for human consumption (directive 2914:2011 and abnt nbr 16098:2012). As for the determination of the concentration of leached metals to water during the passage through the filter, flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry was used and all the determined results remained within the acceptable range for human consumption, according to directive 2914:2011 and ABNT NBR 16098:2012. Thus, the activated carbon produced can be used in water treatment for removing/inactivation viral

    Profiling the landscape of transcription, chromatin accessibility and chromosome conformation of cattle, pig, chicken and goat genomes [FAANG pilot project]

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    Functional annotation of livestock genomes is a critical and obvious next step to derive maximum benefit for agriculture, animal science, animal welfare and human health. The aim of the Fr-AgENCODE project is to generate multi-species functional genome annotations by applying high-throughput molecular assays on three target tissues/cells relevant to the study of immune and metabolic traits. An extensive collection of stored samples from other tissues is available for further use (FAANG Biosamples ‘FR-AGENCODE’). From each of two males and two females per species (pig, cattle, goat, chicken), strand-oriented RNA-seq and chromatin accessibility ATAC-seq assays were performed on liver tissue and on two T-cell types (CD3+CD4+&CD3+CD8+) sorted from blood (mammals) or spleen (chicken). Chromosome Conformation Capture (in situ Hi-C) was also carried out on liver. Sequencing reads from the 3 assays were processed using standard processing pipelines. While most (50–70%) RNA-seq reads mapped to annotated exons, thousands of novel transcripts and genes were found, including extensions of annotated protein-coding genes and new lncRNAs (see abstract #69857). Consistency of ATAC-seq results was confirmed by the significant proportion of called peaks in promoter regions (36–66%) and by the specific accumulation pattern of peaks around gene starts (TSS) v. gene ends (TTS). Principal Component Analyses for RNA-seq (based on quantified gene expression) and ATAC-seq (based on quantified chromatin accessibility) highlighted clusters characterised by cell type and sex in all species. From Hi-C data, we generated 40kb-resolution interaction maps, profiled a genome-wide Directionality Index and identified from 4,100 (chicken) to 12,100 (pig) topologically-associating do- mains (TADs). Correlations were reported between RNA-seq and ATAC-seq results (see abstract #71581). In summary, we present here an overview of the first multi-species and -tissue annotations of chromatin accessibility and genome architecture related to gene expression for farm animals

    Efectos clĂ­nicos de la ictericia neonatal em prematuros

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    Objetivo: Analisar as possĂ­veis repercussĂ”es clĂ­nicas e suas consequĂȘncias em recĂ©m-nascidos prematuros acometidos por icterĂ­cia neonatal. Metodologia: Trata-se de uma revisĂŁo narrativa utilizando as bibliotecas de dados PubMed e BVS, onde foram incluidos artigos em portuguĂȘs, inglĂȘs e espanhol, de 2010 a 2021. Resultados: A prematuridade Ă© uma das maiores causas de mortalidade neonatal contribuindo para o aumento do coeficiente de mortalidade infantil. icterĂ­cia Ă© um dos problemas que mais acometem o recĂ©m-nascido, sendo definida por concentração sĂ©rica de bilirrubina indireta (BI) ou de bilirrubina direta (BD) >1,5 mg/dL. Uma das maiores complicaçÔes da IcterĂ­cia Neonatal Ă© o Kernicterus, uma encefalopatia bilirrubĂ­nica, sĂ­ndrome essa que causa o mal funcionamento neurolĂłgico ocasionado pelo excesso de bilirrubina nĂŁo conjugada na corrente sanguĂ­nea. A equipe de enfermagem Ă© responsĂĄvel por receber e preparar o RN para o tratamento da IcterĂ­cia Neonatal, alĂ©m de preparar os aparelhos que serĂŁo utilizados para a fototerapia como o foco de luz e a incubadora. ConsideraçÔes Finais: Apesar de ser considerada bastante comum, os sinais clĂ­nicos da icterĂ­cia nĂŁo devem passar despercebidos, principalmente nos prematuros, pois as consequĂȘncias da negligĂȘncia no tratamento podem levĂĄ-lo a adquirir uma sĂ­ndrome neurolĂłgica grave.Objective: To analyze the possible clinical repercussions and their consequences in premature newborns affected by neonatal jaundice. Methodology: This is a narrative review using the PubMed and BVS data libraries, whichincluded articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish, from 2010 to 2021. Results: Prematurity is one of the biggest causes of neonatal mortality, contributing to the increase of the infant mortality coefficient. Jaundice is one of the problems that most affect newborns, being defined by serum concentration of indirect bilirubin (BI) or direct bilirubin (BD) >1.5 mg/dL. One of the biggest complications of Neonatal Jaundice is Kernicterus, a bilirubin encephalopathy, a syndrome that causes neurological malfunction caused by the excess of unconjugated bilirubin in the bloodstream. The nursing team is responsible for receiving and preparing the NB for the treatment of Neonatal Jaundice, in addition to preparing the devices that will be used for phototherapy, such as the light spot and the incubator. Final Considerations: Despitebeing considered quite common, the clinical signs of jaundice should not go unnoticed, especially in premature infants, as the consequences of negligence in treatment can lead them to acquire a severe neurological syndrome.Objetivo: Analizar las posibles repercusiones clĂ­nicas y sus consecuencias en reciĂ©n nacidos prematuros afectados por ictericia neonatal. MetodologĂ­a: Se trata de una revisiĂłn narrativa utilizando las bibliotecas de datos PubMed y BVS, que incluyeron artĂ­culos en portuguĂ©s, inglĂ©s y español, de 2010 a 2021. Resultados: La prematuridad es una de las mayores causasde mortalidad neonatal, contribuyendo al aumento de la coeficiente de mortalidad. La ictericia es uno de los problemas que mĂĄs afecta al reciĂ©n nacido, ya que se define por la concentraciĂłn sĂ©rica de bilirrubina indirecta (BI) o bilirrubina directa (BD)> 1,5 mg / dL. Una de las mayores complicaciones de la ictericia neonatal es el Kernicterus, una encefalopatĂ­a por bilirrubina, un sĂ­ndrome que causa un mal funcionamiento neurolĂłgico causado por el exceso de bilirrubina no conjugada en el torrente sanguĂ­neo. El equipo de enfermerĂ­a se encarga de recibir y preparar el RN para el tratamiento de la Ictericia Neonatal, ademĂĄs de preparar los dispositivos que se utilizarĂĄn para la fototerapia, como el punto de luz y la incubadora. Consideraciones finales:A pesarde considerarse bastante comĂșn, los signos clĂ­nicos de la ictericia no deben pasar desapercibidos, especialmente en los bebĂ©s prematuros, ya que las consecuencias de una negligencia en el tratamiento pueden llevarlos a adquirir un sĂ­ndrome neurolĂłgico severo