7,829 research outputs found

    Propriedades e efeitos adversos decorrentes da utilização de irrigantes em endodontia: revisão da literatura

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    Esta revisão descritiva da literatura pretendeu descrever as propriedades das soluções irrigantes em procedimentos endodônticos, enfatizando a substantividade, possíveis efeitos adversos e toxicidade. Utilizaram-se artigos entre 2006-2017, da PubMed, B-On, Science Direct, como palavras-chave utilizaram-se:“biofilme endodôntico”; “NaOCl em endodontia”; “Clorhexidina”; “EDTA”; “MTAD”; “Ácido cítrico em endodontia”; “acidentes com irrigantes endodônticos e eventos adversos”; “microdureza da dentina. Na metodologia incluíram-se artigos de revisão descritiva, sistemática e meta-análise, estudos de caso clinico e ensaios in vitro acerca da temática em estudo. Foi possível concluir que a substantividade é uma propriedade benéfica uma vez que a ação do irrigante é prolongada, no entanto só a CHX é que apresenta este efeito. Relativamente à toxicidade e aos efeitos adversos são muito abordados no caso do NaOCl mas quanto aos outros irrigantes poucos estudos foram desenvolvidos para determinar a existência dessas propriedades.This descriptive review of the literature aimed to describe the properties of the irrigating solutions in endodontic procedures, emphasizing the substantivity, adverse effects and toxicity. Articles between 2006-2017, were searched on PubMed, B-On, Science Direct. The keywords was used: "endodontic biofilm"; "NaOCl in endodontics"; "Chlorhexidine"; "EDTA"; "MTAD"; "Citric acid in endodontics"; "Accidents with endodontic irrigants and adverse events"; "Dentin microhardness”. The methodology included articles of descriptive review, systematic and meta-analysis, clinical case studies and in vitro tests about the subject under study. It was concluded that the substantivity is a beneficial property since the action of the irrigant is prolonged, however only CHX has this effect. In relation to toxicity and adverse effects are very addressed in case of NaOCl but for the other irrigants few studies have been developed to determine the existence of these properties

    Phronesis and personal responsibility in business ethics

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    This paper is a reflection about phronesis and personal responsibility in business ethics.This paper is a reflection about phronesis and personal responsibility in business ethics

    Minocycline in neurological disorders treatment

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    Trabalho Final de Mestrado Integrado, Ciências Farmacêuticas, 2021, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia.Minociclina, uma tetraciclina semissintética de segunda geração que tem demonstrado, à parte de sua atividade bacteriostática através de bloqueio da síntese de proteínas, potente ação anti-inflamatória que permitiu sua utilização aprovada pela Food and Drug Administration para tratamento de Artrite Reumatoide, entre outras doenças com intenso componente inflamatório. No final dos anos 90, após a descobertada caspase-1 e sua relação com a apoptose, e por outro lado, o perfil neurofarmacocinético único da minociclina (que permite alta e rápida concentração do composto no SNS) as pesquisas no papel neuroprotetor deste fármaco se intensificaram. Durante este século extensa bibliografia mundial tem demonstrado sua ação anti-neuroinflamatória, imunomoduladora e antiapoptótica em patologias do cérebro e medula espinhal. Doenças agudas como Lesão Cerebral por trauma e/ou Hemorragia, Hipóxia e Lesão Medular Aguda, assim como doenças neurodegenerativas crónicas, principalmente Alzheimer, Parkinson, Huntington, Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica, Doenças do Príon e Esclerose Múltipla partilham, obviamente com tempo de evolução distintos, intenso e irrefreável processo inflamatório com super-ativação da resposta imunológica que ocasiona massiva neuroapoptose com alta letalidade. Ao longo da revisão, foram observados avanços impressionantes nos intricados mecanismos moleculares e celulares envolvidos na fisiopatologia dessas doenças, bem como as ações terapêuticas, através de diversos caminhos, da minociclina. Foi revisada também, a possível utilização da droga como adjuvante no tratamento onconeurológico e nas patologias psiquiátricas à luz dos novos conceitos, envolvendo os frustrantes resultados na terapêutica ao longo dos anos. Como seria de esperar, estudos importantes contradizem essas expectativas, com resultados ineficazes e até deletérios do uso da minociclina com o papel neuroprotetor e serão abordados neste trabalho. Estudos importantes de alto nível demonstram resultados ineficazes e até deletérios com o uso da minociclina como agente neuroprotetor, contradizendo os dados benéficos. Tais eventos mostram que o papel da minociclina na neurologia está longe de ser consenso geral.Minocycline, a semi-synthetic, second generation tetracycline, has demonstrated, aside its blocking protein synthesis bacteriostatic action, a potent anti-inflammatory effect that allowed the drug to be approved by Food and Drug Administration for rheumatoid arthritis among other disorders with an intense inflammatory feature. By the end of the 1990`s, after the discovery of caspase-1 (previously interleukin-1ß converting enzyme), and its relation with apoptosis and, on the other hand the unique profile of minocycline (rapid and high central nervous system concentration after administration), the research about this compound as a neuroprotectant has been intensified. During the current century, wide-world bibliography has been showing minocycline`s anti-neuroinflammatory, immunomodulatory and antiapoptotic features, in brain and spinal cord disorders. Acute diseases such as traumatic and/or hemorrhagic or hypoxic brain injury and spinal cord injury as well as neurodegenerative chronic diseases, mainly Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Huntington Disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, prion diseases and multiple sclerosis share, obviously with different progression timing, intense and unstoppable inflammatory process with oversized immunologic response that lead to massive neuronal apoptosis and lethality. Throughout the revision it was observed an impressive breakthrough in the intricate molecular and cellular mechanisms in the pathophysiology of these diseases and the target therapeutic effects of minocycline through diverse pathways. Moreover, we updated the possible use of the antibiotic as an adjuvant in neuro-oncologic treatment and psychiatric disorders, according to new concepts, trying to improve the poor successful outcome. Important high-level studies demonstrate ineffective and even deleterious results with the use of minocycline as a neuroprotective agent, contradicting the beneficial data. Such events show that the role of minocycline in neurology is far from general consensus.Com o patrocínio da Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Lisboa

    Solving 1ODEs with functions

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    Here we present a new approach to deal with first order ordinary differential equations (1ODEs), presenting functions. This method is an alternative to the one we have presented in [1]. In [2], we have establish the theoretical background to deal, in the extended Prelle-Singer approach context, with systems of 1ODEs. In this present paper, we will apply these results in order to produce a method that is more efficient in a great number of cases. Directly, the solving of 1ODEs is applicable to any problem presenting parameters to which the rate of change is related to the parameter itself. Apart from that, the solving of 1ODEs can be a part of larger mathematical processes vital to dealing with many problems.Comment: 31 page

    Physics of Brain Folding

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    The human brain is characterized by its folded structure, being the most folded brain among all primates. The process by which these folds emerge, called gyrogenesis, is still not fully understood. The brain is divided into an outer region, called gray matter, which grows at a faster rate than the inner region, called white matter. It is hypothesized that this imbalance in growth -- and the mechanical stress thereby generated -- drives gyrogenesis, which is the focus of this thesis. Finite element simulations are performed where the brain is modeled as a non-linear elastic and growth is introduced via a multiplicative decomposition. A small section of the brain, represented by a rectangular slab, is analyzed. This slab is divided into a thin hard upper layer mimicking the gray matter, and a soft substrate, mimicking the white matter. The top layer is then grown tangentially, while the underlying substrate does not grow. JuFold, the software developed to perform these simulations, is introduced, and its design is explained. An overview of its capabilities, and examples of simulation possibilities are shown. Additionally, one patent-leading application of JuFold in the realm of material science showcases its flexibility. Simulations are first performed by minimizing the elastic energy, corresponding to the slow growth regime. Systems with homogeneous cortices are studied, where growth initially compresses, and then buckles the cortical region, which generates wavy patterns with wavelength proportional to cortical thickness. After buckling, the sulcal regions (i.e. the valleys of the system) are thinner than the gyral regions (i.e. the hills). Introducing thickness inhomogeneities along the cortex lead to new and localized configurations, which are strongly dependent not only on the thickness of the region, but also on its gradient. Furthermore, cortical landmarks appear sequentially, consistent with the hierarchical folding observed during gestation. A linear stability theory is developed based on thin plate theory and is compared with homogeneous and inhomogeneous systems. Next, we turn to more physically stringent dynamic simulations. For slow growth rate and time-constant thickness, the results obtained through energy minimization are recovered, justifying previous literature. For faster growth, an overshoot of the wavenumber and a broad wavenumber spectrum are observed immediately after buckling. After a relaxation period, where the average wavenumber decreases and the wavenumber spectrum narrows, it is observed that the system stabilizes into a finite spectrum, whose average wavelength is smaller than that expected from energy minimization arguments. Cortical inhomogeneities are further explored in this new regime. Systems with inhomogeneous cortical thickness are revisited, with effects similar to the homogeneous cortex (i.e., results are consistent between the slow growth and the quasistatic regimes, and overshoot is observed in the fast growth regimes). Systems with inhomogeneous cortical growth are simulated, with this new type of inhomogeneity inducing fissuration and localized folding. The interplay between these two inhomogeneities is studied, and their interaction is shown to be nonlinear, with each inhomogeneity type inhibiting the folding effects of the other. That is, the folding profile of each individual region emerges as a result of the local inhomogeneity, and the system does not display an intermediate behavior. Finally, these results are compared with an extended linear stability theory. Taken together, our simulations and analytical theory expose new phenomena predicted by an incremented buckling hypothesis for folding and show a series of new avenues which could give rise to the important cortical features in the mammalian brain, especially those related to higher-order folding