47 research outputs found

    Improvement of project management processes and practices aided by lean tools in a metalworking company

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    The research presented in this paper was developed in a Portuguese metallurgical company. The company has many projects ranging from the industrialization of products through the production of initial tool samples (called initial samples) to projects such as the development of prototypes. Prior to this research, the company had already made efforts to improve project management practices. The main objective of the research project was to improve the practices of project management, with the implementation of risk management tools, evaluation of software for project management and the use of Lean tools. In the end, there was an increase in the number of company projects delivered on time (from 22% to 70%), mainly due to the implementation of the Kanban board, which also increased the company integration and the awareness of projects current situation. The new software presented was negative evaluated as it had a high impact on the increase of project managers' tasks. Risk Management was shown as the point that demands more evolution within the aspects addressed by this research project.- This work has been supported by FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2019

    Comparing the content of instruments assessing environmental factors using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health

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    Purpose: To describe and compare the content of instruments that assess environmental factors using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Methods: A systematic search of PubMed, CINAHL and PEDro databases was conducted using a pre-determined search strategy. The identified instruments were screened independently by two investigators, and meaningful concepts were linked to the most precise ICF category according to published linking rules. Results: Six instruments were included, containing 526 meaningful concepts. Instruments had between 20% and 98% of items linked to categories in Chapter 1. The highest percentage of items from one instrument linked to categories in Chapters 2–5 varied between 9% and 50%. The presence or absence of environmental factors in a specific context is assessed in 3 instruments, while the other 3 assess the intensity of the impact of environmental factors. Discussion: Instruments differ in their content, type of assessment, and have several items linked to the same ICF category. Most instruments primarily assess products and technology (Chapter 1), highlighting the need to deepen the discussion on the theory that supports the measurement of environmental factors. This discussion should be thorough and lead to the development of methodologies and new tools that capture the underlying concepts of the ICF

    Instrumentos genéricos de funcionalidade e atividade física: como identificar a incapacidade associada à dor

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    ABSTRACT - Aims: To determine whether generic measures of disability, depression and physical activity are able to differentiate participants with and without pain. Materials and methods: 504 adults aged ≥60 years old recruited at 18 primary care centers were assessed for: pain (NRS), disability (WHODAS), performance (SPPB), depressive symptoms (GDS) and physical activity (RAPA). Results: 376 (74.6%) participants reported pain; pain sites most commonly reported were: low back (54.6%), knee (50.8%), shoulder (29.5%), hip (27.9%) and neck (24.7%). Pain was associated with increased disability, depression and decreased physical activity. Conclusions: Generic instruments were able to capture pain associated changes.RESUMO - Objetivos: Explorar se instrumentos genéricos de funcionalidade, depressão e atividade física são capazes de diferenciar utentes com e sem dor. Materiais e métodos: 504 pessoas com 60 ou mais anos dos cuidados de saúde primários foram avaliadas quanto a: dor (NRS), funcionalidade percebida (WHODAS), performance (SPPB), depressão (GDS) e atividade física (RAPA). Resultados: 376 (74,6%) participantes referiram dor; os 5 segmentos corporais mais afetados foram: a lombar (54,6%), os joelhos (50,8%), os ombros (29,5%), a anca (27,9%) e a cervical (24,7%). A presença de dor estava associada a menor funcionalidade, depressão e menor atividade física. Conclusões: Instrumentos genéricos são capazes de distinguir alterações associadas à dor.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of prescribed fire on soil properties and soil erosion in a Mediterranean mountain area

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    Prescribed fires are a common management practice in the Mediterranean region and can be an alternative to reduce the quantity of fuel and hence decrease the wildfire risk. This research focused on effects of a prescribed fire, which was applied in Montesinho Natural Park (PNM), in soil properties and on soil erosion processes. Chemical soil properties were assessed before, two, six and thirty-six months after the fire. Despite low fire intensity, soil chemical changes were observed. Thirty-six months after the fire it turned out that the soil organic matter, pH values and electrical conductivity were similar to those seen before the fire. However, the same was not verified with the values of the exchangeable bases, extractable potassium and phosphorus and exchangeable acidity that differ from the observed ones before the fire. Runoff and soil loss were monitored in a set of 4 m2 paired plots installed in the study area, during 14 months after the fire and summed annual losses equivalent to 10.3 mm runoff and 1.3 Mg ha−1 soil loss. Although corresponding to a short monitoring period, these results may add to a better knowledge of the potential susceptibility of burnt shrublands to soil degradation and their natural recovery rates.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tipo e quantidade de atividade física e uso de dispositivos eletrónicos de estudantes do 7.◦ ao 12.◦ ano: caracterização e associação

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    ABSTRACT - Aim: To examine the association between self-reported physical activity and self-reported screen based time. Materials and methods: 969 high school students filled in a questionnaire on physical activity and screen based activities. Correlation analysis between time spent in moderate/vigorous physical activities and time spent in screen based activities were performed. Results: No association was found between physical activity and time spent watching TV, playing or using computers. A low correlation was found between time using mobile phones and time spent performing moderate physical activities (r = 0.09, p < 0.05), and vigorous physical activities (r = 0.13, p < 0.05). Conclusions: These findings suggest that screen time is not displacing physical activity.RESUMO - Objetivos: Explorar a associação entre o nível de atividade física e o uso de dispositivos eletrónicos. Materiais e métodos: Novecentos e sessenta e nove alunos do secundário preencheram um questionário sobre atividade física e uso de dispositivos eletrónicos. Foi realizada uma análise de correlação entre o tempo despendido em atividade física moderada e intensa e o uso de dispositivos eletrónicos. Resultados: Não há correlação entre a atividade física e ver televisão, jogar ou usar computadores. Há uma correlação baixa entre o uso de telemóveis e a atividade física moderada (r = 0,09, p < 0,05) e vigorosa (r = 0,13, p < 0,05). Conclusões: Estes resultados sugerem que o uso de dispositivos eletrónicos não interfere com a prática da atividade física.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fogo controlado em áreas de matos: efeitos na permeabilidade e processo erosivo do solo

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    O Parque Natural de Montesinho (PNM), localiza-se no extremo nordeste de Portugal e possui uma área total de 75 mil ha, dos quais cerca de um terço estão cobertos por matos, comunidades vegetais arbustivas de variada composição florística e porte. No PNM os solos são dominantemente incipientes, das unidades Leptossolos dístricos órticos de xisto e Leptossolos úmbricos de xisto, a última presente na área de estudo. O fogo é associado desde sempre à floresta, como causa natural de controlo da vegetação, e tem impactos nas propriedades físicas e químicas do solo, em função da severidade do incêndio, tipo de vegetação, velocidade de propagação, dimensão do incêndio, entre outros factores. O fogo controlado é uma técnica muito utilizada quando se pretende criar uma zona de descontinuidade das formações vegetais, estabelecendo faixas de gestão de combustível. O objectivo deste estudo é avaliar territórios queimados em que se recorreu ao fogo controlado em áreas de matos, quanto aos efeitos no processo erosivo e propriedades do solo, sendo aqui apenas tratada a permeabilidade do solo. O estudo centrou-se numa área de matos do PNM com cerca de 2 ha, submetida a fogo controlado no âmbito de plano de gestão florestal, em Aveleda, Bragança. A vegetação antes do fogo controlado era constituída essencialmente por urze (44% da área), esteva (26%) e carqueja (29%). Após o fogo controlado a carqueja e a urze arderam quase por completo, enquanto a esteva revelou grande resistência ao fogo, ficando menos queimada, em concordância com o comportamento conhecido desta espécie. A permeabilidade foi avaliada em 11 locais distribuídos aleatoriamente, em 3 momentos distintos: antes, imediatamente após e 2 meses depois do fogo controlado. Verificou-se que a permeabilidade antes do fogo controlado era rápida, imediatamente após o fogo passou a lenta, e dois meses depois a muito rápida. Foram ainda instaladas 6 parcelas de erosão de 3 m2, nas quais escoamento e perda de solo, na sequência de um total de 280 mm de precipitação, correspondem em média 7 mm e 442 g/m2, respectivamente. Esta perda de solo assinala a sensibilidade das áreas queimadas ao processo erosivo. Palavras-chave: Matos, Fogo controlado, Permeabilidade do solo, Erosã

    The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health as a conceptual framework for the design, development and evaluation of AAL Services for older adults

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    Abstract. The paper presents the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) as a comprehensive model for a holistic approach for the design, development and evaluation of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) services for older adults. ICF can be used to systemize the information that influence individual's performance and to characterize users, theirs contexts, activities and participation. Furthermore, ICF can be used to structure a semantic characterization of AAL services and as a basis to develop methodological instruments for the services evaluation

    Variação espacial de propriedades físicas e químicas do solo em olivais de Trás-os-Montes

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    A introdução de novos sistemas de gestão da vegetação herbácea em olivais de Trás-os-Montes tem realçado o interesse em conhecer os efeitos produzidos na variabilidade espacial das propriedades do solo. Com o presente trabalho pretende-se avaliar o efeito de diferentes sistemas de gestão do coberto vegetal herbáceo em olivais na distribuição espacial de propriedades físicas e químicas do solo. O estudo decorreu em nove olivais com os seguintes sistemas de gestão do solo: (MT) solo nu ao longo de todo o ano, com recurso à mobilização tradicional; (HB) cobertura do solo por vegetação natural, com controlo efetuado por aplicação de herbicidas na linha de plantação (LP) e destroçamento da vegetação seca na entrelinha (EL); (LS) cobertura do solo por espécies de leguminosas semeadas, com controlo efetuado por pastoreio e posterior destroçamento da vegetação seca e (VN) cobertura do solo por vegetação natural. Em cada olival foram selecionados 16 locais (8 na LP e 8 na EL), onde se procedeu à colheita de amostras de solo perturbadas e não perturbadas na profundidade 0-5 cm. Foram determinados vários parâmetros físicos e químicos do solo e calculou-se índices de enriquecimento (IE). Os olivais que utilizam coberturas vivas apresentam acumulação de resíduos orgânicos à superfície, sendo esta sempre superior na LP, o que conduz a teores de matéria orgânica superiores e com distribuição espacial mais homogénea comparativamente aos olivais mobilizados. Em concordância com esta observação, a densidade aparente é menor na LP apresentando variabilidade espacial inferior nos olivais com leguminosas semeadas. Os nutrientes do solo não apresentam uma tendência consistente com o sistema de gestão do solo, mas de um modo geral, os olivais com coberto de leguminosas tendem a apresentar maior homogeneidade espacial.The introduction of management systems for the herbaceous vegetation in olive grove from Trás-os-Montes has been stressing the interest for the knowledge about the effects caused to the spatial variability of soil properties. The objective of this work is to evaluate the effect of different management systems of herbaceous ground covers in the different spatial physical and chemical soil properties of the olive grove. The study took place in nine olive groves that have been managed with the following systems: (1) naked soil due to mobilization; (2) soil covered by natural vegetation controlled by herbicides on the plantation row and dried vegetation broken into pieces on the row between the trees; (3) soil covered by sown leguminous, controlled by grazing and (4) soil covered by natural vegetation. In each olive grove, 16 places (eight in the plantation row and eight in the row between the trees) were selected and disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were collected at 0-5 cm depth. Several physical and chemical soil parameters were calculated as well as the enrichment index (IE). Results showed that the olive groves with soil covers accumulated organic materials on the surface, reaching higher values in the plantation row, and producing higher levels of organic matter with more homogeneous spatial distribution when compared with mobilized groves. In agreement with this observation, the apparent density is lower in the plantation row showing an inferior spatial variability in the olive groves covered by sown leguminous. Soil nutrients did not show a consistent trend with the soil management system but, in a general way, the olive groves covered by sown leguminous had a tendency to present higher spatial homogeneity

    Dependência da internet, psicopatologia e qualidade de vida: Estudantes de ensino superior

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