138 research outputs found

    Hydrogen peroxide is a neuronal alarmin that triggers specific RNAs, local translation of Annexin A2, and cytoskeletal remodeling in Schwann cells

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    Schwann cells are key players in neuro-regeneration: They sense "alarm" signals released by degenerating nerve terminals and differentiate toward a proregenerative phenotype, with phagocytosis of nerve debris and nerve guidance. At the murine neuromuscular junction, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a key signal of Schwann cells' activation in response to a variety of nerve injuries. Here we report that Schwann cells exposed to low doses of H2O2 rewire the expression of several RNAs at both transcriptional and translational levels. Among the genes positively regulated at both levels, we identified an enriched cluster involved in cytoskeleton remodeling and cell migration, with the Annexin (Anxa) proteins being the most represented family. We show that both Annexin A2 (Anxa2) transcript and protein accumulate at the tips of long pseudopods that Schwann cells extend upon H2O2 exposure. Interestingly, Schwann cells reply to this signal and to nerve injury by locally translating Anxa2 in pseudopods, and undergo an extensive cytoskeleton remodeling. Our results show that, similarly to neurons, Schwann cells take advantage of local protein synthesis to change shape and move toward damaged axonal terminals to facilitate axonal regeneration

    Legitimising a ‘zombie idea’: childhood vaccines and autism – the complex tale of two judgments on vaccine injury in Italy

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    The impact of 'bad' science on judicial decision-making is a thorny aspect of the relationship between science and law. This study employs doctrinal and empirical analysis to explore two Italian judgments that asserted a causal link between childhood vaccines and autism. Using a combination of actor-network theory and legal pragmatism, we uncovered a network of actors and institutions internal and external to the legal system enabling these impactful decisions that went on to contribute to a crisis in vaccination coverage in Italy. These include trial strategies, resources, communication practices between arms of government, awareness and responsiveness of institutional actors, and institutional mechanisms governing the integration of scientific expertise into the legal process. By forensically analysing how a 'zombie idea' received a patent of legitimacy in the Italian context, this study provides useful lessons for legal systems grappling with complex and contested public health matters

    Inaction, under-reaction action and incapacity:communication breakdown in Italy’s vaccination governance

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    This article explores why governments do not respond to public compliance problems in a timely manner with appropriate instruments, and the consequences of their failure to do so. Utilising a case study of Italian vaccination policy, the article considers counterfactuals and the challenges of governing health policy in an age of disinformation. It counterposes two methods of governing vaccination compliance: discipline, which uses public institutions to inculcate the population with favourable attitudes and practices, and modulation, which uses access to public institutions as a form of control. The Italian government ineffectively employed discipline for a number of years. Epistemological and organisational constraints stymied its efforts to tackle a significant childhood vaccination compliance problem. With a loss of control over the information environment, vaccinations were not served well by exogenous crises, the sensationalism of the news cycle and online misinformation. Hampered by austerity, lack of capacity and epistemic shortcomings, the Italian government did not protect the public legitimacy of the vaccination programme. Instead of employing communications to reassure a hesitant population, they focused on systemic and delivery issues, until it was too late to do anything except make vaccinations mandatory (using modulation). The apparent short-term success of this measure in generating population compliance does not foreclose the need for ongoing governance of vaccine confidence through effective discipline. This is evident for the COVID-19 vaccination campaign, with many Italians still indicating that they would not accept a vaccine despite the devastation that the disease has wrought throughout their country

    Current Applications of Recycled Aggregates from Construction and Demolition: A Review

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    A literature review comprising 163 publications published over a period of 26 years from 1992 to 2018 is presented in this paper. This review discusses the generation and recycling of construction and demolition waste (CDW) as well as its main uses as raw materials for the construction engineering sector. This review pays attention to the use of CDW aggregates for sand, pavements/roads, bricks, ceramics, cementitious materials, and concrete productions, as well its uses as eco-friendly materials for water decontamination. The physical-chemical and mechanical characteristics of recycled aggregates play an important role in their correctly chosen applications. The results found in this literature survey allow us to conclude that recycled aggregates from CDW can be successfully used to produce construction materials with quality comparable to those produced with natural aggregates. We concluded that the use of CDWs as raw materials for manufacturing new construction materials is technically feasible, economical, and constitutes an environmentally friendly approach for a future construction and demolition waste management strategy

    Short‑term disengagement from early intervention service for first‑episode psychosis: findings from the “Parma Early Psychosis” program.

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    tors of engagement is crucial to maximize mental healthcare interventions in first-episode psychosis (FEP). No Italian study on this topic has been reported to date. Thus, the aims of this investigation were: (1) to examine short-term disengagement rate in an Italian population of FEP patients treated within an EIP service across a 1-year follow-up period, and (b) to assess the most relevant predictors of disengagement in the first year of treatment. Methods All participants were young FEP help-seeking patients, aged 12–35 years, enrolled within the “Parma Early Psychosis” (Pr-EP) protocol. At baseline, they completed the Positive And Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), the Health of the Nation Outcome Scale (HoNOS) and the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) scale. Univariate and multivariate Cox regression analyses were used. Results 496 FEP individuals were enrolled in this research. Across the follow-up, a 16.5% prevalence of short-term disengagement was found. Particularly robust predictors of service disengagement were poor baseline treatment non-adherence, living with parents and the presence of brief psychotic disorder or schizophreniform disorder at entry. Conclusion About 16% of FEP patients disengaged the Pr-EP program within the first year of treatment. A solution to reduce disengagement and/or to favor re-engagement of these subjects might be to remain on EIP program caseloads allowing the option for low-intensity support and monitoring, also via remote technology

    Invasive Pneumococcal Disease in Tuscany Region, Italy, 2016–2017: Integrating Multiple Data Sources to Investigate Underreporting

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    : Invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) is a vaccine-preventable disease characterized by the presence of Streptococcus pneumoniae in normally sterile sites. Since 2007, Italy has implemented an IPD national surveillance system (IPD-NSS). This system suffers from high rates of underreporting. To estimate the level of underreporting of IPD in 2016-2017 in Tuscany (Italy), we integrated data from IPD-NSS and two other regional data sources, i.e., Tuscany regional microbiological surveillance (Microbiological Surveillance and Antibiotic Resistance in Tuscany, SMART) and hospitalization discharge records (HDRs). We collected (1) notifications to IPD-NSS, (2) SMART records positive for S. pneumoniae from normally sterile sites, and (3) hospitalization records with IPD-related International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD9) codes in discharge diagnoses. We performed data linkage of the three sources to obtain a combined surveillance system (CSS). Using the CSS, we calculated the completeness of the three sources and performed a three-source log-linear capture-recapture analysis to estimate total IPD underreporting. In total, 127 IPD cases were identified from IPD-NSS, 320 were identified from SMART, and 658 were identified from HDRs. After data linkage, a total of 904 unique cases were detected. The average yearly CSS notification rate was 12.1/100,000 inhabitants. Completeness was 14.0% for IPD-NSS, 35.4% for SMART, and 72.8% for HDRs. The capture-recapture analysis suggested a total estimate of 3419 cases of IPD (95% confidence interval (CI): 1364-5474), corresponding to an underreporting rate of 73.7% (95% CI: 34.0-83.6) for CSS. This study shows substantial underreporting in the Tuscany IPD surveillance system. Integration of available data sources may be a useful approach to complement notification-based surveillance and provide decision-makers with better information to plan effective control strategies against IPD

    Knowledge of public health informatics among Italian medical residents: design and preliminary validation of a questionnaire

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    Background: public health requires strong information skills and competencies, as it is information-intensive and information-driven. Public health informatics has been defined as the “systematic application of information, computer science, and technology to public health practice, research, and learning”. New information and communication technologies offer unprecedented opportunities, such as linking smart-phones and mobiles devices to web based tools for data collection, enabling and enhancing participatory epidemiology. However, being an emerging discipline, despite its potential and importance, public health informatics is often neglected and overlooked, being rarely offered as course. The present study was designed as a pilot study, with the aim of designing and validating a questionnaire on the knowledge of public health informatics among medical residents in public health in Italy.  Methods and Results: thirty-two Italian residents in public health volunteered to take part into the study. Mean age of the sample was 31.44Âą2.23 years, most responders were males (68.8%), from northern Italy (53.1%), at the third year of residency (34.4%) and currently doing practical training at the clinical management staff/hospital directorate (34.4%). Other places of training were the Prevention Department (21.9%), the Institute of Hygiene (18.8%), the local health units and the territory (12.5%), the occupational health service (6.3%) and the Regional Health Agency (3.1%). Cronbach’s alpha coefficient yielded a value of 0.909, demonstrating excellent psychometric properties of the instrument.  Conclusion: in conclusion, the developed questionnaire seems to be an appropriate and useful tool to detect gaps concerning knowledge, education and practices of public health informatics among residents in public health.&nbsp

    Neurofunctional correlates of attention rehabilitation in Parkinson's disease: an explorative study

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    The effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation (CR) in Parkinson's disease (PD) is in its relative infancy, and nowadays there is insufficient information to support evidence-based clinical protocols. This study is aimed at testing a validated therapeutic strategy characterized by intensive computer-based attention-training program tailored to attention deficits. We further investigated the presence of synaptic plasticity by means of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Using a randomized controlled study, we enrolled eight PD patients who underwent a CR program (Experimental group) and seven clinically/demographically-matched PD patients who underwent a placebo intervention (Control group). Brain activity was assessed using an 8-min resting state (RS) fMRI acquisition. Independent component analysis and statistical parametric mapping were used to assess the effect of CR on brain function. Significant effects were detected both at a phenotypic and at an intermediate phenotypic level. After CR, the Experimental group, in comparison with the Control group, showed a specific enhanced performance in cognitive performance as assessed by the SDMT and digit span forward. RS fMRI analysis for all networks revealed two significant groups (Experimental vs Control) × time (T0 vs T1) interaction effects on the analysis of the attention (superior parietal cortex) and central executive neural networks (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex). We demonstrated that intensive CR tailored for the impaired abilities impacts neural plasticity and improves some aspects of cognitive deficits of PD patients. The reported neurophysiological and behavioural effects corroborate the benefits of our therapeutic approach, which might have a reliable application in clinical management of cognitive defici

    Valutazione della vulnerabilità sismica della chiesa di sant’Agostino ad Amatrice tramite analisi multitemporali

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    La chiesa di Sant’Agostino ad Amatrice è divenuta il simbolo dei tanti beni architettonici gravemente danneggiati dalla lunga sequenza sismica del 2016- 2017, che progressivamente l’ha portata ad un crollo quasi totale. La ricerca multidisciplinare ha avuto la finalità di interpretare il danneggiamento della chiesa, prima in forma di gravi lesioni e poi definitivamente di collasso, correlando in modo interdisciplinare un insieme di dati eterogenei. I modelli digitali derivati dai rilievi 3D realizzati seguendo i progressivi danneggiamenti, gli studi storici delle lesioni emerse in seguito ad altri importanti eventi sismici del passato, lo studio e l’analisi critica dei precedenti lavori di consolidamento, i risultati della microzonazione sismica per la definizione della risposta sismica locale dell’edificio, i risultati delle prove diagnostiche eseguite in situ sulle strutture murarie e la modellazione agli elementi finiti del comportamento dinamico dell’edificio sono discussi in forma integrata
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