210 research outputs found

    Archéologie cultuelle et histoire des religions antiques en Albanie

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    Dans le contexte d’une recherche en sciences humaines dont l’objectif est essentiellement, pour les dirigeants de la RĂ©publique populaire d’Albanie, la fondation d’une identitĂ© nationale en dehors de toute rĂ©fĂ©rence aux religions, quel peut ĂȘtre le sort d’une discipline dont l’objectif est l’identification, l’exhumation et l’analyse des vestiges de sanctuaires ? On observe une sĂ©lection des objets d’étude, et un inflĂ©chissement des rĂ©sultats scientifiques. La vie religieuse antique est Ă  la fois perçue comme un frein Ă  l’accomplis­sement historique de l’Homme, et comme un naturalisme primitif proche d’une sorte de curiositĂ© scientifique originelle. La recherche prĂ©fĂšre restituer un folklore fĂ©Ă©rique, qui a une dimension populaire, littĂ©raire, orale, hĂ©roĂŻque, homĂ©rique. On assiste aujourd’hui Ă  une sorte de rĂ©enchantement de ces rĂ©gions, encouragĂ© par les Ă©quipes internationales accueillies en Albanie, et fondĂ© sur la continuitĂ© des recherches archĂ©ologiques albanaises libĂ©rĂ©es des contraintes idĂ©ologiques de l’ancien rĂ©gime. Une histoire religieuse de ces rĂ©gions devient possible, grĂące Ă  l’archĂ©ologie.For the leaders of the People’s Republic of Albania, archaeology’s value is limited to fostering the foundation of a national identity without any reference to religion. In such a context, what might be the fate of a field of research whose goal is the identification, analysis and exhumation of the remains of religious shrines? In this truncated discipline, subjects of investigation are carefully selected and scientific results are altered. Ancient religious life is perceived as an obstacle to the realisation of human history, although it can also be seen as a form of primitive naturalism close to primary scientific curiosity. Research prefers to participate in the restoration of a sort of magical folklore which possesses popular, literary, oral, heroic and Homeric aspects. Nowadays, a kind of “re-enchantment” of these regions seems to be occurring, and this is supported by the international archaeological teams working in Albania. This support is closely connected with a continuing (and surviving) tradition archaeological research in Albania, a tradition liberated at last from the ideological constraints of the old political regime. Therefore, a religious history of these regions becomes possible thanks to archaeology

    Recherches sur l’histoire et l’archĂ©ologie du sanctuaire de Dodone

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    Les oikoi Ă©rigĂ©s prĂšs de la « maison sacrĂ©e » du sanctuaire de Dodone ne sont pas nĂ©cessairement des temples et certains d’entre eux peuvent ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ©s comme des anathĂšmata consacrĂ©s Ă  Zeus Naios. Une Ă©tude rĂ©cente des lamelles oraculaires, la visite d’HĂ©rodote Ă  Dodone et la mention d’une prĂȘtresse de DionĂ© dans un fragment de l’ArchĂ©laos d’Euripide conduisent Ă  penser que Zeus devient Naios, « RĂ©sidant », Ă  la fin du ve siĂšcle ou au dĂ©but du ive siĂšcle et que sa parĂšdre DionĂ©, bien qu’elle soit une divinitĂ© ancienne, est intronisĂ©e Ă  Dodone approximativement Ă  la mĂȘme pĂ©riode. Ce bouleversement a manifestement un lien avec l’annexion du sanctuaire par les Molosses. Les Naia, fĂȘtes automnales qui cĂ©lĂšbrent le dieu logĂ© dans la hiĂ©ra oikia, commĂ©morent la rĂ©sidence de Zeus Ă  Dodone, dont on peut penser qu’elle est liĂ©e au vaste mouvement d’urbanisation que connaĂźt cette rĂ©gion du monde grec Ă  l’époque classique. Comme les Olympia de Dion en MacĂ©doine, les Naia prennent place dans le calendrier aprĂšs le retour des bergers et de leurs troupeaux dans les rĂ©gions d’hivernage.Research on the History and the Archaeology of the Sanctuary of Dodona. The oikoi, Zeus Naios and the Naia. The oikoi built close to the “sacred house” of the sanctuary of Dodona are not necessarily temples, and some of them can be regarded as anathemata dedicated to Zeus Naios. A recent study of oracular tablets, Herodotus’ visit to Dodona, and the mention of a priestess of Dione in a fragment of Euripides’ Archelaos lead us to think that Zeus became Naios, “Resident”, by the end of the fifth century or in the early fourth century B.C., and that his paredros Dione, although an ancient deity, was enthroned in Dodona at approximately the same time. This disruption certainly has a link with the taking of possession of the sanctuary by the Molossians. The Naia, autumnal festivals that solemnize the god lodged inside the hiera oikia, commemorate Zeus’ residence in Dodona, which could be thought to be associated with the wide dynamic of urbanization observed in this region of the Greek world. As with the Olympia of Dion in Macedonia, the Naia take place in the calendar after the return of the shepherds and their flocks in the areas of winter-fallowing

    Building Application-Related Patient Identifiers: What Solution for a European Country?

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    We propose a method utilizing a derived social security number with the same reliability as the social security number. We show the anonymity techniques classically based on unidirectional hash functions (such as the secure hash algorithm (SHA-2) function that can guarantee the security, quality, and reliability of information if these techniques are applied to the Social Security Number). Hashing produces a strictly anonymous code that is always the same for a given individual, and thus enables patient data to be linked. Different solutions are developed and proposed in this article. Hashing the social security number will make it possible to link the information in the personal medical file to other national health information sources with the aim of completing or validating the personal medical record or conducting epidemiological and clinical research. This data linkage would meet the anonymous data requirements of the European directive on data protection

    Medical record: systematic centralization versus secure on demand aggregation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>As patients often see the data of their medical histories scattered among various medical records hosted in several health-care establishments, the purpose of our multidisciplinary study was to define a pragmatic and secure on-demand based system able to gather this information, with no risk of breaching confidentiality, and to relay it to a medical professional who asked for the information via a specific search engine.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Scattered data are often heterogeneous, which makes the task of gathering information very hard. Two methods can be compared: trying to solve the problem by standardizing and centralizing all the information about every patient in a single Medical Record system or trying to use the data "as is" and find a way to obtain the most complete and the most accurate information. Given the failure of the first approach, due to the lack of standardization or privacy and security problems, for example, we propose an alternative that relies on the current state of affairs: an on-demand system, using a specific search engine that is able to retrieve information from the different medical records of a single patient.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We describe the function of Medical Record Search Engines (MRSE), which are able to retrieve all the available information regarding a patient who has been hospitalized in different hospitals and to provide this information to health professionals upon request. MRSEs use pseudonymized patient identities and thus never have access to the patient's identity. However, though the system would be easy to implement as it by-passes many of the difficulties associated with a centralized architecture, the health professional would have to validate the information, i.e. read all of the information and create his own synthesis and possibly reject extra data, which could be a drawback. We thus propose various feasible improvements, based on the implementation of several tools in our on-demand based system.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A system that gathers all of the currently available information regarding a patient on the request of health-care professionals could be of great interest. This low-cost pragmatic alternative to centralized medical records could be developed quickly and easily. It could also be designed to include extra features and should thus be considered by health authorities.</p

    New Advanced Technologies to Provide Decentralised and Secure Access to Medical Records: Case Studies in Oncology

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    The main problem for health professionals and patients in accessing information is that this information is very often distributed over many medical records and locations. This problem is particularly acute in cancerology because patients may be treated for many years and undergo a variety of examinations. Recent advances in technology make it feasible to gain access to medical records anywhere and anytime, allowing the physician or the patient to gather information from an “ephemeral electronic patient record”. However, this easy access to data is accompanied by the requirement for improved security (confidentiality, traceability, integrity, ...) and this issue needs to be addressed. In this paper we propose and discuss a decentralised approach based on recent advances in information sharing and protection: Grid technologies and watermarking methodologies. The potential impact of these technologies for oncology is illustrated by the examples of two experimental cases: a cancer surveillance network and a radiotherapy treatment plan. It is expected that the proposed approach will constitute the basis of a future secure “google-like” access to medical records

    DĂ©fendre un oppidum en Provence

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    L’oppidum des Caisses de Jean-Jean (MouriĂšs, Bouches-du- RhĂŽne) et son faubourg des Petites Caisses constituent un des sites archĂ©ologiques majeurs de la rĂ©gion du Bas-RhĂŽne et d’une façon plus gĂ©nĂ©rale de la Provence. Le site se caractĂ©rise par son Ă©tendue, la durĂ©e prolongĂ©e de son occupation (de la fin du VIIIe s. av. J.-C. Ă  celle du IIIe s. ap. J.-C.) et par son puissant systĂšme dĂ©fensif le singularisant par rapport Ă  la plupart des oppida rĂ©gionaux aux fortifications gĂ©nĂ©ralement plus simples et de moindre durĂ©e. DĂ©jĂ  naturellement protĂ©gĂ© par de hautes falaises, il Ă©tait aussi dĂ©fendu par plusieurs remparts. La fouille du rempart principal de l’oppidum, abordĂ©e entre 1939 et 1942 par Fernand Benoit, a Ă©tĂ© reprise depuis le dĂ©but des annĂ©es 2000, en mettant en Ă©vidence la juxtaposition de plusieurs de ses Ă©tats successifs (entre le VIe et le Ier s. av. J.-C.). Elle a Ă©tĂ© complĂ©tĂ©e par d’autres recherches sur ses dĂ©fenses avancĂ©es (fossĂ©s et agger, « chevaux-de-frise », avant-mur) ainsi que sur d’autres murailles jusqu’alors inconnues du faubourg mĂ©ridional. Le prĂ©sent ouvrage constitue le bilan de ces travaux, qui renouvellent considĂ©rablement les connaissances jusqu’alors disponibles pour l’étude des fortifications protohistoriques provençales. Chaque rempart a fait l’objet d’un Ă©tude archĂ©ologique et architecturale dĂ©taillĂ©e. Certaines questions ayant fait dĂ©bat (remploi de stĂšles dans les remparts, tertre de cendre, « chevaux-de- frise ») sont examinĂ©es en cours d’exposĂ©. La synthĂšse finale replace, grĂące Ă  de multiples comparaisons, ce puissant et complexe systĂšme dĂ©fensif dans l’ensemble des fortifications de l’ñge du Fer en Gaule mĂ©diterranĂ©enne, et Ă©value la part respective des modes de construction traditionnels, des capacitĂ©s d’innovation des constructeurs et des emprunts aux modĂšles Ă©trangers

    Chronique archéologique de la religion grecque (ChronARG)

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    Selon ce qui avait Ă©tĂ© annoncĂ© dans la livraison de 2007, l’enquĂȘte bibliographique menĂ©e par les diffĂ©rents collaborateurs intĂšgre dĂ©sormais les informations les plus Ă  jour. De plus, une alternance s’est installĂ©e pour une sĂ©rie de rĂ©gions, qui n’apparaissent donc plus systĂ©matiquement dans chaque chronique. Enfin, signalons le retour bienvenu de la chronique sur les Cyclades, grĂące Ă  la collaboration de Christina Mitsopoulou que nous remercions trĂšs vivement d’avoir rejoint l’équipe. L’inf..

    Chronique archéologique de la religion grecque (ChronARG)

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    Selon ce qui avait Ă©tĂ© annoncĂ© dans la livraison de 2007, l’enquĂȘte bibliographique menĂ©e par les diffĂ©rents collaborateurs intĂšgre dĂ©sormais les informations les plus Ă  jour. De plus, une alternance s’est installĂ©e pour une sĂ©rie de rĂ©gions, qui n’apparaissent donc plus systĂ©matiquement dans chaque chronique. Enfin, signalons le retour bienvenu de la chronique sur les Cyclades, grĂące Ă  la collaboration de Christina Mitsopoulou que nous remercions trĂšs vivement d’avoir rejoint l’équipe. L’inf..

    Chronique archéologique de la religion grecque (ChronARG)

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    01. AthĂšnes, Attique, MĂ©garide (Joannis Mylonopoulos) AthĂšnes 01.00 – GĂ©nĂ©ralitĂ©s – Le catalogue d’une exposition tenue au Centre Culturel Onassis Ă  New York offre plusieurs brefs chapitres introductifs sur l’archĂ©ologie des cultes d’ArtĂ©mis, d’Aphrodite, de DĂ©mĂ©ter, de Dionysos, et de diverses hĂ©roĂŻnes Ă  AthĂšnes et en Attique, ainsi que sur l’iconographie des prĂȘtresses. N. Kaltsas, A. Shapiro (eds.), Worshipping Women. Ritual and Reality in Classical Athens, New York, 2008. – Une tĂȘte fragm..
