967 research outputs found

    selective dissolution of woody biomass under hydrothermal conditions

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    Abstract This study analyzes semi-continuous hydrothermal hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass operating between 200°C and 300°C with constant inlet water flow rate. Experiments were executed in a novel reactor system that offered a nearly linear temperature behavior during the heating period with heating rates between 40°C/min and 60 °C/min and a nearly flat temperature profile during retention. Experimental results suggest that conversion efficiency improved at higher temperatures. After completion of the batch, solid and liquid products were collected and mass balance closures reached an average of 89%. It was discovered that, regardless of the temperature, a minimum of 90% of the total dissolution occurs within the first 15 minutes of the reaction. This work identifies various stages and conditions that favor the dissolution of certain components (hemicellulose, cellulose or lignin)

    MIMO Beamforming for Secure and Energy-Efficient Wireless Communication

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    Considering a multiple-user multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel with an eavesdropper, this letter develops a beamformer design to optimize the energy efficiency in terms of secrecy bits per Joule under secrecy quality-of-service constraints. This is a very difficult design problem with no available exact solution techniques. A path-following procedure, which iteratively improves its feasible points by using a simple quadratic program of moderate dimension, is proposed. Under any fixed computational tolerance the procedure terminates after finitely many iterations, yielding at least a locally optimal solution. Simulation results show the superior performance of the obtained algorithm over other existing methods.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Study of the Correlation Between Bronchial Hyperresponsiveness and Exhaled Nitric Oxide in Subjects with Suspected Symptoms of Asthma

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    Background: Bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) is one of main features of asthma within chronic inflammation and reversible bronchoconstriction. Actually, methacholine challenge is useful method to detect BHR in subjects with suspected asthma symptoms. However, this method has some limitations due to its safety and side effects. The measure of exhaled nitric oxide (NO) demonstrates currently as the alternative method for methacholine challenge. Methods: Ninety-five subjects had at least one of the following symptoms were included in this study: wheezing or chest tightness during exercise, chronic cough, or nocturnal coughing. They were divided into two groups depending on the positivity or negativity of BHR. Lung function test, exhaled NO measurement, and methacholine challenge were done for each study subject. Results: There were no significant differences between two groups for age and male/female ratio (41 ± 22 vs 38 ± 23 years old and 0.9 vs 1.1; P > 0.05 and P > 0.05; respectively). The percentage of wheezing and nocturnal coughing in subjects with positive BHR (BHR+) was significantly higher than that in subjects with negative BHR (BHR-: 70.9% and 64.5% vs 31.2% and 45.1%; P<0.001 and P<0.01; respectively). FENO measured at 50 mL/s in subjects with BHR+ was significantly higher subjects with BHR- (36 ± 10 ppb vs 11 ± 9 ppb; P<0.001). There was a significant correlation between FENO-50 mL/s and methacholine dose in subjects with BHR+ (R= -0.695; P<0.001). FENO-50 mL/s at 35 ppb had 86.7% of sensibility and 82.9% of specificity for diagnosis of BHR. Conclusion: FENO is a useful biomarker for diagnosis of asthma in subjects with suspected symptoms of asthma. FENO level has a high sensitivity and specificity for screening out subjects with BHR. The measurement of exhaled NO may be an alternative method for detecting BHR in diagnosis of asthma in clinical practice

    A model of spreading forest fires

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    Current article describes a mathematical model for throwing burning wood material out of a main body of fire with a help of wind. A problem is solved by numerical way and it is given some of results, which are received during numerical experiment

    Assimilation of SMAP products for improving streamflow simulations over tropical climate region — is spatial information more important than temporal information?

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    Streamflow is one of the key variables in the hydrological cycle. Simulation and forecasting of streamflow are challenging tasks for hydrologists, especially in sparsely gauged areas. Coarse spatial resolution remote sensing soil moisture products (equal to or larger than 9 km) are often assimilated into hydrological models to improve streamflow simulation in large catchments. This study uses the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) technique to assimilate SMAP soil moisture products at the coarse spatial resolution of 9 km (SMAP 9 km), and downscaled SMAP soil moisture product at the higher spatial resolution of 1 km (SMAP 1 km), into the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to investigate the usefulness of different spatial and temporal resolutions of remotely sensed soil moisture products in streamflow simulation and forecasting. The experiment was set up for eight catchments across the tropical climate of Vietnam, with varying catchment areas from 267 to 6430 km2 during the period 2017–2019. We comprehensively evaluated the EnKF-based SWAT model in simulating streamflow at low, average, and high flow. Our results indicated that high-spatial resolution of downscaled SMAP 1 km is more beneficial in the data assimilation framework in aiding the accuracy of streamflow simulation, as compared to that of SMAP 9 km, especially for the small catchments. Our analysis on the impact of observation resolution also indicates that the improvement in the streamflow simulation with data assimilation is more significant at catchments where downscaled SMAP 1 km has fewer missing observations. This study is helpful for adding more understanding of performances of soil moisture data assimilation based hydrological modelling over the tropical climate region, and exhibits the potential use of remote sensing data assimilation in hydrology

    Интеллектуальная радиосеть с нечеткой конфигурацией

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    В статье обсуждаются возможности применения одноранговой радиосети стандарта IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee) диапазона 2,4 ГГц для работы системы, состоящей из группы малогабаритных мобильных роботов и одного командного пункта. Основная задача группы роботов – проведение разведки во время спасательных операций после техногенных и природных катастроф и аварий. Для сохранения управляемости отдельными роботами и системой в целом предлагается повысить «интеллект» системы связи за счет гибкой маршрутизации каналов между командным пунктом и конкретным мобильным роботом с тем, чтобы иметь систему с автоматическим, интеллектуальным восстановлением канала обмена данных.У статті обговорюються можливості застосування однорангової радіомережі стандарту ІЕЕ 802.15.4 (ZigBee) діапазону 2,4 Ггу для роботи системи, що складається з групи малогабаритних мобільних роботів та одного командного пункту. Основна задача групи роботів – проведення розвідки під час рятувальних операцій після техногенних та природних катастроф і аварій. Для збереження керованості окремими ротами та системою в цілому пропонується підвищити інтелект системи зв’язку за рахунок гнучкої маршрутитизації каналів між командним пунктом та конкретним мобільним роботом з тим, щоб мати систему з автоматичним, інтелектуальним відновлюванням каналу обміну даних.In the article the possibilities of application peer-to-peer radio networks of standard IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee) a range of 2,4 GHz for work of the system consisting of small-sized mobile robots group and one command point are discussed. The primary goal of group of robots – is carrying out of investigation during rescue operations after technogenic and natural accidents and failures. For controllability preservation by separate robots and system as a whole, it is offered to raise “intelligence” of a communication system at the expense of flexible routeing of channels between command point and the concrete mobile robot to have system with automatic, intellectual restoration of the channel of data exchange