30 research outputs found

    The OpenMolcas Web: A Community-Driven Approach to Advancing Computational Chemistry

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    The developments of the open-source OpenMolcas chemistry software environment since spring 2020 are described, with a focus on novel functionalities accessible in the stable branch of the package or via interfaces with other packages. These developments span a wide range of topics in computational chemistry and are presented in thematic sections: electronic structure theory, electronic spectroscopy simulations, analytic gradients and molecular structure optimizations, ab initio molecular dynamics, and other new features. This report offers an overview of the chemical phenomena and processes OpenMolcas can address, while showing that OpenMolcas is an attractive platform for state-of-the-art atomistic computer simulations

    The dioxygen adducts of iron and manganese porphyrins: electronic structure and binding energy

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    In this paper, we present a thorough study of the electronic structures and binding energies of O2 to iron and manganese porphyrins (FeP and MnP), employing a state-of-the-art computational technique known as second-order perturbation theory based on density matrix renormalization group (DMRG-CASPT2). By investigating an extensive list of different binding modes and spin states, we provide a clear and conclusive description of the ground state of MnP-O2, confirming available experimental evidences. Our results show that MnP-O2 favours a side-on quartet structure, with strong charge transfer between MnP and O2. We also calculated the standard binding enthalpies of O2 to different metal porphyrins and showed that an agreement between calculated results and experimental data to within 2 kcal mol-1 can be achieved. Our calculations confirm the experimental observation that the binding of O2 to manganese porphyrin is stronger by around 4-6 kcal mol-1 than to the corresponding ferrous porphyrin.status: publishe

    Electronic Structure of N-Bridged High-Valent Diiron-Oxo

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    Density functional theory (DFT) and an advanced ab initio technique based on density matrix renormalization group (DMRG-CASPT2) were employed to investigate a reactive N-bridged high-valent diiron-oxo species involved in H-abstraction reactions. We studied in detail two important doublet states, the ground state with two iron(IV) centers and a mixed valence FeV -FeIV excited state. We found that the latter state is low-lying. Furthermore, its electronic structure and spin density imply that it has significantly higher H-abstraction reactivity than the ground state. This low-lying excited state might be the reason behind the high oxidation reactivity of this diiron-oxo species towards methane.status: publishe

    Spin State Energetics in First-Row Transition Metal Complexes: Contribution of (3s3p) Correlation and Its Description by Second- Order Perturbation Theory

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    This paper presents an in-depth study of the performance of multiconfigurational second-order perturbation theory (CASPT2, NEVPT2) in describing spin state energetics in first-row transition metal (TM) systems,including bare TM ions, TM ions in a field of point charges (TM/PC), and an extensive series of TM complexes, where the main focus lies on the (3s3p) correlation contribution to the relative energies of different spin states. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first systematic NEVPT2 investigation of TM spin state energetics. CASPT2 has been employed in several previous studies but was regularly found to be biased toward high spin states. The bias was attributed to a too low value of the so-called IPEA shift epsilon, an empirical correction in the CASPT2 zeroth-order Hamiltonian with a standard value of 0.25 hartree. Based on comparisons with experiment (TM ions) and calculations with the multireference configuration interaction (TM ions and TM/PC systems) and coupled-cluster (TM complexes) methods, we demonstrate in this work that standard CASPT2 works well for valence correlation and that its bias toward high-spin states is caused by an erratic description of (3s3p) correlation effects. The latter problem only occurs for spin transitions involving a ligand field (de)excitation, not in bare TM ions. At the same time the (3s3p) correlation contribution also becomes strongly epsilon dependent. The error can be reduced by increasing epsilon but only at the expense of deteriorating the CASPT2 description of valence correlation in the TM complexes. The alternative NEVPT2 method works well for bare TM and TM/PC systems, but its results for the TM complexes are disappointing, with large errors both for the valence and (3s3p) correlation contributions to the relative energies of different spin states.status: publishe

    Unraveling the Spin-State Energetics of FeN4 Complexes with Ab Initio Methods

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    A systematic analysis was conducted to explore the spin-state energetics of a series of 19 FeN4 complexes. The performance of a large number of multireference methods was assessed, highlighting the significant challenges associated with accurately describing the spin-state energetics of FeN4 complexes. Most multireference methods were found to be susceptible to errors originating from the reference CASSCF wavefunction, leading to an overstabilization of high-spin states. Nonetheless, a few multireference methods, namely, CASPT2/CC, DSRG-MRPT3, and LDSRG(2), demonstrated promising performance compared to the benchmark CCSD(T) method. Furthermore, our study revealed that FeN4 complexes having a quintet ground state are exceedingly rare. Accordingly, only one specific model (Fe(L^2)) and one synthesized complex (Fe(OTBP)) have the quintet ground state among the studied complexes. This scarcity of quintet FeN4 complexes highlights the unique nature of these systems and raises intriguing questions regarding the factors influencing spin states, such as the size of the macrocycle cavity, the introduction of substituents, or the induction of out-of-plane deformation

    Reaction Mechanism of [NiFe] Hydrogenase Studied by Computational Methods

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    [NiFe] hydrogenases catalyze the reversible conversion of molecular hydrogen to protons and electrons. This seemingly simple reaction has attracted much attention because of the prospective use of H2 as a clean fuel. In this paper, we have studied the full reaction mechanism of this enzyme with various computational methods. Geometries were obtained with combined quantum mechanical and molecular mechanics (QM/MM) calculations. To get more accurate energies and obtain a detailed account of the surroundings, we performed big-QM calculations with 819 atoms in the QM region. Moreover, QM/MM thermodynamic cycle perturbation calculations were performed to obtain free energies. Finally, density matrix renormalisation group complete active space self-consistent field calculations were carried out to study the electronic structures of the various states in the reaction mechanism. Our calculations indicate that the Ni-L state is not involved in the reaction mechanism. Instead, the Ni-C state is reduced by one electron and then the bridging hydride ion is transferred to the sulfur atom of Cys546 as a proton and the two electrons transfer to the Ni ion. This step turned out to be rate-determining with an energy barrier of 58 kJ/mol, which is consistent with the experimental rate of 750 ± 90 s-1 (corresponding to ∼52 kJ/mol). The cleavage of the H-H bond is facile with an energy barrier of 33 kJ/mol, according to our calculations. We also find that the reaction energies are sensitive to the size of the QM system, the basis set, and the density functional theory method, in agreement with previous studies

    Toward Highly Accurate Spin State Energetics in First-Row Transition Metal Complexes: A Combined CASPT2/CC Approach

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    In previous work on the performance of multiconfigurational second-order perturbation theory (CASPT2) in describing spin state energetics in first-row transition metal systems [ Pierloot et al. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2017 , 13 , 537 - 553 ], we showed that standard CASPT2 works well for valence correlation but does not describe the metal semicore (3s3p) correlation effects accurately. This failure is partially responsible for the well-known bias toward high-spin states of CASPT2. In this paper, we expand our previous work and show that this bias could be partly removed with a combined CASPT2/CC approach: using high-quality CASPT2 with extensive correlation-consistent basis sets for valence correlation and low-cost CCSD(T) calculations with minimal basis sets for the metal semicore (3s3p) correlation effects. We demonstrate that this approach is efficient by studying the spin state energetics of a series of iron complexes modeling important intermediates in oxidative catalytic processes in chemistry and biochemistry. On the basis of a comparison with bare CCSD(T) results from this and previous work, the average error of the CASPT2/CC approach is estimated at around 2 kcal mol-1 in favor of high spin states.status: publishe

    Theoretical Study of the Dissociation Energy of First-Row Metallocenium Ions

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    The bond dissociation energy of a series of metallocenium ions, i.e., the energy difference of the reaction MCp<sub>2</sub><sup>+</sup> → MCp<sup>+</sup> + Cp· (with M = Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni), was studied by means of multiconfigurational perturbation theory (CASPT2, RASPT2, NEVPT2) and restricted coupled cluster theory (CCSD­(T)). From a comparison between the results obtained from these different methods, and a detailed analysis of their treatment of electron correlation effects, a set of MCp<sup>+</sup>–Cp binding energies are proposed with an accuracy of 5 kcal/mol. The computed results are in good agreement with the experimental data measured by threshold photoelectron photoion coincidence (TPEPICO) spectroscopy but disagree with the more recent threshold collision-induced dissociation (TCID) experiments