32 research outputs found

    Una Formulación sencilla, cuantitativa y precisa para el principio de Le Chatelier

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    In this paper it is presented an alternative teaching approach to avoid the ordinary Le Chateliers qualitative rule. This attempt is based on a well-founded general criterion of spontaneity. Hence, we endeavor an analysis of the different cases involving changes in the mass and the pressure (volume) of a chemical system in equilibrium. Our proposal accurately allows the beginning chemistry student to make predictions about the evolution of a perturbed chemical equilibrium system. In this way we draw up an easy, exact, and general quantitative formulation for the Le Chateliers principl

    Acerca de la Moderación y los sistemas abiertos en equilibrio químico

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    In this paper, the validity of the rule of the moderation of molar fractions for equi Iibrium displacements in open systems is questioned. Moreover, it is shown that moderation is guaranteed in terms of molar concentration by such systems. Thus, the Le Chatelier's principie can always be applied as a theorem of moderation of molar conccntrations

    Evolución Histórica del principio de Le Chatelier

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    Se realiza un análisis de las diferentes formulaciones del principio efectuadas por Le Chatelier. Por otro lado, se señalan algunas de las críticas que ha recibido como regla cualitativa. Finalmente, se indica que la Termodinámica proporciona para el mismo una formulación cuantitativa que restringe su aplicabilidad

    Thermodynamics and the Le Chatelier's principle

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    El carácter limitado del principio de Le Chatelier, así como su formulación vaga y ambigua, han sido suficientemente tratados. Sin embargo, en un contexto puramente didáctico, el principio de Le Chatelier sigue usándose como un principio infalible, sin hacer referencia a sus limitaciones, lo cual puede originar importantes errores conceptuales. Se estudian cinco casos en los que el principio puede ser incorrectamente aplicado, proporcionándose al mismo tiempo un tratamiento termodinámico alternativo. Se estudian los siguientes casos para sistemas en equilibrio químico. a) Adición o eliminación, a presión y temperatura constantes, de una de las sustancias que participan en la mezcla de equilibrio. b) Adición de un gas inerte a volumen y temperatura constantes. c) Adición de un gas inerte a presión y temperatura constantes. d) Variación de la temperatura a volumen constante. e) Variación de la temperatura en disoluciones saturadas. Finalmente, se propone que en un contexto didáctico, la regla de Le Chatelier sea reemplazada por un profundo análisis basado en las leyes de la termodinámica

    La ingesta de sal y el consumo de pan. Una visión amplia de la situación en España

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    The aim of this study is to review salt intake in Spain (9.6 d/day) and the health problems associated with its excessive consumption. Likewise, the role played by the salt content of bread, and its possible reduction and/or correction, will also be discussed. Finally, the beneficial effects of such changes are highlighted by way of a theoretical calculation in baguette-type wheat bread.As bread is widely considered to be the foodstuff that provides most dietary salt to the diet (19%), it is one of the key public health targets for salt reduction policy. In this respect, it has been shown that a reduction in the salt content of bread is possible, and alternative approach involves partial replacement with other, mainly potassium-based salts, which also counteract the effects of sodium. This replacement should be undertaken on the basis of criteria that maintain the product’s sensory profile and tends to be more successful in breads whit enhanced taste. European legislation in the field of nutrition and health claims allows the positive aspects of this reduction and replacement to be stated. The 30% reduction of salt in bread, viable from a technological point of view, would imply a reduction of 0.6 g in daily salt intake.El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido realizar una revisión de la ingesta de sal en España (9,6 g/día) y los problemas de salud que se derivan de su excesivo consumo. Por otra parte, valorar el papel del pan relacionado con dicha ingesta y su posible reducción y/o corrección desde diferentes enfoques. Finalmente, evidenciar las consecuencias favorables de dicha corrección por medio de un cálculo teórico en un pan tipo baguette.El pan es el alimento que aporta generalmente una mayor cantidad de sal en la dieta (19%), por lo que es uno de los objetivos clave en una política de reducción de su consumo. Se ha comprobado que es posible una disminución escalonada de sal en el pan, sobre todo cuando se parte de valores altos, aunque otra alternativa es su sustitución parcial por otras sales, principalmente potásicas, que tienen además un efecto que contrarresta al sodio (disminución de la relación Na/K). Esta sustitución debe hacerse con criterios de mantenimiento del perfil sensorial y se ve favorecida en panes con un sabor potenciado, ya sea por ingredientes o procesos, dado que ello facilita la reducción del contenido de sal. Por otra parte, la legislación europea en alegaciones nutricionales y de salud permite destacar los aspectos positivos de esta reducción y/o sustitución. La reducción de un 30% de sal en el pan, viable desde un punto de vista tecnológico, implicaría una reducción de la ingesta diaria de sal de 0,6 g

    La necesidad de un cambio metodológico en la enseñanza del equilibrio químico: limitaciones del principio de Le Chatelier

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    This paper studies the didactic approach used in teaching Le Chatelier's Principle, showing that its usual formulation is ambiguous, and reports the way Chemistry textbooks use this principle in some specific cases with no mention of its limitations. The second part of this work analyses the strategies carried out by chemistry teachers when dealing with a specific equilibrium problem. It is shown how the usual methodology practised in both cases may lead to very important misconceptions, so a new methodological performance is proposed to achieve a real significative learning

    La necesidad de un cambio metodológico en la enseñanza del equilibrio químico : limitaciones del principio de Le Chatelier

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    This paper studies the didactic approach used in teaching Le Chatelier's Principle, showing that its usual formulation is ambiguous, and reports the way Chemistry textbooks use this principle in some specific cases with no mention of its limitations. The second part of this work analyses the strategies carried out by chemistry teachers when dealing with a specific equilibrium problem. It is shown how the usual methodology practised in both cases may lead to very important misconceptions, so a new methodological performance is proposed to achieve a real significative learning

    Initial analysis of SAR from a cell phone inside a vehicle by numerical computation.

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the influence of the metallic structures of a realistic car body frame on the specific absorption rate (SAR) produced by a cell phone when a complete human body model is placed at different locations inside the vehicle, and to identify the relevant parameters responsible for these changes. The modeling and analysis of the whole system was conducted by means of computer simulations based on the full wave finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) numerical method. The excitation considered was an 835 MHz 2 dipole located as a handsfree communication device or as a hand-held portable system. We compared the SAR at different planes on the human model, placed inside the vehicle with respect to the free space situation. The presence of the car body frame significantly changes the SAR distributions, especially when the dipole is far from the body. Although the results are not conclusive on this point, this change in SAR distribution is not likely to produce an increase above the limits in current guidelines for partial body exposure, but may be signifi- cant for whole-body exposure. The most relevant change found was the change in the impedance of the dipole, affecting the radiated power. A complementary result from the electromagnetic computations performed is the change in the electromagnetic field distribution inside a vehicle when human bodies are present. The whole vehicle model has been optimized to provide accurate results for sources placed inside the vehicle, while keeping low requirements for computer storage and simulation time.Peer Reviewe

    Mercat de l'art, col·leccionisme i museus 2020

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    Recull de ponències presentades a la novena Jornada Mercat de l'Art, Col·leccionisme i Museus, celebrada el 2 d'octubre de 2020 a Sitges.Els capítols d'aquesta obra són: 1. El Salón de Arte del Bazar Masaveu de Oviedo (1918-1927) / Juan Carlos Aparicio Vega. 2. La col·lecció arqueològica Duran Vall-llosera / Pere Duran Vall-Llosera. 3. Un episodi rellevant de la història de l'humor gràfic català: la Col·lecció Agell del Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya (Barcelona) / Adela Laborda i Francesc M. Quílez i Corella. 4. Baldomero Falgueras (1915-2005), un antiquari de postguerra / Bernat Puigdollers. 5. Alexandre Soler i March (1873-1949), historiador i col·leccionista d'art medieval / Alberto Velasco González. 6. Fernando Rivière de Caralt (1904-1992), passió pel col·leccionisme / Sara Vila Gomà. 7. Francesc Fàbregas i Mas (1857-1933): metge, polític, benefactor i col·leccionista / Joan Yeguas Gassó.Des de l'octubre de 2012 s'han fet regularment de manera anual unes jornades o seminaris científics amb el títol de Mercat de l'Art, Col·leccionisme i Museus, que han donat com a resultat permanent la publicació d'uns volums amb les ponències presentades. Actualment, aquest material configura ja un veritable corpus de valuosa documentació entorn del fenomen del col·leccionisme i el mercat de l'art a Catalunya. La nostra intenció amb la realització d'aquesta jornada ha estat crear una plataforma on poder presentar uns resultats de recerca i discutir-los amb comoditat amb tots els diferents sectors vinculats a les arts: universitaris, professionals dels museus, antiquaris, galeristes, marxants, experts, restauradors, col·leccionistes i afeccionats en general. Estem convençuts de la plena complementarietat de tots aquests punts de vista perquè el progrés del col·leccionisme al llarg de la història ha anat sempre en paral·lel a la formació dels museus i a la configuració del coneixement i l'estudi de les arts. Per això, hem cregut en la utilitat d'una jornada en la qual coincidir i compartir informacions i coneixences, amb un format amable i en un lloc d'una forta empremta simbòlica en la història del col·leccionisme a Catalunya com és el Palau de Maricel de Sitges

    Integrative analyses of TEDDY Omics data reveal lipid metabolism abnormalities, increased intracellular ROS and heightened inflammation prior to autoimmunity for type 1 diabetes

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    27 páginas, 6 figuras, Contiene material suplementarioBackground: The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) is a prospective birth cohort designed to study type 1 diabetes (T1D) by following children with high genetic risk. An integrative multi-omics approach was used to evaluate islet autoimmunity etiology, identify disease biomarkers, and understand progression over time. Results: We identify a multi-omics signature that was predictive of islet autoimmunity (IA) as early as 1 year before seroconversion. At this time, abnormalities in lipid metabolism, decreased capacity for nutrient absorption, and intracellular ROS accumulation are detected in children progressing towards IA. Additionally, extracellular matrix remodeling, inflammation, cytotoxicity, angiogenesis, and increased activity of antigen-presenting cells are observed, which may contribute to beta cell destruction. Our results indicate that altered molecular homeostasis is present in IA-developing children months before the actual detection of islet autoantibodies, which opens an interesting window of opportunity for therapeutic intervention. Conclusions: The approach employed herein for assessment of the TEDDY cohort showcases the utilization of multi-omics data for the modeling of complex, multifactorial diseases, like T1D.This study was supported by grant 2015PG-T1D050 provided by the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust. The TEDDY Study is funded by U01 DK63829, U01 DK63861, U01 DK63821, U01 DK63865, U01 DK63863, U01 DK63836, U01 DK63790, UC4 DK63829, UC4 DK63861, UC4 DK63821, UC4 DK63865, UC4 DK63863, UC4 DK63836, UC4 DK95300, UC4 DK100238, UC4 DK106955, UC4 DK112243, UC4 DK117483, and Contract No. HHSN267200700014C from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and JDRF. This work was supported in part by the NIH/NCATS Clinical and Translational Science Awards to the University of Florida (UL1 TR000064) and the University of Colorado (UL1 TR001082).Peer reviewe