15,341 research outputs found

    Qian Zhongshu parla de traducció

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    La majoria dels estudis sobre la vida i l'obra de Qian Zhongshu se centra exclusivament en les seves tres grans obres monogràfiques, L'art de la poesia, El tractat del tub i el punxó i Weicheng. En l'entorn cultural xinès, tanmateix, també es publiquen periòdicament articles sobre altres textos en què l'autor ha plasmat els seus pensaments al llarg de la seva vida. Un dels camps en què Qian Zhongshu es va mostrar més actiu, a part del de la literatura comparada, és el dels estudis sobre la traducció. El present article pretén omplir un buit en l'entorn acadèmic euroamericà aplegant les reflexions de Qian Zhongshu entorn de l'art de traduir, unes aportacions que, tot i que s'hagin difós de manera disgregada en textos diversos, permeten considerar-lo un dels teòrics més destacats dels estudis sobre la traducció.Most of the studies on Qian Zhongshu's life and work focus exclusively on his three major monographic works, On the Art of Poetry, The Tube and Awl Chapters and Fortress Besieged. In the Chinese cultural setting, however, articles are regularly published about other texts in which the author has expressed his thoughts throughout his life. One of the fields in which Qian Zhongshu has been most active, besides the field of comparative literature, is the field of translation studies. This article attempts to fill a gap in the Euro-American academic environment, collecting the thoughts of Qian Zhongshu on the art of translation, a contribution which, although published in a series of separate texts, enables us to consider him one of the most significant theorists of translation studies

    On the positive and negative inertia of weighted graphs

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    The number of the positive, negative and zero eigenvalues in the spectrum of the (edge)-weighted graph GG are called positive inertia index, negative inertia index and nullity of the weighted graph GG, and denoted by i+(G)i_+(G), i(G)i_-(G), i0(G)i_0(G), respectively. In this paper, the positive and negative inertia index of weighted trees, weighted unicyclic graphs and weighted bicyclic graphs are discussed, the methods of calculating them are obtained.Comment: 12. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1107.0400 by other author

    Duty and Distinction: Scientists as Intellectuals in Modern China

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    As critical players in the Chinese state’s pursuit of modernization and political legitimacy, Chinese scientists have been the recipients of state attention and scrutiny throughout modern history. This paper will analyze how Qian Xuesen (1911-2009) became a national hero as the Chinese Communist Party’s model scientist. Qian developed his scientific expertise in the United States, before Cold War political tensions forced his extradition. Upon his return to China, Qian became a key missile scientist in the state’s emerging nuclear weapons program. By analyzing Qian’s public persona as portrayed in official state media, this paper will argue that the CCP conferred distinct political duties to scientists, defining a new socio-political role for scientist-intellectuals. Beginning from the Mao era and continuing through to the present day, the CCP’s portrayal and promotion of Qian’s legacy gives insight into the state’s strategy to use science to bolster authority and legitimize policy

    l-Peptide functionalized dual-responsive nanoparticles for controlled paclitaxel release and enhanced apoptosis in breast cancer cells

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    Nanoparticles and macromolecular carriers have been widely used to increase the efficacy of chemotherapeutics, largely through passive accumulation provided by their enhanced permeability and retention effect. However, the therapeutic efficacy of nanoscale anticancer drug delivery systems is severely truncated by their low tumor-targetability and inefficient drug release at the target site. Here, the design and development of novel l-peptide functionalized dual-responsive nanoparticles (l-CS-g-PNIPAM-PTX) for active targeting and effective treatment of GRP78-overexpressing human breast cancer in vitro and in vivo are reported. l-CS-g-PNIPAM-PTX NPs have a relative high drug loading (13.5%) and excellent encapsulation efficiency (74.3%) and an average diameter of 275 nm. The release of PTX is slow at pH 7.4 and 25 °C but greatly accelerated at pH 5.0 and 37 °C. MTT assays and confocal experiments showed that the l-CS-g-PNIPAM-PTX NPs possessed high targetability and antitumor activity toward GRP78 overexpressing MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells. As expected, l-CS-g-PNIPAM-PTX NPs could effectively treat mice bearing MDA-MB-231 human breast tumor xenografts with little side effects, resulting in complete inhibition of tumor growth and a high survival rate over an experimental period of 60 days. These results indicate that l-peptide-functionalized acid - and thermally activated - PTX prodrug NPs have a great potential for targeted chemotherapy in breast cancer.</p

    Zhao Qian, Piano: Student Recital

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    Regulators of G protein signalling proteins in the human myometrium

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    The contractile state of the human myometrium is controlled by extracellular signals that promote relaxation or contraction. Many of these signals function through G proteincoupled receptors at the cell surface, stimulating heterotrimeric G proteins and leading to changes in the activity of effector proteins responsible for bringing about the response. G proteins can interact with multiple receptors and many different effectors and are key players in the response. Regulators of G protein signalling (RGS) proteins are GTPase activating proteins for heterotrimeric G proteins and help terminate the signal. Little is known about the function of RGS proteins in human myometrium and we have therefore analysed transcript levels for RGS proteins at various stages of pregnancy (non-pregnant, preterm, term non-labouring, term labouring). RGS2 and RGS5 were the most abundantly expressed isolates in each of the patient groups. The levels of RGS4 and RGS16 (and to a lesser extent RGS2 and RGS14) increased in term labouring samples relative to the other groups. Yeast two-hybrid analysis and co-immunoprecipitation in myometrial cells revealed that both RGS2 and RGS5 interact directly with the cytoplasmic tail of the oxytocin receptor, suggesting they might help regulate signalling through this receptor. Key words: G protein-coupled receptors; labour; myometrium; RGS protein