11 research outputs found

    Recognition of Transmembrane Protein 39A as a Tumor-Specific Marker in Brain Tumor

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    Transmembrane protein 39A (TMEM39A) belongs to the TMEM39 family. TMEM39A gene is a susceptibility locus for multiple sclerosis. In addition, TMEM39A seems to be implicated in systemic lupus erythematosus. However, any possible involvement of TMEM39A in cancer remains largely unknown. In the present report, we provide evidence that TMEM39A may play a role in brain tumors. Western blotting using an anti-TMEM39A antibody indicated that TMEM39A was overexpressed in glioblastoma cell lines, including U87-MG and U251-MG. Deep-sequencing transcriptomic profiling of U87-MG and U251-MG cells revealed that TMEM39A transcripts were upregulated in such cells compared with those of the cerebral cortex. Confocal microscopic analysis of U251-MG cells stained with anti-TMEM39A antibody showed that TMEM39A was located in dot-like structures lying close to the nucleus. TMEM39A probably located to mitochondria or to endosomes. Immunohistochemical analysis of glioma tissue specimens indicated that TMEM39A was markedly upregulated in such samples. Bioinformatic analysis of the Rembrandt knowledge base also supported upregulation of TMEM39A mRNA levels in glioma patients. Together, the results afford strong evidence that TMEM39A is upregulated in glioma cell lines and glioma tissue specimens. Therefore, TMEM39A may serve as a novel diagnostic marker of, and a therapeutic target for, gliomas and other cancers

    S6 kinase 1 plays a key role in mitochondrial morphology and cellular energy flow

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    Mitochondrial morphology, which is associated with changes in metabolism, cell cycle, cell development and cell death, is tightly regulated by the balance between fusion and fission. In this study, we found that S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) contributes to mitochondrial dynamics, homeostasis and function. Mouse embryo fibroblasts lacking S6K1 (S6K1 KO MEFs) exhibited more fragmented mitochondria and a higher level of Dynamin related protein 1 (Drp1) and active Drp1 (pS616) in both whole cell extracts and mitochondria' fraction. In addition, there was no evidence for autophagy and mitophagy induction in S6K1 depleted cells. Glycolysis and mitochondrial respiratory activity was higher in S6K1-KO MEFs, whereas OxPhos ATP production was not altered. However, inhibition of Drp1 by Mdivi1 (Drp1 inhibitor) resulted in higher OxPhos ATP production and lower mitochondrial membrane potential. Taken together the depletion of S6K1 increased Drpl-mediated fission, leading to the enhancement of glycolysis. The fission form of mitochondria resulted in lower yield for OxPhos ATP production as well as in higher mitochondrial membrane potential. Thus, these results have suggested a potential role of S6K1 in energy metabolism by modulating mitochondrial respiratory capacity and mitochondrial morphology.

    Revisiting the Warburg Effect: Diet-Based Strategies for Cancer Prevention

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    It is widely acknowledged that cancer cell energy metabolism relies mainly on anaerobic glycolysis; this phenomenon is described as the Warburg effect. However, whether the Warburg effect is caused by genetic dysregulation in cancer or is the cause of cancer remains unknown. The exact reasons and physiology of this abnormal metabolism are unclear; therefore, many researchers have attempted to reduce malignant cell growth in tumors in preclinical and clinical studies. Anticancer strategies based on the Warburg effect have involved the use of drug compounds and dietary changes. We recently reviewed applications of the Warburg effect to understand the benefits of this unusual cancer-related metabolism. In the current article, we summarize diet strategies for cancer treatment based on the Warburg effect

    FCHO1560−571 peptide, a PKB kinase motif, inhibits tumor progression

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    Background: Cell division is regulated by protein kinase B (PKB)-mediated FCH domain only 1 (FCHO1) phosphorylation. Methods: FCHO1560-571, a synthetic water-soluble peptide, was generated from the PKB substrate motif 560PPRRLRSRKVSC571 found in the human FCHO1 protein. Results: In this study, we found that in vitro FCHO1560-571 inhibits cell proliferation via PKB/ERK/SMAD4 pathways in KRAS-mutated A549 lung cancer cells. In addition, FCHO1560-571, at effective doses of 15 and 30 mg/kg, significantly suppressed tumor growth and decreased the size and weight of tumors in A549xenograft mice. Conclusion: These results suggest that the FCHO1560-571 peptide could be a potential therapy for lung cancer. (C) 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    GOLGA2 loss causes fibrosis with autophagy in the mouse lung and liver

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    Autophagy is a biological recycling process via the self-digestion of organelles, proteins, and lipids for energy-consuming differentiation and homeostasis. The Golgi serves as a donor of the double-membraned phagophore for autophagosome assembly. In addition, recent studies have demonstrated that pulmonary and hepatic fibrosis is accompanied by autophagy. However, the relationships among Golgi function, autophagy, and fibrosis are unclear. Here, we show that the deletion of GOLGA2, encoding a cis-Golgi protein, induces autophagy with Golgi disruption. The induction of autophagy leads to fibrosis along with the reduction of subcellular lipid storage (lipid droplets and lamellar bodies) by autophagy in the lung and liver. GOLGA2 knockout mice clearly demonstrated fibrosis features such as autophagy-activated cells, densely packed hepatocytes, increase of alveolar macrophages, and decrease of alveolar surfactant lipids (dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine). Therefore, we confirmed the associations among Golgi function, fibrosis, and autophagy. Moreover, GOLGA2 knockout mice may be a potentially valuable animal model for studying autophagy-induced fibrosis. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Emerging role of LETM1/GRP78 axis in lung cancer

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    The selective autophagy of damaged mitochondria is called mitophagy. Mitochondrial dysfunction, mitophagy, and apoptosis have been suggested to be interrelated in various human lung carcinomas. Leucine zipper EF-hand-containing transmembrane protein-1 (LETM1) was cloned in an attempt to identify candidate genes for Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome. LETM1 plays a role in mitochondrial morphology, ion homeostasis, and cell viability. LETM1 has also been shown to be overexpressed in different human cancer tissues, including lung cancer. In the current study, we have provided clear evidence that LETM1 acts as an anchoring protein for the mitochondria-associated ER membrane (MAM). Fragmented mitochondria have been found in lung cancer cells with LETM1 overexpression. In addition, a reduction of mitochondrial membrane potential and significant accumulation of microtubule-associated protein 1 A/1B-light chain 3 punctate, which localizes with Red-Mito, was found in LETM1-overexpressed cells, suggesting that mitophagy is upregulated in these cells. Interestingly, glucose-regulated protein 78 kDa (GRP78; an ER chaperon protein) and glucose-regulated protein 75 kDa (GRP75) were posited to interact with LETM1 in the immunoprecipitated LETM1 of H460 cells. This interaction was enhanced in cells treated with carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, a chemical mitophagy inducer. Treatment of cells with honokiol (a GRP78 inhibitor) blocked LETM1-mediated mitophagy, and CRISPR/Cas9-mediated GRP75 knockout inhibited LETM1-induced autophagy. Thus, GRP78 interacts with LETM1. Taken together, these observations support the notion that the complex formation of LETM1/GRP75/GRP78 might be an important step in MAM formation and mitophagy, thus regulating mitochondrial quality control in lung cancer.Y