766 research outputs found

    Genera of Belytinae (Hymenoptera: Diapriidae) recorded in the Atlantic Dense Ombrophilous Forest from Paraíba to Santa Catarina, Brazil

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    The parasitoid wasps Belytinae (Hymenoptera: Diaprioidea: Diapriidae) recorded thus far in the Atlantic Dense Ombrophilous Forest are reviewed at the supra specific level. The knowledge about the diversity of Belytinae in the Atlantic Forest is relatively poor, although these parasitoids may play a key role in the natural regulation of populations of the Mycetophilidae and Sciaridae (Diptera). The material used in this study comes mostly from standardized collections in 18 regularly spaced sites, from Paraíba to Santa Catarina Brazilian states, between 2000 and 2002, by the project “Richness and diversity of Hymenoptera and Isoptera along a latitudinal gradient in the Atlantic Forest – the eastern Brazilian rain forest” (Biota/SP – FAPESP). At each location ten Malaise traps and a hundred Moericke traps were installed, both along two parallel transects spaced 100 m from each other. Further, a similar effort for the sweeping of vegetation was applied at each locality, being each sweeping sample the result of 5 minutes of sweeping. Traps, and sweeping of vegetation in the summed localities yielded a total of 1,241 Belytinae specimens, of which we recognize 115 morphospecies in eight genera (Aclista, Belyta, Cinetus, Odontopsilus, Scorpioteleia, Lyteba, Tropidopsilus and Camptopsilus). A further belytine genus (Miota), recorded in similar environment, was found at the collection of the Federal University of Espírito Santo and added to the list, totalling nine here keyed genera; for each genus we include a diagnosis, comments and a discussion on its records, distribution and biology; we also provide twenty-two plates with 102 figures (93 photographs and 9 maps)

    An Ecophisiological Proposal to Manage Natural Grasslands: A Long Term Trial

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    Natural grasslands on Southern Brazil comprise the so called “Rio de La Plata Grasslands” in South America. They are an important fodder source for ruminant pastoral systems and contribute to regional ecosystem services. Strength of these grasslands is its floristic diversity that poses a dilemma to farmers: how to choose management protocols that could be applied for hundreds of species. We propose to use a functional ecophysiological approach based on groups of grasses, the most abundant on aerial biomass of this natural grasslands. We clustered the most frequent grasses in two groups based on its leaf traits (leaf dry matter content and specific leaf area). These traits are functional clues to growth rhythms and nutritive value that could separate grasses in “resource capture” and “resource conservation” groups, both important for forage production and ecosystem services. Evaluating the most frequent grasses in each group we found they have an average of 375 degree-days, for “resource capture” and 750 degree-day for “resource conservation” groups, as its leaf elongation duration. So we evaluated a rotational grazing system based on this morphogenic trait for beef heifers rearing on natural grasslands from 2010 to 2019. We chose these experimental animals, as a model by its nutrient requirements and relevance for regional rearing and breeding systems. Our results indicate an average daily gain that is adequate to reach mating age and weight targets (0,3 kg/heifer/day to mate at 24 months) and allowed a higher stocking rate and gain per area when compared to regional standards (1,100 kg of live weight/ha and 370 kg/ha versus 600 and 70 kg/ha). All this animal performance was obtained without changing floristic diversity and also enhancing ecosystem services as CO2 sequestration. We concluded that this approach could allow farmers to conciliate the dilemma of production and conservation in pastoral ecosystems

    Globalizations for partial (co)actions on coalgebras

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    In this paper, we introduce the notion of globalization for partial module coalgebra and for partial comodule coalgebra. We show that every partial module coalgebra is globalizable exhibiting a standard globalization. We also show the existence of globalization for a partial comodule coalgebra, provided a certain rationality condition. Moreover, we show a relationship between the globalization for the (co)module coalgebra and the usual globalization for the (co)module algebra

    Musical preferences of Brazilian high school students

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    Music is considered a vital element in young people’s lives. It functions as an important means for expressing the emotions and feelings they experience in a daily basis. As such, this study explores the music preferences of high school Brazilian students (N = 940), 530 female (56.9%) and 410 male (43.1%) participants between 14 and 20 years old (M = 16.14 years old, SD = 1.22). The main instrument for data collection was the Questionnaire on Musical Style Preferences, which was adapted to the Brazilian context and encompassed 33 different music styles. A principal component analysis resulted in five dimensions representing different musical styles: (1) Intense, (2) Unique, (3) Sophisticated, (4) Contemporary, and (5) Mellow. The results of this study reinforced theory of the five-factor model of musical preference. Results also suggest that Mellow music was the most preferred while Sophisticated music was the least preferred among participants. Regarding gender, male participants showed a greater preference towards Contemporary, Intense, and Sophisticated music, whereas women generally preferred Mellow and Unique. Regarding age, participants under 20 years old showed a greater preference towards Mellow musical styles as compared to older participants. On the one hand, regression analyses showed that preferences towards Intense music decrease with age. On the other hand, gender was a better predictor for music preferences than age. Although the results of this study correspond to those of previous studies, more research studies are necessary to further explain musical preferences within the Brazilian contex

    Pasture Dynamics after Sodseeding Cool Season Species with or without Glyphosate in Subtropical Natural Grasslands

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    This trial was conducted to evaluate vegetation dynamics of natural grasslands fertilized and sodseeded with the cool season species Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum), white clover (Trifolium repens) and birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) with or without glyphosate. Treatments that included herbicide spraying on natural vegetation caused a substitution of perennial grasses by undesirable species, and did not show a significant contribution of introduced species. Andropogon lateralis, Paspalum notatum, Paspalum dilatatum and Paspalum plicatulum almost disappeared, and were replaced by Chaptalia nutans and Apium spp, among others