257 research outputs found

    Rebels Lead to the Doctrine of the Mean: Opinion Dynamic in a Heterogeneous DeGroot Model

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    We study an extension of the DeGroot model where part of the players may be rebels. The updating rule for rebels is quite different with that of normal players (which are referred to as conformists): at each step a rebel first takes the opposite value of the weighted average of her neighbors' opinions, i.e. 1 minus that average (the opinion space is assumed to be [0,1] as usual), and then updates her opinion by taking another weighted average between that value and her own opinion in the last round. We find that the effect of rebels is rather significant: as long as there is at least one rebel in every closed and strongly connected group, under very weak conditions, the opinion of each player in the whole society will eventually tend to 0.5.Comment: 7 pages, Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems, Beijing, 201

    Towards Nonlinear-Motion-Aware and Occlusion-Robust Rolling Shutter Correction

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    This paper addresses the problem of rolling shutter correction in complex nonlinear and dynamic scenes with extreme occlusion. Existing methods suffer from two main drawbacks. Firstly, they face challenges in estimating the accurate correction field due to the uniform velocity assumption, leading to significant image correction errors under complex motion. Secondly, the drastic occlusion in dynamic scenes prevents current solutions from achieving better image quality because of the inherent difficulties in aligning and aggregating multiple frames. To tackle these challenges, we model the curvilinear trajectory of pixels analytically and propose a geometry-based Quadratic Rolling Shutter (QRS) motion solver, which precisely estimates the high-order correction field of individual pixels. Besides, to reconstruct high-quality occlusion frames in dynamic scenes, we present a 3D video architecture that effectively Aligns and Aggregates multi-frame context, namely, RSA2-Net. We evaluate our method across a broad range of cameras and video sequences, demonstrating its significant superiority. Specifically, our method surpasses the state-of-the-art by +4.98, +0.77, and +4.33 of PSNR on Carla-RS, Fastec-RS, and BS-RSC datasets, respectively. Code is available at https://github.com/DelinQu/qrsc.Comment: accepted at ICCV 202

    Analysis of crucial molecules involved in herniated discs and degenerative disc disease

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    OBJECTIVES: Herniated discs and degenerative disc disease are major health problems worldwide. However, their pathogenesis remains obscure. This study aimed to explore the molecular mechanisms of these ailments and to identify underlying therapeutic targets. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Using the GSE23130 microarray datasets downloaded from the Gene Expression Omnibus database, differentially co-expressed genes and links were identified using the differentially co-expressed gene and link method with a false discovery rate ,0.25 as a significant threshold. Subsequently, the underlying molecular mechanisms of the differential co-expression of these genes were investigated using Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathway enrichment analysis. In addition, the transcriptional regulatory relationship was also investigated. RESULTS: Through the analysis of the gene expression profiles of different specimens from patients with these diseases, 539 differentially co-expressed genes were identified for these ailments. The ten most significant signaling pathways involving the differentially co-expressed genes were identified by enrichment analysis. Among these pathways, apoptosis and extracellular matrix-receptor interaction pathways have been reported to be related to these diseases. A total of 62 pairs of regulatory relationships between transcription factors and their target genes were identified as critical for the pathogenesis of these diseases. CONCLUSION: The results of our study will help to identify the mechanisms responsible for herniated discs and degenerative disc disease and provides a theoretical basis for further therapeutic study

    Digital photoprogramming of liquid-crystal superstructures featuring intrinsic chiral photoswitches

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    Dynamic patterning of soft materials in a fully reversible and programmable manner with light enables applications in anti-counterfeiting, displays and labelling technology. However, this is a formidable challenge due to the lack of suitable chiral molecular photoswitches. Here, we report the development of a unique intrinsic chiral photoswitch with broad chirality modulation to achieve digitally controllable, selectable and extractable multiple stable reflection states. An anti-counterfeiting technique, embedded with diverse microstructures, featuring colour-tunability, erasability, reversibility, multi-stability and viewing-angle dependency of pre-recorded patterns, is established with these photoresponsive superstructures. This strategy allows dynamic helical transformation from the molecular and supramolecular to the macroscopic level using light-activated intrinsic chirality, demonstrating the practicality of photoprogramming photonics

    Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Quantification Aided by Deep Estimations of Imperfection Factors and Macromolecular Signal

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    Objective: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) is an important technique for biomedical detection. However, it is challenging to accurately quantify metabolites with proton MRS due to serious overlaps of metabolite signals, imperfections because of non-ideal acquisition conditions, and interference with strong background signals mainly from macromolecules. The most popular method, LCModel, adopts complicated non-linear least square to quantify metabolites and addresses these problems by designing empirical priors such as basis-sets, imperfection factors. However, when the signal-to-noise ratio of MRS signal is low, the solution may have large deviation. Methods: Linear Least Squares (LLS) is integrated with deep learning to reduce the complexity of solving this overall quantification. First, a neural network is designed to explicitly predict the imperfection factors and the overall signal from macromolecules. Then, metabolite quantification is solved analytically with the introduced LLS. In our Quantification Network (QNet), LLS takes part in the backpropagation of network training, which allows the feedback of the quantification error into metabolite spectrum estimation. This scheme greatly improves the generalization to metabolite concentrations unseen for training compared to the end-to-end deep learning method. Results: Experiments show that compared with LCModel, the proposed QNet, has smaller quantification errors for simulated data, and presents more stable quantification for 20 healthy in vivo data at a wide range of signal-to-noise ratio. QNet also outperforms other end-to-end deep learning methods. Conclusion: This study provides an intelligent, reliable and robust MRS quantification. Significance: QNet is the first LLS quantification aided by deep learning

    Analisis bauran pemasaran pada usaha batu bata merah Desa Karanglegi Kecamatan Trangkil Kabupaten Pati

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    Di Kabupaten Pati terdapat tiga sentra industri batu bata merah yaitu batu bata merah dari Desa Karanglegi KecamatanTrangkil, batu bata merah dari Desa Kembang Kecamatan Dukuhseti, dan batu bata merah dari Desa Baturejo Kecamatan Sukolilo. Desa Karanglegi terkenal sebagai salah satu penghasil batu bata dengan kualitas terbaik di Kabupaten Pati dan dapat dipastikan 90% masyarakat desa ini berprofesi sebagai pengrajin batu bata merah. Batu bata merah Karanglegi memiliki prospek yang bagus karena menguasai/memasok kebutuhan bangunan hampir 60% wilayah Pati dan sekitarnya. Inti utama dari kegiatan pemasaran yang dikenal luas adalah bauran pemasaran (marketing mix), yang mencakup 4P (Product, Price, Place, Promotion). Keempat komponen tersebut merupakan kombinasi yang mempunyai peran yang sama dan merupakan satu kesatuan guna menunjang sukses perusahaan. Untuk mengetahui bagaimana bauran pemasarannya maka berdasarkan rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini, yaitu “Bagaimana bauran pemasaran pada usaha batu bata merah Desa Karanglegi Kecamatan Trangkil Kabupaten Pati?”. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, dengan jenis penelitian lapangan (field research) dan menggunakan dua jenis sumber data, yaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Data tersebut diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Setelah data terkumpul, langkah selanjutnya data tersebut dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa bauran produk yang ada di usaha batu bata merah meliputi kualitas produk (kokoh, tidak mudah patah, ukuran besar). Produk berkualitas didapat dari pemilihan bahan baku, proses pencetakan manual, pembakaran benar-benar sampai matang merata.Bauran harga (price) menerapkan strategi harga rabat dengan memberikan potongan ketika membeli dalam skala besar.Dalam menetapkan harga, pengrajin batu bata merah tidak asal-asalan, melainkan dengan melakukan kalkulasi bahan, dan permintaan pasar. Mereka tergabung dalam paguyuban pengrajin batu bata merah sehingga harga pengrajin satu dengan yang lain sama (sepakat). Bauran distribusi (place) meliputi saluran distribusi pengrajin batu bata Desa Karanglegi dilakukan dengan saluran langsung kepada konsumen dan ada juga melalui perantara agen, pedagang besar, maupun pedagang kecil. Bauran promosi (promotion) yang dilakukan pengrajin batu bata merah melalui penjualan langsung, periklanan (radio, media sosial). Persaingan yang dilkukan sesama pengrajin dilakukan secara fair.Daerah pemasaran yang dijangkau oleh pengrajin batu bata Karanglegi adalah wilayah Kabupaten Pati, luar Kabupaten Pati. Segmen pasar batu bata Desa Karanglegi adalah kalangan menengah ke bawah, menengah ke atas
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