68 research outputs found

    Соціолінгвістика: праця, натхнення, покликання (до ювілею Лариси Масенко)

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    Висвітлюється науковий доробок Л. Т. Масенко – визначного українського мовознавця, доктора філологічних наук, професора. Проаналізовано основні засади її соціолінгвістичної концепції, схарактеризовано вплив її ідей на мовну політику в сучасній Україні

    Chromosomal segregation in sperm of Robertsonian translocation carriers

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    Purpose To study meiotic segregation patterns of Robertsonian translocations in sperm of male carriers and to assess the frequencies of unbalanced sperm formation. Methods FISH with combination of probes to detect all the variants of meiotic segregation was performed on decondensed sperm nuclei of 5 carriers of der(13;14), 3 carriers of der(14;21) and one carrier of a rare der(13;21) translocation. Results The frequency of sperm with alternate segregation and normal/balanced chromosomal complement ranged from 68 % to 94.4 % (mean 79.2±8.4). Adjacent segregation was detected in 17.9±7.3 % of sperm (from 5.6 % to 29 %). No significant differences in frequencies of gametes with nullisomies and disomies of chromosomes involved in translocations were observed. The mean frequency of 3:0 segregation products was 2.5±1.4 %. Conclusions All analyzed patients showed homogenous segregation pattern with clear predominance of alternate segregation resulting in normal/balanced sperm production. Still, from 5.8–32% (mean 20.4±8.3 %) of sperm was unbalanced, which is the evidence of the increased risk of unbalanced offspring in carriers of Robertsonian translocations. Our results highlight the importance of genetic counseling of Robertsonian translocation carriers prior to ICSI or IVF

    The Effects of Dairy Management on Milk Quality Characteristics

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    The article focuses on the impact of different dairy management types on quality characteristics of organic and conventional milk. The study was conducted during 9 months (spring-autumn), raw milk samples were collected from organic and conventional dairy farms from two Ukrainian regions. The milk samples were analyzed for dry matter, total protein and non-protein nitrogen, ammonia content and values of stable isotopes 13С/12С were measured in fat and milk protein fractions. The values of dry matter, total protein, true protein and non-protein nitrogen content do not represent a statistically significant effect of farming type. The values of ammonia content, ammonia/non-protein nitrogen and ammonia/total protein ratios were statistically significant and reflected the impact of farming type which is, probably, linked with different protein content in cows’ diet. Conversion of some parameters on the dry matter allows more precise differentiation among types of milk, including statistically significant differences (e.g. total protein and ammonia content). The values of δ13C in fat fraction (-26.00‰) and protein fraction (-22.89‰) of organic milk were statistically significant differed in comparison with conventional milk (-23.14 ‰ and -19.15‰ respectively), due to the high amount of maize in the diet on conventional farm. The values of Δδ13C also were statistically significant:3.99‰ in conventional milk and 3.11‰ in organic. It was established that conventional milk has a greater range of the different parameter seasonal variations than organic milk

    Theoretical and practical problems of conducting criminal and administrative proceedings in Ukraine under martial law

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    The purpose of the study was to determine the theoretical and practical problems of conducting criminal and administrative proceedings in Ukraine during martial law. Its achievement became possible thanks to the solution of the main tasks: analysis of judicial and investigative practice, regulatory provisions.To achieve the goal, a system of general scientific and special methods was used, which made it possible to take into account the peculiarities of the object and subject of research, in particular: methods of formal logic, special legal methods, and comparative legal methods; historical-legal, systemic-structural, sociological methods.Significant changes in the legal system of Ukraine during martial law are emphasized. Areas of improvement of the current legislation have been determined, with the aim of solving theoretical and practical problems of conducting criminal and administrative proceedings in Ukraine during the martial law. These are: 1) expanding the list of administrative offenses that can be prosecuted in a simplified manner; 2) introduction of administrative responsibility for the commission of certain acts during the period of martial law; 3) establishing the court's duty to verify the existence of an objective impossibility for the prosecutor to appeal to the court with an indictment, etc


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    Raw organic and conventional cow’s milk samples were analyzed for total nitrogen, non-protein nitrogen and milk urea content with the aim of evaluation of the different diets effect. Conventional milk contained higher level of total milk urea nitrogen as well as higher proportion in total nitrogen and non-protein nitrogen fraction. We detected that ratio of milk urea nitrogen to non-protein nitrogen is the most significant criterion for assessment of diet differences

    Activities of Ukraine law enforcement agencies to ensure the rights and freedoms of citizens during martial law

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    The purpose of the study is to determine the peculiarities of the implementation of law enforcement functions, in particular, regarding the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens in the conditions of the legal regime of martial law by the relevant state authorities of Ukraine.The goal of the article was achieved thanks to the use of a complex of general scientific, special and statistical methods. In particular, such as the method of system analysis, logical, methods of induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, and a set of static methods.Based on the results of the research, it was determined that during the period of the legal regime of martial law in Ukraine, there were changes in substantive and procedural law, and the legal statuses of representatives of individual law enforcement agencies were revised. Some of them, in particular the police, were given additional powers. The dynamic character is also inherent in both criminal and criminal procedural legislation. The normative and legal amendments aimed at creating a safe environment in society, in particular regarding the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, ensuring the proper state of public order and public safety, were adopted and put into effect. It has been established that the task of countering war crimes, eliminating gaps in the current legislation, developing and establishing effective interaction of law enforcement agencies with other enterprises, institutions, and organizations is currently being updated

    Методичні аспекти розвитку міжкультурної компетентності лікарів-терапевтів у закладах післядипломної освіти

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    Introduction: Ukraine's integration into the Common Education Space as part of the Bologna process, health care reforming, rapid growth of international contacts, involvement of doctors in medical expeditions, peacekeeping missions make the isssue of intercultural communication of specialists, in particular the development of their cross-cultural competence, of great interest. The article aims to determine the methodological aspects of general physicians' cross-cultural competence development in the system of postgraduate medical education, in particular, the approaches, methods, techniques, and technologies presented by researchers in scientific papers. Methods: literature data analysis, expert evaluation, generalization. Results and discussion: the efficiency of general physicians' cross-cultural competence development and the formation of a positive attitude to second language acquisition depend largely on such teaching methods, approaches and techniques as: content and language integrated learning, pair-interviews, brainstorming technique, roundtable technique, modeling problems, think-pair-share, role-playing games, case study teaching method. The use of authentic materials and crowd-based technologies in foreign language study increases general physicians' motivation and interest in learning. The choice of teaching methods, approaches and techniques should be based on the structural model of general physicians' cross-cultural competence. Conclusions: general physicians' cross-cultural competence development in postgraduate medical education institutions is facilitated by a creative combination of various teaching methods, innovative learning technologies with the use of authentic materials.Актуальність: інтеграція України у єдиний освітній простір в рамках реалізації Болонського процесу, реформування системи охорони здоров’я, стрімке зростання міжнародних контактів, залучення лікарів до роботи в медичних експедиціях, миротворчих місіях зумовлює актуалізацію проблеми міжкультурної комунікації фахівців, зокрема розвиток їхньої міжкультурної компетентності. Мета дослідження полягає у визначенні методичних аспектів розвитку міжкультурної компетентності лікарів-терапевтів у системі післядипломної медичної освіти, зокрема, форм, методів, прийомів, технологій, представлених дослідниками в наукових працях. Методи: аналіз літературних джерел, експертна оцінка, узагальнення. Результати: встановлено, що успішному розвитку міжкультурної компетентності лікарів-терапевтів та формуванню позитивного настрою на оволодіння іноземною мовою сприяють такі форми, методи та прийоми організації освітнього процесу, як: навчання мови через інтеграцію, парні інтерв’ю, методи «мозкового штурму», «круглого столу», моделювання проблемних ситуацій, метод обміну думками, рольові ігри, розв’язання професійно значущих проблемних ситуацій-кейсів. З’ясовано, що використання автентичних матеріалів та крауд-технологій при вивченні іноземної підвищує мотивацію та інтерес до навчання у лікарів-терапевтів. Основою для вибору форм, методів та прийомів слід розглядати структурну модель міжкультурної компетентності лікарів-терапевтів. Висновки: успішному розвитку міжкультурної компетентності лікарів-терапевтів у закладах післядипломної медичної освіти сприяє творче поєднання різних форм, методів, інноваційних технологій навчання з використання автентичних матеріалів для добору місту навчання

    Wasyl Sezemann: Sokrates i problem samopoznania

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    Die polnische  Übersetzung des Wasyl Sezemanns Aufsatzes Сократ и проблема самопознанияPolish translation of Wasyl Sezemann's Article:Сократ и проблема самопознания in: Евразийский временник (Berlin 1925), vol. 4, 224–267 Polskie tłumaczenie rosyjskiego artykułu Wasyla Sezemanna. Oryginał: В. Э. Сеземан, Сократ и проблема самопознания, w: Евразийский временник (Berlin 1925), księga 4, 224–267

    Czy jest prawdą, że filozofia rosyjska nie jest naukowa?

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    Tłumaczenie artykułu N. O. Łosskiego pt. Czy jest prawdą, że filozofia rosyjska nie jest naukowa? opublikowanego w gazecie „Nowe ruskie słowo” («Новое русское слово») 1 czerwca 1952 roku. Tłumaczenie z języka rosyjskiego: Pylyp Bilyi i Alicja Pietras