82 research outputs found

    Festuca dertosensis (Poaceae), an overlooked fescue from the NE Iberian Peninsula

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    11 p., mapas, fot., il.A new species of Festuca L. (Poaceae) is described from the southern mountains of Tarragona (Catalonia, Spain). The new taxon belongs to the F. rubra aggregate, and superficially resembles plants of the F. trichophylla group. Its leaf anatomy, however, suggests a closer relationship with F. rubra and, in particular, F. heterophylla. Although sharing some features with F. paucispicula, a sympatric taxon, there are sufficient differences to warrant its separation from this local endemic. A comparative table and key are provided to assist in the identification of this overlooked fescue, and its relationship to other species present in the area is discussed, with special attention paid to species sharing a similar distribution. Mitosis studies have been carried out to determine the chromosome number, and the results suggest a decaploid, with a chromosome number of 2n = c. 70.Peer reviewe

    Festuca dertosensis (Poaceae), an overlooked fescue from the NE Iberian Peninsula

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    A new species of Festuca L. (Poaceae) is described from the southern mountains of Tarragona (Catalonia, Spain). The new taxon belongs to the F. rubra aggregate, and superficially resembles plants of the F. trichophylla group. Its leaf anatomy, however, suggests a closer relationship with F. rubra and, in particular, F. heterophylla. Although sharing some features with F. paucispicula, a sympatric taxon, there are sufficient differences to warrant its separation from this local endemic. A comparative table and key are provided to assist in the identification of this overlooked fescue, and its relationship to other species present in the area is discussed, with special attention paid to species sharing a similar distribution. Mitosis studies have been carried out to determine the chromosome number, and the results suggest a decaploid, with a chromosome number of 2n = c. 70

    Factors underpinning student perceptions of laboratory experiences

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    Background Survey data gathered as part of the Advancing Science by Enhancing Learning in the Laboratory (ASELL) project and its predecessors have been used previously to draw correlations between student perceptions of different aspects of laboratory-based activities and their perceived overall learning experience (Barrie, Bucat, Buntine, Burke da Silva, Crisp, George, Jamie, Kable, Lim, Pyke, Read, Sharma and Yeung, 2015). However, typical past analyses have involved the application of scoring techniques to ordered categorical response data, conflating student dependent and student independent contributions to student responses. Rasch modeling techniques provide an opportunity to control for the biases of individual students, revealing the more sample independent correlations in student perceptions which can be used to inform teaching practice. Particularly, the Linear Logistic Test Model (Fischer, 1995) is capable of expressing sample independent measures for each survey item as a linear combination of more basic factors of the experience. Aims The aim of this research was to derive a Linear Logistic Test Model for the ASELL Student Learning Experience (ASLE) survey, expressing “overall learning experience” as a linear combination of more basic factors of the learning experience. Methods A data set of 128,881 individual data points provided by over 9000 students in response to the ASLE survey, gathered from 29 practical activities run from 2011 to 2015 was input into a Rasch model, extracting student independent measures of quality for each experiment. These student independent measures were subjected to factor analysis, subsequently converting the results into a Linder Logistic Test Model of the ASLE survey data. Number of factors extracted was determined by balancing the parsimony of the model with the proportion of observed data variance explained, using the corrected Akaike Information Criterion (Burnham & Anderson, 2004). Results The final Linear Logistic Test Model reveals six major identifiable contributors to the laboratory learning experience. In descending order of impact on responses, these factors are the perceived connection to lecture theory, the quality of instructional material provided, understanding of theory through collaboration with others, the development of data interpretation skills, independent learning and the reliance on or appreciation for the demonstrator. A large component of “overall learning experience” appears to be due to aspects not addressed by ASLE survey items. The model yields equations for facets of the laboratory learning experience targeted by the ASLE survey, such as the equation for “overall learning experience” below (Equation 1). δ_(14 (overall learning experience)) = [■(-2@2@0@1@1@2@5)]⋅[■(〖 η〗_(theory focus)@〖 η〗_instructions@η_(collaborative understanding)@η_(data interpretation)@η_(independent learning)@η_demonstrators@η_(unexplained overall) )] (1) Similar equations are also obtained for other items of the survey, revealing models for fostering aspects of the experience such as student interest, increased understanding and development of technical skills. Conclusions Equations comprising the Linear logistic Test Model have a range of pedagogical implications for the structure of laboratory learning activities. Notably, increased understanding appears to be irrelevant to perceived “overall learning experience”, raising questions as to the consequential validity of using student response data to drive design of learning activities. A general theme of conflict between student preferences and attainment of learning objectives is recognized. References Barrie, S. C., R. B. Bucat, M. A. Buntine, K. Burke da Silva, G. T. Crisp, A. V. George, I. M. Jamie, S. H. Kable, K. F. Lim, S. M. Pyke, J. R. Read, M. D. Sharma & A. Yeung (2015). Development, Evaluation and Use of a Student Experience Survey in Undergraduate Science Laboratories: The Advancing Science by Enhancing Learning in the Laboratory Student Laboratory Learning Experience Survey. International Journal of Science Education, 37(11), 1795-1814. Burnham, K. P. & Anderson, D. R. (2004). Multimodel Inference: Understanding AIC and BIC in Model Selection. Sociological Methods & Research, 33(2), 261-304. Fischer, G. H. (1995). The linear logistic test model. Rasch models (pp. 131-155): Springer

    New data on vascular plants from Montseny massif (northeastern Iberian Peninsula)

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    En aquest treball es presenta un conjunt de notes sobre distribució i en algun cas de morfologia de plantes vasculars del massís del Montseny (nord-est de la península Ibèrica). Aquest article aporta dades per a 91 tàxons, 72 dels quals són noves citacions per al massís del Montseny. D’aquests 72 tàxons, 46 són autòctons i 26 corresponen a elements al·lòctons.Notes on distribution and morphology of some vascular plants from Montseny massif (north-eastern Iberian Peninsula) are presented. This paper deals with 91 taxa, 72 of which are new for the Montseny massif. Of these 72 taxa, 46 are native and 26 are non-

    Addicions i comentaris a la Flora vascular autòctona i aŀlòctona de les Muntanyes de Prades

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    Aportem 57 noves citacions de plantes vasculars per a la Flora de les Muntanyes de Prades (Catalunya meridional); 30 són tàxons autòctons i 27 aŀlòctons, amb un valor corològic divers. Anacyclus homogamuses cita formalment per primera vegada de Catalunya. El descobriment d'Orobanche castellana a prop de Prades representa una important novetat per a la flora catalana. Entre les espècies autòctones moltes són novetat per al territori d'estudi i fins i tot per al migjorn de Catalunya. Per a d'altres de rara freqüència ampliem o completem la seva distribució al territori amb noves quadrícules UTM 10 × 10 km. Ampliem notablement el grup de plantes aŀlòctones amb noves citacions. Moltes d'aquestes espècies aŀlòctones s'han introduït recentment, atès que la majoria no eren presents en catàlegs florístics realitzats abans de l'any 2000, ni en aportacions florístiques més actuals. Es discuteix quines han estat les causes més probables i les vies de penetració més plausibles d'aquestes introduccions. Paraules clau: Flora vascular, autòctones, aŀlòctones, corologia, taxonomia, Muntanyes de Prades, sud de Catalunya, nord-est de la península Ibèric

    Using laboratory experience to investigate student learning trends in chemistry

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    Surveys commonly utilised as part of the Advancing Science by Enhancing Learning in the Laboratory (ASELL) project have been used to investigate the perceptions of first year undergraduate chemistry students during their laboratory sessions at the University of Adelaide. From 2011, data from these surveys has provided insights into many facets of the learning experience. Quality of experiments and laboratory courses in first year undergraduate chemistry has been evaluated from the student perspective, and the effects of any revisions to past experiments and the overall laboratory course structure have been identified. Trends have been observed in the overall perception of experiments, with relation to macro, sub-micro and symbolic representations of concepts. Prominent factors contributing to the overall learning experience have been investigated, and cases in which these factors contribute most and least prominently have been observed. Reasons for relatively poor perception of experiments often appear related to effects generated by difficulty thinking beyond the macro domain of representation. Additionally, visual appeal has been seen to be a strong source of interest in experiments. The degree to which particular facets of the laboratory experience contribute to the perceived overall learning experience appears to be variable

    Convolvulus farinosus L. (Convolvulaceae), naturalitzat a Barcelona

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    És una planta originària de les terres meridionals i orientals del continent africà, actualment estesa per Eritrea, Etiòpia, Kenia, Uganda, Tanzània, Malawi, Bostwana, Zimbabue, Moçambic, Sud Àfrica, etc., així com per les illes de Madagascar i de Reunion, en aquest darrer cas catalogada entre les espècies invasores de l'illa. A l'àrea d'origen, les fulles joves són recoŀlectades i utilitzades com a aliment, i més rarament es fa servir de farratge o com a ornamental (Jansen, 2004). Des de fa força anys consta com a espècie introduïda a Sicília, a Tenerife (Acebes et al., 2010) i a Lisboa (tot i que, en el cas de Lisboa, alguns autors portuguesos consideren que n'és autòctona), de manera que les poblacions establertes de Barcelona representen la segona localitat ibèrica conegud

    Noves aportacions al coneixement de la flora cormofítica de les comarques meridionals de Catalunya, amb especial atenció a les muntanyes de Prades

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    Aportem noves dades corològiques, taxonòmiques i d'interès per a 73 tàxons provinents del territori Catalanídic Central comprès entre les muntanyes de Prades i el riu Ebre. En l'aspecte corològic destaca Poa trivialis subsp. sylvicola i Bromus hordeaceus subsp. mediterraneus com a novetats per a la flora catalana; Brachypodium hybridum, Carex sylvatica subsp. sylvatica, Chenopodium striatiforme, Festuca lemanii, Prunus lusitanica, Scilla hyacinthoides, Vicia pannonica subsp pannonica i molts altres, són tàxons rars que es coneixien d'escassíssimes localitats de Catalunya;2 18 tàxons representen novetats per al migjorn de Catalunya o transcendeixen aquest límit. D'altra banda s'amplien el nombre de localitats i s'augmenta la precisió de dispersió al territori de plantes rares dels complexes orogràfics de les muntanyes de Prades - serra de Montsant i serres de Llaberia - Colldejou. En l'aspecte nomenclatural i taxonòmic, s'actualitzen i comenten tàxons poc coneguts com Malva tournefortiana i diverses gramínies que pertanyen a grups complexes com alguns Bromus anuals, Poa, i especialment Festuca, on s'estudia amb detall el grup F. rubra - F. trichophylla i es descriu un nou tàxon: F. trichophylla subsp. meridionalis S. Pyke & Molero. Finalment s'aporten algunes dades historiogràfiques per valorar la presència actual de Fagus sylvatica al paratge de Poblet.We provide new chorological, taxonomic and other data for 73 taxa found in the Southern Catalonia, which comprises the area between the Prades massif and the river Ebre. As regards chorology, Poa trivialis subsp. sylvicola and Bromus hordeaceus subsp. mediterraneus stand out as being new to the Catalonian flora; Brachypodium hybridum, Carex sylvatica subsp. sylvatica, Chenopodium striatiforme, Festuca lemanii, Prunus lusitanica, Scilla hyacinthoides, Vicia pannonica subsp. pannonica and others, are rare taxa known from few stations in Catalonia; 18 species and subspecies are new for southern Catalonia (Tarragona province) or extend beyond these limits. In addition, new localities are provided, along with increasingprecision concerning plants rare within the Prades - Montsant - Lllaberia - Colldejou orography. Regarding nomenclature and taxonomic questions, we discuss and update certain little-known taxa such as Malva tournefortiana and grasses belonging to the complex genera Bromus (annual species), Poa and especially Festuca, where the F. rubra - F. trichophylla group is studied in detail and a new taxon is described: Festuca trichopylla subsp. meridionalis Pyke & Molero. Finally we provide some historiographic data to evaluate the current presence of Fagus sylvatica in the Poblet forest

    Política de partidos: conformación y fragmentación de facciones en la provincia de Misiones (1983-2005). Segunda etapa. 16H178

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    El proyecto constituía la continuación de la investigación (Política de Partidos….primera etapa) que se desarrolló durante los años 2003-2004. En esta segunda etapa se profundizaba en el análisis de los partidos políticos –PJ y UCR- de Misiones a partir del año 1983 hasta el 2005. El estudio se centró particularmente en analizar los conflictos (relaciones de poder) subyacentes al interior de los mismo. Investigar y analizar las estrategias implementadas por los actores políticos y las líneas internas con el fin de preservar o acceder al poder partido y, disputar los lugares en las listas de candidatos a cargos electivos

    Política, Gobierno e Instituciones en la Provincia de Misiones. El radicalismo como partido gobernante y sus relaciones con la oposición (1983-1987). 16H247

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    Actividades desarrolladas durante el período: Albrecht, Grabriela cursó y aprobó seminarios de la Maestría en Políticas Sociales; avance en la búsqueda de información respecto de las políticas sanitarias en el territorio de Misiones durante el período 1882 – 1953, para presentar el informe final de investigación; Medina, Martín: Defensa de la Tesis de Maestría en Ciencias Políticas; Gómez, Bárbara Natalia: En proceso de redacción de la tesis de maestría; Pyke, Jorge Nelson - Alvarez, Norma Graciela: Entre las actividades desarrolladas durante el 2009, debemos señalar la sistematización de la base de datos en relación con los debates parlamentarios de los diversos proyectos de leyes presentados por los legisladores y el Poder Ejecutivo durante el período 1983-1987. Asimismo se elaboraron ponencias para ser presentadas en diferentes encuentros científicos relaccionados con la temática investigada (ver apartado 9 Producción del Proyecto). Se continuó con el análisis y sistematización de los datos provenientes principalmente de los Diarios de Sesiones en relación con las discusiones de las leyes que, para nuestra investigación, consideramos fundamentales dentro la gestión de gobierno de la UCR