50 research outputs found

    Rola jednolitego obszaru płatności w euro na wspólnym rynku europejskim

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    Kolejnym etapem integracji gospodarczej Europy, tym razem na płaszczyźnie rozliczeń i płatności, było utworzenie Jednolitego obszaru płatności w euro - SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area). Ideą prac podejmowanych w ramach projektu SEPA jest wprowadzenie mechanizmów dla efektywnego dokonywania płatności w euro na obszarze Europy i traktowania tej strefy jako rynku wewnętrznego ze wszystkimi tego konsekwencjami, związanymi także z czasem realizacji transakcji i ponoszonymi za nie opłatami. Według programu SEPA zróżnicowane rozwiązania krajowe/lokalne mają zostać zastąpione wspólnymi systemami płatniczymi i jednolitymi standardami oraz zharmonizowanym prawem ochrony konsumentów. Skutkować to ma łatwym, szybkim, bezpiecznym i tanim dokonywaniem płatności na terenie jednolitego rynku płatności. Artykuł ukazuje warunki implementacji programu SEPA oraz implikacje wynikające z jednolitego rynku płatności

    An Evaluation of the Technical Efficiency of the Selected Commercial Banks with the Usage of the CCR-DEA Model under the Conditions of Acquisitions in the Banking Sector

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    The aim of this article is to evaluate the technical efficiency of the chosen commercial banks, which in the years 2014–2016 were participants in acquisitions in the banking sector, with the usage of the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model. The DEA model was modified through reshaping the linear form using the Charnes, Cooper, and Rhodes (CCR) model, which is aimed at expenditures. Particular attention was paid to the impact of acquisitions in the banking sector on the improvement or deterioration of the technical efficiency of banks that act as acquiring banks.The aim of this article is to evaluate the technical efficiency of the chosen commercial banks, which in the years 2014–2016 were participants in acquisitions in the banking sector, with the usage of the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model. The DEA model was modified through reshaping the linear form using the Charnes, Cooper, and Rhodes (CCR) model, which is aimed at expenditures. Particular attention was paid to the impact of acquisitions in the banking sector on the improvement or deterioration of the technical efficiency of banks that act as acquiring banks

    Przesłanki zmian modeli biznesowych banków ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem podatku od niektórych instytucji finansowych oraz wymogów kapitałowych

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    Business model of the banks defines their operation, rules applied to their business activity and value for the clients. Business model is not created once and for all. Thus, banks must verify the accepted business models all the time and adjust them to the changing environment and regulatory requirements. This paper is aimed at showing business models of commercial banks and showing reasons for changing the models taking into account market environment (for example, banking tax) and new prudential regulations implemented after the crisis in 2007–2008, paying special attention to capital requirements. Model biznesowy banków określa to, jak one funkcjonują, według jakich zasad prowadzą działalność i jaką tworzą wartość dla klientów. Banki nieustannie muszą weryfikować przyjęte modele biznesowe i dostosowywać je do zmieniającego się otoczenia oraz wymogów regulacyjnych. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie istoty modeli biznesowych banków komercyjnych i przesłanek zmian tych modeli z uwzględnieniem otoczenia rynkowego (w tym tzw. podatku bankowego) oraz nowych regulacji ostrożnościowych, które wprowadzono po kryzysie z lat 2007–2008, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wymogów kapitałowych

    Caffeine - a substance well known or still researched

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    Caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine) is a psychostimulant that acts as an adenosine receptor antagonist. It is a naturally occurring central nervous system (CNS) stimulant of the methylxanthine class that can be isolated from more than sixty plants, but can also be produced synthetically and added to our daily foods and medicines. Depending on the plant in which it occurs, it is referred to by a different name, such as guaranine (when it comes from guarana seeds), matein (when it comes from yerba mate), and theine (when it comes from tea leaves). It is considered the most often used psychoactive drug in the world. It is used in the preparation of daily beverages to refresh and offset symptoms of mental and physical fatigue, which are commonly used around the world in the form of coffee, tea or chocolate. There are also many medications containing caffeine, and the substance is also added to carbonated drinks (Pepsi, Coca-Cola) and energy drinks. After oral administration, caffeine is quickly and completely (i.e.99%) absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. After absorption from the gastrointestinal tract ( especially the small intestine), caffeine is distributed throughout the body. It penetrates all tissues through cell membranes and enters the water space of tissues. Caffeine is practically completely biotransformed in the liver, only 2% of the ingested dose is excreted unchanged in the urine. Caffeine metabolism is affected by many exogenous and endogenous factors, such as genetics, age, gender, pregnancy, diet, lifestyle, smoking, environmental factors, drugs and diseases. Caffeine is removed from the body mainly by the kidneys. The FDA ( Food and Drug Administration) has approved caffeine for use in the treatment of apnea and the prevention and treatment of bronchopulmonary dysplasia in premature infants. Caffeine modifies the effects of some medications. Caffeine has a wide range of effects on the body, both positive and negative, that may partially affect the variability of caffeine consumption between individuals

    Wiedza i postawy wobec padaczki wśród mieszkańców województwa śląskiego. Badanie ankietowe

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    Background and purpose Epilepsy is one of the most frequent neurological diseases. Social acceptance is very important for people with epilepsy and their relatives. The aim of the study was to assess public knowledge and attitudes towards epilepsy in Silesia. Material and methods We examined 419 people, inhabitants of Silesia, at the mean age of 34 ± 15 years. The study was performed using a questionnaire containing 15 questions evaluating knowledge about epilepsy and attitudes towards people with epilepsy. Results 43.2% of the respondents knew an epileptic person themselves. 44.7% had witnessed an epileptic seizure; 68.8% would help a person during an epileptic seizure, but most of them (73.4%) would do it incorrectly (by putting an object into the mouth to prevent biting the tongue). 94.5% of respondents had nothing against friendship with an epileptic person, but 12.1% suggested that children with epilepsy should attend special schools. 85.9% of all those examined said that people with epilepsy should inform others about their disease, 81.9% would mention the existence of an epileptic person in their family. 40.5% of respondents believe that people with epilepsy can do the same jobs as healthy people, 75.3% would employ an epileptic person themselves. Conclusions The knowledge about epilepsy and first aid during epileptic seizure is still insufficient among inhabitants of Silesia. Most of the responders, especially better educated ones, declare acceptance and tolerance of people with epilepsy. More effort should be made to improve public knowledge of epilepsy by preparing wide-spread educational programmes.Wstęp i cel pracy Padaczka to jedna z najczęstszych przewlekłych chorób układu nerwowego. Społeczna akceptacja jest bardzo ważna dla osób chorujących na padaczkę i ich rodzin. Celem pracy była ocena wiedzy na temat padaczki oraz postaw wobec osób nią dotkniętych wśród mieszkańców województwa śląskiego. Materiał i metody W badaniu wzięło udział 419 mieszkańców województwa śląskiego, w średnim wieku 34 ± 15 lat. Zastosowano kwestionariusz składający się z 15 pytań dotyczących wiedzy i postaw wobec padaczki. Wyniki Spośród ankietowanych 43,5% stwierdziło, że zna lub znała osobę chorującą na padaczkę. 44,7% badanych była wcześniej świadkiem napadu padaczkowego. Większość (68,8%) deklarowała chęć udzielenia pomocy w trakcie napadu, lecz aż 73,4% uczyniłoby to niewłaściwie (poprzez włożenie jakiegoś przedmiotu między zęby osoby chorej). Aż 94,5% ankietowanych nie miałoby nic przeciwko temu, aby w grupie przyjaciół znalazła się osoba chora na padaczkę, a 12,1% uważało, że dzieci chore na padaczkę powinny chodzić do specjalnych szkół. 85,9% badanych twierdziło, że osoby chore na padaczkę powinny informować otoczenie o swojej chorobie, nieco mniej (81,9%) powiedziałoby innym, gdyby w rodzinie była osoba chora. 40,5% ankietowanych jest zdania, że chorujący na padaczkę mogą pracować w tych samych zawodach co osoby zdrowe, aż 70,5% zatrudniłoby taką osobę osobiście. Wnioski Wiedza na temat padaczki oraz znajomość zasad udzielania pierwszej pomocy osobie w trakcie napadu padaczkowego jest wciąż niedostateczna wśród mieszkańców Śląska. Większość badanych, zwłaszcza lepiej wykształconych, deklaruje postawę akceptacji oraz tolerancji wobec osób chorujących na padaczkę. Istnieje potrzeba przygotowania i rozpowszechnienia programu edukacyjnego, który zawierałby podstawowe informacje na temat choroby i postępowania z osobą chorą w trakcie napadu

    Pulmonary metastases of the A549-derived lung adenocarcinoma tumors growing in nude mice : a multiple case study

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    Lung adenocarcinoma is a leading human malignancy with fatal prognosis. Ninety percent of the deaths, however, are caused by metastases. The model of subcutaneous tumor xenograft in nude mice was adopted to study the growth of control and photodynamically treated tumors derived from the human A549 lung adenocarcinoma cell line. As a side-result of the primary studies, observations on the metastasis of these tumors to the murine lungs were collected, and reported in the present paper. The metastasizing primary tumors were drained by a prominent number of lymphatic vessels. The metastatic tissue revealed the morphology of well-differentiated or trans-differentiated adenocarcinoma. Further histological and histochemical analyses demonstrated the presence of golden-brown granules in the metastatic tissue, similar to these found in the tumor tissue. In contrast to the primary tumors, the electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy revealed no nitric oxide - hemoglobin complexes (a source of intense paramagnetic signals), in the metastases. No metastases were found in other murine organs; however, white infarctions were identified in a single liver. Taken together, the A549-derived tumors growing subcutaneously in nude mice can metastasize and grow on site in the pulmonary tissue. Thus, they can represent an alternative for the model of induced metastatic nodule formation, following intravenous administration of the cancerous cells

    Complications in recipients of cardioverter-defibrillator or cardiac resynchronization therapy: Insights from Silesian Center Defibrillator registry

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    Background: Current real-life information from all-comers registries from middle and east Europe about the incidence and type of complications during long-term follow-up of patients with cardioverters-defibrillators (ICD) and cardiac resynchronization devices-defibrillators (CRT-D) is still insufficient. The aim of the study was to assess the incidence and determinants of short- and long-term complications related to implantable ICD and CRT-D. Methods: We studied 1,105 recipients hospitalized in our center in 2009–2013, followed for a mean of 2.4 years (total of 2,652 patient-years). The independent association between ICD and CRT-D recipients’ and implantation-procedures’ characteristics with the incidence of complications was analyzed using multivariable Cox regression analysis. Results: In 2-month post-procedural period, 124 (11.2%) patients developed complications. Independent predictors of short-term complications (within 2 months) were: atrial fibrillation, dual chamber ICD implantation, and use of antiplatelet therapy or coumarin. Twenty-seven (2.44%) patients experienced complications, mostly lead-related (n = 21). Independent predictors of long-term complications (2–12 months after implantation) were atrial fibrillation and dual chamber ICD implantation. Conclusions: Despite significant technological progress and operators’ experience, the occurrence of complications in ICD and CRT-D recipients is still substantial. Majority of complications are recorded in the early post-implantation phase. Analysis of independent predictors of complications seem to be essential in helping to reduce adverse events in the future and strongly supports the need for routine follow-up.  

    Status Of The FAIR Synchrotron Projects SIS18 And SIS100

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    A large fraction of the program to upgrade the existingheavy ion synchrotron SIS18 as injector for the FAIR synchrotron SIS100 has been successfully completed. With the achieved technical status, a major increase of theaccelerated number of heavy ions could be reached. Thenow available performance especially demonstrates thefeasibility of high intensity beams of medium charge stateheavy ions with a sufficient control of the dynamicvacuum and connected charge exchange loss. Two furtherupgrade measures, the installation of additional magneticalloy (MA) acceleration cavities and the exchange of themain dipole power converter, are presently beingimplemented. For the FAIR synchrotron SIS100, theprocurement of all major components with longproduction times has been started. With the delivery andtesting of several pre-series components, the phase ofoutstanding technical reserach and developments could becompleted and the readiness for series productionachieved