505 research outputs found

    Peer-to-Peer Communication Across Network Address Translators

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    Network Address Translation (NAT) causes well-known difficulties for peer-to-peer (P2P) communication, since the peers involved may not be reachable at any globally valid IP address. Several NAT traversal techniques are known, but their documentation is slim, and data about their robustness or relative merits is slimmer. This paper documents and analyzes one of the simplest but most robust and practical NAT traversal techniques, commonly known as "hole punching." Hole punching is moderately well-understood for UDP communication, but we show how it can be reliably used to set up peer-to-peer TCP streams as well. After gathering data on the reliability of this technique on a wide variety of deployed NATs, we find that about 82% of the NATs tested support hole punching for UDP, and about 64% support hole punching for TCP streams. As NAT vendors become increasingly conscious of the needs of important P2P applications such as Voice over IP and online gaming protocols, support for hole punching is likely to increase in the future.Comment: 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Вміст деяких мікроелементів у ґрунті та рослинах роду Pyrethrum Zinn.

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    It was found that plant of Pyrethrum parthenium (L.) Smith. and Pyrethrum coccineum (Willd.) Worosch., which are growing at a sufficiently secured microelements (Zn, Cu, Mn, Co, Ni, Pb, Cd) gray forest soil of Kremenets’ region, were accumulated significant amounts of Zn and Mn, low – Cu, Co, Ni, Pb and Cd.Установлено, що рослини піретруму дівочого (Pyrethrum parthenium (L.) Smith.) і п. червоного (P. coccineum (Willd.) Worosch.), які зростали на достатньо забезпеченому мікроелементами (Zn, Cu, Mn, Co, Ni, Pb, Cd) сірому лісовому ґрунті Кременецького горбогір’я, акумулюють значну кількість Zn та Mn, незначну – Cu, Co, Ni, Pb і Cd

    Emergency First Aid Responders System, as an opportunity to support the State Medical Rescue System in Wroclaw

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    A person in a life-threatening situation is dependent on the first people at the scene of the event. The effectiveness of the rescue operations depends on the level of their training and willingness to help. The availability of professional services statutorily appointed to provide assistance is often insufficient. This is due to the failure of the system at all stages. Currently, work is carried out around the world to shorten the time of reaching people who have knowledge and skills in the field of first aid. This will allow us to take action in the first minutes that determine the survival when the victim is in a life-threatening situation. One of the tested solutions is the creation of mobile applications used by volunteers educated in the field of performing activities in the area of first aid in a life-threatening situation of the victim


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    The role of adhesive technology in industry has increased significantly in recent times. The need to transfer evergreater stresses while reducing the mass of devices causes difficulties in engineering. The use of dissimilarmaterials prioritise this technology. Special equipment is required to ensure the right technological conditions.CAD software facilitates the creation of a virtual design to meet the formulated requirements. This articlepresents the method of designing the instrumentation allowing to conduct the study of adhesives cured by UVrays

    Medical emergency and battlefield medicine

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    A victim in a life-threatening situation is a big challenge for rescue services around the world. Especially in a situation where assistance is to be provided in conditions that also threaten rescuers. Such an event may occur, for example, in the conditions of the battlefield. In order to provide effective assistance, separate rescue systems had to be implemented, which on the one hand included effective assistance to the victim, and on the other, they adapted it to the battlefield. These systems allow limited exposure to the risk of health or life-threatening situations to the rescuers. The paramedic operating in the emergency medical system operates in the safe zone with the equipment in emergency backpacks, along with an ambulance and entities supporting the State Medical Rescue system. The victim is to receive full assistance according to current standards. The patient is to have all the tests done to confirm or rule out life-threatening inju- ries. Evacuation to the hospital takes place, if the situation requires, using equipment to fully immobilize the spine. Acting in combat conditions, a paramedic in a dangerous zone provides assistance to an injured person in the field of authorship or performs only simple activities to protect the basic life functions of the victim. It is only in a potentially safe zone that he uses emergency equipment stored in a rescue pack or a personal first aid kit. Evacuation of the victim takes place on a stretcher, which does not fully protect the victim with a spinal injury.

    Особливості росту і розвитку рослин Lupinus arboreus Sims. при інтродукції в Кременецький ботанічний сад

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    The results of seasonal rhythm of development, growing processes and seed productivity of Lupinus arboreus Sims. plants in soil and climatic conditions of Kremenets hills are presented. Cold resistance usage are analyzed.Представлено результати досліджень сезонного ритму розвитку, ростових процесів та насіннєвої продуктивності Lupinus arboreus Sims. у ґрунтово-кліматичних умовах Кременецького горбогір’я. Оцінено зимостійкість виду

    Acute coronary syndromes in the practice of the emergency medical team

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    An acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is described when myocardial ischemia occurs due to impeding blood flow through the coronary vessels, which in turn results in insufficient supply of oxygen. As a disease entity, it causes almost half of all deaths in Poland. The high mortality of ACS is primarily in the pre-hospital setting. The classification of acute coronary syndromes is based on criteria such as clinical symptoms, the nature and type of changes in the electrocardiogram, and indicators of myocardial necrosis. In the conditions of the emergency medical team, the division is based on the image of the ECG test. On this basis, ACS with elevation of the ST segment (STEMI) and without ST segment elevation (NSTEMI) are defined. Pre-hospital diagnosis of ACS includes an interview with the patient and a 12-lead ECG performed preferably in no more than 10 minutes since the first medical contact. The task of the emergency medical team is to quickly recognize, perform teletransmission to the interventional cardiology centre and implement pharmacological treatment, and then provide transport to the nearest centre of invasive cardiology, where the procedure should be performed to clear the blocked coronary artery. Therefore, it is important that the staff of medical emergency teams have appropriate knowledge and proper equipment for ambulances

    Content of biologically active substances in sweet cherry fruits at different stages of fruit development in the conditions of the living mulch

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    Received: August 19th, 2022 ; Accepted: October 7th, 2022 ; Published: October 19th, 2022 ; Correspondence: [email protected]Сontent of soluble solids, sugars, titrated acids, ascorbate, glutathione, phenolic substances, anthocyanins, total reducing activity of fruits tissues in sweet cherry fruits studied at different stages of fruit development during 2018 and 2019 in an organic sweet cherry orchard (Prunus avium L. / Prunus mahaleb) in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. The aim of the research was to determine how the living much conditions (compared to bare fallow) affect the content of biologically active substances in sweet cherry fruits at different stages of ripening. It was determined that the fruits of sweet cherry accumulated significantly more ascorbate, phenolic substances and anthocyanins in the conditions of living mulch (compared to the fruits of the trees on bare fallow). So, at the stage of picking ripeness, the content of ascorbate in sweet cherry fruits in the conditions of living mulch was 29 and 22% more compared to bare fallow (respectively, in 2018 and 2019), phenolic substances - by 47 and 23%, anthocyanins - by 36 and 26%. The revealed regularities can be explained by stressful conditions of competition with natural herbs, which activate the synthesis of anti-stress, antioxidant biologically active substances in plant tissues (including fruits). Since it is the antioxidants of the fruits that have a physiological value for humans, it can be stated that the fruits grown in the conditions of living mulch have a higher therapeutic and preventive value than the fruits grown on bare fallow