167 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Fatigue Strength of Concrete Slabs Reinforced with Welded Wire Fabrics

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    Civil Engineerin


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Lucrarea își propune să prezinte un model acțional în vederea formării competențelor praxiologice de interpretare și înțelegere a diverselor tipuri de scrieri (științifice, artistice) de către studentul medicinist. De asemenea, vor fi prezentate modele practice de apropriere a textului cu limbaj specializat și colocvial, precum și interferența dintre ele. Scopul lucrării. Lucrarea își propune să operaționalizeze următoarele obiective: (1) elaborarea unui model de lectură axat pe text multimodal; (2) prezentarea modelelor de aplicare, confluență, interrelaționare pentru diverse tipuri de texte (limbaj specializat, publicistic, artistic etc.). Materiale și metode. Se vor examina lucrările de referință cu privire la modelele eficiente de lectură. Vor fi examinate secvențe de diverse tipuri de texte- articole de ziar, studii științifice, articole lexico-grafice, texte beletristice. Se vor aplica metodele de cercetare analitico-sintetice. Rezultate Cercetarea a relevat următoarele rezultate: (1) importanța unui model de lectură personalizat, aplicat conștient și asumat; (2) utilizarea diverselor registre ale limbajelor contribuie la o înțelegere calitativă și eficientă a textului; (3) valorificarea experienței lingvistice anterioare este o parte integrantă a parcursului procesual și sistematic al învățării. Concluzii. Experiența lingvistică a utilizatorului se conturează în mod constant și conform aceluiași model de derulare: deconstrucție – construcție – reconstrucțieBackground: The paper aims to present an action model in order to form the praxiological skills of interpretation and understanding of various types of writing (scientific, artistic) by the medical student. In addition, practical models of approximation of the text with specialized and colloquial lumbar, as well as the interference between them will be presented. Objective of the study: The paper aims to operationalize the following objectives: (1) development of a reading model focused on multimodal text; (2) Presentation of application models, confluence, and interrelationship for various types of texts (specialized language, journalism, art, etc.). Materials and methods: Reference papers on effective reading models will be examined. Sequences of various types of texts will be examined - newspaper articles, scientific studies, lexico -graphic articles, fiction texts. Analytical-synthetic research methods will be applied. Results: research revealed the following results: (1) the importance of a personalized reading model consciously applied and assumed; (2) the use of various registers of languages contributes to a qualitative and efficient understanding of the text; (3) capitalizing on previous language experience is an integral part of the process and systematic learning process. Conclusions: The user’s language experience is constantly and according to the same development model: deconstruction - construction - reconstructio

    Lectura și știința – o simbioză a competențelor

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    Background: The paper aims to present an action model in order to form the praxiological skills of interpretation and understanding of various types of writing (scientific, artistic) by the medical student. In addition, practical models of approximation of the text with specialized and colloquial lumbar, as well as the interference between them will be presented. Objective of the study: The paper aims to operationalize the following objectives: (1) development of a reading model focused on multimodal text; (2) Presentation of application models, confluence, and interrelationship for various types of texts (specialized language, journalism, art, etc.). Materials and methods: Reference papers on effective reading models will be examined. Sequences of various types of texts will be examined - newspaper articles, scientific studies, lexico -graphic articles, fiction texts. Analytical- synthetic research methods will be applied. Results: research revealed the following results: (1) the importance of a personalized reading model consciously applied and assumed; (2) the use of various registers of languages contributes to a qualitative and efficient understanding of the text; (3) capitalizing on previous language experience is an integral part of the process and systematic learning process. Conclusions: The user’s language experience is constantly and according to the same development model: deconstruction - construction - reconstruction.Introducere. Lucrarea își propune să prezinte un model acțional în vederea formării competențelor praxiologice de interpretare și înțelegere a diverselor tipuri de scrieri (științifice, artistice) de către studentul medicinist. De asemenea, vor fi prezentate modele practice de apropriere a textului cu limbaj specializat și colocvial, precum și interferența dintre ele. Scopul lucrării. Lucrarea își propune să operaționalizeze următoarele obiective: (1) elaborarea unui model de lectură axat pe text multimodal; (2) prezentarea modelelor de aplicare, confluență, interrelaționare pentru diverse tipuri de texte (limbaj specializat, publicistic, artistic etc.). Materiale și metode. Se vor examina lucrările de referință cu privire la modelele eficiente de lectură. Vor fi examinate secvențe de diverse tipuri de texte- articole de ziar, studii științifice, articole lexico-grafice, texte beletristice. Se vor aplica metodele de cercetare analitico-sintetice. Rezultate Cercetarea a relevat următoarele rezultate: (1) importanța unui model de lectură personalizat, aplicat conștient și asumat; (2) utilizarea diverselor registre ale limbajelor contribuie la o înțelegere calitativă și eficientă a textului; (3) valorificarea experienței lingvistice anterioare este o parte integrantă a parcursului procesual și sistematic al învățării. Concluzii. Experiența lingvistică a utilizatorului se conturează în mod constant și conform aceluiași model de derulare: deconstrucție – construcție – reconstrucție


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    oai:ojs.pkp.sfu.ca:article/1Exposure to ionizing radiation increases the production of the reactive oxygen species (ROS) leading the irradiated cells into a state of oxidative stress. Furthermore, Lead exposure along with ionizing radiation can potentially become toxic to the tissues due to the heightened oxidative stress. In the present study adult male Swiss albino mice were procured and divided into seven groups. Group (II to IV) serving as control, received sub lethal dose (3.0 Gy or 6.0Gy) and /or lead acetate (20ppm) in drinking water ad libitum. The experimental groups (V to VII) were given aqueous solution of Emblica (1000 mg/ Kg b.wt./ animal/ day) orally seven days prior to radiation and/or lead acetate treatment. Sham- irradiated animals of Group I served as normal. Animals of all the groups were autopsied at each post treatment interval of 1, 2, 4, 7, 14 and 28 days. After the experiments observed number of lesions in the intestinal epithelium from outer coat to inner mucosa. Loosened sub mucosa with hyperaemia and hemorrhage, shortened crypts and a number of apoptotic cells with severe cytoplasmic variations were noted. Villi had a rough surface, wavy epithelium and hydropic degeneration up to day-2 and thereafter, a recovery from intestinal lesions was initiated and noticed till the last autopsy interval. After the combined exposure of gamma radiation and lead acetate, Group IV exhibited same pattern of damage but severe histopathological alteration than individual exposure of radiation or lead acetate indicating “synergistic “effect. Process of recovery started on day-14 after the combined treatment but the process was slow. The Combined treatment showed synergistic effect. In experimental groups less severe radiolesions and an early onset of recovery was observed. Therefore it may be deduced that Emblica is a good herbal radioprotector and may be useful for the clinical applications in human beings during radiotherapy.

    Tunable Anti-Guiding Factor and Optical Gain of InGaAlAs/InP Nano-Heterostructure under Internal Strain

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    This paper reports about the study of tunable anti-guiding factor and gain spectra of type-I GRIN (Graded Refractive Index) compressively strained InGaAlAs/InP nano-heterostructure. Through the modeling and mathematical simulation, the tuning behaviors of optical gain, differential gain and refractive index-change with carrier densities have been studied in the presence of internal strain which occurs due to lattice mismatch. According to the results, both the anti-guiding factor and optical gain are enhanced as increase in the percentage compressively strain. The lasing wavelength has also been found to shift towards lower values with increasing strain. These studies explain the tunability of the studied heterostructure and mostly utilized in optical fiber based communication systems

    The Impact, Emerging Needs, and New Research Questions Arising from 12 Years of the Center for the Study of Complex Malaria in India

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    The Center for the Study of Complex Malaria in India (CSCMi) was launched in 2010 with the overall goal of addressing major gaps in our understanding of "complex malaria" in India through projects on the epidemiology, transmission, and pathogenesis of the disease. The Center was mandated to adopt an integrated approach to malaria research, including building capacity, developing infrastructure, and nurturing future malaria leaders while conducting relevant and impactful studies to assist India as it moves from control to elimination. Here, we will outline some of the interactions and impacts the Center has had with malaria policy and control counterparts in India, as well as describe emerging needs and new research questions that have become apparent over the past 12 years

    Possible involvement of caveolin in attenuation of cardioprotective effect of ischemic preconditioning in diabetic rat heart

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Nitric oxide (NO) has been noted to produce ischemic preconditioning (IPC)-mediated cardioprotection. Caveolin is a negative regulator of NO, which inhibits endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) by making caveolin-eNOS complex. The expression of caveolin is increased during diabetes mellitus (DM). The present study was designed to investigate the involvement of caveolin in attenuation of the cardioprotective effect of IPC during DM in rat.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Experimental DM was induced by single dose of streptozotocin (50 mg/Kg, <it>i.p</it>,) and animals were used for experiments four weeks later. Isolated heart was mounted on Langendorff's apparatus, and was subjected to 30 min of global ischemia and 120 min of reperfusion. IPC was given by four cycles of 5 min of ischemia and 5 min of reperfusion with Kreb's-Henseleit solution (K-H). Extent of injury was measured in terms of infarct size by triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) staining, and release of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and creatin kinase-MB (CK-MB) in coronary effluent. The cardiac release of NO was noted by measuring the level of nitrite in coronary effluent.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>IPC- induced cardioprotection and release of NO was significantly decreased in diabetic rat heart. Pre-treatment of diabetic rat with daidzein (DDZ) a caveolin inhibitor (0.2 mg/Kg/s.c), for one week, significantly increased the release of NO and restored the attenuated cardioprotective effect of IPC. Also perfusion of sodium nitrite (10 μM/L), a precursor of NO, significantly restored the lost effect of IPC, similar to daidzein in diabetic rat. Administration of 5-hydroxy deaconate (5-HD), a mito K<sub>ATP </sub>channel blocker, significantly abolished the observed IPC-induced cardioprotection in normal rat or daidzein and sodium nitrite perfused diabetic rat heart alone or in combination.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Thus, it is suggested that attenuation of the cardioprotection in diabetic heart may be due to decrease the IPC mediated release of NO in the diabetic myocardium, which may be due to up -regulation of caveolin and subsequently decreased activity of eNOS.</p