Tunable Anti-Guiding Factor and Optical Gain of InGaAlAs/InP Nano-Heterostructure under Internal Strain


This paper reports about the study of tunable anti-guiding factor and gain spectra of type-I GRIN (Graded Refractive Index) compressively strained InGaAlAs/InP nano-heterostructure. Through the modeling and mathematical simulation, the tuning behaviors of optical gain, differential gain and refractive index-change with carrier densities have been studied in the presence of internal strain which occurs due to lattice mismatch. According to the results, both the anti-guiding factor and optical gain are enhanced as increase in the percentage compressively strain. The lasing wavelength has also been found to shift towards lower values with increasing strain. These studies explain the tunability of the studied heterostructure and mostly utilized in optical fiber based communication systems

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