157 research outputs found

    Understanding anorexia: an hermeneutic approach as a methodological alternative for the field of contemporary anorexia research

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    Theories of anorexia nervosa have mainly been dominated by psychiatry and concentrate upon its physiological aspects, both in diagnosis and treatment. This has led to a search for organic causes behind anorectic conditions, instead of seeing it as molded and shaped both by the individual and the socio-cultural context. This "medicalisation" has been an impediment to a more complete conceptualisation of the experience of discipline and of the ascetic modes of action in anorexia. The intension is to approach anorexia as lived process. The focus is not in explaining what cause anorexia, but is centered on the contents of living experience as such. Thus, the author proposes a phenomenological approach to anorexia as a methodological alternative compared to the dominant medico-psychological approaches to anorexia of today. If we consider the body of an anorectic person as an intersection in which the subject's relationship to social reality will be materialized and verified, we are able to see first how accurate a picture of the dual meanings, double bindings and paradoxical commitments of our present culture and its relation to a woman's body anorexia will draw up. Also, because the fact is that anorexia is a predominantly "women's" illness we have to take in account that the construction of subjectivity and in this context the construction of a lived anorectic experience of discipline, is not a gender-neutral process

    The European far-right

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    Far-right politics in Europe / Jean-Yves Camus, Nicolas Lebourg. Cambridge, Massachusetts : The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2017

    Cognitive Bias in Knowledge Engineering Course

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    The paper presents experience in teaching of knowledge and ontological engineering. The teaching framework is targeted on the development of cognitive skills that will allow facilitating the process of knowledge elicitation, structuring and ontology development for scaffolding students’ research. The structuring procedure is the kernel of ontological engineering. The 5-steps ontology designing process is described. Special stress is put on “beautification” principles of ontology creating. The academic curriculum includes interactive game-format training of lateral thinking, interpersonal cognitive intellect and visual mind mapping techniques

    Feature Extraction for Classification in the Data Mining Process

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    Dimensionality reduction is a very important step in the data mining process. In this paper, we consider feature extraction for classification tasks as a technique to overcome problems occurring because of “the curse of dimensionality”. Three different eigenvector-based feature extraction approaches are discussed and three different kinds of applications with respect to classification tasks are considered. The summary of obtained results concerning the accuracy of classification schemes is presented with the conclusion about the search for the most appropriate feature extraction method. The problem how to discover knowledge needed to integrate the feature extraction and classification processes is stated. A decision support system to aid in the integration of the feature extraction and classification processes is proposed. The goals and requirements set for the decision support system and its basic structure are defined. The means of knowledge acquisition needed to build up the proposed system are considered

    Savolainen trendimenu uusin menetelmin

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    Ravintola-alalla on yleistä erilaisten valmistusmenetelmien ja raaka-aineiden vaihtuvuus. Alan trendit tuovat esiin kulloinkin mielenkiintoisia valmistusmenetelmiä ja raaka-aineita, jotka mielletään trendikkäiksi. Osa niistä säilyttää asemansa pidempään ja osa katoaa tullen pinnalle aina aika ajoin. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää alalla viime vuosina vallinneita trendejä, joita ovat muun muassa perinneruoka, lähiruoka, kestävä kehitys ja uudet, innovatiiviset ruoanvalmistusmenetelmät. Tavoitteena oli suunnitella ja tuotekehittää Ravintola Vinttiin menu, joka pohjautuu perinteisiin savolaisiin ruokalajeihin ja raaka-aineisiin ja jossa trendien mukaisesti hyödynnetään lähiruokaa ja uusia ruoanvalmistusmenetelmiä, muun muassa matalalämpökypsennystä ja molekyyligastronomiaa. Lisäksi työssä selvitetään ammattikeittiöiden ruokatuotantoprosessia, jonka osia ruokalistan suunnittelu, tuotekehitys ja toteutus ovat. Työn tuotekehitysosuudessa on raportoitu tehdyt tuotekokeilut molekyyligastronomiassa käytettyjä lisäaineita hyödyntäen. Tuloksia arvioitiin aistinvaraisesti. Tuotekokeiluissa valmistettiin kaviaaria alginaatin ja kalsiumin sekä spaghettia agarin avulla. Kaviaarin kohdalla lopputulokseen vaikuttavat pääasiallisesti kalsiumin määrä sekä aika, jonka tuote on kosketuksissa kalsiumin kanssa. Kokeiluissa arvioitiin kalsiumin määrän ja ajan yhdistelmiä eri pitoisuuksilla. Agarin kohdalla tuotekokeilut keskittyivät rakenteen arvioimiseen. Agarin määrä makuaineessa määrittelee lopputuotteen rakenteen. Tuotekehitetyn ja asiakkaille toteutetun menun ruoat ovat perinteisiä savolaisia ruokalajeja, jotka on päivitetty vastaamaan vallitsevia trendejä. Menu toteutettiin viiden ruokalajin kokonaisuutena, jonka ruokalajit olivat rantakala, kalakukko, lampaan selekee ja kualhauvikasta, luomunautaa ja rokkatuuvinkia sekä serinakakku. Menu toteutettiin kertaluontoisena tapahtumana etukäteen markkinoituna. Ravintola Vintillä on usein vastaavia, suosituiksi havaittuja tapahtumia, joissa varsinaisen ruokalistan ulkopuolelta myydään erikoismenua, joten uudenlainen savolainen menu sopi heidän liikeideaansa. Asiakkailta saatu palaute oli positiivista ja menua tullaan myymään ravintolassa vastaisuudessakin.The restaurant business field quite often changes with new processing or cooking methods and ingredients. The trends in the field tend to raise the public knowledge of cooking methods or ingredients which are in effect considered trendy. Some of them stay in the public eye for a long time whereas some emerge from time to time. The purpose of this thesis was to study the trends in the restaurant business in recent years, which include, for example, traditional food, local food, sustainable development and new, innovative cooking methods. The aim of this thesis was to use the means of product development and plan a menu for Restaurant Vintti. The menu is based on traditional dishes and ingredients of the Savo-area. The planned menu, according to the prevailing trends in the field, utilises local food and developed cooking methods, such as low temperature cooking and molecular gastronomy. In the part regarding product development the experiments on the additives used in molecular gastronomy are reported. The results were evaluated by means of sensory evaluation. In the tests with the additives, caviar was created using sodium alginate and calcium chloride and also spaghetti using agar. In the case of the caviar the end results mainly vary according to the combination of the amount of calcium and time. In the tests different amounts of calcium were tested with different time frames. Tests with agar concentrated on texture, which is affected by the percentage of agar. The menu, which was carried out and served to customers, consists of traditional Savo-area dishes, which are updated to correspond to the trends in the field in recent years. The menu was carried out as a five-course meal and the dishes were rantakala (savoury fish flan), kalakukko (meat and fish with ryebread-baconcrumbs), lampaan selekee with kualhauvikas (lamb fillet with braised cabbage), luomunautaa with rokkatuuvinki (organic-beef fillet with peapyré) and serinacake (petit fours). The menu was carried out as a one-time event, which was marketed in advance. Restaurant Vintti often arranges similar events, where special menus are sold outside the ordinary menu. So, an event with new Savo-area menu fits the restaurants business concept perfectly. The feedback from the customers was good and the restaurant is going to sell the menu also in the future

    Meidän jälkeemme vedenpaisumus – Adorno oikeistoradikalismista

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    Theodor W. Adorno: Näkökulmia uuteen oikeistoradikalismiin. Tampere: Vastapaino, 2020, 86 s. ISBN 978951768783

    Sosiologia ja fysiikka

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    Sosiologian maailmankuva tulisi systemaattisesti päivittää lähtien fysiikan uusimmista maailmaa koskevista näkemyksistä. Tulisi myös tutkia kriittisemmin niin kvantitatiivisten kuin kvalitatiivistenkin tutkimusmenetelmien käypyyttä. Mihin ne oikeastaan kelpaavat? Sosiologiaan tulisi joka tapauksessa kehitellä uusi laajojen tietokantojen, tilastoaineistojen ja supertietokoneiden käyttöön perustuva tapa tehdä tutkimusta, jonka avulla kenties pystyttäisiin laatimaan aikaisempaa parempia yhteiskunnan toimintaa kuvaavia teoreettisia malleja ja siten myös aikaisempaa paremmin voitaisiin esittää tieteellisiä yhteiskunnallisen kehityksen vaihtoehtoja