45 research outputs found


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    Rigid concrete pavement is a pavement needed on a special typical load area and alsoneeded a low maintenance. Problems arise when there is limited sand material available and the costis also expensive. Solutions developed in this research apply cement composite materials mixedwith bamboo shavings waste hence building materials that are lightweight, environmentally friendlyand has the character of a concrete class were obtained. This cement composite material hasadvantages in utilization of bamboo shaving waste and therefore reduces environmental pollution.The purpose of this research were to engineer alternative paving materials in the form of pavingblock made of bamboo shaving waste mixture composite cement. This research has obtained theoptimum physical and mechanical properties of the composite cement material and paving block at aspecific mixture composition. The physical and mechanical properties that are tested on pavingblock samples had five compositions variation of cement (S): sand (P): and bamboo fibre (B) of1:6:0; 1:4.5:1.5; 1:3:3; 1:1.5:4.5; and 1:0:6 respectively with catalyst of CaCl2 as much as 3 %volume. The results have showed that the physical properties of the concrete slab have optimumwater content of 16.67 % at variation of 1:4.5:1.5 and optimum mass density of 0.550 kg/m3 atvariation of 1:3:3. The mechanical properties test of the concrete slab have showed meancompressive strength of 19.8 MPa, mean Modulus of Rupture (MOR) of 16.40 MPa and meanModulus of Elasticity (MOE) of 11,500 MPa respectively at variation of 1:4.5:1.5. Optimum wearresistance value at variation of 1:3:3 on average were 0.698 mm/min. The physical properties testresults for the paving block had mean water content of 6.77 % and mean mass density of 0.761kg/m3 respectively at variation of 1:3:3. The value of mean MOR, mean MOE and mean wearresistance were 27.16 MPa, 11,583 MPa and 0.864 mm/min respectively for variation of 1:3:3. Abstrak: Perkerasan jalan beton merupakan perkerasan yang dibutuhkan pada area bertipikal bebankhusus dan low maintenance. Permasalahan penggunaan beton muncul ketika ketersediaan bahanpasir terbatas dan harganya mahal. Solusi yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini menerapkanbahan komposit semen dengan limbah serutan bambu sehingga diperoleh bahan bangunan yangringan, ramah lingkungan dan memiliki karakter sekelas beton. Bahan semen komposit ini memilikikeuntungan dalam pendayagunaan limbah serutan bambu sehingga ikut mengurangi pencemaranlingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat rekayasa komponen bahan alternatif perkerasanjalan dalam bentuk paving block dari semen komposit campuran bahan limbah serutan bambu.Penelitian ini mendapatkan sifat fisika dan mekanika optimum bahan semen komposit dan pavingblock pada komposisi campuran tertentu. Sifat fisika dan mekanika yang diuji pada benda uji pavingblock dengan 5 variasi perbandingan semen(S): pasir(P): dan serat bambu(B), yaitu 1:6:0; 1:4,5:1,5;1:3:3; 1:1,5:4,5 dan 1:0:6 dengan katalis CaCl2 sebanyak 3% volume. Hasilnya menunjukkan sifatfisika papan semen memiliki nilai optimum kadar air 16,67% pada variasi 1:4,5:1,5 dan berat jenisoptimum 0,550 kg/m3 pada variasi 1:3:3. Hasil uji sifat mekanika papan semen yaitu kuat tekan rataratasebesar 19,8 MPa, Modulus of Repture (MOR) rata-rata sebesar 16,40 MPa dan Modulus ofElasticity (MOE) rata-rata sebesar 11.500 MPa pada variasi 1:4,5:1,5. Nilai ketahanan aus optimumpada variasi 1:3:3 rata-rata sebesar 0,698 mm/menit. Hasil uji sifat fisika paving block dengan kadarair rata-rata 6,77% dan kerapatan rata-rata 0,761 kg/m3 pada variasi 1:3:3. Nilai rata-rata MOR,MOE dan ketahanan aus masing-masing sebesar 27,16 MPa, 11.583 MPa, dan 0,864 mm/menit padavariasi 1:3:3.Kata kunci : Serutan bambu, semen komposit, paving block

    The academic impact of online mathematics learning during COVID-19 for junior high school students

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    Until now, no research explicitly examines the academic impact on public junior high school students in Singaraja City. The actual condition of the academic impact of online mathematics learning is necessary to be revealed immediately. This information can be used as a basis for teachers designing and implementing mathematics learning to minimize or eliminate the negative impact of online learning. This study involved 507 public junior high school students distributed over four public schools in Singaraja City as the sample. This study used a questionnaire instrument consisting of 14 items, and the data were tabulated based on the responses entered on the google form. The study results showed that students experienced several academic impacts as a result of online learning of mathematics. The academic impacts that students most felt among others: the amount of mathematics material was hard to understand, students doubted the accountability of the grade obtained by their friends, decreased enthusiasm for learning, and students felt that their academic abilities were e not optimal. The conclusion obtained from this study is that online mathematics learning  during COVID-19 had an academic impact on public junior high school students in Singaraja City

    Waveshrink Dan Permasalahannya = Waveshrinkand Its Problem

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    ABSTRACT Suppose that given the regression model yi =f (ti)+ 0- zi ,i= 1,2,3,...,n where f (ti) ) is an unknown function , o is the known standard deviation of the noise, zi are independent and identically standard Gaussian random variables. One of the problem in regression analysis is how to estimate the regression function f ( ti ) with small risk n R( ,f ) = âEE(fi âfi)2. n i =1 Donoho and Johnstone (1994) have developed a powerful methodology based on the principle of shrinking wavelet coefficients towards zero. Their procedure is called WaveShrink. The computtationally efficient formula for computing the exact risk of WaveShrink estimates in finite sample situations can be derived. From this formula, the behaviour of WaveShrink estimator such as the accuraty of two different fuction models such as Doppler and Heavisine can be observed. Using S+Wavelets computer simulation for our different fuctions models can be observed that (1) significantly WaveShrink using soft shrinkage and the universal threshold have the biggest risk, and it is not appropriate to apply the universal threshold when using soft shrinkage in WaveShrink. (2) WaveShrink using hard shrinkage have smaller risk than WaveShrink using soft shrinkage for all sample size. (3) for all sample size, the risk of the Waveshrink estimate decrease as sample size increase Keywords: nonparametric regression, wvelet transform, WaveSrin


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    Desa Pitra merupakan wilayah yang terletak di Kecamatan Penebel, Kabupaten Tabanan, Provinsi Bali. Desa Pitra dengan luas desa 2,66km2 memiliki 5 banjar. Salah satu banjar di Desa Pitra yaitu Banjar Nyeleket terdapat 3 penderita yang dinyatakan positif penyakit DBD Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) merupakan salah satu penyakit menular dan mampu menghasilkan kematian. DBD disebabkan oleh virus yang penularannya dari satu pasien ke pasien lain disebarkan oleh: nyamuk Aedes Aegypti. Fogging adalah salah satu cara memutus mata rantai penyebaran demam berdarah dan PSN (Pembrantasan Sarang Nyamuk). Pengurangan. penyakit DBD dengan fogging yang dilakukan di Desa Pitra, Kecamatan Penebel menunjukkan hasil yang cukup baik. Hasilnya menunjukkan tidak ada nyamuk yang terbang atau setidaknya bisa berkurang, tidak ada lagi nyamuk jentik di tempat relokasi mengairi. Hasil dari kegiatan ini yaitu terlaksanakanya fogging di setiap rumah warga Banjar Nyeleket sebanyak 22 rumah dengan menggunakan 1 alat fogging. Pengeluaran sekitar 1liter abate ,10 liter minyak solar dan 5 liter bensin

    Rekayasa Semen Komposit Limbah Serutan Bambu Sebagai Bahan Alternatif Perkerasan Jalan (Paving Block)

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    Rigid concrete pavement is a pavement needed on a special typical load area and alsoneeded a low maintenance. Problems arise when there is limited sand material available and the costis also expensive. Solutions developed in this research apply cement composite materials mixedwith bamboo shavings waste hence building materials that are lightweight, environmentally friendlyand has the character of a concrete class were obtained. This cement composite material hasadvantages in utilization of bamboo shaving waste and therefore reduces environmental pollution.The purpose of this research were to engineer alternative paving materials in the form of pavingblock made of bamboo shaving waste mixture composite cement. This research has obtained theoptimum physical and mechanical properties of the composite cement material and paving block at aspecific mixture composition. The physical and mechanical properties that are tested on pavingblock samples had five compositions variation of cement (S): sand (P): and bamboo fibre (B) of1:6:0; 1:4.5:1.5; 1:3:3; 1:1.5:4.5; and 1:0:6 respectively with catalyst of CaCl2 as much as 3 %volume. The results have showed that the physical properties of the concrete slab have optimumwater content of 16.67 % at variation of 1:4.5:1.5 and optimum mass density of 0.550 kg/m3 atvariation of 1:3:3. The mechanical properties test of the concrete slab have showed meancompressive strength of 19.8 MPa, mean Modulus of Rupture (MOR) of 16.40 MPa and meanModulus of Elasticity (MOE) of 11,500 MPa respectively at variation of 1:4.5:1.5. Optimum wearresistance value at variation of 1:3:3 on average were 0.698 mm/min. The physical properties testresults for the paving block had mean water content of 6.77 % and mean mass density of 0.761kg/m3 respectively at variation of 1:3:3. The value of mean MOR, mean MOE and mean wearresistance were 27.16 MPa, 11,583 MPa and 0.864 mm/min respectively for variation of 1:3:3


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    Prestasi belajar siswa ditunjukkan berdasarkan hasil observasi awal menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran yang dilakukan belum berjalan secara maksimal. Oleh karena itu untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa diperlukan model pembelajaran dengan model dan strategi yang tepat. Salah satunya adalah model pembelajaran ekspositori dengan metode drill Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa. Lokasi penelitian ini di SD Negeri 2 Tukadmungga dengan jumlah siswa 21 orang. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari tes prestasi belajar yang kemudian dilakukan analisis secara deskriptif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Setiap siklus dilakukan berdasar tahapan: (1) menyusun rencana kegiatan, (2) melaksanakan tindakan, (3) observasi, dan (4) refleksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa menurut hasil observasi awal pembelajaran siswa kurang aktif, mudah jenuh, dan perhatian siswa pada penjelasan guru sangat kecil sehingga nilai rata-rata siswa hanya sebesar 63. Setelah tindakan siklus I penguasaan materi pembelajaran meningkat menjadi rata-rata 69 dengan siswa tuntas 13 siswa dan belum tuntas 8 siswa. Hasil tindakan pada siklus II penguasan materi setelah diberikan tes prestasi belajar meningkat menjadi rata-rata 78 dengan 20 siswa tuntas dan 1 siswa belum tuntas. Presentase ketuntasan belajar pada siklus II ini telah memenuhi indikator keberhasilan yang ditetapkan dan siklus dinyatakan tidak dilanjutkan, dengan kesimpulan bahwa pemanfaatan model pembelajaran ekspositori telah mampu dengan baik untuk dijadikan alternatif dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa


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    Pusat kebugaran merupakan suatu tempat untuk melakukan segala kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan olah tubuh, latihan maupun olahraga yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kebugaran dan kondisi badan yang sehat secara fisik dan dapat melakukan kegiatan sehari-hari tanpa merasa kelelahanyang berlebih. Rekreasi pada masa kini merupakan suatu kebutuhan penting bagi masyarakat, di tengah padatnya aktivitas untuk mengurangi tingkat stress sehingga dibutuhkan suatu tempat untuk menghibur diri. Hal tersebut mendasari perancangan Pusat Kebugaran dan Hiburan Keluarga di Kabupaten Badung yang bertujuan untuk mewadahi kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan olah tubuh, latihan maupun olahraga dan juga sebagai tempat untuk melakukan suatu kegiatan yang menyenangkan. Pengumpulan data penulis menggunakan beberapa metode seperti : metode observasi, metode wawancara, studi literatur dan studi banding. Penerapan konsep "energik dan rekreatif" pada tempat ini bertujuan agar dapat membantu civitas dalam menikmati semua fasilitas di tempat ini dengan baik dan maksimal. Penerapan tema Green Architecture yang diterapkan pada rancangan  diantaranya terkait pencahayaan alami, penghawaan dan material yang digunakan seperti beton expose pada sebagian besar dinding bangunan ini dan tidak banyak menggunakan ornamen. Menggunakan warna yang membangkitkan semangat untuk berolahraga seperti warna merah, hijau dan biru dibeberapa bagian dinding dan lantai karpet. Hal tersebut merupakan dasar dalam penyusunan program antara lain : program fungsional, program ruang dan program site. Setelah proses penyusunan program hasil akhir dari proses tersebut berupa konsep perencanaan dan perancangan Pusat Kebugaran dan Hiburan Keluarga di Kabupaten Badung. Fasilitas yang diwadahi meliputi : Gym, studio, karaoke, movie box, restoran, konsultasi kebugaran, retail, ruang bermain anak, kolam renang, spa, sauna dan gedung serbaguna

    Simvastatin Improves Renal Function and Glomerulosclerosis in Ischemic-reperfusion Injury

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    BACKGROUND: Statin is an anti-cholesterol drug that is widely prescribed throughout the world. Statins are mainly used to treat and prevent cardiovascular disease. Several studies have found the pleiotropic effect of statin. However, related effect of statin in kidney failure is still unclear. Ischemic-reperfusion (I/R) injury is a major cause of acute kidney failure. This study aims to determine the effect of simvastatin on kidney function and glomerular conditions by periodic acid-schiff staining in I/R injury.METHODS: Eighteen male Swiss mice were grouped into sham operation group (GSO), I/R injury group (GIRI), and simvastatin group (GSIM). The GSO group was performed by sham operation and pretreatment of 1% carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) for 3 days. The GIRI group was performed by I/R procedure and pretreatment of 1% CMC for 3 days and the GSIM group was performed by I/R procedure and pretreatment of 10 mg/kg BW simvastatin for 3 days. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine serum were assessed to determine kidney function. Histopathological analysis of glomerulosclerosis was assessed by the extent of glomerular damage (sclerosis), capillary loops, and synechia. The data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by post hoc Tukey’s test (p<0.05).RESULTS: The creatinine and BUN levels in the GIRI group were the highest (0.97±0.48) compared with the other groups. The glomerulosclerosis index in the GSO group was 0.75±0.56, the GIRI group was 3.55±0.61, and the GSIM group was 2.08±1.37. There was a significant difference in the glomerulosclerosis index between the GSO and GIRI groups, but there was no significant difference between the GIRI and GSIM groups. These differences include the formation of sclerosis in the glomerulus, capillary loop, and synechiae.CONCLUSION: Simvastatin improves kidney function and glomerulosclerosis in I/R injury.KEYWORDS: ischemic-reperfusion injury, simvastatin, glomerulosclerosi