7 research outputs found


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    Teknologi keuangan (Financial Technology) memudahkan individu dalam melakukan berbagai aktivitas keuangan. Penelitian  bertujuaan untuk menganalisa persepsi mahasiswa fakultas ekonomi pada penggunaan teknologi keuangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan mixed method dengan teknik propability sampling diolah menggunakan aplikasi IBM SPSS 26 For Windows dan aplikasi NVIVO 12. untuk metode analisis data menggunakan analisis tematik dan analisis dekriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini memiliki indikator persepsi efisiensi mendapatkan sebuah kode atau indikator berupa hemat biaya, fitur layanan, mengurangi waktu transaksi dan fitur layanan, persepsi effektifitas mendapatkan sebuah kode atua indikator berupa kecepatan transaksi, inovasi, dan manfaat, persepsi kegunaan dalam meningkatkan kinerjaa mendapatkan kode atau indikator berupa pengalaman dan produk layanan, dan persepsi kegunaaan dalam menjawab kebutuhan Informasi mendapatkan kode atau indikator berupa akses informasi dan mudah informasi


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    Ketepatan waktu dalam penyusunan laporan keuangan dapat berpengaruh terhadap nilai informasi laporan keuangan. Dalam laporan keuangan harus memenuhi empat karakteristik kualitatif yang merupakan ciri khas bagi penyusun informasi laporan keuangan yang berguna bagi para pemakainya. Keempat karakteristik tersebut yaitu dapat dipahami, relevan, keandalan, dan dapat dibandingkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Ukuran Perusahaan, Solvabilitas, Tingkat Profitabilitas, Opini Audit, dan Reputasi Auditor baik secara simultan maupun secara parsial terhadap Audit Delay pada perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di BEI tahun 2009-2011. Penelitian ini diperoleh sampel sebanyak 40 perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat profitabilitas dan opini audit terbukti berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap Audit Delay, sedangkan solvabilitas, ukuran perusahaan, dan reputasi auditor tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap audit delay. Kata kunci : Audit Delay, tingkat Profitabilitas, Solvabilitas, Ukuran Perusahaan, Opini Audit, dan Reputasi Auditor

    Production and Safety of Closed House Waste as A Source of Protein For Non Ruminan Rations

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    Closed house waste which has so far been considered a contributor to environmental pollution if processed professionally, can be reused as a component of non-ruminant rations. The purpose of this study is to determine the production (potential, quantity, and quality) of broiler farm waste that is maintained in a closed house system. The cost of production of non-ruminant livestock (pig) 70-80% is still occupied by the cost of feed. The price of commercial concentrate is relatively expensive, which is a reason to look for alternative feed sources. The discovery of potential closed house chicken farm waste and innovative products as a source of protein in rations for non-ruminant (pig-poultry) is expected to the feed problem. Innovative product protein concentrate chicken farm waste of closed house (WCH) system that is cheap and competitive is produced through three stages of research: identify the type and availability of waste, its nutrient content, formulate various protein concentrate formulas, and small-scale tests on pigs with metabolic cage to determine metabolized energy content and digestibility. The results showed that the type of closed house waste (WCH) that has the potential as alternative animal feed is the waste of dead-refused chickens, and litter mixed with scattered feed. Production data in 4 periods of rearing, obtained the number of dead and rejected chickens weighing 850.7 kg (212.7 kg/period), and litter weight of 4000 kg (1000kg/period). Nutrient content of flour mixed with closed house waste (WCH), protein: 36.58%, crude fat: 4.42%, gross energy Kcal/gram. aboratory test of WCH was negative for Eschericia colli and Salmonella shigella, Coliform < 3.0 CFU/g, mold 200 CFU/g. The conclusion of this study is that the waste from closed house (LCH) broiler farms has the potential as a source of protein in alternative feeds for rumonants (chicken and pig)

    Analisis Efektivitas Daya Tampung Embung Taman Firdaus Universitas Sriwijaya

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    Floods occur due to reduced water catchment areas due to increased land use, both for settlements and economic activities. The purpose of this research is to analyze the storage capacity of the embankment. The Firdaus Taman Firdaus Reservoir of Sriwijaya University (UNSRI) is located in the Ogan Ilir district and is useful as a place for rainwater storage and flood control. Embung has many benefits to meet the water needs of UNSRI. The UNSRI reservoir has an area of ​​24 hectares, the west reservoir is 8 m from the bottom and 50 m long. Results of data analysis, the volume of the reservoir with a depth of 5 m with an area of ​​pond 1 covering an area of ​​423804.79 m2 can accommodate water with a storage volume capacity of 2119023.95 m3. The results of testing the average water content in the original soil (w) = 87.38 %. The test results for the average soil specific gravity (Gs) are 2.19. The results of the Atterberg limit test, the liquid limit value in soil (LL) = 57.00 %, the plastic limit in soil (PL) = 48.37 %, and the plasticity index in soil (IP) = 8.63 %. Based on the AASTHO classification, the soil in the UNSRI Firdaus Taman Embung belongs to group A-2-5, as silt or loamy gravel and sand. Meanwhile, based on the USCS classification, it is classified as Silts and Clays (CH). The results of the permeability test are the permeability value (K) = 3.034191 x 10-5 cm/s, which is low permeability

    Bioenergy Policy: The Biodiesel Sustainability Dilemma in Indonesia

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