9 research outputs found

    The Effect of Carrageenan Concentration on the Physical, Chemical Characteristics and Preference Levels of Watermelon Albedo and Red Dragon Fruit Sheet Jam

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    This study aimed of this study was to find out how carrageenan affected the physical, chemical, and consumer preference characteristics of an albedo sheet jam combination made from red dragon fruit and watermelon. Four amounts of carrageenan addition— 0%, 1%, 1.5%, and 2%; three repeatations; and a one-factor Completely Randomized Design (CRD)—were employed in this investigation. Analysis. The sheet jam's texture, color, water content, total dissolved solids, reducing sugars, antioxidant activity, Vitamin C concentration, and hedonic tests were all examined after that. The SPSS program is used in statistical data processing to perform one-way analysis (one-way ANOVA). Using the Duncan approach, more study was conducted to determine the variations between treatments. The hedonic test was used to identify the chosen sheet jam formulation, which also included the inclusion of 1% carrageenan concentration, and the following quality test findings were obtained: Lightness (L) 20.19, redness (a*) 7.11, yellowness (b*) -1.87, texture 652.15 N/mm2, water content 18.28% wb, total dissolved solids 21.29% 0 brix, reducing sugars 46.35%, antioxidant activity of RSA 19.32%, and vitamin C 9.14 mg/100 g

    The Effect of Foaming Agent and Whipping Time on Albedo Characteristics of Watermelon Flour

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    The fruit's rind is one of the natural waste products that can support nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. Reused rind contributes significantly to the effective handling of this fruit's byproduct. Processing watermelon rind into powder by lowering water content and activity is an alternative to extending its shelf life. The flour form is easier and more suitable for application in multiple processing food products such as snacks, beverages, bread, and pasta. The focus of this study was to verify the optimal state for foam mat drying using concentrations of foaming agent in the form of egg albumin (10, 15, 20), foam stabilizer in the form of CMC with concentrations of 1 %, and whipping time (5, 7, and 9 minutes) on for bulk density, WSI, hygroscopicity, L* value, a* value, b* value of total phenol and antioxidants activity, and the maximum antioxidant content of watermelon albedo flour using Completely Randomized design with 2 factorial resulting in nine treatments with three replications. Based on the outcome, the bulk density of the resulting watermelon albedo flour ranges from 0.25-0.50 gr/cm-3 and 0.11-0.26%. of WSI; 22.63-28.18g/100g-1 of hygroscopicity; 1.92-4.67% of total phenol; 47.48-66.59% of L*value; 3.74-6.11% of a*value; 5.47-16.08% of b*values and 6.80- 25.26% RSa of antioxidants activity. The best treatment for antioxidant activity was 25.26% RSA using 10% of the foaming agent and whipping time in 9 minutes. These findings have implications for the food industry because they suggest that treatments can influence the properties of watermelon albedo flour

    Pengaruh Suhu Pengeringan terhadap Karakteristik Pengeringan Pasta Spaghetti Umbi Gadung (Dioscorea hispida Dennst)

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    Pemanfaatan umbi gadung masih terbatas karena adanya senyawa antinutrisi seperti sianida. Setelah penghilangan senyawa sianida, umbi gadung dapat diolah menjadi produk pangan alternatif yang kaya karbohidrat seperti pasta spaghetti. Pada produksi pasta spaghetti umbi gadung, pengeringan memegang peranan penting untuk mengurangi kadar air produk dan meningkatkan masa simpan.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh kondisi operasi pengeringan (suhu pengeringan dan formulasi) terhadap kecepatan pengeringan pasta spaghetti umbi gadung. Pasta spaghetti umbi gadung dicetak dengan alat extruder (formulasi protein tepung tinggi, sedang, dan rendah) kemudian dikeringkan dalam alat pengering selama 180 menit. Setiap 15 menit, dilakukan pengujian kadar air secara gravimetri. Pengeringan dilakukan pada suhu 30,50, dan 70℃. Sebagai hasilnya, kenaikan suhu mempercepat proses pengeringan. Formulasi tepung umbi gadung dengan tepung terigu protein rendah memiliki kecepatan pengeringan paling tinggi. Dibutuhkan waktu 6-7 jam untuk memperoduksi pasta spaghetti umbi gadung dengan kadar air rendah


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    ABSTRACT Knowledge of good manufacturing practice is very important to be known by food industry players to provide protection to the community with the aim of improving food safety, quality and preventing economic losses. Counseling on good manufacturing practice is very appropriate to add insight to students of SMK Negeri H. Moenadi Ungaran Semarang Regency, because one of the competency standards for SMK graduates is that students have the ability to carry out their expertise by applying the principles of safety, health and environmental security. SMK Negeri H. Moenadi Ungaran Semarang Regency is a Vocational High School that has expertise in agribusiness processing of agricultural products (APHP), where the food industry is in line with the fields of work of its graduates. This activity aims to provide information in the form of counseling to improve understanding of good manufacturing practices for students of SMK Negeri H. Moenadi Ungaran, Semarang Regency. The activities carried out include an explanation of food safety, good manufacturing practices, chemical contamination in food and the application of good manufacturing practices in meat processing. Based on the activities that have been carried out, it can be concluded that this extension activity can improve students' understanding of and good manufacturing practices Keywords:  food safety, good manufacturing practice, SMK Negeri H. Moenad

    Pembuatan Pangan Fungsional Tempe dan Perbedaan Jenis Pengemasnya Bagi Siswa Siswi di PKBM Anugrah Bangsa Semarang

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    PKBM Anugrah Bangsa Semarang merupakan sekolah yang mempunyai mata pelajaran Bioteknologi, yang mana proses fermentasi merupakan bagian dari mata pelajaran tersebut. Penyuluhan mengenai pangan fungsional tempe dan perbedaan jenis pengemasnya serta praktek sederhana pembuatan tempe sangat tepat dilakukan untuk menambah wawasan dan ketrampilan dalam bidang bioteknologi. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi berupa penyuluhan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman mengenai fermentasi pada tempe kacang merah, kacang hijau, dan kacang tanah. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menambah wawasan bagi siswa siswi PKBM Anugrah Bangsa Semarang mengenai pangan fungsional tempe dari kacang merah, kacang hijau, dan kacang tanah, menggunakan pengemas dari daun dan plastik, serta mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan pengemas antara daun dan plastik. Jumlah peserta pada kegiatan ini adalah 8 orang siswa-siswi dengan didampingi oleh 3 orang tutor dari PKBM Anugrah Bangsa. Berdasarkan hasil penyuluhan dan praktek sederhana pembuatan tempe menunjukkan bahwa hasil posttest siswa-siswi 100% benar dibandingkan dengan hasil pretest sebelum dilakukan penyuluhan dan praktek sederhana, jumlah benar dari pretest hanya 40-75%

    Karakteristik Fisikokimia Dan Organoleptik Fruit Leather Semangka Kuning (Citrullus Lanatus) Dengan Variasi Konsentrasi CMC

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    Semangka (Citrullus lanatus) merupakan buah yang disukai oleh sebagian masyarakat Indonesia karena rasanya yang manis dan segar serta banyak mengandung air. Fruit  leather  dapat dijadikan alternatif olahan pangan yang memiliki daya simpan tinggi (hingga 12 bulan). Produk ini dibuat dari bahan dasar buah, dengan bentuk hancuran buah (puree) yang sudah dikeringkan dalam oven. Pembuatan fruit  leather  dari semangka perlu dilakukan penambahan zat penstabil karena berguna untuk meningkatkan tingkat viskositas, mencegah terjadinya sineresis serta untuk memberi rasa manis. Carboxyl methyl cellulose (CMC) merupakan zat penstabil yang biasa digunakan dalam produk makanan atau minuman yang berasal dari buah-buahan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) satu faktorial yaitu kadar CMC dengan 5 level (0,5%; 0,75%; 1%; 1,25%; 1,5%). Masing-masing perlakuan dilakukan pengulangan sebanyak 4 kali. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan konsentrasi CMC akan menghasilkan perbedaan pada beberapa parameter seperti:  Viskositas fruit  leather  yaitu berkisar antara 11461,33-3984,67 Cp, kadar air  yaitu 16,45-21, 23%bb dan tensile   strength  yaitu  1,26-2,76.  Hasil skoring dari analisa sensori menunjukkan warna fruit  leather  semangka adalah kuning, tekstur pada tiga sampel terasa lunak, satu sampel terasa agak lunak serta satu sampel lainnya terasa keras. Penilaian skoring terhadap rasa fruit leather semangka menunjukkan tiga sampel terasa manis dan dua sampel terasa kurang manis. Secara keseluruhan pada hasil tingkat kesukaan menunjukkan panelis suka terhadap 3 sampel yang diujikan, dan merasa kurang suka terhadap 2 sampel yang diujikan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah penambahan konsentrasi CMC  dalam pembuatan fruit  leather  dari semangka kuning akan meningkatkan viskositas, kadar air, dan tensile   strength  dari produk, serta pada uji sensori menunjukkan sampel dengan konsentrasi CMC 0,75% memiliki tingkat tekstur, rasa dan kesukaan yang tinggi

    Analysis of Almond Milk Quality at ABC MSME Yogyakarta

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    Milk is a secretion from mammals that has a function as a source of nutrition. The presence of lactose in milk causes some to be deprived of milk because of lactose allergies. Dairy product for those who are allergic to milk is to consume vegetable milk, such as almond milk. The almond milk produced by Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) ABC is raw almond milk, which have short shelf life. Quality analysis is a step made to achieve and maintain the desired standards of taste, odour, color and texture. This study contribution to investigate the quality of almond milk after five days of storage. In MSME ABC, quality analysis is done by sensory test and compared with the quality standards set by MSME ABC. The quality of the almond milk analysis takes five days, with three different batches. Data retrieval methods conducted with secondary and primary data. After analysis, obtained data of almond milk on day 5 of storage was devalued. The conclusion of the observations made is that almond milk changes in flavor, color, scent and texture parameters after 5 days of storage

    The Impact of Various Concentration of Maizena Flour on the Physicochemistry and Organoleptic Properties of Petis

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    Shrimp is a fishery product that has a specific aroma and has a high nutritional value. Petis derived from the body fluids of fish or shrimp through a prolonged boiling process so that it becomes denser like pasta. This study aims to determine the influence of cornstarch concentration as a binder and filler material for physical, chemical and organoleptic characteristics of shrimp petis. A Completely Randomised Design was used, with 1 factor, namely the concentration of maizena flour with 5 treatments, namely P0 (100 g shrimp broth and 0 g maizena flour); P1 (100 g shrimp broth and 2 g maizena flour); P2 (100 g shrimp broth and 4 g maizena flour); P3 (100 g of shrimp broth and 6 g of maizena flour); P4 (100 g shrimp broth and 8 g maizena flour) and 4 replications. The results showed that the treatment had an effect (p <0.05) on all observation variables i.e., chemical properties (water content, ash content, protein content), physical properties (viscosity), and organoleptic properties (taste, color, aroma, and texture). The P3 treatment was chosen as the best treatment because it approached the quality requirements of shrimp paste according to SNI (Indonesian National Standard) with characteristics of water content 48.29%, ash content 1.10%, protein content 20.95%, viscosity 91.01 Cp, and taste organoleptic 4.50 (rather savory), color 4.10 (dark), aroma 1.85 (rather fishy), and texture 4.05 (thick)