2,131 research outputs found

    Association of Calpastatin (CAST) Gene with Growth Traits and Carcass Characteristics in Bali Cattle

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    Calpastatin (CAST) gene is well known as an inhibitor of muscle protein degradation and relates to muscle growth and meat tenderness. The objective of this study was to determine the association of CAST gene with growth traits and carcass characteristics in Bali cattle. A number of data from 35 Bali bulls were collected from BPTU Bali Cattle to obtain growth traits, carcass characteristics, and blood samples. Polymorphism of CAST gene in Bali bulls was analyzed by using PCR-RFLP and DNA sequencing. The association of CAST gene with growth traits and carcass characteristics were analyzed by using General Linear Model (GLM). The result showed that there were two genotypes (GG and AG) of CAST gene with allele frequencies of 0.857 and 0.143, respectively, for G and A. Notably, mutation A to G occurred in 253 bp CAST fragment gene in Bali Cattle. Genotypes GG and AG of CAST gene significantly affected (P<0.05) the back-fat thickness and longissimus dorsi without a significant effect on the growth traits. It could be concluded that CAST gene had a potency as a marker gene for carcass quality in Bali cattle


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    Abstrak Berbahasa sangat erat kaitannya dengan budaya sebuah generasi. Kalau generasi negeri ini kian tenggelam dalam pudarnya Bahasa Indonesia yang lebih dalam, mungkin bahasa Indonesia akan semakin sempoyongan dalam memanggul bebannya sebagai bahasa nasional dan identitas bangsa. Dalam kondisi demikian, diperlukan pembinaan dan pemupukan sejak dini kepada generasi muda agar mereka tidak mengikuti pembusukan itu. Pengaruh arus globalisasi dalam identitas bangsa tercermin pada perilaku masyarakat yang mulai meninggalkan bahasa Indonesia dan terbiasa menggunakan bahasa gaul. Saat ini jelas di masyarakat sudah banyak adanya penggunaan bahasa gaul dan hal ini diperparah lagi dengan generasi muda Indonesia juga tidak terlepas dari pemakaian bahasa gaul. Bahkan, generasi muda inilah yang paling banyak menggunakan dan menciptakan bahasa gaul di masyarakat. Fenomena lainnya adalah bahasa alay yang kerap digunakan dalam media sosial maupun percakapan sehari-hari. Pergeseran struktur kata yang terjadi di masa sekarang dan dilakukan oleh banyak kalangan membentuk munculnya kosakata baru yang meminggirkan keformalan dalam berbahasa

    Analysis of Radiation Exposure Level on Linen and Other Objects in Patient Rooms at Nuclear Medicine Installation

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    Analysis of radiation contamination levels has been carried out using an Atomtex surveymeter in the patient rooms after thyroid cancer ablation therapy, in the Nuclear Medicine Installation, Abdoel Wahab Sjahranie Hospital. This study aims to measure the level of radiation exposure based on the rate of radiation exposure and radiation contamination of objects in the patient rooms after ablation therapy, and to find out how long linen can be washed since the first measurement. Data collection was carried out once a week, on the same weekday, for five weeks for objects in the patient rooms by using the surveymeter at a fixed distances from the objects’ surfaces. Radiation contamination measurements for linen items were carried out for 3 d by aiming the surveymeter to container containing linen items from certain distances. Based on this study, the level of radiation exposure obtained is categorized as low because the value range is below 10 μSv/h. The radiation contamination for some objects are categorized as low-level exposure because the value is less than 3.7 Bq/cm2. Other objects tend to be in the moderate-level category because the value is more than 3.7 Bq/cm2 and less than 37 Bq/cm2. The values obtained refer to the standard issued by BATAN. It can be concluded that the patient rooms in the Nuclear Medicine Installation of Abdoel Wahab Sjahranie Hospital are safe

    Konflik Sosial dalam Novel "Dawuk: Kisah Kelabu dari Rumbuk Randu" Karya Mahfud IKhwan (Kajian Teori Ralf Dahrendorf)

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    Konflik terjadi karena adanya permasalahan yang tidak dapat diselesaikan. Konflik dapat menjadi benang merah dalam novel. Konflik juga ada karena masalah yang rumit, baik konflik sosial yang menggunakan strategi tanpa aksi kekerasan, hingga konflik sosial yang berujung pada aksi balas-membalas dengan kekerasan atau perkelahian masal. Konflik muncul dalam novel sebagai wadah agar cerita dalam novel berjalan dengan bagus. Tujuan yang terdapat dalam penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan (1) dua wajah masyarakat; (2) kekuasaan dan wewenang; (3) kelompok yang terlibat dalam konflik sosial; (4) pengendalian konflik sosial bentuk arbitrase dalam novel Dawuk: Kisah Kelabu dari Rumbuk Randukarya Mahfud Ikhwan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan objektif yang berfokus pada unsur intrinsik atau analisis intrinsik. Sumber data penelitian ini yakni novel Dawuk: Kisah Kelabu dari Rumbuk Randu karya Mahfud Ikhwan. Data penelitian ini berupa informasi mengenai unit-unit teks novel yang berhubungan dengan rumusan masalah. Selanjutnya Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan teknik baca catat. Sedangkan teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah dua wajah masyarakat, dalam hal ini terdapat empat bentuk konflik yang ditemukan yakni penganiayaan, perkelahian, pembunuhan, dan pelecehan seksual; kekuasaan dan wewenang; kelompok yang terlibat dalam konflik; penyelesaian atau pengendalian konflik (arbitrasi)

    Pemberlakuan Tax Amnesty Berdasarkan UU Nomor 11 Tahun 2016 Tentang Pengampunan Pajak

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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apa perspektif keadilan terhadap adanya pengampunan pajak/Tax amnesty dan apa dampak Tax amnesty bagi Negara Republik Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Pengampunan pajak dalam perspektif hukum berdasarkan pengalaman-pengalaman di Negara-negara lain dan 2 (dua) kali pengampunan pajak di Indonesia , materi yang diatur pada dasarnya sama, yaitu tentang wajib pajak yang diberi pengampunan (eligbility), jenis pajak (coverage), lama waktu kesempatan pengampunan (duration), persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi, hutang pakal/sanksi yang dihapus (incentives) dan uang tebusan yang dikenakan sebagai pengganti penghapusan hutang/sanksi. Perbedaan terletak pada bentuk hukum/peraturan Perundang-undangan yang dijadikan sebagai wadah pengampunan pajak. Pengaturan pengampunan pajak dalam bentuk Perundang-undangan ini akan berpengaruh terhadap kepastian hukum pelaksanaan pengampunan. 2. Dampak Tax Amnesty Bagi Negara Indonesia adalah: Penerimaan APBN dari sektor perpajakan semakin meningkat; Tax amnesty akan memperkuat perekonomian nasional; Revolusi mental bagi wajib pajak yang tidak taat membayar pajak; Semakin meningkatnya jumlah investor yang menanamkan modal di Indonesia; Memudahkan pengusaha dan UKM dan UMKM dalam mengembangkan USAhanya


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    Setelah melakukan pembahasan pada bab-bab terdahulu dan berdasarkan pada hasil penelitian yang dilakukan selama penulis melakukan job training pada PT. BPR Artha Aceh Sejahtera, maka penulis dapat mengambil beberapa kesimpulan sebagai berikut :Dalam memberikan kredit investasi, PT. BPR Artha Aceh Sejahtera melakukan tahapan-tahapan seperti seleksi data permohonan kredit, analisa permohonan kredit, keputusan kredit, administrasi kredit dan pengawasan kredit.Pencairan kredit hanya disetujui apabila seluruh syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan dalam surat persetujuan pemberian kredit dan perjanjian kredit telah dipenuhi oleh pemohon kredit.Sebelum pencairan dilakukan, harus dipastikan bahwa seluruh aspek yuridis yang berkaitan dengan kredit telah diselesaikan dan telah memberikan perlindungan yang memadai bagi BPR maupun debitur.Setiap pemberian persetujuan kredit yang berbeda dengan isi rekomendasi harus diselesaikan secara tertulis

    Dampak Kabut Asap Pada Kehidupan Masyarakat Di Kelurahan Tuah Karya Kecamatan Tampan Kota Pekanbaru Provinsi Riau

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    The pollution has become a very serious problem at the present time. The problem of the haze forest firest that accur on 25 agustus 2015 in Riau can also lead air pollution in village Tuah Karya district Tampan city's Pekanbaru occurance air pollution is also to disturb some sector such as : 1) Health society in the Kelurahan Tuah Karya district Tampan city's Pekanbaru province. Of Riau at the haze classified as it is not good with the rate of achievement respondents of 76,07%, 2) Economic affairs society in the village Tuah Karya distrct Tampan city's Pekanbaru Province of Riau to income per month an average of Rp 1.000.000 – Rp 1.500.000 with the rate of achievement 76,27% of respondents, 3) Enviroment society in the village Tuah Karya district Tampan city's Pekanbaru Province of Riau as haze happened classified as it is not good where air quality that is not good for the people with the rate of achievement respondents 85,59% so, it can be taken the conclusion that the public health as haze influential on the condition of thepublic health, so many people who are sick like ISPA, coughing, allergies and irritation eyes. Not only health but smog also effect the social condition of the economi and environment residents where in come of a very plummeted an fall air quality also makes activities come disturbed

    Determination of the Diagnostic Reference Level (DRL) in Samarinda Hospitals

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    The diagnostic reference level (DRL) is a form of investigative level used as a tool to help optimize protection to radiation exposure for diagnostic and interventional procedures. The purpose of this study was to determine the local DRL values for the examination of the abdomen, thorax, and head at radiology installations. The modality used was 128-slice CT scan. The numbers of patients whose data were used were 200 for abdominal examinations, 160 for thoracic examinations, and 100 for head examinations. Overall, the total patient whose data was used was 460. Data processing in this study was carried out with a quantitative analysis technique, namely descriptive statistics. This analysis technique used secondary data obtained from the results of recaptures or archival books for examination of the abdomen, thorax, and head. Data processing was carried out with a measure of diversity through the calculation of the third quartile in the data distribution. It was assumed that 75 % of patients performed examinations with a common diagnosis. The results of these calculations are visualized in the form of graphs of the relationship of computed tomography dose index volume (CTDIvol) with the number of patients and a graph of the relationship of dose length product (DLP) with the number of patients. In the abdominal examination, a CTDIvol of 12 mGy and a DLP of 1545.5 mGy·cm. In the thoracic examination, a CTDIvol of 11 mGy and a DLP of 903 mGy·cm were obtained. For the head examination, a CTDIvol of 34.25mGy and a DLP of 2190.25 mGy·cm were obtained. The conclusion obtained from this study is that the DRLs are relatively low, but they still need to be optimized by medical physicists

    Influences of Upwelling Duration and Intensity Based on Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly Toward Primary Productivity Variability in Indonesian Waters

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    The existence of upwelling generally increases waters productivity. However, the influence of upwelling could be different based on location and time. The difference of upwelling duration and intensity (strength) can affect the variability of primary productivity in Indonesian waters. The estimation of primary productivity during the period of January 2000 to December 2007 was conducted using Carbon-based Production Model (CbPM). Sea Surface Temperatures (SST) Anomaly data on the same period was used as parameter to determine the upwelling conditions. The study locations were west coast of Sumatra, south waters of East Java to East Nusa Tenggara, Banda Sea, Gulf of Bone, Maluku Sea and Halmahera Sea. The results showed that in the south of East Java and Banda Sea have upwelling with longer duration (3–4 months) and higher intensity (decrease in temperature reached >2°C below average), the primary productivity was higher than other locations. Halmahera Sea showed the existence of upwelling only at certain time when El Niño occurred, while Gulf of Bone and Maluku Sea showed the occurrence of upwelling during southeast season only with 2–3 months of duration and vary intensity, which shown with the decrease in temperature ranging from 0,5–1,8oC below average. El-Niño and dipole mode in Indonesia waters generally caused longer duration and stronger intensity of upwelling producing more productivity than normal years
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