5 research outputs found

    Penghambatan Interaksi Eutektik Akibat Energi Kompresi dengan Penambahan Pati Jagung

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    This research has been carried out to study inhibition of eutectic interaction which occurs on compressed binary mixture of ibuprofen-stearic acid by addition of corn starch. Corn starch was mixed into binary mixture of 40:60 (% b/b) ibuprofen-stearic acid with composition 10, 20, and 30% (w/w) and then compressed into tablet form. The physical characterization was conducted using tensile strength test, differential thermal analysis (DTA), powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), and scanning electron microscope (SEM). According to tensile strength test, the value was reduced upon addition of 10 and 20% corn starch compared to the compressed binary mixture. Addition 20% corn starch to compressed binary mixture shifted the eutectic diffraction peaks with a decline in intensity during PXRD study. Thermal analysis of compressed binary mixture-20% corn starch exhibited an increase in eutectic point, and FT-IR spectrum was observed no difference compared to the compressed binary mixture. SEM analysis indicated that 20% corn starch addition was able to inhibit sintering phenomena by dispersed on particle’s surfaces. Physical characterizations result in the conclusion that corn starch can inhibit the eutectic interaction between ibuprofen and stearic acid upon compressionPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui penghambatan interaksi eutektik yang terjadi pada pengempaan campuran biner ibuprofen-asam stearat dengan penambahan pati jagung. Pati jagung ditambahkan ke dalam campuran biner ibuprofen-asam stearat 40:60 (% b/b) dengan komposisi 10, 20, dan 30% (b/b) kemudian dikempa. Karakterisasi fisik tablet kempa dilakukan menggunakan analisis kekuatan mekanik, differential thermal analysis (DTA), difraksi sinar-X serbuk (DSXS), spektroskopi fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), dan scanning electron microscope (SEM). Uji kekuatan mekanik menunjukkan penambahan pati jagung 10 dan 20% menyebabkan penurunan nilai tensile strength dibandingkan campuran biner. Penambahan 20% pati jagung menyebabkan pergeseran puncak ke sudut 2Ɵ lebih besar disertai dengan penurunan intensitas difraksi sinar-X. Analisis termal tablet kempa campuran biner-pati jagung 20% menunjukkan peningkatan titik lebur eutektik dan spektra FT-IR yang dihasilkan tidak berbeda dibandingkan dengan tablet kempa campuran biner. Mikrofoto SEM menunjukkan penambahan pati jagung 20% dapat mencegah terjadinya sintering pada tablet kempa ibuprofen-asam stearat. Hasil karakterisasi fisik mengindikasikan bahwa pati jagung dapat meredam pembentukan eutektik akibat energi kompresi antara ibuprofen-asam stearat pada komposisi 20% (b/b

    Tomato plant production in NTB per year using Single Exponential Smoothing (SES) Method

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    Tomatoes are one of the horticultural crops that many people use for consumption in everyday life. Because tThe demand for tomatoes is quite large, but sometimes the availability is too little or too much, it is necessary to study the changing trends or movements in tomato production each year. This research aims to predict tomato plant production in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province, using the Single Exponential Smoothing (SES) method by observing several α values. The best α value is selected by looking at the smallest MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentation Error), MAD (Mean Absolute Deviation) and MES (Mean Square Error).Those value values  is considered to give the best model.The data was taken from BPS from year 2011 to 2022This research aims to predict tomato plant production in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province using the Single Exponential Smoothing (SES) method by observing several α values. The research object taken in this research is data on the number of tomato plant production from 2011 to 2022 in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province. The research object taken in this research is data on the number of tomato plant production from 2011 to 2022 in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province.  Data was analyzed manually using Microsoft Excel. The best α value is selected by looking at the smallest MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentation Error), MAD (Mean Absolute Deviation) and MES (Mean Square Error) values. The research results show that the value α =0,1 is the α value with the smallest MAPE, MAD and MES values. Therefore, for tomato production data from 2011 to 2022 in NTB Province, the best forecasting model using the SES method is given by α =0,1

    Tingkat Kesalahan Siswa Menurut Kriteria Newman Ditinjau dari Jenjang Pendidikan dan Bidang Fokus Soal Matematika

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    Banyaknya siswa yang mengalami kesulitan dalam menyelesaikan soal matematika pada jenjang sekolah dasar hingga sekolah menengah atas menjadi perhatian khusus dalam proses pembelajran. Pentingnya menganalisis kembali hasil-hasil penelitian yang berkaitan dengan kesalahan siswa khususnya menurut kriteria Newman menjadi dasar untuk melakukan perbaikan dalam proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode meta-analisis dengan cara menganalisis data dari penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya yang bersumber database pengindek baik nasional maupun internasional. Hasil analisis data menggunakan software JASP berdasarkan dari 58 data yang sesuai kriteria kelayakan diperoleh informasi bahwa siswa paling banyak melakukan kesalahan penulisan jawaban akhir (encoding errors) dengan persentase sebesar 46% (artinya: 54% sudah menjawab benar). Dari lima indikator tersebut terlihat bahwa menulis jawaban akhir (encoding errors) merupakan paling sering dilakukan seperti di jenjang SD sebesar 44%, SMP sebesar 56%, dan SMA sebesar 34%. Kemudian berdasarkan bidang fokus aljabar dan statistika, siswa paling banyak melakukan kesalahan menulis jawaban akhir (encoding errors) yakni sebesar 50% dan 35%, sedangkan pada bidang geometri siswa paling banyak melakukan kesalahan pada indikator transformasi (transformation) dan melakukan perhitungan (process skill error) dengan persentase sebesar 49%

    Effects of Media Combination and Fertilization Frequency on Growth and Yield of Pakcoy

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    The demand for pakcoy continues to increase as more people must be aware of their nutritional needs. One important factor in pakcoy cultivation is the use of planting media. The main objective was to find out the best media combination and frequency to apply fertilizers for efficiency in intensive growing. The research was conducted in Cikabayan, IPB Bogor using RAL Factorial with six treatment combination and three replications. The first factor was media combination (rice husk, cocopeat, and compost), while the second factor was fertilization frequency (every week and every two weeks). Parameters observation consists of vegetative growth (plant height, number of leaves wide and length of leaves, and width of the stump) and plant production (wet weight and weight suitable for consumption). Research results indicated that planting media combination of rice husk and compost (1:1) gave a better result than other treatments in increasing leaf length (11.36 cm) and wet weight (47.12 grams). The frequency of application of foliar fertilizer had no different effect on pakcoy growth and yield and no interaction significantly between media combination and fertilization frequency

    Prime submodul of an integer over itself

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    One of the sciences used in digital security systems is cryptography. Cryptography is closely related to the integer system, especially prime numbers. Prime numbers themselves have been abstracted a lot. One form of abstraction of prime numbers is the prime ideal. Previous studies have proven that an Ideal  is said to be a prime ideal on  if and only if I is constructed by a prime element. Other studies have also shown how the prime ideal develops. One of them is the research result of Dauns, where the prime ideal form is developed in the form of a prime submodule. A prime submodule is one of the objects in the module, which is an abstraction of prime numbers. Based on these things, it is exciting if the properties of the prime submodule are applied to other module forms, one of which is the integer module.One of the sciences used in digital security systems is cryptography. Cryptography is closely related to the integer system, especially prime numbers. Prime numbers themselves have been abstracted a lot. One form of abstraction of prime numbers is the prime ideal. Previous studies have proven that an Ideal is said to be a prime ideal on  if and only if I is constructed by a prime element. Other studies have also shown how the prime ideal develops. One of them is the research result of Dauns, where the prime ideal form is developed in the form of a prime submodule. A prime submodule is one of the objects in the module, which is an abstraction of prime numbers. Based on these things, it is exciting if the properties of the prime submodule are applied to other module forms, one of which is the integer module