58 research outputs found

    Isolation of Endophyte Fungus from Taxus sumatrana Leaves and Their Potential as the Antimicrobial Producer

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    Kuman patogen yang resisten terhadap antimikroba merupakan masalah global. Terjadinya patogen yang resisten mengakibatkan infeksi lebih sulit untuk diobati, dan berujung pada meningkatnya angka kematian. Untuk mengatasi masalah resistensi antimikroba, perlu dicari sumber-sumber senyawa aktif baru salah satunya menggunakan tumbuhan obat. Salah satu tumbuhan obat yang berpotensinya khususnya sebagai antikanker, antibakteri dan antifungi adalah Cemara sumatra (Taxus sumatrana) yang mengandung senyawa aktif taxol, flavonoid, fenolik dan lignan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi dan menguji aktivitas antimikroba cendawan daun Taxus sumatrana. Untuk memperoleh senyawa aktif maka dilakukan isolasi mikroba. Cendawan yang telah diisolasi diidentifikasi berdasarkan morfologinya. Isolat cendawan endofit difermentasi untuk mendapatkan produk metabolit sekunder dan diuji aktivitas antimikrobanya. Penelitian ini berhasil mengisolasi 9 jenis isolat cendawan endofit dari daun Taxus sumatrana. Pada bakteri S. aureus diperoleh diameter sebesar 14 mm oleh isolat TD3. Pada bakteri E. coli, aktivitas antimikroba yang paling kuat dihasilkan oleh isolat K1 sebesar 8.50 mm, selanjutnya aktivitas antimikroba yang paling tinggi terhadap C. albicans dihasilkan oleh isolat D6 sebesar 9.93 mm. Aktivitas antimikroba yang paling baik dihasilkan oleh isolat TD3 terhadap S. aureus

    The Effect of Ethanol Solvent Concentration on Antimicrobial Activities The Extract of Andalas Endophytic Bacteria (Morus Macroura Miq.) Fermentation Product

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    Anti-Biotic resistance is a health problem globally. It is able to overcome with a new anti-microbial compound that can be produced from Andalas endophytic bacteria. This compound can be obtained through the fermentation process. In order to separate this active-compound, it is needed to use the extraction method. In this method, the solvent is functioned as the extractor. One of the solvent which is commonly used is ethanol. This research is aimed to know the effect of ethanol concentration toward antibacterial activity from extracted bacterial fermentation products of Andalas endophytic bacteria isolate JDT 1B. The fermented products are extracted by using the maceration method. The concentrations are 100%, 80%, 70%. A test of anti-microbial activity is used disk diffusion method.  The extracted concentrations tested for each solvent are 50%, 25%, 12,5%, and 6.25%. Anti-bacterial activity is analyzed by using factorial design. The factorial result showed there is no significant contrast between ethanol concentration mentioned toward anti-bacterial activity from extracted bacterial fermentation products of Andalas endophytic bacteria Isolate JDT 1B. The concentration of extracted fermentation product using 70% ethanol has the same inhibition zone as control is 6,25%. &nbsp

    Analisis Mutasi pada Kodon 531 Pada Gen Rpob Mycobacterium tuberculosis Penyebab Resistensi Rifampisin

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious disesase in the world. According to the WHO, it is estimated more than 3 million people die every year as a result of this infectious disease. One factor that causes diffi culty handling TB chemoteraphy is not effective against the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis that causes TB . Effectiveness of treatment is often hampered by the emergence of bacterial resistance against M. Tuberculosis chemotherapy agents are given. From some research found that bacterial resistance may occur in more one type of chemotherapy agent also known as multi-drug resistance (MDR). Mycobacterium tuberculosis develop resistance mechanisms that are different from other bacteria in general. In prokaryotes, resistance is generally due to the transfer of genetic, either through plasmids,transposons and other. Reference sequence beta sub unit of RNAP protein M. Tuberculosis with accession number NP_215181.1 and M. tucerculosis rpoB gene with accession number NC_000962.3 used to obtain preliminary information from the data base www.ncbi.nlm.gov and www.uniprot.org . Mutation done according to several studies literature. Analysis of the composition, profi le, location and structure of protein using www.expasy.org, TMHMM and http://bioinf.cs.ucl.ac.uk/psipred. The primer design is done with Primer Design Program. Based on the analysis of mutation in the beta subunit of RNAP protein M. Tuberculosis, codon 531 (Ser ->Leu), it is known that mutations cause changes in some properties and structure of proteins. Possible changes affecting the nature of bacterial resistance to antibiotics rifampicin. However, further analysis needs to be done with the analysis of the docking technique.Tuberkulosis (TB) merupakan salah satu penyakit infeksi yang serius di dunia. Menurut WHO, diperkirakan lebih dari 3 juta orang meninggal setiap tahun akibat penyakit menular ini. Salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan kesulitan penanganan kemoterapi TB ternyata tidak efektif melawan bakteri Mycobacterium tuberculosis yang menyebabkan TB. Efektivitas pengobatan sering terhambat oleh munculnya resistensi bakteri terhadap agen imunoterapi M. tuberculosis. Dari beberapa penelitian ditemukan bahwa resistensi bakteri dapat terjadi pada lebih satu jenis agen kemoterapi yang juga dikenal dengan multi drug resistansi (MDR). Mycobacterium tuberculosis mengembangkan mekanisme resistensi yang berbeda dengan bakteri lain pada umumnya. Dalam prokariota, resistensi pada umumnya disebabkan oleh transfer genetik, baik melalui plasmid, transposon dan lainnya. Rangkaian referensi beta sub unit protein RNAP M. tuberkulosis dengan nomor aksesi NP_215181.1 dan gen M. tucerculosis rpoB dengan nomor aksesi NC_000962.3 digunakan untuk mendapatkan informasi pendahuluan dari data base www.ncbi.nlm.gov dan www.uniprot. org. Mutasi dilakukan menurut beberapa literatur studi. Analisis komposisi, profi l, lokasi dan struktur protein menggunakan www.expasy.org, TMHMM dan http://bioinf.cs.ucl.ac.uk/psipred. Desain primer dilakukan dengan Program Desain Primer. Berdasarkan analisis mutasi pada subunit beta protein RNAP M. tuberkulosis, kodon 531 (Ser->Leu), diketahui bahwa mutasi menyebabkan perubahan pada beberapa sifat dan struktur protein. Kemungkinan perubahan yang mempengaruhi sifat resistensi bakteri terhadap antibiotik rifampisin. Namun, analisis lebih lanjut perlu dilakukan dengan analisis teknik docking

    The Effect of Problem-Based Learning Models and Prior Knowledge toward Critical Thinking Skills on Human Digestive and Circulatory System

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    Technological developments demand that education is directed at learning that equips students with 21st century skills. One of them is critical thinking skills. Students' critical thinking skills can be developed through the use of appropriate learning models and supported by prior knowledge that students already have. However, the use of learning models applied in schools has not optimally developed students' critical thinking skills and tests have never been carried out to determine students' prior knowledge. One of the learning models that can develop critical thinking skills is the problem-based learning model. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of problem-based learning models and prior knowledge on the critical thinking skills of class VIII students of SMP Negeri 1 Lengayang. This type of research is a quasi-experimental with a population of class VIII students at SMP Negeri 1 Lengayang in the odd semester of the 2022/2023 academic year. Taking two sample classes using purposive sampling technique. The design of this research is Randomized Control-Group Posttest Only Design. The instrument used in this study was a written test. The data analysis technique for testing the hypothesis is the independent sample t test and the two-way ANOVA test. The results of this study prove that: The problem-based learning model influences the critical thinking skills of class VIII students of SMP Negeri 1 Lengayang; the problem-based learning model and high prior knowledge affect the critical thinking skills of class VIII students of SMP Negeri 1 Lengayang; The problem-based learning model and low prior knowledge affect the critical thinking skills of class VIII students of SMP Negeri 1 Lengayang; The problem-based learning model has no interaction with prior knowledge in influencing the critical thinking skills of class VIII students of SMP Negeri 1 LengayangTechnological developments demand that education is directed at learning that equips students with 21st century skills. One of them is critical thinking skills. Students' critical thinking skills can be developed through the use of appropriate learning models and supported by prior knowledge that students already have. However, the use of learning models applied in schools has not optimally developed students' critical thinking skills and tests have never been carried out to determine students' prior knowledge. One of the learning models that can develop critical thinking skills is the problem-based learning model. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of problem-based learning models and prior knowledge on the critical thinking skills of class VIII students of SMP Negeri 1 Lengayang. This type of research is a quasi-experimental with a population of class VIII students at SMP Negeri 1 Lengayang in the odd semester of the 2022/2023 academic year. Taking two sample classes using purposive sampling technique. The design of this research is Randomized Control-Group Posttest Only Design. The instrument used in this study was a written test. The data analysis technique for testing the hypothesis is the independent sample t test and the two-way ANOVA test. The results of this study prove that: The problem-based learning model influences the critical thinking skills of class VIII students of SMP Negeri 1 Lengayang; the problem-based learning model and high prior knowledge affect the critical thinking skills of class VIII students of SMP Negeri 1 Lengayang; The problem-based learning model and low prior knowledge affect the critical thinking skills of class VIII students of SMP Negeri 1 Lengayang; The problem-based learning model has no interaction with prior knowledge in influencing the critical thinking skills of class VIII students of SMP Negeri 1 Lengayan

    The Ability of the Thermophilic Bacteria Triculture Consortium from Mudiak Sapan Hot Springs to Produce Biofuel

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    Biofuel is an alternative energy to replace fossil fuels. The most popular form of biofuel today is bioethanol. Biofuels are considered as a suitable alternative to fossil fuels because they are more environmentally friendly. Production of bioethanol utilizing thermophilic microorganisms is more profitable because thermophilic microbes generally have the characteristics of being able to use a variety of substrates, low contamination, and resistance to high temperatures. The use of microbial consortia tends to give better results than the use of monoculture isolates to optimize bioethanol yields. The aim of this study was to determine the compatibility and ability of the best thermophilic bacterial triculture consortium from the Mudiak Sapan hot springs in producing biofuel. This research is a descriptive research, to test isolates of a consortium of thermophilic bacteria that produce bioethanol. The results of this study showed that consortium isolates tended to give better results than monoculture isolates. The best thermophilic bacterial triculture consortium from the Mudiak Sapan hot springs in producing biofuels namely MS 12, 17, 18 produced a bioethanol content of 0.863%.Biofuel is an alternative energy to replace fossil fuels. The most popular form of biofuel today is bioethanol. Biofuels are considered as a suitable alternative to fossil fuels because they are more environmentally friendly. Production of bioethanol utilizing thermophilic microorganisms is more profitable because thermophilic microbes generally have the characteristics of being able to use a variety of substrates, low contamination, and resistance to high temperatures. The use of microbial consortia tends to give better results than the use of monoculture isolates to optimize bioethanol yields. The aim of this study was to determine the compatibility and ability of the best thermophilic bacterial triculture consortium from the Mudiak Sapan hot springs in producing biofuel. This research is a descriptive research, to test isolates of a consortium of thermophilic bacteria that produce bioethanol. The results of this study showed that consortium isolates tended to give better results than monoculture isolates. The best thermophilic bacterial triculture consortium from the Mudiak Sapan hot springs in producing biofuels namely MS 12, 17, 18 produced a bioethanol content of 0.863%

    Primers Designed For Amplifying TCF7L2 Gen

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    Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a disease characterized by high glucose levels because of the lack of insulin hormone in the body. Prevalence of Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus is associated with the variant of the TCF7L2 gene polymorphism, or SNP. The purpose of this study was to construct a specific primer to amplify the TCF7L2 gene fragment and their capabilities to detect the targeted area. This research was a descriptive study that design the primers using Geneious software version 5.4.7. The study was conducted at the Laboratory of Genetics and Biotechnology FMIPA Universitas Negeri Padang. Based on this research, a 10qF forward primer (NG_012631.1) and 10qR reverse primers (NG_012631.1) has successfully designed. The primers can amplify the targeted area of the TCF7L2 gene with 1208 bp length. The amplified gene region has many variants that are strictly related to the appearance of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus


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    Endphytic microbes are microscopic living organisms (bacteria and fungi) that live in plant tissues (xylem and phloem), leaves, roots, fruit, and stems. These microbes live symbiosis of mutual benefit. Morus macroura miq. or Andaleh is a native plant of western Sumatra that is considered rare. The purpose of this study was to isolate and identify entophytic bacteria found in young leaves and old leaves andaleh taken from the village Andaleh, Kec. Batipuah West Sumatra. The methods used to isolate endophytic bacteria from andaleh leaves are spread plate and streak plate. Identification of endophytic bacteria in macroscopic or colony morphology. A total of 12 isolates of endophytic bacteria from young andaleh leaf and 8 isolates of endophytic bacteria from andaleh leaf. Identification Microscopic using gram staining obtained bacteria 18 gram positive endophytic bacterial isolates and 2 isolate gram negative bacteria

    Cotesia rubecula Feeding Strategy as a Biocontrol Parasitoid: A Review

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    Indonesian citizens rely on the agricultural sector to meet their daily needs because Indonesia is an agricultural country. Agricultural land, which is planted with monoculture crops, is a good condition for the development of pests, especially insect pests. To eradicate insect pests, farmers often choose insecticides that have a negative impact on the farmers themselves, on the environment, and on insects that are not parasitic to plants. Therefore, pest control with natural enemies needs to be done in order to preserve the environment and reduce the use of insecticides. Parasitoid organisms have great potential as biocontrol, one of which is Cotesia rubecula, which can be used as a biocontrol for the cabbage pest Pieris rapae. The feeding strategy of Cotesia rubecula can be used as a biocontrol agent for environmentally sound pest control. Besides that, Cotesia rubecula also helps pollinate cabbage plants

    Studi in silico Peran Gen IL10RB Homo sapiens (reseptor subunit beta interleukin 10) pada Infeksi Hepatitis B

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    Inter  leukin,  IL-10  dikenal  sebagai  salah  satu  elemen  imun  yang  bersifat  anti  inflamasi memiliki peran penting di dalam sistem homeostasis. Gen IL-10RB yang termasuk kelompok sitokin kelas 2 merupakan lokus utama terhadap kejadian infeksi hepatitis B, yang diperlihatkan dengan adanya data single nucleotide polymorphisme, SNPs pada E47K. Studi in silico dilakukan untuk mengetahui mutasi dan perubahan fungsi dari protein IL-10RB yang mengalami mutasi terhadap kejadian infeksi oleh  virus hepatitis B.  Hasil analisis sikuen protein menunjukkan bahwa mutasi 2834167 tidak  merubah sifat  umum  maupun topologi protein IL-10RB terhadap kejadian infeksi hepatitis B. Hasil analisis struktur protein menunjukkan bahwa mutasi juga tidak merubah struktur sekunder maupun struktur Kristal D protein IL-10RB


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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of artificial feeding on the growth and reproduction rate of Monopterus Albus species. This research is meta-analysis research. The data source comes from a search of 18 national and international articles published in 2010-2020 related to feeding the Monopterus albus species. Data obtained from google scholar database, DOAJ, ScienceDirect, sagejournal, Springer, and IEEE. The data analysis technique is a qualitative descriptive analysis with JASP software. The results showed that 35% of artificial feeding affected the growth of Monopterus albus and 28.5% affected the reproductive rate with an effect size of 1.2. This shows that artificial feeding is effective in increasing the growth and reproductive quality of Monopterus albus
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