23 research outputs found

    Efforts of Guidance and Counseling Teachers in Overcoming Cases of Bullying in Schools

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    This article was written because of the increasing cases of bullying in schools, one of the factors being the diversity of each student. Every student should respect each other's diversity so that good social relations can be established and divisions do not occur. This article was prepared with the aim of finding out what bullying is, what factors cause bullying to occur, what impacts will occur from acts of bullying, and how guidance and counseling teachers play a role in preventing bullying cases in schools.Bullying is a serious problem that has the potential to cause trauma to victims in various fields, including psychological, physical, social and academic. There are several factors that are the source of bullying which are generally classified into three aspects: family background, individual personality, and environmental influences, such as the school environment, social environment, and peers. Every individual who has experienced bullying almost always experiences similar psychological impacts. This psychological impact is a negative result that can be experienced by victims of bullying, which is clearly detrimental to themselves. The actions of the bully can have a long-term impact on the victim's psychological condition, and the victim may always remember the action, causing unpleasant memories for the victim. This impact is the most worrying thing for most people, where a person's psychological state is disturbed due to actions they don't want, and the perpetrator becomes a figure who is feared by many people.Guidance and counseling teachers or counselors have a central role in preventing and overcoming bullying at school. Therefore, effective and comprehensive services are needed for all students by utilizing a variety of skills and resources that can support the performance of guidance and counseling (BK) teachers. When cases of bullying occur, guidance and counseling teachers need to play an active role in resolving the problem and taking steps to prevent bullying from happening again. Guidance and guidance teachers or counselors must provide maximum and comprehensive counseling services that suit students' needs, including implementing an effective counseling guidance program to overcome bullying problems at school

    The Influence Of Authoritarian Parenting On Children's Personality

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    Abstract: We really need to know that authoritarian parenting is a picture of parenting that disappoints parents so that children become obedient. authoritarian caregivers greatly influence children's social behavior, as the results of research conducted by Meike et al. that authoritarian parenting style has a bad effect, which means that the higher the authoritarian caregiver pattern set by parents for children, the lower the child's social behavior. This article was written using a literature study method that which sources come from various articles that match the title and what problems are discussed. The purpose of authoritarian parenting is to make them obedient by suppressing control by their parents. The guarantor uses authoritarian parenting, which is tough, inflexible, and will be taught to improve both in their environment, meaning that we can conclude that authoritarian parenting to the child's personality is very important for adapting children to the environment around them

    The Impact of Democratic Parenting in Supporting Children's Personality

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    Democratic parenting has been the focus of research in child development psychology over the past few decades. The writing of this article uses a literature study method derived from various articles that are in accordance with the title and problems discussed. This article aims to investigate the impact of democratic parenting on children's personality development. The results of this article show that democratic parenting that involves children in decision-making, provides emotional support, and instills democratic values has a positive impact on children's personality development. Children who come from families with democratic parenting tend to show higher levels of trust, good communication skills, and positive social attitudes. In addition, they also tend to have the ability to manage conflict in a healthier way. These findings prove that democratic parenting can positively shape children's personalities and potentially help them become more independent individuals who contribute positively to society

    Analisis Yuridis Perceraian Luar Pengadilan di Desa Nyormanis Kecamatan Blega Kabupaten Bangkalan Madura

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    Law in Indonesian has regulated the procedures for marriage, divorce, and reconciliation in Law No. 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage. And also stated in Law No. 22 of 1946 concerning the Recording of Divorce and Referrals. From the explanation contained in the positive law, it can be seen that the meaning of divorce is the breaking of the marriage ties of a married couple as a result of the failure to carry out the marriage due to several things such as death and court decisions. Divorce in law of Indonesian must be announced before the court. The pronouncement of divorce before the court is a mandate from article 115 of the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI) which reads “Divorce can only be conducted in front of a Religious Court hearing after the Religious Court has tried and failed to reconcile the two parties.” But in fact, there are still many Indonesian people who do divorce not before the court. Divorce which is done outside the court is very negative, especially for the wife. Divorce is done only by word alone without going through a pledge in front of the court, then the state does not want to recognize the divorce, so that if the wife wants to remarry with another person, then it cannot be done because the wife does not have an official divorce certificate from the court

    Efektivitas Penggunaan Media Flash Flipbook Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Peserta Didik Dalam Pembelajaran Mata Pelajaran Sejarah Kelas XI SMA Negeri 11 Pontianak

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan efektivitas media pembelajaran Flash Flipbook terhadap motivasi belajar peserta didik kelas XI Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial (IIS) di Sekolah Menegah Atas (SMA) Negeri 11 Pontianak. Bentuk penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis Pre-experimental (one-grup pretest-posttest). Sampel yang digunakan yaitu kelas XI IIS 2 pada SMA Negeri 11 Pontianak. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan yaitu angket. Adapun angket yang dimaksud terdiri dari angket pretest dan posttest. Efektivitas media pembelajaran Flash Flipbook diukur dengan menggunakan uji t berpasangan (paired sample t-test). Temuan awal pada hasil pretest atau sebelum menggunakan media Flash Flipbook diperoleh persentase sebesar 68,27%, artinya metode ceramah tersebut dapat kategorikan cukup digunakan. Sedangkan pada hasil posttest atau setelah menggunakan media Flash Flipbooks diperoleh persentase sebesar 79%, artinya media tersebut dikategorikan baik untuk digunakan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa media Flash Flipbook efektif terhadap motivasi belajar peserta didik kelas XI IIS 2 SMA Negeri 11 Pontianak. Keywords: Flash Flipbook, Media Pembelajaran, Motivasi Belaja

    Nilai Moral di Kabupaten Merangin dalam Proses Layanan Konseling

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    Moral values ​​in the Merangin Regency in the process of counseling services really need to be known that there are many moral values ​​in the Merangin Regency such as the existence of traditions that contain very good moral values ​​in everyday life such as the existence of family values, togetherness, and mutual cooperation in events -events held where the event aims to connect ties between people in the environment. The method used in writing this article is the interview method, namely by asking several questions related to the title that has been taken to one of the traditional leaders in the area by telephone. With the literature study method we can read as many sources as possible related to the problem so that we can get results from summarizing the various sources we have read. In Merangin district, one of the communication media is by using traditional seloko, where traditional seloko contains advice or advice for safety and good for the Merangin people. So it can be concluded that the traditions in Merangin Regency are very diverse in terms of tradition, such as the existence of traditional seloko

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Organik Melalui Program Semambu’s Ecofarming dalam Mencapai Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) Untuk menganalisis kontribusi program pengembangan masyarakat Ecofarming Semambu di Desa Pulau Semambu binaan PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Integrated Terminal Palembang dalam mencapai Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (SDGs). 2) Mempelajari dan menimba ilmu serta pengalaman kerja yang diperoleh dari PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Integrated Terminal Palembang. Metode pelaksanaan yang digunakan dalam kegiatan magang ini adalah metode observasi dan partisipasi aktif. Program Ecofarming Semambu berhasil memproduksi 2 botol pupuk organik cair berkapasitas total 3 liter yang diperoleh dari 20 kilogram sampah setiap bulannya untuk setiap kepala keluarga dan memberikan penghematan biaya pupuk sebesar 40 ribu rupiah. Program ini juga berkontribusi signifikan terhadap Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (SDGs). Program ini mendukung Tujuan No. 2 tentang akses terhadap pangan yang aman, bergizi, dan berkelanjutan, serta Tujuan No. 12 tentang produksi dan konsumsi berkelanjutan

    Virtual Reality Trimatra and Dwimatra Laboratory Visual Art Materials for Higher Education

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    Dwimatra and trimatra are currently the main material for university fine arts courses. As a partner campus for the MBKM program, it is obligatory to provide compulsory courses in two dimensions and three dimensions. However, this course is prone to learning misconceptions. As a learning process that prioritizes aesthetics, students are not provided an optimal environment in understanding and experiencing aesthetics due to the lack of accessible virtual infrastructure. This research aims to reduce the misconceptions of the learning problem by providing virtual infrastructure for virtual reality laboratories. The research uses the ADDIE Model method (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation) to develop learning empirically, structurally, and holistically. Validation tests were carried out by material and media experts to determine the media validity. The match pair test is used as a data analysis technique to determine the level of learning outcomes in pre-test and post-test. The hypothetical decision-making guideline on the match pair test refers to the significance value (Sig) if Sig. (2 tailed) < 0.05, then H0is rejected and Hais accepted, if Sig. (2-tailed) > 0.05, then H0is accepted and Hais rejected. The practicality test was conducted to determine the level of media practicality that is obtained from R/SM x 100% with the information R (Achievable Value) and SM (Maximum Score). In this regard, the design of virtual reality laboratories for trimatra and dwimatra art materials for higher education can avoid misconceptions about learning with virtual infrastructure technology. Keywords: trimatra, dwimatra, misconceptions, virtual realit


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    The current study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of SFBC to decrease social agresive behaviour among the students of 12th grade in SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Prambanan. This study was an experiment study and used pre-experimental design employing one group pretest posttest model. The subject of this current study was students of 12th in SMA Muhammdiyah 1 Prambanan. In determining the subject, the researcher used nonprobablility sampling design with purposive sampling. The finding found a significant difference between students' social agresive level before and after they were treated with SFBC based on creative arts

    Pagelaran Smartland: Using Virtual Reality Media to Increase Hybrid Tourist Visits for the Pottery Industry

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    Pagelaran Village is a projected educational tourism village that focuses on the development of traditional pottery. However, with the number of visitors decreased during the pandemic, there are several difficulties to attract enthusiastic visitors and increase tourist visits. This causes higher turnover rates which is projected to increase significantly when the pandemic ends. The Pagelaran SmartLand design aims to provide a digital infrastructure for virtual tourist visits through virtual reality technology that can be accessed easily and is able to be integrated with the pottery craftsmen of Pagelaran Village. The media development method used an asset-based community development (ABCD) approach that focuses on integrating local assets with the latest technology through asset inventory. The media validity level was obtained through validity testing by material and media experts. The profitability growth rate of the Pagelaran Village pottery industry after the media implementation was measured through a paired t-test with guidelines based on the significance value (Sig). If Sig. (2 tailed) < 0.05, then H0is rejected and Hais accepted and if Sig. (2-tailed) > 0.05, then H0is accepted and Hais rejected. A practicality test was carried out to identify the media practicality which was obtained through obtained value/maximum score x 100%. In this regard, the Pagelaran SmartLand can accommodate an increase in hybrid tourism visits to the pottery industry in Pagelaran Village and has the potential to provide an increase in turnover for pottery craftsmen. Keywords: SmartLand, Pagelaran village, tourism, virtual realit