44 research outputs found

    Description of Eat Pattern and Relationship Between Nutrition Status With Basic Consumption levels in Children of School (Study Case Settlement Gundih, District Bubutan, Surabaya City)

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    Background, since the 1997 economic crisis the number of poor people in Indonesia has increased. One result of the crisis was the increasing number of street children. Street children are one of the conditions of children in difficult circumstances, their lives are very worrying, especially health and the future. The goal is to know the nutritional status of street children as a scientific basis for further intervention programs. Research Methods, discrete-analytic observational research. Using quota sampling as many as 30 street children in the Gundih settlement of Bubutan District, Surabaya City. Nutritional status was assessed by using anthropometric parameters of height according to age and sex and carried out a 2x24 hour recall to determine diet and consumption levels. Conclusion, (1) 70% of street children have poor nutritional status and only 6.7% have good nutritional status. (2) The most common diet patterns for street children are rice, side dishes, and vegetables. (3) The level of consumption achieved is still below 100% of the AKG and the majority are in the less and moderate category. (4) There is no significant relationship between nutritional status and consumption level (p> 0.05). Suggestions, intervention programs on street children need to be done to prevent further serious nutritional problems.   Keywords: homeless kid, economic crisis, nutritional statu

    Computer Aided Simulation of DNA Fingerprint Amplified Fragment Length Polymophism (AFLP) Using Suffix Tree Indexing and Data Mining

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    AFLP is one of the DNA Fingerprinting techniques which have broad application as genetic marker in various fields. Begin with the DNA sequence digestion using one or more particular restriction enzyme, ligation of the adapters to the overhanging sticky ends followed by DNA fragments amplification using PCR. The PCR reaction uses primers that match the adapter sequence and have some (1 to 3) dditional “selective” bases which could be any bases, this reduces the number of bands that will be amplified. Such technique intended to increase the amplified fragments peculiarity so the polymorphism of the organism being studied could be well visualized by gel electrophoresis. The computer aided of AFLP simulation developed in this research was aimed to predict this electrophoresis result by simulate the digestion, ligation and PCR process using some pattern recognition algorithm applied to the DNA sequence from online databases. Through this simulation the researcher could determine the best combination of restriction enzyme and selective bases for their laboratory experiment. Suffix tree indexing was conducted during the exploration process of the genome sequence (in FASTA format) to find the restriction sites rapidly and create fragments of it. Data modeling enable the system draws the fragments into virtual DNA’s electrophoresis pattern. Data mining accomplish the simulation by exploring overall possible virtual DNA’s electrophoresis pattern and determine the best restriction enzyme and selective bases combination by calculating certain quantitative criteria

    Deteksi Vibrio harveyi dengan Metode Amplifikasi DNA pada Gen toxR

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    Abstrak -Infeksi hewan akuakultur oleh Vibrio harveyi dapat menyebabkan kematian serta kerugian ekonomi. Kemampuan untuk mendeteksi bakteri tersebut secara dini dapat mencegah penyebarannya dalam akuakultur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan metode untuk mendeteksi Vibrio harveyi melalui amplifikasi gen toxR. Amplifikasi DNA dilakukan dengan dua metode, yakni amplifikasi isotermal termediasi loop (loop-mediated isothermal amplification, LAMP) dan reaksi berantai polimerase (PCR). Amplifikasi menggunakan metode LAMP menunjukan perlu dilakukan optimasi protokol maupun desain primer untuk mencegah perolehan hasil false positive. Amplifikasi menggunakan metode PCR menghasilkan produk berukuran 229 pasang basa yang spesifik pada Vibrio harveyi dengan batas deteksi hingga 0,526 ng.µL-1 (setara 2,09 × 106 CFU.mL-1). Kata kunci: Akuakultur, LAMP, PCR, toxR, Vibrio harveyi Abstract -Vibrio harveyi infection in aquacultures may cause death and economical loss. Rapid detection of this bacteria may prevent its dispersal in aquacultures. The goal of this research was to develop method in detection of Vibrio harveyi via amplification of toxR gene. DNA amplification was carried out with two methods, loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Amplification with LAMP suggest optimization of either protocol or primer design was needed to prevents false positive results. Amplification with PCR yields 229 bp-length product specific to Vibrio harveyi with detection limit up to 0.526 ng.µL-1 (equals to 2.09 × 106 CFU.mL-1). Keywords: Aquaculture, LAMP, PCR, toxR, Vibrio harvey

    Increasing of Carotene Production from Local Isolate when using Additional Supernatant from Bacterial Culture in Their Growth Medium

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    Screening of quorum sensing(QS) quencher takes many attention because of resistances problems in the using of antibiotics to kill pathogenic bacteria. There are several reports that QS mechanism controls more than one metabolism that not very closes relatively each others. Because of these reasons research in finding of quencher molecule should take into account about side effect of the molecule. Chromobacterium violacein Tn5 and lasR-lasl-GFP plasmid recombinant that uses in the QS research seems to be difficult to delect side effect on using. QS quencher molecul, because of engineering on their DNA make the reporter gene express higher than the normal gene, this make difficulties to observe other gene which is effect by quencher molecule. In this research we used wild type local isolate of bacteria that produce carotene. We also reported that carotene production in our isolate was driven by quorum sensing. Adding of supernatant from bacterial culture in bacterial growth medium until 25; 50 and 75% gave in increasing of carotene production until 64; 50 and 50%. Extracting supernatant from bacterial culture using ethyl acetate and adding to the growth medium until 40; 50 and 60%, gave 31; 40 and 22% increasing of carotene production. In this research we reported that adding of supernatant or ethyl acetate axtract supernatant from bacterial culture also decreasing cell mass production. Based oh this data we concluded that increasing of carotene production causing by increasing of carotene production per cell not by increasing if number of cells

    Identification of Potential Ebola Virus Nucleoprotein (EBOV NP) Inhibitor Derivate from Various Traditional Medicinal Plants in Indonesia: in silico study

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    Ebola virus disease is caused by Ebolavirus infection. Within infection, Ebola nucleoprotein (EBOV NP) is essential part for virus proliferation. Recent report showed that the outbreak was happened in Congo on February 2021. Although million cases were reported, the drug is remain unavailable. However, Indonesia had a high diversity of plants as traditional drugs. This research aimed to identify the traditional drug plants as potential inhibitor for EBOV NP. The SMILE notation of 65 identified compounds were collected from PubChem and 3D structured of EBOV NP (PDB ID: 4Z9P) was obtained from PDB. Molecular docking was conducted between selected compounds and EBOV NP. Clabistrin C was selected as a control. Complex of compounds EBOV NP and its amino acid residues were depicted by using Chimera X and LigPlot. Several potential compounds were selected for pharmacological activity prediction by PASS Online, toxicity analysis by ProTox-II, and drug likeness analysis with SWISSADME. Result showed that among the docked compound, hesperidin, cucurbitacin, ginsenoside RH2, and ginsenoside RO had lower binding energy compared to control. Moreover, all of those compounds had comparable hydrogen and hydrophobic interactions with EBOV NP. Further analysis showed it has potential biological function for Ebola disease, such as antiviral, antioxidant, and immunostimulant. All those compounds had low toxicity. As conclusion, there are four promising compounds that potentially inhibited the Ebolavirus proliferation

    Antioxidant and toxicity activity of aqueous extracts from various parts of breadfruit and breadnut

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    Two related underutilized plants from breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) and breadnut (Artocarpus camansi) were explored for their antioxidant and toxicity potential. Maceration with water was employed for the sake of safety and easiness. Various parts of both plants, namely leaves, fruit peel, anthocarp, and breadnut achene, were investigated. The antioxidant assays employed in this study were total phenolic and flavonoid content, total antioxidant capacity, DPPH scavenging activity, power-reducing assay, and linoleic acid peroxidation inhibition. The acute toxicity potential of the extracts was assessed using inhibition of Vibrio harveyi bioluminescence. The EC50 value determined from the toxicity assessment (>2.4 mg/mL) was higher than the concentrations of all extracts used in the various assays of antioxidant property. From all aqueous extracts, the best results in terms of highest antioxidant activity and relatively lowest toxicity were obtained for breadnut leaves, breadnut achene, and breadfruit leaves

    Pengaruh Edukasi Perubahan Gaya Hidup Sehat terhadap Clinical Outcome pada Pasien di Rumah Diabetes Universitas Surabaya

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    Prevalensi diabetes melitus yang semakin meningkat setiap tahunnya cenderung meningkatkan risiko komplikasi dan kematian akibat diabetes melitus itu sendiri. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh edukasi perubahan gaya hidup sehat terhadap clinical outcome (parameter klinis) pada pasien di Rumah Diabetes Universitas Surabaya. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan one group pretest-posttest yang diikuti oleh 27 subjek diabetes melitus di Rumah Diabetes Universitas Surabaya. Seluruh subjek diberikan edukasi (intervensi) dengan perangkat piring sehat dengan durasi 4 minggu. Pengukuran clinical outcome dilakukan terhadap gula darah puasa, indeks massa tubuh (IMT), lingkar perut, dan tekanan darah. Uji statistika yang digunakan adalah Wilcoxon signed rank test dan paired t-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa edukasi perubahan gaya hidup sehat berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penurunan gula darah puasa (p<0,001), indeks massa tubuh (p=0,005), lingkar perut (p=0,005), tekanan darah sistolik (p=0,013), namun tidak signifikan terhadap tekanan darah diastolik (p=0,247). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa edukasi perubahan gaya hidup sehat berpengaruh terhadap gula darah puasa, indeks massa tubuh, lingkar perut, dan tekanan darah sistolik. Keterbatasan dalam penelitian ini adalah keikutsertaan penderita diabetes melitus yang sedikit serta tidak adanya kelompok kontrol sebagai pembanding

    Deteksi Vibrio Harveyi dengan Metode Amplifikasi DNA pada Gen ToxR

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    -Infeksi hewan akuakultur oleh Vibrio harveyi dapat menyebabkan kematian serta kerugian ekonomi. Kemampuan untuk mendeteksi bakteri tersebut secara dini dapat mencegah penyebarannya dalam akuakultur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan metode untuk mendeteksi Vibrio harveyi melalui amplifikasi gen toxR. Amplifikasi DNA dilakukan dengan dua metode, yakni amplifikasi isotermal termediasi loop (loop-mediated isothermal amplification, LAMP) dan reaksi berantai polimerase (PCR). Amplifikasi menggunakan metode LAMP menunjukan perlu dilakukan optimasi protokol maupun desain primer untuk mencegah perolehan hasil false positive. Amplifikasi menggunakan metode PCR menghasilkan produk berukuran 229 pasang basa yang spesifik pada Vibrio harveyi dengan batas deteksi hingga 0,526 ng.µL-1 (setara 2,09 × 106 CFU.mL-1). Kata kunci: Akuakultur, LAMP, PCR, toxR, Vibrio harvey

    Menthol from the stem and leaf in-vitro Mentha piperita Linn.

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    The need for menthol in Indonesia is increasing annually, but it is not followed by increases the availability in the country, so the number of imports is increasing each year. Therefore, in this research conducted a study using plant tissue culture techniques to produce secondary metabolite especially menthol using shoot multiplication. A single node of Mentha piperita L. was inoculated on three kinds of growth medium, which are MS + 0.1 mg L–1 NAA + 0.1 mg L–1 BA, MS + 0.5 mg L–1 BA, and MS + 2 mg L–1 BA. Based on fresh weight and morphological observation, MS + 0.1 mg L–1 NAA + 0.1 mg L–1 BA was the best growth medium. Based on the previous experiment, the study was aiming to continue observing the concentration of menthol found in M. piperita shoot. Stems and leaves of M. piperita were dried in room temperature, the dried stems and leaves were extracted using steam distillation method with ratio 0.3 g of dried stems and leaves in 25 mL aquadest. The crude extract was analyzed by gas chromatography (HP 6890) using INNOWAX 19095N-123 column. The results showed that 2 wk was the best amount of time to obtain the highest concentration of menthol specifically (1 218.5 ± 47.1) mg L–1 (yield = 9.748 %)