32 research outputs found

    Egg predation risk trigger adult hoverfly (diptera: syrphidae) to avoid laying eggs in patches attended by ladybird larvae (coleoptera: coccinellidae): Resiko predasi pada telur memicu lalat apung (diptera: syrphidae) un

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    INTISARI Preferensi peletakan telur oleh lalat apung predator, Episyrphus balteatus pada koloni kutu aphid yang dihadiri oleh predator potensial, yaitu larva tiga spesies kumbang koksi predator yang menimbulkan dampak serius pada telur diamati di laboratorium menggunakan uji tanpa pilihan. Hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa spesies kumbang koksi yang paling besar dan agresifHarmonia axyridis menimbulkan dampak negatif paling serius dengan menyerang dan memangsa telur lalat apung dibandingkan dua spesies kumbang koksi yang lain. Spesies dan tahap perkembangan larva kumbang koksi juga menentukan tingkatan resiko predasi pada telur lalat apung. Petnilihan tempat peneluran oleh lalat apung kemudian dikorelasikan dengan tingkat predasi yang disebabkan oleh larva kumbang koksi pada telur lalat apung. Hasil pengujian menutzjukkan bahwa lalat apung akan meletakkan telur dalam jumlah paling sedikit pada koloni yang dihadiri oleh kompetitor terkuat, yaitu larva H. axyridis, dan meletakkan telur dalam jumlah\u27ialing banyak pada koloni yang dihadiri oleh kompetitor terlemah, yaitu Scymnus posticalis. Sebagai tambahan, dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh larva kumbang koksi instar keempat lebih kuat dibandingkan larva kumbang instar pertama. Kata kunci : Predasi, Peletakan telur, Larva kumbang koks

    Population of Herbivorous and Carnivorous Arthropods in Rice Field Ecosystem Modified with Vermicompost and Flower Plants

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    Biological diversity index could be used as an option to assess the stability of an agricultural ecosystem. This limited field research was aimed to determine the effect of vermicompost and flowering plants (Asteraceae) to the diversity of herbivore and carnivore arthropods (M+). Conventional treatment with the application of non-organic fertiliser and without the addition of flowering plant was used as control (M0). Sampling was conducted using insect nets, and began at 30 days after planting (DAT), and repeated every other week until before harvesting. The results showed that the diversity of herbivore and carnivore arthropods in modified plots with organic fertiliser worm cast and flower plants/habitat manipulated system (M+) was moderate (herbivores: Shannon diversity index from 1.1 - 2.2; carnivores: 1.93 - 2.09), as well as the diversity of arthropods in the field of non-modified/custom system (M0) (herbivores: Shanon index of 1.2 - 1.7; carnivore: 1.34 - 2.18). Meanwhile, the number of arthropod species found in the M+ plot was 59 species, consisted of 22 herbivores and 37 carnivores (9 order, 32 families, and 35 genera). Number of arthropods found in the M0 plot was 54 species, consisted of 17 species of herbivores and 37 species of carnivores (7 orders, 28 families, and 30 generas). Statistical analysis showed that there was no significant difference in the plot diversity M+ and M0. Nevertheless, mean diversity of the M+ plot tended to be higher (Shannon Index herbivore and carnivore = 1.6 = 2.01) compared with M0 plot (herbivore and carnivore = 1.45 = 1.76)

    Pengaruh Nitrogen dan Silika terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) pada Kedelai

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    A study was conducted to establish the indirect effects of nitrogen (N) and silicon (Si) on the growth and development of Spodoptera litura on soybean. A full-factorial experiment was arranged in 4x2 factors: first factor was nitrogen with varied doses of 0, 25, 50, and 100 kg/ha; second factor was silicon at 0 and 200 g/m2. The results demonstrated that the application of N and Si indirectly affected the growth and development of S. litura including leaves consumed, weight of larvae, weight of pupal, fecundity and survivorship. In addition, combination of nitrogen and silicon also affected the growth and development of soybean as evidenced by the decreased absorption of Si by soybean following the application of N, while the application of Si combined with high nitrogen doses decreased the absorption of Si. It was also observed that the effect of N was not significant on the growth and development of S. litura.  The application of Si with the high N doses, however, decreased the growth and development of S. litura. It is, therefore, concluded that the mechanism of relationship between N and Si on S. litura could not be explained only by quantifying the absorption value of N and Si


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    The objective research is to know the daily activities and preference of predatory birds Lanius sp. to several stages of Sexava spp. Tenpredatory birds 12 to 14 months of age were bought at merchant bird in Yogyakarta. The study was conducted naturally under controlled condition in cages. Before the study was conducted the predatory birds were acclimatized for three days by feeding them cricket and gradually changed to Sexava spp. The young nymphs, old nymphs, adult male, and adult female of Sexava spp. were found at coconut plantation in Dumagin village became the new dietary of the predator. The result showed that Lanius sp. is a diurnal birdthe activities were dominated by hunting and preying (16.52%), followed by flying (6.53%), jumping (5.70%), and walking (4.58%). The Lanius sp. preferred to prey on significantly more nymphs ofSexava spp. than the adult. The birds prey proportionally on the young nymphs, old nymphs, male, and adult females for 50%,41%,5%, and 4%, respectively

    Tenuipalpus pasificus Mite on Orchid in Malang Raya

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    Malang Raya is the center of orchid cultivation (Orchidaceae) in Indonesia. However, the presence of mites might lead to economic losses. This study aimed to determine the population density of mite Tenuipalpus pasificus and the intensity of attack on four genera of orchids (Dendrobium, Cattleya, Phalaenopsis, and Coelogyne). Snowball technique was used to collect mite samples on eight locations. During the observation, T. pasificus was found dominant in Coelogyne orchid (72 mites/plant). The highest population of T. pasificus was commonly found at 10 a.m on Phalaenopsis and Coelogyne, while on Dendrobium at 12 p.m, and on Cattleya at between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. The intensity of attack of T. pasificus was not significantly differing among four orchids, which was varied from 20.02 to 30.10%, and was determined as low intensity. Intisari Malang Raya merupakan sentra budidaya tanaman anggrek (Orchidaceae) di Indonesia. Keberadaan tungau dapat menyebabkan kerugian secara ekonomi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kepadatan populasi tungau Tenuipalpus pasificus dan intensitas serangannya pada empat jenis anggrek yaitu Dendrobium, Cattleya, Phalaenopsis, dan Coelogyne. Metode pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik snow ball, sehingga didapatkan delapan lokasi pengamatan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, T. pasificus paling banyak ditemukan pada tanaman anggrek jenis Coelogyne (72 ekor per tanaman). Kepadatan populasi T. pasificus tertinggi ditemukan pada pukul 10.00 WIB pada Phalaenopsis dan Coelogyne, sedangkan pada Dendrobium pada pukul 12.00 WIB, dan pada Cattleya pada pukul 10.00 hingga 16.00 WIB. Intensitas serangan tungau T. pasificus pada keempat jenis anggrek tidak berbeda secara signifikan yaitu bernilai 20,02−30,10% dengan kategori intensitas serangan ringan


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    Corn borer is one of the important pest on corn plants in Gorontalo Province, especially in the three districts which are the centers of maize planting development. Corn borer and its natural enemy complex in Gorontalo Province has not been clearly studied. Thepurpose of this study is to determine the complexity of the natural enemies of maize stem borer by calculating the diversity and composition. The survey method was used, in which the older larvae, pupae, and corn borer natural enemies were collected from the field in the three districts (Gorontalo, Boalemo, and Pohuwato). Observation plots in each district area of 2,500 m1, were divided into 3 sub plots with the size of 3x 3 m, each plot is consisted of 45 plants at the spacing of 75x 25 cm. The data were analysed descriptively and organized into tables. Shannon Index was used to count the diversity and composition of the pests and their natural enemies. The results showed that the corn borer species was Ostrinia fumaealis, while the dominant natural enemy was the tachinid fly. The analysis of Shannon diversity indexfor natural enemies of three districts ofGorontalo, Boalemo, and Pohuwato were 0.63, 0.61, and 0.97 respectively. Penggerek batangjagung adalah salah satu hama penting pada tanamanjagung di Provinsi Gorontalo terutama di tiga kabupaten sentra pengembangan jagung. Hama penggerek batangjagung dan kompleks musuh alaminya di Provinsi Gorontalo belum banyak dikaji. Tujuan kajian ini adalah melihat kompleksitas musuh alami penggerek batang jagung dengan menghitung keragaman dan komposisi. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei, yaitu mengumpulkan larva instar akhir, pupa penggerek batang jagung dan musuh alaminya dari lapangan di tiga kabupaten (Gorontalo, Boalemo, dan Pohuwato). Petak pengamatan di setiap kabupaten seluas 2.500 m2yang dibagi dalam 3 sub plot berukuran 3x3 m. Jumlah tanamanjagung per plot sekitar 45 tanaman denganjarak tanam 75x25 em. Data dianalisis seeara deskriptif dan disusun dalam tabel, untuk keragaman dan komposisi menggunakan Indeks Shannon. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwajenis penggerek batangjagung adalah Ostriniafurnacalis, musuh alami didominasi Ordo Diptera Famili Taehinidae.Analisis Indeks Shannonkeragaman musuh alami untuk Kabupaten Gorontalo,KabupatenBoalemo, dan Kabupaten Pohuwato berturut-turut sebesar 0,630,61dan 0,97

    Kelimpahan Jenis Semut Di Areal Pemukiman Hutan Lindung Sirimau Kota Ambon

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    AbstractThe experiment was conducted at residential areas Sirimau forest with three sampling methods, which were hand collecting, bait trap (sugar and tuna) and pitfall traps from July to September 2011. The study aims to determine abudance of ants in residential areas in Ambon Sirimau Protected Forest areas. The results of study found 16 species of ants in total reaching 14.913. The most dominant types are Odontoponera denticulata, Pheidole megacephala, Technomyrmex albipes, Tetramorium simillimum, Tetramorium bicarinatum, Tapinoma melanocephalum, Paratrechina longicornis and Anoplolepis gracilipes. Total abudance of ants is 2.789 classified as moderate by spread of number of individual spread and of community stability. The abudance of ants is strongly influenced by light intensity, temperature, humidity, wind, water and season. Difference of temperature micro, light climate, humidit, interspecific competition, availability of variety of food sources, habitat quality and human activities also affect the abudance of ants. Another finding showed invasive ants, they were Soleonopsis geminate, Paratrechina longicornis and Anoplolepis gracilipes. Keywords: Abudance of ants, invasive species, protected areas, settlement areaAbstrakPenelitian dilaksanakan pada areal pemukiman dalam Hutan Lindung Sirimau dengan tiga metode pengambilan sampel yakni hand collecting, bait trap (umpan gula dan  ikan tuna) dan pitfall trap dari bulan Juli hingga september 2011. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui keragaman semut pada areal pemukiman dalam kawasan Hutan Lindung Sirimau Ambon. Hasil penelitian menemukan adanya 16 jenis semut dengan total individu mencapai  14.913. Jenis–jenis yang sangat dominan dalam kawasan yakni Odontoponera denticulata, Pheidole megacephala, Technomyrmex albipes, Tetramorium simillimum, Tetramorium bicarinatum, Tapinoma melanocephalum, Paratrechina longicornis dan Anoplolepis gracilipes. Total keragaman jenis semut 2.789 tergolong sedang dengan penyebaran jumlah individu semut dan tingkat kestabilan komunitas sedang. Keragaman semut dipengaruhi oleh intensitas cahaya matahari, suhu, kelembaban, angin, air dan musim. Diduga perbedaan suhu mikro, iklim, cahaya, kelembaban, pola makan, kompetisi interspesifik, variasi ketersediaan sumber makanan, kualitas habitat dan aktivitas manusia yang memengaruhi keragaman semut dalam areal pemukiman hutan lindung Sirimau Ambon. Ditemukan 3 jenis semut yang invasif yakni Soleonopsis geminate, Paratrechina longicornis dan Anoplolepis gracilipes. Kata kunci: Kelimpahan semut, spesies invasif, hutan lindung, tipe penggunaan lahan pemukima


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji respon semut terhadap kerusakan habitat akibat kehadiran manusia dalam hutan lindung Sirimau Ambon. Penelitian dilaksanakan dari bulan Juni 2011 hingga Juli 2012. Respon semut diketahui dengan pendekatan kekayaan, kelimpahan, keragaman, frekuensi dan tanggap fungsional terhadap kerusakan antropogenik dalam hutan lindung melalui metode line transect. Parameter tambahan yang diamati adalah faktor iklim mikro, sifat fisik dan kimia tanah. Hasil penelitian menemukan 23 spesis semut, 16601 individu, kelimpahan spesis tertinggi sebesar 0,158, frekuensi 32,44 % dan indeks keragaman sebesar 2,92 yang tergolong sedang. Kelompok fungsional semut terbagi menjadi kelompok oppurtunist (1 spesis), generalized myrmicinae (1 spesis), specialis predator (4 spesis), tropical climate specialis (6 spesis), dominant dolichoderinae (4 spesis), subordinate camponitini (6 spesis) dan criptic species (4 spesis). Faktor antropogenik yang menyebabkan kerusakan habitat hutan lindung yakni pembukaan wilayah hutan, penebangan pohon, pembakaran hutan, perladangan berpindah dan pembangunan fisik akibatnya terjadi fragmentasi dan degradasi habitat yang diikuti dengan ketidakseimbangan lingkungan dan komponen ekosistem.ABSTRACTThis study aims to know response ants to damage due to presence of human in Sirimau forest Ambon. The research was conducted from June 2011 until July 2012. Research to obtains data about richness, abundance, diversity, frequency and functional response from ants to anthropogenic damage in Sirimau forest with line transect method. Additional parameters measured were microclimate factors, physical and chemical of soil. The study found 23 species of ants, 16.601 individuals with highest species abundance of 0.158, 32.44% frequency and diversity index of 2.92 were classified as moderate. Functionally ants found in the group classified are oppurtunist (1 species), generalized myrmicinae (1 species), specialist predators (4 species), tropical climate specialists (6 species), dominant dolichoderinae (4 species), subordinate camponitini (6 species) and criptic species (4 species). Anthropogenic factor have contribute to destruction of forest habitat through opening forests, logging, forest fires and shifting cultivation. Anthropogenic damage in secondary forest causing fragmentation and degradation, followed by imbalance of environment and ecosystem components

    Comparison of Feeding Ability between Ischiodon scutellaris (Diptera: Syrphidae) and Menochilus sexmaculatus (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) on Aphis craccivora (Hemiptera: Aphididae)

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    Study on the feeding ability of two predators of Aphis craccivora (Koch), i.e. larvae of syrphid fly, Ischiodon scutellaris and coccinellid beetle, Menochilus sexmaculatus has been done in the laboratory. The study was conducted to determine the impacts of prey densities on larval development time, and the survival rate of larval stage. The results showed that M. sexmaculatus larvae required more prey than I. scutellaris in the 1st instar, but I. scutellaris ate more prey than M. sexmaculatus in the 3rd  instar. Furthermore, addition of prey number shortened significanly the development time of the larvae stage, almost all of 1st and 3rd instars M. sexmaculatus and I. scutellaris were able to develop into pupae, whereas, only 45% out of total 1st instar provided with 20 prey individuals succeed to pupate. The impact of the number of prey on the biology of aphidophaga in relation to their role as controlling aphid in nature is discussed in this paper.   Intisari Kajian tentang kemampuan makan dua predator Aphis craccivora (Koch), yaitu larva lalat syrphid, Ischiodon scutellaris dan kumbang koksi, Menochilus sexmaculatus telah dilakukan di laboratorium. Kajian juga dilakukan untuk memahami dampak jumlah mangsa pada lama perkembangan larva menjadi pupa dan keloloshidupan larva menjadi pupa. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa larva M. sexmaculatus membutuhkan lebih banyak mangsa daripada I. scutellaris pada instar 1, namun I. scutellaris makan lebih banyak mangsa daripada M. sexmaculatus pada instar 3. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa penambahan mangsa mempercepat waktu perkembangan larva secara signifikan. Semua larva instar 1 dan 3 M. sexmaculatus dan I. scutellaris mampu lolos menjadi pupa, kecuali larva instar 1 M. sexmaculatus yang hanya mampu lolos menjadi pupa sebanyak 45% jika diberi mangsa 20 ekor. Dampak jumlah mangsa pada biologi afidofaga dalam kaitannya dengan peran mereka sebagai pengendali populasi kutu afid di alam dibahas dalam tulisan ini

    Seleksi Wereng Batang Padi Coklat, Nilaparvata lugens Stal. (Homoptera: Delphacidae) dengan Insektisida Karbamat MIPC dan BPMC = Carbonate Insecticides of MIPC and BPMC Selection on Rice

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    Carbamate insecticides was used in great amount on paddy fields in Indonesia and other countries to control Rice Brown Planthopper (RBPH). The great quantity combined with high frequency induced the development of RBPH resistance. This research was intended to know the resistance development of RBPH under continuous exposure of RBPH. Both biological and biochemical assays showed that the continuous exposure could not change the RBPH resistance level significantly, although the resistance ratio found vary between generations. It was assumed that instead of resistance the tolerance levels at any generations were different. It was also noted that RBPH exposed to MIPC showed difference responses, which might be due to different chemical structures of the two compounds. Keywords: carbamate insecticides â Rice Brown Planthopper âresistanc