11 research outputs found

    Peranan Perubahan Komponen Prekursor Aroma dan Cita Rasa Biji Kakao Selama Fermentasi Terhadap Cita Rasa Bubuk Kakao yang Dihasilkan

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    INTISARI Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang peranan perubahan komponen prekursor aroma dan cite rasa biji kakao tindak selama fermentasi terhadap cila rasa bubuk kakao yang dihasilkan. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan variasi watch\u27 fermenlasi dari 0 heti (Napa fermenlasi) sampai 8 hari. Biji kakao basil fermentasi dikeringkan dengan pengering bualan. Biji kakao kering dibual hubuk kakao dengan metotle "liquor" process". Bubuk kakao secara indrawi diuji lingkat kesukaan oleh sejumlah panelis lerpilih. Juga dilakokan analisis komponen prekursor aroma dan cite rasa seperli total asam amino, gula reduksi, Iota{ polifenol, teobromin dan keasaman (pH). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa selama fermenlasi lerjadi peningkalan kandungan Iota\u27 asam amino dan gula reduksi, dan nilai NMI lertinggi dicapai berturut-turut sebesar 0,60 dan 0,65% pada fermentasi 6 haul. Kandungan total polifenol dan teohromin berturul-lurul turun mencapai 5,68 dan 1,42% dengan lama fermentasi yang sama. Baik total asam amino, gula reduksi, total polifenol maupun teobromin terbukti semuanya memiliki peranan yang besar pada aroma dan cite rasa bubuk kakao yang dihasilka

    Fermentation Process of Cocoa Based on Optimum Condition of Pulp PectinDepolymerization by Endogenous Pectolityc Enzymes

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    Pulp degradation during cocoa fermentation can be carried out by depolymerization process of pulp pectin using endogenous pectolytic enzymes at optimum condition. The objectives of this research were to study the effect of fermentation process based on optimum condition in terms of temperature and pH of pulp pectin depolymerization using endogenous pectolytic enzymes polygalakturonase (PG) and pectin metyl esterase (PME) and fermentation period in cocoa processing on quality characteristics of cocoa beans produced and to study the role of those fermentation process in reducing fermentation time to produce cocoa beans with standard quality. This research used split plot design, with treatments of process condition of cocoa fermentation as main plot and fermentation period as split plot. Treatment of process condition of cocoa fermentation consisted of optimum condition for pulp pectin depolymerization by PGs (temperature 47.5OC; initial pulp pH 4.6); optimum condition of depolymerization on sequence depolymerization by PGs (temperature 48.5OC; initial pulp pH 8.0 during 1 day; last temperature 47.5OC; initial pulp pH 4.6 during 6 days), and natural fermentation process a control. While treatment of fermentation period consisted of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 days. Evaluation of fermentation period was carried out based on pursuant to criteria of unfermented beans content and fermentation index. The results showed that process condition and fermentation time of cocoa affected quality characteristic of cocoa beans produced. Period of cocoa fermentation process based on optimum condition for pulp pectin depolymerization using endogenous pectolytic enzymes was 2 days shorter compared to natural fermentation. Cocoa beans quality of grade I and II were obtained from fermentation time of 4 and 2 days, respectively, using fermentation process based on optimum condition of pulp pectin depolymerization using endogenous pectolytic enzymes, whereas 6 and 4 days, respectively, when using natural fermentation.Key words: cocoa quality, fermentation, depolymerization, pectolytic

    Karakterisasi Enzim Polifenol Oksidase Biji Kakao (Theobroma cacao Linn.)

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    This research was aimed to: (1) characterize polyphenol  oxidase enzyme and (2) determine optimum condition (tem-perature, pH and incubation time) of polyphenol oxidase enzyme activity which isolated from cocoa beans. Those re-sult will be used to improve the quality of cocoa through rehydration technique. This research was carried out through:(1) isolation of polyphenol oxidase enzyme from 10 sampels of cocoa beans in Bali Province, (2) characterization ofpolifenol oksidase enzyme (activity, enzyme kinetics, MW), and (3) determination of optimum condition of tempera-ture, pH and incubation time. The results show that average value of polyphenol oxidase enzyme activity was 157,49± 58,03 U/gram (db) of cocoa beans with maximum and minimum values at 258,22 U/gram and 59,01 U/gram (db) of cocoa beans, respectively; V max equals to 595,24 U/gram (db) of cocoa beans and K equals to 0,20 M; result of SDS- PAGE of enzyme shows protein bands at M� of 11,75; 17,80; 27,80; 36,03 and 131,52 kDa; and finally, optimumcondition of enzyme activity is at the temperature of 53,43oC; pH 5,42 and incubation time of 80,91 minutes.ABSTRAKTelah dilakukan penelitian dengan tujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui karakteristik enzim polifenol oksidase dan (2) menen- tukan kondisi (suhu, pH dan waktu inkubasi) optimum aktivitas enzim polifenol oksidase, yang diisolasi dari biji kakao kering. Hasil penelitian berupa kondisi (suhu, pH dan waktu inkubasi) optimum aktivitas enzim polifenol oksidase akan diaplikasikan untuk perbaikan mutu biji kakao kering melalui teknik rehidrasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui tahapan: (1) isolasi enzim polifenol oksidase dari 10 sampel biji kakao kering di Provinsi Bali, (2) karakterisasi enzim polifenol oksidase (aktivitas, kinetika enzim, BM) dan (3) penentuan kondisi suhu, pH dan waktu inkubasi optimum. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa: (1) aktivitas enzim polifenol oksidase rata-rata 157,49 ± 58,03 U/gram (bk) biji kakao dengan aktivitas maksimum 258,22 U/gram (bk) biji kakao dan minimum 59,01 U/gram (bk) biji kakao; maks sebesar 595,24 U/gram (bk) biji kakao dan K sebesar 0,20 M; hasil SDS-PAGE enzim menunjukkan pita-pita protein yang terbentuk pada BM 11,75; 17,80; 27,80; 36,03 dan 131,52 kDa; dan (2) kondisi optimum aktivitas enzimadalah suhu 53,43oC; pH 5,42 dan waktu inkubasi 80,91 menit


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    Exopolysaccharide (EPS) is one of the polysaccharides produced from microorganisms. This polysaccharide is usually produced by lactic acid bacteria and it is widely used for food products and pharmaceutical products. EPS are also very useful for stabilizers, emulsifiers, gelling agents, and have a good ability to bind liquids (water). This study aims to determine the optimization point of EPS growth, based on temperature, time, and the amount of glucose used in selective growth media of Lactobacillus casei (L. casei) AL.15, namely de Mann Rogosa Shape Broth (MRSB) media, using Response Surface Method (RSM) design to obtain optimum conditions that are more appropriate to produce EPS. Optimization of EPS production occurred at level -1; -1; 0, temperature 42 °C, incubation time 48 hours, and the addition of 10% glucose. L. casei AL.15 has a good ability to produce EPS at the temperature, time, and amount of glucose obtained. The result obtained under these conditions is 606.03 mg EPS/litre. This method can be used to produce large amounts of EPS and then these characteristics were analyzed

    Perbedaan Kandungan Senyawa Volatil Daun Salam (Eugenia polyantha Wight) pada Beberapa Proses Curing

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    The influence of curing process toward flavour substances of bay leaf has been conducted. Bay leaves were cured with three different time of process: 0, 2 and 4 days and extracted by simultaneous distillation-extraction using n- hexane. Flavour extract was evaporated by vacuum rotary evaporator and remained solvent was flushed with nitrogen gas. Flavour compounds of the bay leaf extract were analysed using GC-MS. The result showed that curing process affected the composition of bay leaf flavour. Extracted flavour from cured bay leaves for 0, 2 and 4 days consisted of 29, 32 and 26 components respectively, whereas α-ocimene, octanal, cis-4-decenal, α-humulene and decanal were the main components of extract.ABSTRAKTelah dilakukan penelitian mengenai pengaruh proses curing terhadap senyawa yang memberi kontribusi terhadap flavor daun salam. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan kandungan senyawa flavor dalam daun salam segar dan daun yang telah mengalami proses curing. Proses curing dilakukan pada kondisi alami, dengan perlakuan lama proses yaitu 0, 2 dan 4 hari. Daun salam hasil proses curing selanjutnya diekstrak dengan metode simultan distilasi-ekstraksi menggunakan pelarut n-heksana. Hasil ekstrak yang mengandung pelarut diuapkan den- gan vakum rotary evaporator dan sisa pelarut dihilangkan dengan mengalirkan gas nitrogen pada ekstrak. Senyawa penyusun ekstrak flavor daun salam dianalisis dengan GC-MS. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa senyawa penyusun ekstrak flavor daun salam baik jumlah maupun persentase relatifnya dipengaruhi oleh lama proses curing. Ekstrak fla- vor hasil proses curing 0, 2 dan 4 hari berturut-turut mengandung 29, 32 dan 26 senyawa dengan kandungan dominan α-osimen, oktanal, cis-4-dekenal, α-humulen dan dekanal dengan persentase relatif yang berbeda-beda pada masing- masing ekstrak

    The Bioactive Compounds Formation of “Kintamani” Arabica Coffee Bean during Dry Fermentation

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    Green coffee bean contain many bioactive compounds, especially caffeine and chlorogenic acid. The research aimed was to evaluated and determined of the temperature and fermentation time on the formation of bioactive compounds of “Kintamani” arabica coffee bean S 795 cultivar. This research consists of two factors. The first factor is the temperature of fermentation consists of 20 ± 1oC, 30 ± 1oC and 40 ± 1oC. The second factor of fermentation times consists of 20, 30 and 40 hours with. The results showed that interaction of temperature and fermentation time gave very significantly effect on the formation of chlorogenic acid content but not gave significantly effect on caffeine content. The treatment produced of chlorogenic acid content ranged 4,69-11,21 %. The highest chlorogenic acid content11,21%was producedby fermentationtemperature40 ± 1oC andfermentationtimeof 20 hours. The caffeine content of the treatment ranged 0,98-1,20 %. The highest content of caffeine 1,20 % was produced at fermentation temperature of 30 ± 1oC for 20 hours but this treatment was not significant effectwithtreatmentof40±1oC andfermentationtimeof20hourswithchlorogenicacidcontent1,19 %. The fermentationof40±1oCfor20hourscanincreaseofthebioactivecompoundsare chlorogenic acidandcaffeinecontent


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    This research was conducted to determine the enzyme kinetics (Km and Vmax) of endogenous polygalacturonase (PGs) isolated from cocoa pulp. This research was carried out by assaying PGs activities in various concentration of citrus pectin subtrates which were between 0,1 – 1,0% with 0,1% interval. The result showed that the enzyme kinetics of endogenous PGs from cocoa pulp (Km) was 0,37% and Vmax was 6,69 µmol of galacturonic acid/minute/ml

    Peranan Perubahan Komponen Prekursor Aroma dan Cita Rasa Biji Kakao Selama Fermentasi Terhadap Cita Rasa Bubuk Kakao yang Dihasilkan

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang peranan perubahan komponen prekursor aroma dan cita rasa biji kakao lindak selama fermentasi terhadap cita rasa bubuk kakao yang dihasilkan. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan variasi waktu fermentasi dari 0 hari (tanpa fermentasi) sampai 8 hari. Biji kakao hasil fermentasi dikeringkan dengan pengering buatan. Biji kakao kering dibuat bubuk kakao dengan metode "liquor" process" . Bubuk kakao secara indrawi diuji tingkat kesukaan oleh sejumlah panelis terpilih. Juga dilakukan analisis komponen prekursor aroma dan cita rasa seperti total asam amino, gula reduksi, total polifenol, teobromin dan keasaman (pHl). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa selama fermentasi terjadi peningkatan kandungan total asam amino dan gula reduksi, dan nilai tertinggi dicapai berturut-turut sebesar 0,60 dan 0,65% pada fermentasi 6 hari. Kandungan total polifenol dan teobromin berturut-turut turun mencapai 5,68 dan 1,42% dengan lama fermentasi yang sama. Baik total asam amino, gula reduksi, total polifeno. maupun teohromin terbukti semuanya memiliki peranan yang besar pada aroma dan cita rasa bubuk kakao yang dihasilkan