16 research outputs found

    Preparation of indole alkaloids via 1,4-dihydropyridine stage or cyano-masked iminium intermediates

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    Methods to synthesise substituted pyridine derivatives utilising 1,4-dihydropyridines were studied. Addition of nucleophiles to N-alkyl pyridinium salts and application of the products to alkaloid synthesis were investigated. Application of the Kröhnke procedure to the synthesis of indole alkaloids is described. The feasibility of applying the Kröhnke procedure to pyridine derivatives without an electron withdrawing β-substituent at the pyridinium ring was demonstrated by adding dimethyl malonate to the γ-position of Boc protected 1-[2-(3-indolyl)ethyl]pyridinium salts. The method permits access to the indoloquinolizidine skeleton present in several indole alkaloids. The total synthesis of (±)-tangutorine, a novel indole alkaloid, was achieved. The dithionite reduction leading to a 1,4-dihydropyridine derivative provided easy access to the tangutorine skeleton with good yields. In a second part of the work, dihydropyridines were stabilised through the introduction of cyanide ion to iminium intermediates. The Polonovski–Potier reaction and the cyano-trapping method were used in the preparation of dimethyl malonyl substituted indolo[2,3-α]quinolizidine derivative, a potential synthon of antirhine. A novel synthetic approach to the preparation of 2,6-dicyanopiperidine derivatives via 1,4-dihydropyridine intermediates was examined. The formation of 2,6-dicyanopiperidines in the Fry reaction was verified. The stereochemistry of 2,6-dicyanopiperidine derivatives is discussed.reviewe

    Dietary fibre in legumes, seeds, vegetables, fruits and mushrooms : Comparing traditional and semi-automated filtration techniques

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    The method AOAC 2011.25 was used to analyze all the dietary fibre (DF) components included in the latest definition by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (2009). The traditional filtration technique, described in the method AOAC 2011.25, was compared with a new semi-automated filtration technique using Fibertec" 1023 system. For the comparisons, a statistical similarity approach was chosen to evaluate the results of six food matrixes (wheat flour, edible boletus, strawberry, tomato, green pea and horse radish). The total DF contents of the tested matrixes fit within 16% tightest data-induced similarity limit of the manual mean, with one exception (strawberry; 30%). Thus, it was concluded that both techniques are suitable for use with the method AOAC 2011.25, and therefore either technique was used to analyze a wide selection of legumes, seeds, vegetables, fruits and mushrooms (44 foods). Seeds were excellent sources of total DF, as well as water-insoluble (IDF) and water-soluble (SDFP) polysaccharides. A substantial amount of oligosaccharides (SDFS) was found in red onions. Generally, the DF contents were higher in this study than in earlier studies. Higher DF results can be partially explained by the more effective analytical method, and partly by changed varieties.Peer reviewe

    Sexual health interventions with social marketing approach targeting young people : A scoping review

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    In a fast-paced digital and global environment, sexual education must keep up with young people's sexual health needs. Social marketing is an approach that has been used in sexual health promotion for young people. The objective of the scoping review is to identify and map the use of social marketing in sexual health promotion for young people. Specifically, the content, delivery methods and effects of interventions on sexual health were researched. Six databases were systemically searched to capture the relevant peer-reviewed quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods articles without time restrictions that provided evidence of sexual health-related social marketing interventions targeting young people aged 11-25. An inductive and deductive content analysis was performed. Nineteen studies were included in the data. The content of interventions was dominated by sexual risks and risk prevention, focusing particularly on sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies and sexual violence. Additionally, interventions included topics of morals of sexual relationships and changes in the body. The delivery of interventions occurred through various media channels, events and activities, while the effects of interventions were monitored as improvements in sexual perceptions and sexual behaviour, limited gender-related effects, limited evidence of intervention attributed to behaviour and effects in different age groups. The social marketing approach was mostly preventive and concentrated on the risks, whereas the delivery methods were diverse and creative, combining modern and already well-established channels. Sexuality should be seen comprehensively, and interventions should respond to the full range of young people's needs.Peer reviewe

    Quantitative risk assessment on dietary exposure of children and

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    Nitraattia esiintyy luonnostaan monissa kasviksissa ja talousvedessä. Osa syödystä nitraatista muuttuu elimistössä nitriitiksi. Nitraattia ja nitriittiä käytetään myös elintarvikelisäaineina, koska ne hillitsevät haitallisten mikrobien kasvua. Toisaalta niiden suuren saannin katsotaan aiheuttavan terveyshaittoja. Esitetty probabilistinen riskinarviointi perustuu vuosina 2004 – 2012 tutkittuihin valvonta- ja tutkimusprojektinäytteisiin sekä kirjallisuustietoihin. Lisäksi käytettiin Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitokselta saatuja Finravinto 2007- ja DIPP-ravintotutkimuksen tuottamia aikuisten ja lasten ruoankulutustietoja. Nitraattialtistus lisäainelähteistä on vähäistä. Valtaosa nitraattialtistuksesta saadaan luontaisista lähteistä: vihanneksista, hedelmistä ja vedestä. Kasvisten käsittely ja hyvä viljelykäytäntö vähentävät saantia. Paljon nitraattia sisältävien kasvisten suurkuluttajien altistus voi ylittää nitraatin hyväksyttävän päivittäissaannin (ADI). Nitriittialtistus elintarvikkeista ja talousvedestä voi ylittää ADI-arvon noin 14 %:lla 3-vuotiaista ja 11 %:lla 6-vuotiaista suomalaislapsista. Suurin altistuslähde ovat ruokamakkarat. Toisaalta jos nitriittipitoisuuksia alennettaisiin nykytasosta, hygieniavaatimuksia ja kylmäketjuhallintaa olisi tehostettava.Nitrat är en naturlig komponent i många grönsaker och hushållsvatten. En del av nitratet förvandlas av kroppen till nitrit. Nitrater och nitriter används också som tillsatsämnen i livsmedel för att förhindra tillväxt av skadliga mikrober. Å andra sidan kan ett stort intag av de här ämnena orsaka hälsoskador. Den här probabilistiska riskvärderingen baserar sig på nitrat- och nitrithalter i bevakningsprover samt forskningsprover som analyserades mellan 2004 och 2012 och på litteratur. Institutet för Hälsa och Välfärd tillhandahöll matanvändningsdata från Findiet 2007 studien för vuxna och DIPP-studien för barn. Exponeringen för nitrat via tillsattsämnen är låg. Nitratintaget härstammar främst från naturliga källor, dvs. vegetabilier, frukt och vatten. Behandling av grönsaker och goda odlingsrutiner minskar intaget. För dem som äter mycket vegetabilier med höga nitrathalter kan exponeringen överstiga det acceptabla dagliga intaget(ADI) för nitrat. För cirka 14 % av finska 3-åringar och 11 % av 6-åringarna kan exponeringen för nitrit från mat och vatten överstiga ADI. Den största nitritkällan är korv. Å andra sidan skulle minskade nitrithalter kräva skärpta krav på hygien och temperaturkontroll för köttprodukter.Nitrate is a natural component of many plants and tap water. A part of the ingested nitrate is transformed into nitrite in the body. Nitrate and nitrite are also used as food additives to prevent growth of dangerous microbes. On the other hand, high exposure to these compounds can cause health damage. This probabilistic risk assessment is based on monitoring and research project samples analysed during the years 2004 – 2012 as well as on literature. The National Institute for Health and Welfare supplied the Findiet 2007 and DIPP food study consumption data for adults and children. Nitrate exposure from food additives is low. Dietary nitrate exposure mainly comes from natural sources, i.e., vegetables, fruit and water. Processing of vegetables and good agricultural practices decrease the intake. High consumers of vegetables with high nitrate content may exceed the acceptable daily intake (ADI) of nitrate. Nitrite exposure from foods and tap water may exceed the ADI for approximately 14% of Finnish 3-year-olds and for 11% of 6-yearolds. The main source of exposure is sausages. If the nitrite content of processed meat were decreased from current levels, the demands on hygiene and temperature control would need to be tightened

    Real-world treatment outcomes in multiple myeloma: Multicenter registry results from Finland 2009-2013

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    Outcomes for patients with multiple myeloma (MM) have improved with the advent of novel therapies, however, real-world evidence of outcomes in clinical practice is scarce. We conducted a multi-center registry study to build a reliable picture of treatment and patient outcomes in Finland. The aim of this study was also to understand any methodological challenges in assessing treatment outcomes using disease registry data. Methods: We carried out a retrospective, observational study using data from the national Finnish Hematology Registry (FHR) to provide real-world evidence of outcomes for all adult patients diagnosed with and treated for MM between 2009–2013 at one of the six regional hospitals, with at least six months of recorded follow-up. Patients were identified within the FHR by applying eligibility criteria of a diagnosis of MM and verifiable records of medical treatment and lines of treatment during the study period. Patients receiving allogenic stem cell transplantation were excluded from the cohort, as were individuals who only had monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance diagnosis and patients who had not initiated treatment during this period. Kaplan Meier curves were used to calculate overall survival and time to next treatment. Stratification was carried out by drug status (conventional/novel) and by autologous stem cell transplant (ASCT) status. Results: A total of 321 patients met the inclusion criteria and were included in this study. Overall survival (OS) was longest in patients who received first-line novel therapy and ASCT (median not reached during 60-month follow-up) versus 46.2 months for novel first-line therapy without ASCT and 25.6 months for first-line conventional therapy without ASCT. Similarly, median time to next treatment were 33.9 months, 12.6 months and 7.8 months, respectively. Conclusions: The adoption of novel treatments in MM in Finland has had substantial impact on patient outcomes. Given the reality of complex treatment combinations for MM and relatively low patient numbers, assessing individual treatment effectiveness will require substantial cohort sizes and advanced, collaborative analytics on an international scale</p

    Rotaatiomenetelmä lasten ruoka-aineallergioiden hoitamisessa : Opaslehtinen vanhemmille sekä hoitoprosessin kaavio Junioriklinikan hoitajien käyttöön

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on tehdä ohjelehtinen rotaatiomenetelmästä ruoka-aineallergisen lapsen vanhemmille sekä hoitoprosessin kaavio hoitajille rotaatiomenetelmän aloittamisesta yhteistyössä Tampereen Lääkärikeskus Koskiklinikan Junioriklinikan kanssa. Tämä opinnäytetyö on tuotokseen painottuva opinnäytetyö. Tässä opinnäytetyössä esitellään Junioriklinikassa käytössä olevaa rotaatiomenetelmää hoitajan ja asiakkaan näkökulmista. Lasten ruoka-aineallergioiden hoitamisessa käytettävällä rotaatiomenetelmällä tarkoitetaan tiettyjen ruoka-aineiden säännönmukaista antamista lapselle. Rotaatiomenetelmä on tässä muodossa käytössä ainoastaan Junioriklinikassa, joten tieto menetelmästä ja sen toteuttamisesta on hankittu haastattelemalla rotaatiomenetelmää toteuttavia lastenallergologi Kati Holmia ja sairaanhoitaja Katrina Kuuselaa. Lisäksi tietoa on kerätty rotaatioon liittyvien kysymysten avulla kolmelta rotaatiota toteuttavalta vanhemmalta. Opinnäytetyössä käsitellään rotaatiomenetelmän toteuttamista tukevana teoriatietona ohjaamista, lasten ruoka-aineallergioita, allergian vaikutuksia perheen elämään, lapsi-ja perhekeskeisyyttä, jatkuvuutta sekä hoitoon sitoutumista. Tämän opinnäytetyön tuotoksena on valmistunut vanhemmille tehty ohjelehtinen, joka sisältää tietoa lasten ruoka-aineallergioista sekä rotaatiomenetelmästä. Rotaatiota aloittavien vanhempien tueksi on ohjelehtiseen koottu kokemuksia ja tuntemuksia rotaatiota toteuttaneilta vanhemmilta. Ohjelehtisessä kuvataan, mitä rotaatiomenetelmä tarkoittaa, miten se etenee ja ohjeistetaan käytännöllisesti rotaatiomenetelmän toteuttamiseen kotona. Lisäksi tuotoksena on valmistunut hoitoprosessin kaavio hoitohenkilökunnalle, jossa kuvataan ruoka-aineallergisen lapsen hoitamista Junioriklinikassa rotaatiomenetelmän avulla. Opinnäytetyön raporttiosa sisältää ensimmäistä kertaa kirjallista materiaalia rotaatiomenetelmästä. Tuotoksena syntynyt ohjelehtinen antaa tietoa rotaatiota toteuttaville vanhemmille ja tukee heitä rotaation toteuttamisessa. Hoitoprosessin etenemistä kuvaava kaavio pyrkii kehittämään hoitajan ja perheen välistä yhteistyösuhdetta ja helpottamaan rotaation toteuttamista. Tämän opinnäytetyön kehittämisehdotuksina ovat ohjelehtisten toimivuuden tarkastelu, jatkotutkimuksien tekeminen rotaatiomenetelmään liittyen sekä lasten ruoka-aineallergioiden hoitamisen tarkastelu Suomessa.The aims of this thesis were to prepare an information guidebook on rotation method for parents whose children suffer from food allergy and to produce a process flowchart on how to carry out rotation method in Junioriklinikka. Rotation method is a new way of treating children’s food allergy and it is developed and being used at a private clinic Junioriklinikka in Tampere. In this thesis, rotation method is presented from doctor’s, nurse’s and family’s viewpoints. The information about rotation method is collected by interviewing children’s allergy specialist Kati Holm and nurse Katrina Kuusela, who practices the method. First hand information about implementing rotation method is collected from three parents using the rotation method. The guidebook clarifies what rotation method actually means, how it is supposed to be carried out and what problems families might confront. The purposes of the guidebook and the process flowchart are to be a guideline for parents practising rotation method, provide support to families and facilitate the cooperation between nurses and parents

    Finola-öljyhampun THK-pitoisuus

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