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    Pentingnya pembelajaran yang mengarah pada pembentukan karakter peneliti merasa penerapan pembelajaran seni tari yang dilakukan di SMA PGRI 1 Subang kurang optimal. Hal tersebut terlihat dengan lemahnya karakter yang dimiliki siswa terutama dalam karakter yang berkaitan dengan disiplin, percaya diri dan tanggung jawab. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakter siswa pada pembelajaran seni tari berbasis kurikulum 2013 sebelum menggunakan model non directive learning, mengetahui karakter siswa pada saat diterapkan model non directive learning dan mengetahui perubahan karakter siswa pada setelah diterapkannya model non directive learning. Metode peneltian yang digunakan yaitu pre-experimental design dengan one-group pretest-posttest yang dilakukan di kelas X IPS 1 SMA PGRI 1 Subang dengan bahan ajar kritik tari. Hasil analisis menyatakan nilai rata-rata pretest siswa yaitu 68,5, membuktikan lemahnya karakter siswa sebelum diterapkannya model non directive learning. Nilai rata-rata proses pembelajaran menggunakan model non directive learning yaitu 70,5, membuktikan adanya peningkatan dalam proses pembelajaran menggunakan model non directive learning. Hasil analisis nilai rata-rata posttest siswa yaitu 78.3 membuktikan adanya peningkatan karakter siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan thitung > ttabel yaitu 13,6 > 1,699. Berdasarkan bukti pengolahan data dari nilai pretest, proses, dan posttest membuktikan bahwa nilai dari siswa meningkat secara signifikan. Simpulan dari hasil penelitian ini bahwa model non-directive learning menjadi salah satu model alternatif untuk membentuk siswa berkarakter.; Importance of learning leading to the formation of character researchers feel the application of learning the art of dance performed in SMA PGRI 1 Subang less than optimal. This is evident by the lack of character of the students especially in character with regard to discipline, confidence and responsibility. This study aims to determine the character of the students in learning the art of dance-based curriculum in 2013 before using non-directive model of learning, knowing the character of the students when applied to a model of non directive learning and knowing the character changes in the students after the implementation of a model of non directive learning. The method used is pre-experimental design with one-group pretest-posttest done in class X IPS 1 SMA PGRI 1 Subang with teaching materials of dance criticism. The results of the analysis declared value of the average pretest students is 68.5, proving weak character of the student prior to the implementation of a model of non directive learning. The average value of the learning process using non-directive model of learning is 70.5, proving an increase in the learning process using a model of non directive learning. The results of the analysis of the average value is 78.3 posttest students prove their increase students' character. The results showed thitung> ttable is 13.6> 1.699. Based on the evidence of the value pretest data processing, process, and posttest prove that the value of students increased significantly. Conclusions from this research that the model of non-directive learning to be one of the alternative models for shaping students' character

    Binary Opposition in Narrations of “Native” in Social Media

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    The “native” or pribumi term as a narrative emerged into the public sphere and raises questions since October 16, 2017, whether the term is merely a conversation on the surface or more deeply describes the narrative that represents the socio-cultural aspect of Indonesian society. The study was conducted using twitter as a locus of observation within the period of November 8-16, 2017. Based on the idea that a social text reflects a narrative building constructed socio-cultural and leaves a long history trail, preliminary findings indicate that Indonesian society has a historical heritage of Dutch colonialism on native and non-native (Chinese/Tionghoa). The "native" narratives of the present are not only built on the issue of social inequalities between native versus Chinese, but rather show imaginations about the influence of the Chinese group's economic resources on power. The narrative does not only touch on the economic and political aspects, but also the religions, historically potentially becoming a conflict played by interest groups ahead of the 2018 elections and the 2019 presidential election. Suggestions for anticipating vulnerabilities are to conduct media literacy programs involving multiple stakeholders, both government and civil society, include scholars

    Improving Students´ Speaking Motivation Through a Counseling Technique at Year-8 of SMP N 3 Kutowinangun

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    This study was aimed at Improving Students´ Speaking Motivation Through a Counseling Technique at Year-8 of SMP N 3 Kutowinangun. Humanistic theory and Psychological method, which see learners as a whole person learning, was used in this research. This was a classroom action research study conducted in two cycles in which each consisted of four steps, i.e. planning, action, observation and reflection. The population was year 8 students of SMP Negeri 3 Kutowinangun. There were 40 respondents involved in this study. The data being observed was the students´ behavior and motivation improvement. The data collection instruments were an observation sheet, students´ diary and a questionnaire. The data were collected by means of the observation sheet filled up by two collaborators and the students´ diary about their response toward the teaching and learning process in terms of the teacher´s presentation and their own willingness, like or dislike toward the learning process which was then descriptively analyzed and presented. The results of this study show the following: 1) the action research on motivating students to initiate speaking in English by using a counseling technique was successful. The students in every meeting showed changes on their behaviors. Even though not all of them showed similar changes, they started to show their courage to learn, to speak in English, and to raise questions. The counseling used in this research managed also to improve a better quality of teacher-students relationship. Therefore, students became more comfortable in learning, thus, their motivation in learning improved. (2) Attending, giving motivation through statements and gesture, not directly correct the students accuracy during their presentation and have a talk with the students outside the class in a less formal situation seemed to work well in improving the quality of the teacher – students relationship and able to create a supporting learning atmosphere which motivate the students to learn English. (3) Related to the students´ motivation, students in each meeting showed changes. They started to pay more attention during the class, paid more interest in learning and practicing, showed less latency in doing their task and the most important the students started to be more confident in presenting their work and started to share their difficulties in learning English with the teacher. (4) Related to the students´ language proficiency, students in this class need more intensive meeting to improve. Students still found it hard to use the past tense. However, their presentation was better than before. (5) The improvement of their motivation can also be witnessed through their diary in which most of the students admitted that they enjoyed the class and they were no longer afraid in presenting and in sharing what they have in their mind


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    Perkembangan musik di Indonesia saat ini mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesatdibandingkan dengan era tahun 1960 dan 1970an. Anak Indonesia, saat ini berada dalamkepungan lagu – lagu dewasa. Kosongnya keberadaan lagu anak membawa efek bagiperkembangan anak, baik dari segi psikologis maupun dari aspek berbahasa. Anak tak lagi mendapatkan apa yang sesuai dengan dunia mereka. Bahasa yang notabene belumsemestinya diserap oleh anak, acapkali didendangkan. Tidak ada lagi lagu – lagu bersegmen khusus anak, dengan bahasa anak, dan memuat pendidikan bagi anak. Sudah beberapa saat, anak – anak diberi suguhan lagu dewasa, baik lagu berbahasa asing, laguberbahasa Indonesia, atau bahkan yang menjadi fenomena saat ini adalah: lagu berbahasaJawa dengan memuat kata – kata yang cenderung vulgar. Anak – anak di hampir setiapaktifitasnya mendendangkan lagu yang sebenarnya mengandung bahasa yang tidakselayaknya dikonsumsi. Sungguh sesuatu yang ironis memang, di usia yang seharusnyamenyerap kosakata yang akan mengakar di sepanjang hidup anak, mereka merekam memorikata – kata yang sebenarnya kurang mereka pahami. Dahulu, kita mengenal lagu berbahasaJawa yang didendangkan anak – anak, seperti: Padhang Bulan, Jaranan, Dondong OpoSalak, dan masih banyak lagu anak Jawa lainnya, yang mudah ditangkap dan memuat pesanbudi pekerti. Lagu Dondong Opo Salak, berbeda dengan Lagu Dolanan lain, karena mengetengahkan ragam bahasa Jawa yang berbeda, antara ketika dituturkan kepada orangtua dan kepada yang muda. Pilihan kata di lagu ini mengajarkan kepada anak, berbahasa dan etika

    *) Penulis Penanggung Jawab Studi Taksonomi Bintang Laut (Asteroidea, Echinodermata) Dari Kepulauan Karimunjawa, Jepara

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    Sea stars play an important role in food webs, generally as predators and detritus feeder. This research has been conducted in December 2011 – March 2012. This research is subjected to achieved its biodiversity in the Karimunjawa Islands. Samples were collected from western and eastern side of Karimunjawa Island, western side of Menjangan Kecil, northern side of Cemara Kecil and northern side of Cemara Besar island, up to the depth of three meters. Species identification was done at Biology Laboratory of the Research Center for Oceanography (P2O-LIPI) Jakarta. A total of 11 asteroid individuals belonging to 9 species of 6 genera, which represented 4 families and 2 orders have been identified. Most of sea stars were found on the coral reef. Based on morphological characters of sea stars that apparently similar, even living in the same location, however after identified are different species, that is Archaster angulatus and Archaster typicus, Nardoa frianti and Nardoa pauciforis then Linckia laevigata and Linckia multifora. All species was considered common for tropical Indo Pasific region, including Indonesian water

    Relationship Between Renal Function Test Serum and Lipid Profile in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus

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    Hasil publikasi artikel yang berjudul Relationship Between Renal Function Test Serum and Lipid Profile in Patients with Diabetes Mellitu

    Hubungan Profil Lipid Dengan Kadar Glukosa Darah Pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus

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    Hasil publikasi artikel yang berjudul Hubungan Profil Lipid Dengan Kadar Glukosa Darah Pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitu

    Hubungan Profil Lipid Dengan Kadar Glukosa Darah Pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus

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    Hasil publikasi artikel yang berjudul Hubungan Profil Lipid Dengan Kadar Glukosa Darah Pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitu
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