8 research outputs found

    Organizational Well-Being in University

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    This research was intended to describe the organizational well-being in university with case study method. This research used qualitative method on data collection. Interview had conducted with the seven participants as the subjects this research. The subjects on this research were five lecture and two supporting staff in academics. The result of the research showed that first, organizational well-being in university is not only tangible aspect such as profit, salary, and other benefits but also intangible aspect such as maintaining or increasing the level in university accreditation, need for self-actualization (attain one’s highest need), improving the quality of human resources, services, and developing Tri Dharma in University. Second, factors that improve organizational well-being in university are job satisfaction and work environment (effective, reflective, and affective). Third, the character of every individual is also needed in university such as loyalty, growth, challenge, optimism, creativity and tolerance. Fourth, the character of the team that represented the entire university is having a positive work relationship. The result of this research could be implemented for developing and evaluating a system that can improve organizational well-being in the university, giving counselling to inspire employees, providing guidance in career path, and planning trainings for lecturers and supporting staff for academic

    Padjadjaran Interest Inventory:Evaluation of Psychometric Properties

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    This research aims to evaluate the psychometric properties of a new instrument for measuring vocational interest: Padjadjaran Interest Inventory (PII). There were 2,648 participants in this study, consisting of workers, high school, and university students, with gender proportion of 1,014 (38.3%) males and 1,634 (61.7%) females. This research used descriptive statistic test, t-test and MANOVA for gender differences, reliability coefficients and validity evidence by using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The results showed that PII has a good psychometric property: it has good reliability and valid internal structure; it is standardized by gender, and it is applicable for large groups with relative ease. PII can be used for career exploration. Limitation of this study was discussed for future research

    Hubungan Iklim Organisasi dan Komitmen Terhadap Organisasi Dengan Mempertimbangkan Lama Kerja (Studi Pada Staf Pengajar dan Pendukung di Universitas Swasta X Jakarta)

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    This study aim is to find the correlation between organizational climate and organizational commitment with considering the employee’s tenure. The subjects of this study were 94 employees of X private university. This study used purposive sampling. Researcher used organizational climate scale and organizational commitment scale which has been developed by Susanty (2012). The result of this study using Spearman Correlation showed r = 0,694 with p = 0,000 < 0,05. It shows that there is a signigicant and positive correlation between organizational climate and organizational commitment. The result from considering the employee’s tenure is a significant and positive correlation between organizational climate and organizational commitment from two tenure groups of participants. From these results, it is concluded that the hypothesis stating there is a positive correlation between organizational climate and organizational commitment is acceptabl

    Exclusive Breastfeeding Intention Among Pregnant Women

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    Exclusive breastfeeding intention is a mother's intention to provide her baby only breast milk since the infant was born until at the age of 6 months. Intention in prenatal period is the direct affirmation of exclusive breastfeeding. This study aimed to find out the most dominant factor related to exclusive breastfeeding intention among pregnant women at a mother and child hospital in South Tangerang. A cross-sectional study design was conducted primarily. The samples were 143 pregnant women on their third trimester pregnancy selected by purposive sampling. Intention was measured by the Infant Feeding Intention scalequestionnaire. Meanwhile, attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control were measured by the modified Breastfeeding Attrition Prediction Tool questionnaire. Data were analyzed using the multivariate logistic regression analysis. It was 61.5% mother had strong exclusive breastfeeding intention. Perceived behavioral control dominantly influenced the exclusive breastfeeding intention (p value = 0.007; Odds Ratio 3.030; 95% CI = 1.361-6.746). The other factors influencing intention were attitude, exposure to exclusive breastfeeding from social media, health workers' support, previous breastfeeding experienceand mothers' occupation. A mother with high perceived behavioral control has three times more likely to have ‘high exclusive breastfeeding intention' than those having the low ones

    Metode Pelatihan dengan Pendekatan Psikoedukasi untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Selective Attention pada Anak dengan Gangguan Pemusatan Perhatian dan Hiperaktivitas (GPPH)

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    Anak dengan Gangguan Pemusatan Perhatian dan Hiperaktifitas (GPPH) umumnya tidak mampu memfokuskan atensi, mengontrol diri, mengatur diri, dan mengarahkan diri pada tujuan. Hal tersebut dikarenakan kurangnya kemampuan selective attention, yaitu kemampuan untuk mengabaikan distraksi yang menyebabkan tugas-tugas yang dikerjakan cenderung tidak selesai sesuai instruksi dan batas waktu yang diberikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode pelatihan dengan pendekatan psikoedukasi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan selective attention. Metode penelitian menggunakan quasi eksperimental dengan single case-interrupted time series design. Instrument yang digunakan untuk mengukur selective attention menggunakan The D2 of Attention Test. Subjek penelitian ini adalah anak dengan GPPH predominan inatensi sebanyak satu orang yang diambil dengan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling. Hasil pengukuran skor TN-E pada tahap pretest diperoleh 290 poin dan meningkat pada tahap posttest menjadi 413 poin. Dibandingkan dengan norma pada GPPH usia delapan tahun, maka terjadi peningkatan dari kategori di bawah rata-rata menjadi kategori di atas rata-rata. Berdasarkan data kuatitatif dan data kualitatif, menunjukkan bahwa metode pelatihan peningkatan selective attention dengan pendekatan psikoedukasi dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan selective attention pada anak dengan GPPH


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    Background: Early initiation of breastfeeding is defined as breastfeed started immediately after birth delivery up to one hour , and it will lead to  successfull exclusive breastfeeding. Skin-to-skin contact during early initiation of breastfeeding gives positive health impact to both mother dan baby. However, national coverage of early initiation of breasfeeding in Indonesia was 34,5% in 2014 which was lower than global coverage (50%). Objective: To examine the relationship of  of  breastfeeding intention among pregnant mothers towards early initiation of breastfeeding in two Mother and Child Hospitals, in South Tangerang. Methods: A prospective study conducted in August-November 2016. A sample of 152 third trimester pregnant mothers were from the 2 selected hospitals, taken by purposive sampling.  Early breastfeeding initiation (EBI) was measured by interview based structured questionnaire and breastfeeding intention measured by The Infant Feeding Intention scale (IFI). Results: A total of 56.6% of mothers breastfeed  during 1 hour after delivery. EBI was done by 71.1% of mothers with high breastfeeding intention. It was the most dominant variable related to early breastfeeding (p = 0.000; OR=5.249;95%CI:2.321-11.870) after controlling other variables. Conclusion: Mother with high breastfeeding intention 5 times more likely to initiate breastfeeding, than those having the low ones. Early promotive, preventive and intervention can be done by measuring breastfeeding intentions during pregnancy. Further research is needed to analyze breastfeeding  initiation towards exclusive breastfeeding.