227 research outputs found

    Sistem Penunjang Keputusan Pemilihan Notebook dengan Menggunakan Metode Topsis

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    Technology developments so rapidly that thinking about a lot of feature and the choice of models on offer. Notebook is a technology equipment that has been chosen to assist in the execution of tasks from school or duties of the office. The form is simple and practical, and comes with some interesting features make Notebook users increasingly more freely given the freedom to be more creative in their ideas of creative -ide owned. Currently there are some interesting deals offered by many electronics companies primarily engaged in the business of selling Notebook. Notebook many choices often makes prospective consumers confused to choose one of the many options offered. The author intends to give recommendations to consumers about the election Notebook. In the selection of twelve criteria, namely, design includes colors, models and extrinsic value. The next criteria is memory, connectors, data transfer and performance criteria being part of the supporting technology. Display and Audio is the next criteria include graphics, sound and Pixcel. The size and position of choice for media input criteria. There are four alternatives used in sorting Notebook, they are Toshiba, Asus, Samsung and HP Method used in the study is Technic for Order preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). With this method is expected to assist in decision making Notebook election. Based on the data obtained through the questionnaire and performed the data processing can be seen from the four alternatives the maximum to meet the set criteria is Toshiba with a value of 0.56

    Penerapan Metode Profile Matching dalam Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan pada PT. Hyundai Mobil Indonesia Cabang Kalimalang

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    Development of Information and Technology gives space to the industry and business global advancement which has function as Planning and Decision. Information Technology goes into the more strategic business of provider. Owners of the provider deal with a reality to take necessary decision. High technology without good human sources is useless. Leader choice from some of the best candidate is objectively referable to decide a leader in suitable position. Recommendation is not the only one guaranty to choose employee as a leader. It should have a way and method as leader alternative election that suitable with needs. At this research, Profile matching method is used alternatively to give assessment and evaluation of key performance index of each employee as a leader recruitment. There are three aspect of conducting assessment and evaluation. They are Intelligence Aspect, Attitude Aspect, and Behavioral Aspect. There are some levels of Intelligence Aspect; creativity, intelectual activity and solution, initiative, concentration and anticipation. Attitude Aspect has accuracy, responsiblity, control sense, motivation, planning, and carefulness. Lastly, Behavioral Aspect consists of subservience, sincerity, indpendent and dynamic, influence. There is a rank changing from candidate after calculating with profile matching method whose employee within K5 code has first position at 6,55 compared with manually calcualting at second position

    Implementation of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Method In Determining Expedition Services at the Market Place

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    The delivery of goods is an important part, where the seller's efforts in sending the order package reach the consumer and become a satisfaction for consumers to be able to reason again.  Decision-making   is often faced with a number of confusing choices, especially in the selection of expedition services.  The selection of acquisition services is the main point in supporting business processes. The purpose of this study provides more important criteria for determining alternative expedition services.  This research used the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Method. Pairwise comparison questionnaires are given to obtain the degree of importance of the criteria. Price Criteria are the highest criteria in this study compared to location criteria, services and responses. Meanwhile, the response criteria that have sub criteria for claiming goods are more important than the sub criteria for ordering and tracking goods while the service criteria where in the sub criteria for losing goods are a  more important condition than damage to goods, speed of delivery criteria . These criteria are used to determine the best choice of expedition services so that from the calculation results of the three alternatives obtained the top ranking with a value of 0.546933. Keywords : AHP,  Expedition Services, Market Plac

    Internal Factors Affecting the NPL of State-Owned Commercial Banks

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    Banking in Indonesia generally relies on loan interest income as the primary income in financing its operations. Not all credit extended is risk-free; some have sizable risks and can threaten the bank’s health. So to measure a bank's ability to overcome failure to take credit from debtors, the NPL ratio can be used. This study aims to analyse the influence of internal factors, namely: CAR, LDR, NIM, and OEOI, on NPLs of State-Owned Commercial Banks during 2015-2022. The research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive method with panel data using the financial statements of Bank BRI, Bank BNI, Bank Mandiri, and Bank BTN during 2015 - 2022. The results of this study indicate that CAR and BOPO have a significant positive effect on NPL, while LDR and NIM have a significant negative effect on NPL

    Harmonisasi Regulasi Peraturan Perundang-Undangan Tentang Pengaturan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Publik (Analisis Terhadap Peraturan Daerah Kota Surakarta Nomor 1 Tahun 2012 tentang Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Kota Surakarta Tahun 2011-2031)

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    Regulatory harmonization of legislation on setting the open green space of this public departure from the regulatory area of Surakarta number 1 Year 2012 about the Spatial Plan of the region of Surakarta City Year 2011-2031 against regulations other legislation in accordance with the theory of the hierarchy of norms. Where in the settings have been created in the synchronization and harmonization of legislation concerning public open green space. However, from the data issued by the environmental agency of Surakarta city year 2015 total new public open green space 9.72%, while in the area's rules state that a public open green space of at least 20% of the total area of the city . This means that the regulation of the area as if just follow the existing regulations on it without looking at the circumstances that exist in the city of Surakarta, due to increasing public open green space from 9.72% to more than 20% of that is not an easy thing. Because the City Government should do over the function more than 10% of the land area of the city to serve as a public open green space. While the numbers at least 30% for open green space is the minimum standard for a city to be called as an ideal city, that quantity of open green space for a city can vary but must be more than 30% of the total area of the city, because it is a right for every citizen of the Republic of Indonesia to earn a good living environment and healthy according to article 28 H subsection (1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945

    Penerapan Metode Profile Matching Dalam Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan Pada Pt. Hyundai Mobil Indonesia Cabang Kalimalang

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    Development of Information and Technology gives space to the industry and business global advancement which has function as Planning and Decision. Information Technology goes into the more strategic business of provider. Owners of the provider deal with a reality to take necessary decision.  High technology without good human sources is useless. Leader choice from some of the best candidate is objectively referable to decide a leader in suitable position. Recommendation is not the only one guaranty to choose employee as a leader. It should have a way and method as leader alternative election that suitable with needs. At this research, Profile matching method is used alternatively to give assessment and evaluation of key performance index of each employee as a leader recruitment.  There are three aspect of conducting assessment and evaluation. They are Intelligence Aspect, Attitude Aspect, and Behavioral Aspect. There are some levels of Intelligence Aspect; creativity, intelectual activity and solution, initiative, concentration and anticipation. Attitude Aspect has accuracy, responsiblity, control sense, motivation, planning, and carefulness. Lastly, Behavioral Aspect consists of subservience, sincerity, indpendent and dynamic, influence. There is a rank changing from candidate after calculating with profile matching method whose employee within K5 code has first position at 6,55 compared with manually calcualting at second position


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    ABSTRAK Mengembangkan bussines intelligence, innovation capability, dan agility adalah hal yang penting dilakukan perusahaan dalam menghadapi disrupsi lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel-variabel bussines intelligence, innovation capability, strategic agility dan supply chain agility terhadap kinerja perusahaan dan mengetahui saling interaksi antar variabel- variabel penelitian tersebut pada industri sepeda motor di Indonesia. Penelitian dilakukan dengan melakukan proportional random sampling terhadap manajer, general manager dan direktur perusahan OEM dan supplier tier 1 pada industri sepeda motor Indonesia. Model dan hipotesis diuji dengan menggunakan 208 data dari industri sepeda motor Indonesia dan diolah menggunakan metodologi structural equations modeling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sekalipun pengaruh langsungnya tidak signifikan, tetapi bussiness intelligence merupakan variabel yang memiliki total pengaruh terbesar terhadap kinerja organisasi melalui mediasi penuh supply chain agility dan gabungan strategic agility dengan supply chain agility. Supply chain agility merupakan variabel yang memberikan pengaruh langsung positif terbesar terhadap kinerja perusahaan, sementara itu berbeda dengan temuan penelitian sebelumnya, didapati strategic agility tidak memiliki pengaruh langsung yang signifikan, sehingga dalam kondisi saat ini disarankan industri sepeda motor lebih fokus pada supply chain agility dibandingkan strategic agility. Didapatkan juga bahwa innovation capability memiliki pengaruh langsung yang positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja perusahaan, tetapi memiliki pengaruh yang tidak signifikan melalui mediasi strategic agility maupun supply chain agility. Terakhir, didapatkan bahwa strategic agility memberikan pengaruh langsung positif dan signifikan terhadap supply chain agility. Temuan penelitian juga mengkonfirmasi pentingnya organisasi memiliki dynamic capability supaya dapat mengintegrasikan, mengkonfigurasikan dan menyebarkan ordinary capability yang lain sehingga lebih baik dalam merasakan, menangkap peluang, menghindari ancaman, dan mempertahankan competitive advantage organisasi pada kondisi lingkungan yang mengalami disrupsi. Implikasi untuk manajer dan akademisi dibahas dan keterbatasan penelitian ditunjukkan di makalah ini. Kata Kunci: Manajemen Strategis, Kinerja Perusahaan, Supply Chain Agility, Strategic Agility, Innovation, Business Intelligence, Industri Sepeda Motor, Studi Empirik. ABSTRACT Developing business intelligence, innovation capability and agility are important things for companies to do in facing environmental disruption. This research aims to determine the influence of the variables business intelligence, innovation capability, strategic agility and supply chain agility on company performance and determine the interactions between these research variables in the motorcycle industry in Indonesia. The research was conducted by conducting proportional random sampling of managers, general managers and directors of OEM companies and tier 1 suppliers in the Indonesian motorbike industry. The model and hypothesis were tested using 208 data from the Indonesian motorbike industry and processed using structural equations modeling methodology. The research results show that even though the direct influence is not significant, business intelligence is the variable that has the greatest total influence on organizational performance through the full mediation of supply chain agility and the combination of strategic agility with supply chain agility. Supply chain agility is the variable that has the greatest direct positive influence on company performance. Meanwhile, in contrast to previous research findings, it was found that strategic agility does not have a significant direct influence, so in current conditions it is recommended that the motorcycle industry focus more on supply chain agility than strategic agility. It was also found that innovation capability has a positive and significant direct influence on company performance, but has an insignificant influence through the mediation of strategic agility and supply chain agility. Finally, it was found that strategic agility had a direct positive and significant influence on supply chain agility. Research findings also confirm the importance of organizations having dynamic capabilities so that they can integrate, configure and deploy other ordinary capabilities so that they are better at sensing, capturing opportunities, avoiding threats, and maintaining the organization's competitive advantage in environmental conditions experiencing disruption. Implications for managers and academics are discussed and research limitations are pointed out in this paper. Keywords: Strategic Management, Firm Performance, Supply Chain Agility, Strategic Agility, Innovation, Business Intelligence, Motorcycle Industry, Empirical Studies


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui klasifikasi berdasarkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan PDRB per kapita Provinsi Jawa Barat, ketimpangan pendapatan di Provinsi Jawa Barat, hubungan antara pertumbuhan ekonomi dan ketimpangan pendapatan di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang dikumpulkan dari hasil publikasi BPS yang mencakup: Laju Pertumbuhan Ekonomi tahun 2004-2009, Jumlah penduduk Provinsi Jawa Barat tahun 2004-2009, Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) dan PDRB perkapita Provinsi Jawa Barat atas dasar harga konstan 2000 mulai tahun 2004-2009. Klasifikasi Kabupaten dihitung menggunakan Tipologi Klassen, sedangkan untuk ketimpangan pendapatan dihitung menggunakan Indeks Williamson, kemudian Korelasi Pearson digunakan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pertumbuhan ekonomi dan ketimpangan pendapatan. Hasil analisis dengan Tipologi Klassen menunjukkan bahwa di Provinsi Jawa Barat kebanyakan masuk dalam daearah maju tapi tertekan dan daerah kurang berkembang. Untuk hasil analisis dengan menggunakan Indeks Williamson, di dapat bahwa tingkat ketimpangan Provinsi Jawa Barat berkisar 0,96 sehingga hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Provinsi Jawa Barat masuk dalam kawasan ketimpangan yang tinggi. Untuk hasil perhitungan dengan menggunakan Korelasi Pearson dapat diketahui bahwa hubungan antara pertumbuhan ekonomi dan ketimpangan pendapatan adalah tidak signifikan. Mengacu pada penelitian, maka diajukan beberapa saran kepada Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat yaitu mengambil kebijakan dalam pengalokasian dana pembangunan sesuai kondisi alamnya yang dapat dikembangkan dengan mengarahkan atau memprioritaskan perencanaan pembangunan kepada daerah yang kurang berkembang dan dapat mengurangi ketimpangan pendapatan di Provinsi Jawa Barat dengan cara memperbaiki tingkat pemerataan distribusi pendapatan melalui pembangunan berbagai sarana dan prasarana yang dibutuhkkan