10 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Using E-Learning as an Online Learning Media at Polytechnic Indonusa Surakarta

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    The Covid-19 outbreak has had a tremendous effect in no time. The Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia has adopted a policy to protect the nation's children from studying at home by means of distance education. Various technology platforms can be used to assist in the learning process. PJJ is e-learning-based learning. Indonusa Surakarta Polytechnic seeks to improve campus e-learning performance. To increase the use of e-learning, it is necessary to evaluate the use of campus E-Learning as an online learning medium at the Polytechnic Indonusa Surakarta. For a good evaluation, researchers conduct research in order to get feedback from users. The intended users are lecturers and students. The researcher used a qualitative descriptive method and the collection was done by means of a literature study and a questionnaire. The questionnaire used a linkert 4 scale, namely a 4 linkert scale questionnaire, namely Strongly Agree (Score 4), Agree (Score 3), Disagree (Score 2) and Disagree (Score 1). The methodology carried out begins with the formulation of the problem, data collection. The results of data collection were carried out by descriptive analysis so as to produce accurate conclusions. The conclusions of this study are: 67.2% of respondents agree during the pandemic and future online learning, 68.6% of respondents agree that lectures use the campus e-learning platform, 71.4% of respondents agree that campus e-learning is easy to use, 65 % of respondents agree that campus e-learning can facilitate learning between lecturers and students, 58.9% of respondents agree that campus e-learning can improve student competence, 90.2% of respondents agree that lectures use books/modules as lecture references, references in the form of printed books (59.4%) and E-Books (56.7%), The use of online learning platforms other than Campus E-Learning include: Zoom (56.3%), Gmeet (86.5%), Google Classroom (82, 5%), WhatsApp Group (71.9%), E-mail (36.5%) and others (9.4%)


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    This study aims to identify the integration of tourism development in Karangasem Village using the penta helix, which is a process of synergy between the five helices to support tourism in Karangasem Village. The five helics are academics, business, communities, media, and government. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method by applying the data collection techniques of Miles, Huberman, and Saldana, namely data condensation, data display, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that each stakeholder has their role in the development of a tourism village. The academics focus on training and mentoring for Pokdarwis members as well as tourism village managers regarding tourism village management and promotion strategies, the business sectors focus on increasing value and maintaining economic growth in the Karangasem tourism village, the community help to support and manage the tourism potential, the media help to publish news on tourism village branding as well as promotion, and the governments collaborate with academics to make policies of the management of tourism villages. The collaboration between the various actors involved government, community, business sector, academics and mass media can provide positive feedback in the concept of developing a tourism village in Karangasem Village


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    development of tourism potential in Karangasem and Ngrombo Tourism Village.  This research was conducted in a qualitative descriptive manner by elaborating the techniques of extracting data from in-depth interviews, observation, focus group discussions, and documentation to explore primary and secondary data. Checking the validity of the data has been done through triangulation of sources. The research subjects include elements of the government, private sector, axademics , mass media, communities, and local communities in Karangasem and Ngrombo Tourism Village. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique was compiled interactively including the stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes), academics, private sector, mass media, tourism awareness groups, youth organizations, and local communities. The collaborative governance process that occurs through face-to-face dialogue, trust building, commitment to the process, shared understanding, and intermediate outcomes have made a positive contribution to increasing the acceleration of tourism potential development and promotion based on digital platforms from Karangasem and Ngrombo Tourism Villages. However, some challenges must be managed better in the aspect of building trust in the management of Karangasem and Ngrombo Tourism Village because there are different backgrounds and priority interests of each actor involved. In addition, long-term sustainable interventions need to be carried out on aspects of commitment to the process and shared understanding to have a multiplier effect on the outcome in the future. The results of this study are expected to provide real implications for the management of the Karangasem and Ngrombo Tourism Village and the Karangasem and Ngrombo Village Government to innovate in accelerating the promotion and commercialization of Karangasem and Ngrombo village tourism products

    Banyu Lemon Sales Management Based on Information and Technology

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    Technology was created to facilitate activities in everyday life, and to help us provide fast, precise, and accurate information. The internet is not only a communication tool for spreading information that is very fast and cheap. In the economic field there are many marketing methods via the internet to achieve increased sales turnover targets. An e-commerce website or online store is a website that aims to sell one or more goods and services using electronic media as a medium for information and transaction media for these goods/services. Before getting to know the internet, the sellers only advertised the company through word of mouth and distribution of brochures so that only a few people knew about it. Currently, Banyu Lemon does not yet have publicity or promotion facilities, so that consumers who visit Banyu Lemon are only from the surrounding area and people outside the area do not know the existence and products of the shop. Meanwhile, in promotion we need a media that can help the promotion reach the target consumers. Therefore, in order to provide good service to consumers while promoting Banyu Lemon products, an information media in the form of a website is designed to promote and increase sales of Banyu Lemon products

    Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran Terhadap Minat Kuliah Di Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta

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    Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan yang sedang berkembang dan mulai mendapat perhatian yang baik dari masyarakat. Banyak program-program yang diciptakan oleh kompetitor-kompetitor serta makin tumbuhnya lembaga pendidikan baru di Surakarta. Hal ini tentu akan meningkatkan persaingan untuk mendapatkan konsumen (mahasiswa) dan mengakibatkan dampak pada naik turunnya minat pendaftar di Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh variabel bauran pemasaran terhadap minat kuliah di Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah para mahasiswa tahun 2011-2012 Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta yang berjumlah 200 mahasiswa, jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 70 responden. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan metode analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa variabel produk, harga dan personel berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap minat kuliah. Sedangkan variabel distribusi, promosi dan kondisi fisik tidak berpengaruh terhadap minat kuliah. Variabel personel merupakan variabel yang dominan pengaruhnya terhadap minat kulia

    Resiliensi Buruh yang Ter-PHK Akibat Pandemi Covid-19

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    Resilience plays an important role in life as a solution for individuals who are experiencing difficulties, pressures, or trauma in life. Resilience is a process of adjusting well in the face of difficult conditions such as termination of employment (layoffs) to the workforce due to the Covid- 19 Pandemic. The purpose of this study is to describe the resilience of workers who were laid off due to the covid-19 pandemic disaster. This research informant consists of 5 people with labor criteria who are affected by layoffs due to covid-19 and already have a family. The method used is qualitative with phenomenological approach. Data collection techniques through interviews, as well as descriptive data analysis. From the results of the study showed that, workers affected by layoffs are able to rise from their difficult circumstances and feelings of sadness. They are able to face problems calmly, patiently, and remain productive by making an effort to make money. Risk factors, protective factors, and strong individual characteristics influence the resilience formation of each subject. The five subjects can also take advantage of the disasters that have befallen, as well as have a better life expectancy for the futur


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    Total workforce in February 2021 was 139.81 million people, an increase of 1.59 million people compared to August 2020. The working population was 131.06 million people, an increase of 2.61 million people from August 2020. Employment fields that experienced a percentage increase The largest sector is the Provision of Accommodation and Food and Drink (0.34 percentage points). The percentage of underemployed decreased by 1.48 percentage points, while the percentage of part-time workers increased by 1.13 percentage points compared to August 2020. There are 19.10 million people (9.30 percent of the working age population) affected by Covid-19. Consists of unemployment due to Covid-19 (1.62 million people), Non-Work Force due to Covid-19 (0.65 million people), temporarily not working due to Covid-19 (1.11 million people), and residents workers who experienced a reduction in working hours due to Covid-19 (15.72 million people). Based on these data, this study aims to determine the relationship between Entrepreneurial Motivation and Adversity Intelligence for Vocational Students in the final semester of the Mass Communication study program in their readiness to face the challenges of the world of work. Collecting data through the distribution of questionnaires. The results of the analysis show that the contribution of Entrepreneurial Motivation with Adversity Intelligence is 11% while the other 89% is explained by other factors


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    The tourism sector is one of the potential sectors to be developed in modern times today, but not all tourist spots can thrive. One of the factors that led to the lack of development of tourist attractions is the lack of promotion or delivery of information to tourists. The development of the internet is now more advanced so much utilized by the manager of tourist attractions as a medium of information and promotion. Bekonang tourist village in Mojolaban area has the potential to be more developed. For that reason the need to utilize the internet by designing the village website Bekonang tourism as a medium of information and promotion. Research conducted to design the website using waterfall method and using data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation, and literature study. While the software used in designing Bekonang village tourist website is XAMPP, Dreamweaver and using programming languages such as HTML, PHP, CSS, Java Script, and JQuery. The result of this observation and research is that the researcher succeeds in creating Bekonang Village Tourism website which can be used as information and promotion to improve and facilitate the tourists who want to visit Bekonang Tourism Villag


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    This research was conducted at the Vocational Campus and aims to determine the effect of work discipline on employee performance which has decreased due to many disciplinary violations. In addition, to find out how promotion and compensation affect employee performance improvement. Research data obtained through questionnaires and interviews. The sample used in the study was 51 respondents. The data obtained were processed using descriptive analysis and quantitative statistical analysis. Quantitative analysis uses multiple regression analysis to determine the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable, but before the test is carried out, the validity and reliability tests are carried out first and the requirements test. The results of the multiple regression analysis test showed a significant F value, with a correlation value of determination adjusted R2 of 0.457. This shows that work discipline, promotion and compensation significantly affect employee performance together with a close relationship of 45.7%. This shows that to improve employee performance, it is necessary to increase work discipline, provide opportunities for promotion and provide compensation according to employee expectations