9 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Model Kemitraan dan Pemasaran Terpadu Biofarmaka dalam Rangka Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Sekitar Hutan di Kabupaten Sukabumi, Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    Most of the community surrounding forest areas in Sukabumi District are poor farmers. They traditionally cultivate medicinal plants. However, quality of the products is not standardized, and hence, low price. Therefore, it is needed to strengthen and empower the farmer capacity, by developing an integrated marketing model for medicinal plants and by enhancing the competitiveness of the farmer group institution so that they can build a partnership with industry. This activity involved farmers at Mekarjaya Village, Ciemas Subdistrict who are member of Srijaya Farmer Groups Association. Survey, in-depth interview, and focus group discussion were conducted to get data on the existing condition. Farmer institution strengthening was conducted through trainings for farmers on entrepreneurship, medicinal plant cultivation and processing, facilitation of farmer group institution, and establishment of demonstration plots of medicinal plant cultivation. Agribusiness networking and partnership was built through the memorandum of understanding on marketing between Sri Jaya with two biopharmaca companies

    Pengembangan Model Kemitraan dan Pemasaran Terpadu Biofarmaka dalam Rangka Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Sekitar Hutan di Kabupaten Sukabumi, Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    Most of the community surrounding forest areas in Sukabumi District are poor farmers. They traditionally cultivate medicinal plants. However, quality of the products is not standardized, and hence, low price. Therefore, it is needed to strengthen and empower the farmer capacity, by developing an integrated marketing model for medicinal plants and by enhancing the competitiveness of the farmer group institution so that they can build a partnership with industry. This activity involved farmers at Mekarjaya Village, Ciemas Subdistrict who are member of Srijaya Farmer Groups Association. Survey, in-depth interview, and focus group discussion were conducted to get data on the existing condition. Farmer institution strengthening was conducted through trainings for farmers on entrepreneurship, medicinal plant cultivation and processing, facilitation of farmer group institution, and establishment of demonstration plots of medicinal plant cultivation. Agribusiness networking and partnership was built through the memorandum of understanding on marketing between Sri Jaya with two biopharmaca companies


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    Turmeric is a rhizome plant used as traditional Indonesian medicine. Generally, the extraction process influences the efficacy of turmeric in curing a disease. This study compares the thin layer chromatography profile (TLC) of turmeric extract based on variations in the extraction method. The extraction process was carried out using 70% ethanol solvent in fresh rhizomes and turmeric simplicia. The study used maceration, sonication, and microwave assistance techniques. The thin layer chromatography profiles were analyzed using curcuminoid standards in visible and UV light visualization (254 and 366 nm). The results showed higher yields in the fresh turmeric extracts through maceration extraction, sonication, and microwave-assisted techniques, respectively. The thin layer chromatography pattern using eluent chloroform dichloromethane (32.5: 67.5 v / v) showed the extract was separated into 3 - 4 compounds, with different curcuminoid thicknesses in each treatment. The thin layer chromatography profile with the highest quality of curcuminoid content was found successively in sonication simplicia,  maceration, and microwave simplicia extracts, as well as sonication fresh turmeric extract, maceration, and microwaves. The high yield of turmeric extract does not indicate an increase in the quality of the curcuminoid levels produced.Keywords: Turmeric, Thin Layer Chromatography, curcuminoids, extraction modificationKunyit merupakan tanaman rhizoma yang telah dimanfaatkan dalam pengobatan tradisional Indonesia. Khasiat kunyit dalam menyembuhkan suatu penyakit dipengaruhi oleh proses ekstraksinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan membandingkan profil kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT) ekstrak kunyit berdasarkan variasi metode ekstraksi. Proses ekstraksi dilakukan menggunakan pelarut etanol 70% pada rimpang segar dan simplisia kunyit. Teknik ekstraksi yang dilakukan adalah secara maserasi, sonikasi dan bantuan gelombang mikro. Profil kromatografi lapis tipis dianalisis dengan menggunakan standar kurkuminoid pada visualisasi sinar tampak serta UV  (254 dan 366 nm). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rendemen yang lebih tinggi terdapat pada jenis ekstrak kunyit segar daripada simplisianya, secara berturut-turut melalui teknik ekstraksi maserasi, sonikasi, dan bantuan gelombang mikro. Pola kromatografi lapis tipis ekstrak dengan menggunakan eluen kloroform:diklorometan (32,5:67,5 v/v) menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak terpisah menjadi 3 - 4 senyawa, dengan  ketebalan kurkuminoid yang berbeda pada masing-masing perlakuan ekstraksi. Profil kromatografi lapis tipis dengan kualitas kadar kurkuminoid tertinggi terdapat pada ekstrak simplisia secara sonikasi, disusul dengan ekstrak simplisia secara maserasi dan gelombang mikro, serta ekstrak kunyit segar secara sonikasi, maserasi, dan gelombang mikro. Rendemen yang tinggi dari ekstrak kunyit tidak mengindikasikan kualitas kadar kurkuminoid yang dihasilkan semakin baik.Kata kunci: Kunyit, Kromatografi Lapis Tipis, kurkuminoid, modifikasi ekstraks

    Antioxidant, Cytotoxic Activities and Total Phenolic Content of Four Indonesian Medicinal Plants

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    The crude ethanol extracts of four Indonesian medicinal plants namely Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.,Phyllanthus niruri Linn., Andrographis paniculata Ness., and Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb. wereexamined for their antioxidant (radical scavenging) activity using 2, 2-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl(DPPH) free radical and cytotoxicity using brine shrimp lethality test (BSLT). The total phenoliccontent was used the Folin-Ciocalteu method. IC50 values for DPPH radical scavenging activityranged from 14.5 to 178.5 μg/ml, with P. niruri having the lowest value and therefore the mostpotent, and C. aeruginosa having the highest value. LC50 values for BSLT ranged from 210.3 to593.2 μg/ml, with C. xanthorrhiza and A. paniculata having the lowest and highest values,respectively. The total phenolic content of the Indonesian plants ranged from 133.0 ±3.7 to863.3±54.7 mg tannic acid equivalent per 1 g extract, with C. aeruginosa and P. niruri having thelowest and highest values, respectively. A positive correlation between free radical scavengingactivity and the content of phenolic compounds was found in the four of Indonesian medicinal plants

    Identifikasi dan Autentikasi Jahe Merah Menggunakan Kombinasi Spektroskopi FTIR dan Kemometrik

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    FTIR spectroscopy combined with principal component analysis and discriminant analysis were used for identification and authentication of jahe merah from its related species namely jahe emprit and jahe gajah. FTIR spectra of all samples were recorded in the wavenumber range 4000-400 cm-1 and then subjected for preprocessing signal such as normalization and baseline correction. Combination of FTIR spectra with some chemometrics method such as principal component analysis and discriminant analysis were used to distinguish the three varieties of ginger. By using discriminant analysis, the three varieties of ginger were classified according to its variety. The developed method could be used for identification and authentication of jahe merah.ABSTRAKSpektroskopi FTIR dan kombinasinya dengan analisis komponen utama dan analisis diskriminan telah digunakan untuk identifikasi dan autentikasi jahe merah dari dua spesies yang berkerabat dengannya yaitu jahe emprit dan jahe gajah. Seluruh contoh dibuat spektrum FTIR pada kisaran bilangan gelombang 4000-400 cm-1 dan diberi perlakuan pendahuluan seperti normalisasi dan koreksi garis dasar. Kombinasi spektrum FTIR dengan beberapa metode kemometrik seperti analisis komponen utama dan analisis diskriminan digunakan untuk membedakan ketiga varietas jahe. Analisis diskriminan dapat mengelompokkan ketiga varietas jahe sesuai dengan jenis varietasnya. Metode yang dikembangkan ini dapat digunakan untuk tujuan identifikasi dan autentikasi jahe merah


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    Most of the community surrounding forest areas in Sukabumi District are poor farmers. They traditionally cultivate medicinal plants. However, quality of the products is not standardized, and hence, low price. Therefore, it is needed to strengthen and empower the farmer capacity, by developing an integrated marketing model for medicinal plants and by enhancing the competitiveness of the farmer group institution so that they can build a partnership with industry. This activity involved farmers at Mekarjaya Village, Ciemas Subdistrict who are member of Srijaya Farmer Groups Association. Survey, in-depth interview, and focus group discussion were conducted to get data on the existing condition. Farmer institution strengthening was conducted through trainings for farmers on entrepreneurship, medicinal plant cultivation and processing, facilitation of farmer group institution, and establishment of demonstration plots of medicinal plant cultivation. Agribusiness networking and partnership was built through the memorandum of understanding on marketing between Sri Jaya with two biopharmaca companies

    Antioxidant Status of Sprague-Dawley Female Rat with Curcuminoids Nanoparticles of Balittro Curcuma

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    Curcuma (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) is an Indonesian herbs plant with antioxidant activity. This research aimed to measure the increase of curcuminoids bioavailability through the effectivity of nanoparticle curcuminoids as an antioxidant for carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) induced rats. Nanoparticle curcuminoids were produced by homogenization-ultrasonication method showed results particle size of curcuminoids nanoparticle was 141.85±38.82 nm with polydispersity index was 0.233 and entrapment efficiency was 71%. During the treatment, the rat’s body weight was increased. Clinical symptoms of rats (behavior and feces) were normal. Nanoparticle curcuminoids can decrease malondialdehyde concentrations and increase peroxide, glutathione peroxide, and superoxide dismutase activity.   Keywords :  antioxidant, curcuminoid, solid lipid nanoparticle, Curcuma

    Evaluasi Aktivitas Antioksidan dan Perubahan Metabolit Sekunder Mayor Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorriza) pada Umur Rimpang yang Berbeda

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi aktivitas antioksidan dan perubahan metabolit sekunder mayor temulawak (C. xanthorrhiza) pada umur rimpang yang berbeda. Aktivitas antioksidan ditentukan menggunakan tiga metode yaitu DPPH (1,1-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil), FRAP (ferric reducing antioxidant power), dan CUPRAC (cupric ion reducing antioxidant capacity), sedangkan kadar kurkuminoid dan xantorizol ditentukan dengan metode KCKT. Hasil pengukuran aktivitas antioksidan, kadar kurkuminoid dan xantorizol menunjukkan semakin meningkat dengan bertambahnya umur rimpang temulawak. Analisis korelasi antara aktivitas antioksidan dan kadar kurkuminoid serta xantorizoldiperoleh bahwa kapasitas antioksidan yang diukur dengan metode DPPH dan FRAP mempunyai korelasi positif dengan nilai sebesar 0.757  r  0.996 dan 0.522  r  0.976 berturut-turut, sedangkan metode CUPRAC berkorelasi tinggi dengan jumlah rendemen (r = 0.986). Analisis spektrum IR pada sampel rimpang temulawak memberikan profil yang identik dengan perbedaan hanya pada nilai absorbansnya. Rimpang temulawak dengan umur 9 bulan memiliki detail spektrum IR yang lebih jelas dan nilai absorbans yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan umur rimpang 7 dan 8 bulan. Evaluasi yang dilakukan dapat memberikan informasi mengenai mutu rimpang temulawak berdasarkan masa tanamnya

    Temulawak (Curcuma  xanthorrhizaRoxb.) belongs to the family Zingiberaceae, has been empirically used as herbal medicines. The research was aimed to evaluate three promising lines of Temulawak based on their high bioactive contents (xanthorrhizol and curcuminoid) and its in vitro bioactivity (antioxidant and toxicity), and to obtain information on agrobiophysic environmental condition which produced high bioactive compounds. The xanthorrhizol and curcuminoid contents were measured by HPLC. In vitro antioxidant and toxicity were determined by DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl) method and BSLT (Brine Shrimp Lethality Test). The result showed that promising line A produced the highest yield of bioactive and bioactivity, i.e. 0.157 and 0.056 g plant-1of xanthorrizol and curcuminoid respectively. The IC50 of antioxidant activity was 65.09 mg L-1and LC50of toxicity was 69.05 mg L-1. In this study, Cipenjo had the best temulawak performance than two other locations. According to the agrobiophysic parameters, Cipenjo environmental condition was suitable for temulawak cultivation with temperature 28-34 ºC, rainfall ± 223.97 mm year-1 and sandy clay soil. Keywords: antioxidant, curcuminoid, promising lines, temulawak, xanthorrhizol

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    Temulawak (Curcuma  xanthorrhizaRoxb.) belongs to the family Zingiberaceae, has been empirically used as herbal medicines. The research was aimed to evaluate three promising lines of Temulawak based on their high bioactive contents (xanthorrhizol and curcuminoid) and its in vitro bioactivity (antioxidant and toxicity), and to obtain information on agrobiophysic environmental condition which produced high bioactive compounds. The xanthorrhizol and curcuminoid contents were measured by HPLC. In vitro antioxidant and toxicity were determined by DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl) method and BSLT (Brine Shrimp Lethality Test). The result showed that promising line A produced the highest yield of bioactive and bioactivity, i.e. 0.157 and 0.056 g plant-1of xanthorrizol and curcuminoid respectively. The IC50 of antioxidant activity was 65.09 mg L-1and LC50of toxicity was 69.05 mg L-1. In this study, Cipenjo had the best temulawak performance than two other locations. According to the agrobiophysic parameters, Cipenjo environmental condition was suitable for temulawak cultivation with temperature 28-34 ºC, rainfall ± 223.97 mm year-1 and sandy clay soil. Keywords: antioxidant, curcuminoid, promising lines, temulawak, xanthorrhizo