128 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of manganese(II) oxidation by filamentous ascomycete fungi vary with species and time as a function of secretome composition

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Zeiner, C. A., Purvine, S. O., Zink, E., Wu, S., Pasa-Tolic, L., Chaput, D. L., Santelli, C. M., & Hansel, C. M. Mechanisms of manganese(II) oxidation by filamentous ascomycete fungi vary with species and time as a function of secretome composition. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12, (2021): 610497, https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2021.610497.Manganese (Mn) oxides are among the strongest oxidants and sorbents in the environment, and Mn(II) oxidation to Mn(III/IV) (hydr)oxides includes both abiotic and microbially-mediated processes. While white-rot Basidiomycete fungi oxidize Mn(II) using laccases and manganese peroxidases in association with lignocellulose degradation, the mechanisms by which filamentous Ascomycete fungi oxidize Mn(II) and a physiological role for Mn(II) oxidation in these organisms remain poorly understood. Here we use a combination of chemical and in-gel assays and bulk mass spectrometry to demonstrate secretome-based Mn(II) oxidation in three phylogenetically diverse Ascomycetes that is mechanistically distinct from hyphal-associated Mn(II) oxidation on solid substrates. We show that Mn(II) oxidative capacity of these fungi is dictated by species-specific secreted enzymes and varies with secretome age, and we reveal the presence of both Cu-based and FAD-based Mn(II) oxidation mechanisms in all 3 species, demonstrating mechanistic redundancy. Specifically, we identify candidate Mn(II)-oxidizing enzymes as tyrosinase and glyoxal oxidase in Stagonospora sp. SRC1lsM3a, bilirubin oxidase in Stagonospora sp. and Paraconiothyrium sporulosum AP3s5-JAC2a, and GMC oxidoreductase in all 3 species, including Pyrenochaeta sp. DS3sAY3a. The diversity of the candidate Mn(II)-oxidizing enzymes identified in this study suggests that the ability of fungal secretomes to oxidize Mn(II) may be more widespread than previously thought.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation, grant numbers EAR-1249489 and CBET-1336496, both awarded to CH, by a JGI-EMSL Collaborative Science Initiative grant (proposal number 48100) awarded to CH and CS, and by the University of St. Thomas. Personal support for CZ was also provided by Harvard University and by a Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship administered by the National Academies. A portion of this research was performed under the Facilities Integrating Collaborations for User Science (FICUS) program and used resources at the DOE Joint Genome Institute and the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (grid.436923.9), which are DOE Office of Science User Facilities. Both facilities are sponsored by the Biological and Environmental Research Program and operated under Contract Nos. DE-AC02-05CH11231 (JGI) and DE-AC05-76RL01830 (EMSL). Part of this research was performed at the Bauer Core Facility of the FAS Center for Systems Biology at Harvard University. A portion of the bioinformatics analysis was performed at Harvard’s FAS Research Computing facility

    Leucine Biosynthesis Is Involved in Regulating High Lipid Accumulation in Yarrowia lipolytica

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    The yeast Yarrowia lipolytica is a potent accumulator of lipids, and lipogenesis in this organism can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as genetics and environmental conditions. Using a multifactorial study, we elucidated the effects of both genetic and environmental factors on regulation of lipogenesis in Y. lipolytica and identified how two opposite regulatory states both result in lipid accumulation. This study involved comparison of a strain overexpressing diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGA1) with a control strain grown under either nitrogen or carbon limitation conditions. A strong correlation was observed between the responses on the transcript and protein levels. Combination of DGA1 overexpression with nitrogen limitation resulted in a high level of lipid accumulation accompanied by downregulation of several amino acid biosynthetic pathways, including that of leucine in particular, and these changes were further correlated with a decrease in metabolic fluxes. This downregulation was supported by the measured decrease in the level of 2-isopropylmalate, an intermediate of leucine biosynthesis. Combining the multi-omics data with putative transcription factor binding motifs uncovered a contradictory role for TORC1 in controlling lipid accumulation, likely mediated through 2-isopropylmalate and a Leu3-like transcription factor

    Identification of Widespread Adenosine Nucleotide Binding in Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    SummaryComputational prediction of protein function is frequently error-prone and incomplete. In Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), ∼25% of all genes have no predicted function and are annotated as hypothetical proteins, severely limiting our understanding of Mtb pathogenicity. Here, we utilize a high-throughput quantitative activity-based protein profiling (ABPP) platform to probe, annotate, and validate ATP-binding proteins in Mtb. We experimentally validate prior in silico predictions of >240 proteins and identify 72 hypothetical proteins as ATP binders. ATP interacts with proteins with diverse and unrelated sequences, providing an expanded view of adenosine nucleotide binding in Mtb. Several hypothetical ATP binders are essential or taxonomically limited, suggesting specialized functions in mycobacterial physiology and pathogenicity

    Early-branching gut fungi possess a large, comprehensive array of biomass-degrading enzymes

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    available in PMC 2016 November 07The fungal kingdom is the source of almost all industrial enzymes in use for lignocellulose bioprocessing. We developed a systems-level approach that integrates transcriptomic sequencing, proteomics, phenotype, and biochemical studies of relatively unexplored basal fungi. Anaerobic gut fungi isolated from herbivores produce a large array of biomass-degrading enzymes that synergistically degrade crude, untreated plant biomass and are competitive with optimized commercial preparations from Aspergillus and Trichoderma. Compared to these model platforms, gut fungal enzymes are unbiased in substrate preference due to a wealth of xylan-degrading enzymes. These enzymes are universally catabolite-repressed and are further regulated by a rich landscape of noncoding regulatory RNAs. Additionally, we identified several promising sequence-divergent enzyme candidates for lignocellulosic bioprocessing.United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Science (Biological and Environmental Research (BER) program)United States. Department of Energy (DOE Grant DE-SC0010352)United States. Department of Agriculture (Award 2011-67017-20459)Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies (grant W911NF-09-0001

    Omic data from evolved E. coli are consistent with computed optimal growth from genome-scale models

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    Proteomic and transcriptomic data from wild-type and laboratory-evolved strains of Escherichia coli are consistent with predicted pathway usage from optimal growth rate solutions.In laboratory-evolved strains, there is an upregulation of the pathways in the computed optimal growth states, and downregulation of non-functional pathways.Known regulatory mechanisms are only partially responsible for altered metabolic pathway activity

    Widespread polycistronic gene expression in green algae

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    Polycistronic gene expression, common in prokaryotes, was thought to be extremely rare in eukaryotes. The development of long-read sequencing of full-length transcript isomers (Iso-Seq) has facilitated a reexamination of that dogma. Using Iso-Seq, we discovered hundreds of examples of polycistronic expression of nuclear genes in two divergent species of green algae: Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Chromochloris zofingiensis Here, we employ a range of independent approaches to validate that multiple proteins are translated from a common transcript for hundreds of loci. A chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis using trimethylation of lysine 4 on histone H3 marks confirmed that transcription begins exclusively at the upstream gene. Quantification of polyadenylated [poly(A)] tails and poly(A) signal sequences confirmed that transcription ends exclusively after the downstream gene. Coexpression analysis found nearly perfect correlation for open reading frames (ORFs) within polycistronic loci, consistent with expression in a shared transcript. For many polycistronic loci, terminal peptides from both ORFs were identified from proteomics datasets, consistent with independent translation. Synthetic polycistronic gene pairs were transcribed and translated in vitro to recapitulate the production of two distinct proteins from a common transcript. The relative abundance of these two proteins can be modified by altering the Kozak-like sequence of the upstream gene. Replacement of the ORFs with selectable markers or reporters allows production of such heterologous proteins, speaking to utility in synthetic biology approaches. Conservation of a significant number of polycistronic gene pairs between C. reinhardtii, C. zofingiensis, and five other species suggests that this mechanism may be evolutionarily ancient and biologically important in the green algal lineage

    Evidence-based green algal genomics reveals marine diversity and ancestral characteristics of land plants

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    Background: Prasinophytes are widespread marine green algae that are related to plants. Cellular abundance of the prasinophyte Micromonas has reportedly increased in the Arctic due to climate-induced changes. Thus, studies of these unicellular eukaryotes are important for marine ecology and for understanding Viridiplantae evolution and diversification. Results: We generated evidence-based Micromonas gene models using proteomics and RNA-Seq to improve prasinophyte genomic resources. First, sequences of four chromosomes in the 22 Mb Micromonas pusilla (CCMP1545) genome were finished. Comparison with the finished 21 Mb genome of Micromonas commoda (RCC299; named herein) shows they share ≤8,141 of ~10,000 protein-encoding genes, depending on the analysis method. Unlike RCC299 and other sequenced eukaryotes, CCMP1545 has two abundant repetitive intron types and a high percent (26 %) GC splice donors. Micromonas has more genus-specific protein families (19 %) than other genome sequenced prasinophytes (11 %). Comparative analyses using predicted proteomes from other prasinophytes reveal proteins likely related to scale formation and ancestral photosynthesis. Our studies also indicate that peptidoglycan (PG) biosynthesis enzymes have been lost in multiple independent events in select prasinophytes and plants. However, CCMP1545, polar Micromonas CCMP2099 and prasinophytes from other classes retain the entire PG pathway, like moss and glaucophyte algae. Surprisingly, multiple vascular plants also have the PG pathway, except the Penicillin-Binding Protein, and share a unique bi-domain protein potentially associated with the pathway. Alongside Micromonas experiments using antibiotics that halt bacterial PG biosynthesis, the findings highlight unrecognized phylogenetic complexity in PG-pathway retention and implicate a role in chloroplast structure or division in several extant Viridiplantae lineages. Conclusions: Extensive differences in gene loss and architecture between related prasinophytes underscore their divergence. PG biosynthesis genes from the cyanobacterial endosymbiont that became the plastid, have been selectively retained in multiple plants and algae, implying a biological function. Our studies provide robust genomic resources for emerging model algae, advancing knowledge of marine phytoplankton and plant evolution