48 research outputs found


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    Through improving the quality of learning, it is expected that the quality of the graduate will also increase. One approach to improve the quality of learning iswith lesson study activities. Lesson study is one of the approaches to improvethe process and learning outcomes that are implemented in a collaborative andsustainable way. The implementation of this lesson study used learning model ofProject based learning (PjBL) with an inquiry approach accompanied bystudent worksheet. This research used a qualitative approach with thedescriptive analysis method. There are three stages of lesson study activities;plan, do, and see. The subject of the study was students of mathematicseducation program of FMIPA UNIMUS on Multivariable Calculus course inacademic year 2017/2018. The application of lesson study to the MultivariableCalculus course was thoroughly well-conducted. Through lesson study, thequality of learning is increasing. This can be seen in terms of planning,implementation and evaluation. Further reflection on the drawing graphmaterial in R3 was separated between linear equations and quadraticequations. The overall application of lesson study in multivariable calculuscourses runs well and can be applied to other subjects.Keywords: Inquiry, Lesson Study, Multivariable Calculus, Project based learnin

    Implementasi Lesson Study Melalui Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Materi SPLTV Kelas X IIK

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    Developing and implementing Problem Based Learning using Lesson Study is very suitable for use in mathematics learning especially SPLTV. Moreover, this problem is related to daily life. Therefore this study aims to describe the implementation of lesson study with PBL learning models on the learning outcomes of the SPLTV substitution method in daily life in class X IIK 2. The researcher hopes that this research can improve student learning outcomes. This type of research is descriptive qualitative through Lesson Study activities consisting of three stages, namely Plan, Do and See with PBL models. Data collection techniques used were tests, observations and videos of the learning process in progress. The subjects in the study were class X IIK 2 as many as 35 students. So that student learning outcomes overall obtained from all groups was 96.43. This value is quite good, because above the KKM is 70 and close to perfect that is 100. Therefore, it can be concluded that the implementation of lesson study with PBL learning models on student learning outcomes of SPLTV material substitution method in class X IIK 2 went well and effectively


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    The low level of creativity development is caused by learning in class that is trained by knowledge, memory, logical thinking ability. Learning is expected to solve these problems is through by PjBL (Project Based Learning). Especially in the Mathematics Education Workshop which requires students to have creativity in making educational props. The problem in this research is Does learning using PjBL (Project Based Learning) can improve students' creative thinking in Mathematics Education Workshop? The purpose of this research is to know the improvement of students' creative thinking ability through learning using PjBL (Project Based Learning) in Mathematics Education Workshop. This research uses quantitative descriptive method with questionnaire data collection and observation. Based on the results of research and data analysis conducted by researchers, showed the influence of  application of PjBL (Project Based Learning) to the creative thinking ability is 48%. The conclusion of this research is application of PjBL (Project Based Laerning) have an effect on student creative thinking ability. Suggestions is this research can expected to continue so can be developed on other factors that can improve students' creativity thinking ability. Keywords: project based learning, creaytive thinking abilit


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    Calculus II or calculus integral is a compulsory course which must be taken in mathemathics program. This course is also become prerequisite for another course. based on the observation, the method used is expository which make the students’ skill and  motivation are still low. The material for the course is already fixed and that should be changed is the teaching model. One of methods which can be developed is maple based of  IDEAL problem solving. The purpose of the research is produce a valid  and effective teaching aid. The development of devices learning which 4D models is designed and modified into 3D (define, design, develop) based on Thiagajaran and semmel theory. The result of the research showed that the (1) development of devices learning with maple based of IDEAL problem solving  is valid, (2) the implementation of the teaching aid is effective, showed from the students’ (a) problem solving ability by itsstandard achievement criteria, (b) there is significant result on the improvement of skill in the process into the motivation of problem solving ability, (c) problem solving ability after the treatment show better result rather than before the treatment. However, it is suggested for thelecturer to apply the teaching model as an  alternative  to improve the motivation, processing skill, and problem solving ability

    The Creativity of Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers in Digital Learning

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    Implementing teaching assistants for students of the Education Study Program in schools during distance learning makes them have to be creative in using technology in learning. So the purpose of this research is to find out the forms of creativity of pre-service teachers who use technology in distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach to Mathematics Education students at a private Islamic university in Semarang, Indonesia who carry out teaching assistance at partner schools. The data collection used in this research is observation and interviews. According to the results obtained, the creativity of prospective mathematics teachers in applying learning media is shown in making learning videos, interactive multimedia, and presentation materials using PowerPoint (PPT) containing material and sample questions. Second, creativity in utilizing the potential of schools is the use of online learning platforms, including Microsoft Teams, Zoom meeting, Learning Management System (e-learning), Google Classroom, Google Meet, and WhatsApp Groups. Creativity in designing learning that can foster creativity and innovation for students includes developing lesson plans that utilize the platforms and media created and applying learning approaches such as constructivism and contextual. In addition, it also applies game learning strategies and group discussions through breakout rooms.


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    The external turmoil that occurs today has a negative impact on all the structure and order of the domestic system. One of the recovery efforts is the implementation of mental revolution through character education. The character education can be applied to the affective aspect ofthe basic mathematics learning which will be integrated with basic mathematics material using character to be implemented. In addition, the colleges can be a place for student character development. This research was conducted at Muhammadiyah University of Semarang andSemarang State University. This research is a quantitative descriptive research using UCLA evaluation method. The data were collected by questionnaire method and interview. The results showed, 1) lecturers have little impact on the development of student character.2) program planning, given the integrated learning character education. 3) Program implementation, character education has never been introduced or used in the majority of learning. Indirectly, some character education indicators have been embedded in the students.However, most indicators are still not fully embedded, such as honesty, religious, caring for others, discipline, hard work, self-reliance, and responsibility. Thus, it is necessary to develop character values on basic mathematics learning applied to processes, techniques, andassessment instruments.Keywords: Character education, UCLA, basi


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    This study aims to determine the effect of motivation and activeness on problem-solving abilities in learning that is applied through the implementation of android-based learning media. This type of research is experimental with a sample of UT Pokjar Kendal Regency students. The instruments used in this study were activity observation sheets, motivational questionnaires, and problem-solving ability tests. The research results show: 1). the effect of motivation on problem-solving is 76.9%, 2). the influence of activeness on problem-solving by 52.6%, and 3). the impact of motivation and activeness together on problem-solving is 84%. Based on this, it can be concluded that there is an influence of activeness and motivation on problem-solving abilities. Future research in improving problem-solving skills by increasing student activity and motivatio

    Developing Web-Based Teaching Material Supplements To Improve Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTs) In Mathematics Courses

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    The aim of Mathematics learning is providing the students to have logical, analytical, systematic, critical, and creative thinking skills, as well as ability to cooperate. One of the main capabilities of the student is the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). Based on the preliminary observation on students of PGSD UT Pokjar Kaliwungu 2018.1, there were still many students who had low HOTS, especially in mathematics course. This condition is proven from how the students solve the problems for a high level and unsual of difficulty exercises on mathematics courses which was very low. One of the efforts to increase HOTS capability is by using appropriate teaching materials supplements. The media learning is known to increase effectiveness, activity and improving the learning outcomes. Web Media is one of the learning media developed in mathematics learning. All in all, this study will develop a web-based learning ingredient supplement. The purpose of this study is to produce a valid teaching ingredient supplement that can enhance the student's HOTS ability. Besides, this research used a method of developing a device development with the theory of Thiagarajan, Semmel and Semmel known as 4-D models which consisted of four stages: define, design, develop, and disseminate. The method of collecting data applied the distribution of polls, observation in class and the legibility test followed by interviews. Based on the stage of teaching materials supplements obtained 1). The phase of the teaching ingredient supplement has been adapted to the students od Universitas Terbuka characteristics, mathematics and learning objectives, 2). On-hold design of the teaching materials supplement has been designed based on the results of definition Phase 3). Development results obtained a). The value of experts and practitioners of 3.94 with valid criteria, B). The results of small legibility tests resulted in a 3.82 assessment with categories usable with fewer revisions, c). A large legibility test results in the value of 4.12 with the category can be used without revision. Based on the results above it can be concluded that the teaching materials supplement is valid and can be implemented in the trial class


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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the application of Inside Outside Circle learning model with Open Ended approach to the ability of mathematical connections. This research was conducted in MTs Hidayatussibyan Wonosobo and was an experimental research. Sampling with saturated sampling technique. The research population is all students of class VIII with sample of class VIII B and class VIII C. Independent variable used is activity and discipline, as well as dependent variable of mathematical connection ability. Methods of data collection using interviews, documentation, tests, observations, and questionnaires. The results showed that students using Inside Outside Circle learning model with Open Ended approach achieved 80% classical completeness. The influence of student activeness and discipline on mathematical connection ability of 89.00%. The difference of mean value of mathematical connection ability of experimental class is 79,33 better than the average value of control class is 71,59. Based on the research result that the Inside Outside Circle learning model with Open Ended approach on linear equation system material of two class VIII variables can be said to be effective. Keywords: Inside Outside Circle, Open Ended, Mathematical Connection Ability


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    Calculus multivariable is the advance level from Calculus I, Calculus II. the materials of it is the development of the previous calculus materials. On the observation phase in the class, 1) the mastery of calculus I, Calculus II, and advance calculus I is less optimum, 2) students have less motivation in following the learning process of advance calculus II, 3) students have not known the application of advance calculus II, 4) there is no advance calculus II materials in senior high school. The purpose of this study was to produce a valid learning instruments and to find out the effectiveness of the implementation of Project Based Learning (PBL) with maple-based. Development of the instruments in this research used a modified 4D models into 3-D (define, design, develop) based on the theory of Thiagarajan, Semmel, and Semmel. Results of the study: (1) the development of learning instruments with the learning model Project Based Learning (PBL) with maple-based is valid. (2) the Implementation of the learning model Project Based Learning (PBL) with maple-based is effective, indicated with : (a) the increasing of problem solving mastery, (b) there is influence of motivation and activity in solving problem mastery (c) the problem solving mastery with learning model Project Based Learning (PBL) with maple-based is increasing. Based on the research results, the lecturer can apply the learning model Project Based Learning (PBL) maple-based to improve the activity, motivation and problem solving skills.Keywords: Calculus multivariable, Project Based Learning (PBL), Mapl