9 research outputs found


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    Purpose of Study: The purpose of this study is to explore the process of small and micro business in dealing with their competitors and competitive power in the market. This study uses an information-processing approach that examines three activities, scanning competitive environments, interpretation of competitive actions, and reactions based on those assessments. This research is motivated by the low competitiveness of micro-business, especially deaf businessmen in Surabaya. Methodology: This research is qualitative research with a phenomenological approach, where researchers try to explain or reveal the meaning of the concept or the phenomenon of experiences based on the awareness that occurs in subjects. In this study, the researchers collect, summarize and interpret the data obtained, which then re-processed so as to obtain a clear picture, directed and comprehensive of the problem that became the object of research. The phenomenological approach is used to analyze the original data collected from interview questions and dialogue with informants. The structure of an experience is illustrated by the researchers' interpretation of the participant description. Results: The final results of this study are expected to enhance the competitiveness of micro business actors, especially those engaged in the culinary field. Implications/Applications: The result of the analysis of Competitive Environment Scanning can be concluded that the deaf business group gets enough threat from numbers of new food and beverage traders that keep emerging in Surabaya. In addition, competitors have a good concept of starting services, outlet design, marketing management, and financial management. Competitors are also promoting more vigorously

    Peran Guru dalam Menumbuhkan Intensi Berwirausaha pada Siswa Tuna Rungu di SMPLB Karya Mulia V Surabaya

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    This research is motivated by the lack of entrepreneurial intention of deaf students in SMPLB-B  (Junior High-School for Disabled Children Type B) Karya Mulia V Surabaya, Indonesia in which so many alumni became laborers or even unemployed. Entrepreneurship intention is one of predisposition factors that determine a person's entrepreneurial behavior. One of which various aspect determines how much a person's intention to perform a behavior is the social environment in a student's life, especially teachers. This research also shows that the intention of entrepreneurship can be nurtured since an earlier age through education. As the student’s main educator, teachers play an important role in the process. This article discusses how the role of teachers through parenting is done to foster entrepreneurship intention of the students by using theories of planned behavior

    Pengembangan Produk dan Inovasi Produk pada Teh Hijau Cap Pohon Kurma (Studi pada PT Panguji Luhur Utama)

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    This research aims to explain and analyze product development strategy and product innovation of Green Tea Cap Pohon Kurma. The descriptive method with a qualitative approach is a type of research used by researchers. The purpose of this research can be described the actual situation in accordance with reality, digging, and analyzing more deeply related to product development strategy and product innovation by using observation, interview, and documentation in data collection techniques. The results of this study indicate that the process of product development should be done proactively to pay attention to financial performance of company (financial performance) so that what is expected by consumer in market can also fulfill the expectation from shareholders (stockholders)


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    This research aims to explain and analyze product development strategy and product innovation of Cap Pohon Kurma Green Tea. Descriptive method with qualitative approach is a type of research used by researchers. The purpose of this research so that researchers can describe the actual situation in accordance with reality, digging and analyzing more deeply related to product development strategy and product innovation by using observation, interview and documentation in data collection techniques. The results of this study indicate that the process of product development should be done pro-active with still pay attention to financial performance of company (financial performance) so that what is expected by consumer in market can also fulfill expectation from shareholders (stockholders). Keywords: Product Development, Product Innovation, Green Tea, Descriptive Qualitativ


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    Purpose: The present study investigated the effects of compensation, organizational communication, and career path to employee performance of a transformer distributor company (PT Bambang Djaya) in Surabaya Indonesia because the above three variables were important aspects of improving the employee performance. Methodology: The data was collected by a Likert Scale questionnaire and analyzed using the multiple linear regression. The participants were 117 employees and selected using a purposive sampling technique. Result: The results showed that the compensation, organizational communication, and career paths had significant effects simultaneously on employee performance; and the career path was the strongest determinant of employee performance. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of the compensation, organizational communication, and career path as determinants of employee performance improvement is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    The Effect of Salary Satisfaction, Work Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment To Work Intention

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    High rate of turnover leads to adverse effect to an organization. Such problem is likely generating instability and uncertainty towards employment condition and human resources cost rise in forms of training invested to them, recruitment and newly built training programs. High turnover, in addition, also results in organizational ineffectiveness because it loses experienced employees as well as spends much times in training new, inexperienced employees. This study aims to analyze the effect of salary satisfaction, work satisfaction and organizational commitment on withdrawal intention and to analyze the most affective variable on withdrawal intention. There are 115 respondents for the samples and data analysis during the research is held by using SEM and AMOS 5 program. According to the analysis, it is concluded as the followings: work satisfaction has a positive effect on organizational commitment (CR = 6.052); salary satisfaction has a negative effect on turnover (CR = -4.306); job satisfaction has a negative effect on turnover (CR = -4.846); and organizational commitment has a negative effect on turnover (CR = -2.822)

    Development Entrepreneurship Intention Among Students

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    This study aims to describe the actual conditions of student entrepreneurship intentions in the Faculty of Economics and Business of Dr. Soetomo University, to identify the determinants of students' entrepreneurship intent and to formulate methods of approach to improve student entrepreneurship intentions. The background of this research is the low intensi entrepreneurship among students. Intensi entrepreneurship is one of the predisposing factors that determine the ability of seseorag in entrepreneurship. One of the factors that determine how much a person's entrepreneurship intentions to realize entrepreneurial behavior is the academic environment of the campus. This research is a qualitative research with phenomenological approach, where researchers try to explain or reveal the meaning of the concept or the phenomenon of experience based on awareness that occurs in some individuals. In this study the researchers collect, summarize and interpret the data obtained, which then re-processed so that obtained a clear picture, directed and comprehensive of the problem that became the object of research. The phenomenological approach is used to analyze the original data collected from interview questions and dialogue with informants. The structure of experience is illustrated by the researchers' interpretation of the participant description. This article tries to explain how the academic role of campus in cultivating the intention of entrepreneurship to students by using the theory of intention that is the theory of planned behavio

    Competitive Dynamics in Micro: Analysis of Perception About Competition in Unitomo Street Food Business

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    The purpose of the study this is to explore small and micro businesses in their connections with competitors and the competitive force in the market. This study uses the information processing approach to examine three activities, scanning the competitive environment, the interpretation of competitive actions, and reactions based on that assessment. This research is motivated by the lack of competitiveness of micro businesses, especially those engaged in the culinary field. This study uses qualitative approach with phenomenological methods, in which researchers try to explain or reveal the meaning of a concept or phenomenon of experience based on the awareness that occurs in some individuals. In this study, researchers collect, summarize and interpret the data obtained, which is then processed back in order to obtain a clear, directed and thorough pictures of the problem which become the object of research. Phenomenological approach is used to analyze the original data collected from interview with the informant. Structural interpretation of the experience described by researchers in the description of the participants

    Marketing Communication Strategy As A Strengthening Resistance of Local Media

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    The purpose of this descriptive study was to explore the marketing communication strategy of the Duta Masyarakat daily newspaper to identify perceptions, thoughts, and experiences in facing technological progress and competition with internet media. This research was motivated by the increasing number of newspaper media discontinued because it was unable to compete with internet-based news media. This research is a qualitative research with a case study approach where researchers try to explain or reveal the meaning of the concept of experience based on awareness that occurs in some individuals. In this research the researcher collects, summarizes and interprets the data obtained, which are then reprocessed so that a clear, directed and comprehensive picture of the problem under study is obtained. The qualitative approach with the case study method used to understand in depth the characteristics of the daily media of newspaper ambassadors and determinants of their success in maintaining their business ventures in the field of news medi