95 research outputs found


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    Konsep pengembangan perikanan tangkap berkelanjutan telah disosialisasikan sejak dasawarsa terakhir oleh pemerintah Indonesia. Akan tetapi konsep ini belum diimplementasikan dalam aktivitas perikanan khususnya untuk perikanan pantai yang telah mendapatkan tekanan tinggi dari aktivitas penangkapan intensif, polusi industri, sampah rumah tangga, dan lain-lain. Trammel net merupakan salah satu jenis alat tangkap yang digunakan secara meluas di perairan pantai oleh nelayan tradisional di seluruh Indonesia untuk menangkapudang sebagai spesies target dan spesies non-target lainnya. Alat tangkap ini telah berkembang pesat di pantai utara Jawa, Selat Malaka, dan Selat Makassar setelah dihapuskannya trawl pada tahun 1980. Karena tidak adanya aturan khusus pada perikanan ini ditambah lagi dengan rendahnya pengawasan dan perhatian pemerintah,mengakibatkan trammel net dari tahun ke tahun menunjukkan pertambahan jumlah yang pesat, meskipun sumber daya ikan di pantai utara Jawa telah menagalami lebih tangkap. Makalah ini mendiskusikan perkembangan perikanan trammel net dan menelaah penelitian-penelitian terdahulu yang terkait dengan pengembangan perikanan ini secara berkelanjutan di pantai utara Jawa dalam rangka mengusulkan pengelolaanyang lebih baik.Kata kunci: perikanan berkelanjutan, trammel net, pantai utara Jawa, pengelolaan perikanan

    Towards Sustainable Coastal Fisheries Development: a Case in Trammel Net Fishery in the Northern Coast of Java

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    Konsep pengembangan perikanan tangkap berkelanjutan telah disosialisasikan sejak dasawarsa terakhir oleh pemerintah Indonesia. Akan tetapi konsep ini belum diimplementasikan dalam aktivitas perikanan khususnya untuk perikanan pantai yang telah mendapatkan tekanan tinggi dari aktivitas penangkapan intensif, polusi industri, sampah rumah tangga, dan lain-lain. Trammel net merupakan salah satu jenis alat tangkap yang digunakan secara meluas di perairan pantai oleh nelayan tradisional di seluruh Indonesia untuk menangkapudang sebagai spesies target dan spesies non-target lainnya. Alat tangkap ini telah berkembang pesat di pantai utara Jawa, Selat Malaka, dan Selat Makassar setelah dihapuskannya trawl pada tahun 1980. Karena tidak adanya aturan khusus pada perikanan ini ditambah lagi dengan rendahnya pengawasan dan perhatian pemerintah,mengakibatkan trammel net dari tahun ke tahun menunjukkan pertambahan jumlah yang pesat, meskipun sumber daya ikan di pantai utara Jawa telah menagalami lebih tangkap. Makalah ini mendiskusikan perkembangan perikanan trammel net dan menelaah penelitian-penelitian terdahulu yang terkait dengan pengembangan perikanan ini secara berkelanjutan di pantai utara Jawa dalam rangka mengusulkan pengelolaanyang lebih baik

    Produktivitas dan Pola Musim Tangkap Ikan Peperek (Leiognathus spp.) di Teluk Banten

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    Ponyfish (Leiognathus spp.) is one of the dominant types of fish landed at the Nusantara Fishing Port (PPN) Karangantu. Its high-intensity fishing activities are feared to cause future problems with the sustainability of ponyfish resources. This study aims to calculate fishing productivity, sustainable optimal fishing effort, maximum sustainable catch, and determine the pattern of fishing season in Banten Bay. The research was conducted from April to June 2021 at PPN Karangantu. The fishing gear analyzed were fixed lift nets, floating lift nets, and seine nets. Fishing productivity was calculated from catch per unit effort; the maximum sustainable catch was analyzed using the Schaefer, Fox, and Walter-Hilborn regression models. The seasonal pattern of the ponies was determined from the Fishing Season Index. The results showed that pony fishing productivity in PPN Karangantu decreased from 2016 to 2020. The optimum fishing effort value and the optimum catch through the Schaefer model were 2088 trips/year and 276.12 tons/year, respectively; the highest fishing season occurred in November (145.5%) and the lowest in May (70.2%). Based on the analysis of the Schaefer, Fox and Walter-Hilborn models, the exploitation of Ponyfish (Leiognathus spp.) in Banten Bay can be said to be over-exploited.   Keywords: catching season, Banten bay, Leiognathus spp., productivit

    Pengaruh Perbedaan Umpan Terhadap Pola Tingkah Laku Makan Ikan Kerapu Macan (Ephinephelus Fuscoguttatus)

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    Study on fish behavior is necessary to establish knowledge on the use of bait effectiveness. The objective of the research was to analyze response and feeding behavior of grouper (Ephinephelus fuscoguttatus) on different chemical composition of bait. The research was conducted by laboratory experimental method. The fish used was 200 mm in total length. The baits used were shrimp (Metapenaeus elegans) and trash fish (Sardinella gibbosa). Data collection consist of response time and feeding behavior pattern of Ephinephelus fuscoguttatus on bait with soaking time of 1, 7, and 12 hours. Chemical composition of each bait consisting of proximate, amino acid, fatty acid, and ammonia were analyzed based on soaking time. Data was analyzed using t-student test. The results showed that response time of Ephinephelus fuscoguttatus to shrimp bait and fish was insignificantly difference (p > 0.05). The feeding response of Ephinephelus fuscoguttatus with soaking time difference of shrimp bait and trash fish during 1 and 7 hours was significantly difference (p < 0.01). The bait soaking time until 12 hours was insignificantly difference (p > 0.05). Longer bait soaking time (until 12 hours) would decrease bait chemical composition that influenced on decrease feeding response of Ephinephelus fuscoguttatus


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    Ikan sidat (Anguilla bicolor) adalah ikan yang bersifat katadromus, bermigrasi kelaut untuk memijah, atau sebaliknya untuk benih ikan sidat (glass eel) akan kembali lagi ke sungai untuk menjadi sidat dewasa, kegiatan migrasi ini akan terganggu dengan adanya bangunan melintang seperti bendungan atau dam. Hal ini dikarenakan kecepatan arus air di bendungan lebih tinggi sedangkan ikan sidat bukan termasuk ikan perenang aktif. guna mempermudah proses migrasi ikan sidat ini maka diperlukan fishway. Pembangunan fishway memerlukan beberapa informasi seperti pola renang, kecepatan renang, dan ketahanan renang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pola renang kecepatan renang dan ketahanan renang pada sidat stadia elver dengan kondisi arus yang berbeda. Selanjutnya merumuskan kinerja renang sidat stadia elver terkait dengan kebutuhan dalam mendesain fishway yang tepat. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Tingkah Laku Ikan Departemen PSP-FPIK, IPB. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola renang sidat stadia elver adalah jenis Anguilliform, kecepatan renang sustained speed ikan sidat adalah ≤ 0,91 TL/detik, kecepatan renang prolonged speed ikan sidat adalah 1,57-1,82 TL/detik, dan kecepatan renang burst speed ikan sidat adalah ≤ 2,7 TL/detik. Berdasarkan data tersebut desain fishway yang sesuai dengan kecepatan renang prolonged speed ikan sidat yaitu tipe fish lock yang dapat dibuat dengan kemiringan 20º disertai dengan debit air berkisar 59 ml/detik dan kecepatan arus 30 cm/detik. Kata kunci: arus, kecepatan renang, ketahanan renang, pola renang, sida

    Jaring Kekop (Gillnet) Fishery and Its Sustainability Level in Ranau Lake, South Sumatera

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    Fishing activity to catch hampala (Hampala macrolepidota) using gillnet in the Ranau Lake has been quite intensive. However, there is a type of net developed by fishers to catch hampala in the same waters, namely “jaring kekop.” The existence of this net will increase the intensity of fishing in Ranau Lake which is already high, thus affecting the availability of stocks. The purpose of this research is to describe technical and biological characteristic of kekop net and to analyze the sustainability of kekop net fishery to catch hampala in Ranau Lake, South Sumatera. Data was collected by field survey method through direct interviews with fishers, observation and measurement of fishing unit, and participated in the fishing operation trips. The result showed that the jaring kekop used by fishers in Ranau Lake can be classified into the set gillnet with slightly different operation method from the common set gillnet.  The SPR (spawning potential ratio) analysis of hampal fish obtained a value of 72% or > 40%, which means that the average fish caught is gonad ripe or fit to catch (SL50 > Lm). The sustainability values of the jaring kekop fishery were 51.4 for technical aspect, 6.5 for biological aspect, and 65.2 for social-economic aspect. From these sustainability values, it can be seen that the jaring kekop fishery in Lake Ranau is sustainable enough.   Key words: jaring kekop, hampala fsih, characteristic, sustainability, Ranau Lak

    Peran Negara Pelabuhan Berdasarkan Hukum Internasional dan Implementasinya di Indonesia

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    Indonesia telah meratifikasi kesepakatan Agreement on Port State Measure to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing 2009 (PSMA 2009) pada tahun 2016. Kesepakatan internasional tersebut mewajibkan Indonesia untuk melakukan pengawasan dan penegakan hukum di pelabuhan-pelabuhan perikanan nasional. Kesiapan Indonesia sangat penting untuk dapat melaksanakan kewajiban yang tercantum dalam kesepakatan tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) mengidentifikasi kewajiban-kewajiban yang dimuat dalam PSMA 2009 dan (2) memetakan pemenuhan kewajiban Indonesia yang dimuat dalam peraturan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis yuridis normatif dan yuridis komparatif. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa terdapat tujuh hal utama yang harus menjadi perhatian Indonesia, yaitu kewajiban penegakan hukum, kewajiban memperhatikan hukum internasional lain, kewajiban tukar informasi, kewajiban pelaksanaan pengelolaan konservasi dari organisasi pengelola perikanan regional, kewajiban penetapan pelabuhan perikanan, kewajiban kapasitas sumber daya untuk pemeriksaan dan pelatihan, dan kewajiban pemeriksaan. Salah satu kewajiban yang belum terpenuhi adalah kapasitas sumber daya manusia. Kewajiban lainnya sudah dimuat dalam Peraturan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan (Permen KP) Nomor 39/Permen-KP/2019 tentang tentang Pelaksanaan Ketentuan Negara Pelabuhan Untuk Mencegah, Menghalangi, dan Memberantas Penangkapan Ikan secara Ilegal, Tidak Dilaporkan, dan Tidak Diatur serta Keputusan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan (Kepmen KP) Nomor 52/Kepmen-KP/2020 tentang Pelabuhan Tempat Pelaksanaan Ketentuan Negara Pelabuhan untuk Mencegah, Menghalangi, dan Memberantas Penangkapan Ikan secara Ilegal, Tidak Dilaporkan, dan Tidak Diatur.Title: Port State Role Based on International Law and its Implementation in IndonesiaIndonesia has ratified the Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing 2009 (PSMA 2009) in 2016. The international agreement requires Indonesia to carry out surveillance and law enforcement at national fishing ports. Indonesia’s readiness is crucial to carry out the obligations contained in the agreement. The aims of this study are (1) to identify the obligations contained in the 2009 PSMA; and (2) to map the fulfillment of Indonesia’s obligations contained in the regulations. This research uses normative juridical and comparative juridical analysis methods. The results of this study reveal that there are seven main concerns of Indonesia, e.g. obligations to enforce the law, obligations to pay attention to other international laws, obligations to exchange information, obligations to implement conservation management from regional fisheries management organizations, obligations to determine fishing ports, obligations for human resource capacity for inspection and training, and inspection obligations. One of the obligations that has not been fulfilled is the capacity of human resources. Other obligations have been contained in the Regulation of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (Permen KP) Number 39/Permen-KP/2019 concerning the Implementation of Port State Provisions to Prevent, Deters, and Elliminate Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing and Decree of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Number 52/Kepmen-KP/2020 on the designation of Ports for the Implementation of Port State to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing

    Management Effectiveness of Southeast Aru Islands Marine Conservation Area

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    Southeast Aru Islands Marine Conservation Area (SE Aru MCA) has been existed for nearly 21 years, a period that long enough for a timely evaluation about how far improvement of management has been made in the area in question, i.e. whether management has improved situation of local communities and marine resources availability in the area. This study, therefore, aims at assessing management effectiveness and impacts of SE Aru MCA. Results suggest that the MCA, which was originally established as a marine nature reserve (Cagar Alam Laut, CAL) in 1991 and changed status into marine sanctuary in 2009, has not yet produced the expected positive impacts. Assessment using available tools indicated that the management level of SE Aru MCA is at level 1, with percentage of 34.12%, meaning it is still at initiation stage and less effective in terms of management outcomes. Index of conservation area effectiveness with a value of 0.387 shows that the overall conservation area in the 3 categories mentioned above is less effective, therefore conservation effect has not been able to solve area problems. It is concluded that, after more than 20 years exists in the area, few benefits have been produced by SE Aru MCA for local people associated with it and biological resources in it

    Analisis Indra Penglihatan Ikan Kerapu Macan (Epinephelus Fuscoguttatus) Dan Hubungannya Dalam Merespons Umpan

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    The visual organ in fish has an important role in ensuring its survival. Fish can respond to bait or food with its visual organ. The objectives of this research are to analyse the visual performance of grouper (cone cell morphology, the visual axis, and visual acuity) and to analyse the relation between visual senses with fish behavior response to the bait. This research was conducted in the laboratory by means of the determination of fish retina histology method and behavior of fish. The morphology retina of grouper consists of a single cone and double cone which form a mosaic structure, the visual axis was identified at upper-fore with the angle of 26.8o.The visual acuity of grouper was low in index values with ranged from 0.06 to 0.07 for fish with a total length of 200 to 300 mm, the maximum sighting distance to the bait with the diameter of 20 mm size ranged from 3.93 to 4.74 m, the bait with 25 mm diameter size range from 4.91 to 5.92 and bait with a diameter of 30 mm size ranged from 5.89 to 7.11 m. The frequency of fish closed the bait distance of 30 cm was 45.83%, 25 cm was 33.33% and 20 cm was 20.83%, respectively


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    Study on fish behavior is necessary to establish knowledge on the use of bait effectiveness. The objective of the research was to analyze response and feeding behavior of grouper (Ephinephelus fuscoguttatus) on different chemical composition of bait. The research was conducted by laboratory experimental method. The fish used was 200 mm in total length. The baits used were shrimp (Metapenaeus elegans) and trash fish (Sardinella gibbosa). Data collection consist of response time and feeding behavior pattern of Ephinephelus fuscoguttatus on bait with soaking time of 1, 7, and 12 hours. Chemical composition of each bait consisting of proximate, amino acid, fatty acid, and ammonia were analyzed based on soaking time. Data was analyzed using t-student test. The results showed that response time of Ephinephelus fuscoguttatus to shrimp bait and fish was insignificantly difference (p > 0.05). The feeding response of Ephinephelus fuscoguttatus with soaking time difference of shrimp bait and trash fish during 1 and 7 hours was significantly difference (p < 0.01). The bait soaking time until 12 hours was insignificantly difference (p > 0.05). Longer bait soaking time (until 12 hours) would decrease bait chemical composition that influenced on decrease feeding response of Ephinephelus fuscoguttatus.Key words: baits, feeding habit, Ephinephelus fuscoguttatus
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