1,439 research outputs found

    Bribery In Islamic Perspective And Implementation In Life (The Study Of Surahal-Baqarahverse 188 Andal-Maidah 62)

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    The purpose of this study is to explain or describe the "Bribery in the Islamic perspective" and the categories of bribery. To obtain the representative data, this research used literature research method (library reseach) by searching, collecting, reading, and analyzing books that had relevance to research problem. The type of research in writing this paper was qualitative. The results of bribery research in the perspective of Islam and its implementation in the life was found in Surat al-Baqarah verses 188 and al-Maidah 62. The significance of this study is expected to be developed and practiced both theoretically/ practically is giving hasanah thoughts or insights of Islamic science in general and bribes according to Islam in particular especially about bribes according to Islam in the study of Surah Al-Baqarah Verses 188 and Al-Maidah 62

    KEBIJAKAN PENINDAKAN ATAS TANAH TERLANTAR DALAM PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA TANAH (Studi Kasus Sengketa PT SAWIT JAMBI LESTARI dan Masyarakat Rantau Gedang Kecamatan Mersam, Kabupaten Batang Hari Jambi)

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    Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang kebijakan yang di berikan pemerintah mengenai HGU. Dan Pendayagunaan Tanah Terlantar Dalam Rangka Penatagunaan Tanah di Desa Rantau Gedang Mersam Jambi. Ada dua permasalahan yang akan dikaji dalam penelitian ini yaitu kebijakan yang di berikan pemerintah tentang Hak Guna Usaha serta pendayagunaan tanah terlantar di desa Rantau Gedang Mersam Jambi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum sociolegal dan lebih kepada pendekatan objek yang di kaji, yang menggunakan pendekatan perundang- undangan dan konseptual. Bahan hukum yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini berasal dari bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder, dan bahan hukum tersier. Bahan hukum maupun informasi penunjang lainnya yang telah terkumpul terlebih dahulu dilakukan deskripsi dengan menguraikan proposisi-proposisi hukum kemudian diinterpretasikan untuk selanjutnya disistimatisasi, dievaluasi untuk kemudian diberikan argumentasi untuk mendapatkan kesimpulan atas permasalahan tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kewenangan penertiban tanah terlantar merupakan kewenangan Pemerintah daerah maupun Pusat, dimana BPN selaku pengawas bidang pertanahan yang mana kewenangan tersebut telah diterima dari Presiden, Presiden mendelegasikan kewenangannya kepada Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional Republik Indonesia untuk melakukan penertiban tanah terlantar sesuai dengan ketentuan Pasal 17 PP No.11 Tahun 2010. Dalam pelaksanaan penertiban, dibentuk Panitia C yang berwenang melakukan identifikasi dan penelitian tanah terindikasi terlantar. Mekanisme penertiban tanah terlantar dilakukan melalui tahapan-tahapan yaitu inventarisasi tanah terindikasi terlantar, identifikasi dan penelitian tanah terindikasi terlantar, peringatan terhadap pemegang hak, penetapan tanah terlantar. tanah-tanah terlantar didayagunakan untuk kepentingan masyarakat melalui reforma agraria, program strategis negara dan cadangan umum negara harus disesuaikan dengan Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Kabupaten Batang Hari

    The Meaning of Slang Language in 22 Jump Street Movie

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    This research focused on the meaning of slang language used by the characters in 22Jump Street Movie. The research was conducted by using qualitative method. Thedata were collected from the movie script. The objective of the study was to find outthe meaning of the slang language used by the characters in 22 Jump Street Movieand also the reason why the characters used the slang language. The data were takenfrom the movie script which was downloaded from the internet. The data wereanalyzed by using Eric Partridge\u27s theory about slang. The result showed that themeaning used by the characters were contextual meaning, depending on the situationor given context of the scene. The result show that only several slang language thathave literal meaning. The reason of using slang language in this research was toreduce seriousness of the conversation since the movie was a comedy-action genre inwhich the comedy and action must be appeared at the same time


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    This research was conducted to find out the improvement of students’ skills in writing narrative text by using the Dictation Dictogloss Method. This research was conducted by implementing the rules and steps of Classroom Action Research. The collected data in this research was analyzed by using qualitative and quantitative technique. The qualitative data was taken from observation sheet, interview, diary notes and documentations. The result of this research found that there was an improvement on students writing narrative skills by applying Dictation Dictogloss Method. It was supported by the increase mean of the score in every single meeting. The mean in pre-test was 40,67. The mean of post-test in cycle one was 65,6. The mean of post-test in cycle two was 70,17. This data indicated that students score was increased in every meeting. The percentage of students passed in every meeting was also improved. The data stated that in pre-test there were only two students passed (6,67%). In the post- test of cycle one there were fourteen students passed (46,67%). In the post-test of cycle two there were twenty students passed (66,67%). By the data gathered in  this  research,  it  can  be  concluded  that  students  were  more  engaged, motivated and interested in writing narrative text after the implementation of Dictation Dictogloss Metho

    Health Inequality and Its Determinants in New York

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    Self-assessed health status conditioned by several objective measures of health and socio-demographic characteristics are used to measure health inequality. We compare the quality of health and health inequality among different racial/ethnic groups as well as across 17 regions in New York State. In terms of average health and health inequality, American Indian/Alaskan Natives and Hispanics are found to be the worst, and North Country, Bronx County, and Richmond County lag behind the rest of the State. Three major contributing factors to health inequality are found to be employment status, education, and income. However, the contribution of each of these determinants varies significantly among racial/ethnic groups as well as across regions, suggesting targeted public health initiatives for vulnerable populations to eliminate overall health disparity.

    Health Inequality and Its Determinants in New York

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    Self-assessed health status conditioned by several objective measures of health and socio-demographic characteristics are used to measure health inequality. We compare the quality of health and health inequality among different racial/ethnic groups as well as across 10 economic development regions in New York State. In terms of average health and health inequality, American Indian/Alaskan Natives and Hispanics are found to be the worst, and North Country and Southern Tier regions lag behind the rest of the State. Three major contributing factors to health inequality are found to be employment status, education, and income. However, the contribution of each of these determinants varies significantly among racial/ethnic groups as well as across regions, suggesting targeted public health initiatives for vulnerable populations to eliminate overall health disparity.

    The Acquisition of Free Morpheme by a Two-year Old Indonesian Child

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    The aim of this study was to describe types and how of the free morpheme uttered by a two-year-old Indonesian Child. It was a qualitative research design which was observed with a single case study. The instruments used were observation and interview. The researcher observed the subject for two months where conversation in diffrent contexts in daily activities took place.The data collected were the utterances produced by the subject in diffrent context and interview. The data were analyzed by using the theory of language acquisition and free morpheme. The results of this study were: (1) the two types of free morpheme namely lexical and function word were uttered by the subject in his daily activities in diffrent context. (2) the using of free morpheme occured analysis were: saying statement, refusing advise, saying dislike, asking gift, refusing comment, asking question, and the last is avoiding quarrel. The using of free morpheme based on the speaker\u27s backgruond analysis was internded to be used for the interaction in community
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