60 research outputs found

    Polymer Micro- and Nanofluidic Systems for In Vitro Diagnostics: Analyzing Single Cells and Molecules

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    Polymer micro- and nanofluidic systems, with their critical dimensions, offer a potential to outperform conventional analysis techniques and diagnostic methods by enhancing speed, accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. In this work, applications of microfluidics have been demonstrated to address the existing challenges in stroke diagnosis, by mRNA expression profiling from whole blood within \u3c20 min. A brief overview of various biomarkers for stroke diagnosis is given in chapter 1 followed by design and testing of individual microfluidic modules (chapter 2 and 3) required for the development of POC diagnostic strategy for stroke. We have designed and evaluated the performance of polymer microfluidic devices for the isolation of leukocyte subsets, known for their differential gene expression in the event of stroke. Target cells (T-cells and neutrophils) were selected from with greater purities, from 50 µl whole human blood by using affinity based capture in COC devices within a 6.6 min processing time. In addition, we have also demonstrated the ability to isolate and purify total RNA by using UV activated polycarbonate solid phase extraction platform. Polymer-based nanofluidic devices were used to study the effects of surface charge on the electrodynamic transport dynamics of target molecules. In this work, we report the fabrication of mixed-scale micro- and nanofluidic networks in poly(methylmethacrylate), PMMA, using thermal nanoimprint lithography using a resin stamp and surface modification of polymer nanoslits and nanochannels for the assessment of the associated electrokinetic parameters – surface charge density, zeta potential and electroosmotic flow. This study provided information on possible routes that can be adopted to engineer proper wall chemistry of polymer nanochannels for the enhancement or reduction of solute/wall interactions in a variety of relevant single-molecule studies

    Investigation of the Structure Requirement for 5-HT6 Binding Affinity of Arylsulfonyl Derivatives: A Computational Study

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    5-HT6 receptor has been implicated in a series of diseases including anxiety, depression, schizophrenia and cognitive dysfunctions. 5-HT6 ligands have been reported to play a significant role in the treatment for central nervous system (CNS) diseases. Presently, a large series of 223 5-HT6 ligands were studied using a combinational method by 3D-QSAR, molecular docking and molecular dynamics calculations for further improvement of potency. The optimal 3D models exhibit satisfying statistical results with r2ncv, q2 values of 0.85 and 0.50 for CoMFA, 0.81 and 0.53 for CoMSIA, respectively. Their predictive powers were validated by external test set, showing r2pred of 0.71 and 0.76. The contour maps also provide a visual representation of contributions of steric, electrostatic, hydrophobic and hydrogen bond fields as well as the prospective binding models. In addition, the agreement between 3D-QSAR, molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation proves the rationality of the developed models. These results, we hope, may be helpful in designing novel and potential 5-HT6 ligands

    Formulation development of a stable, orally delivered live human neonatal rotavirus(rv3-bb) vaccine candidate

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    Rotavirus is the most common cause of gastroenteritis among children under 5 years of age leading to ~200,000 deaths in 2013.1 Rotavirus-attributed mortality can be significantly reduced by promoting global implementation of rotavirus vaccination by vaccine dosage cost reduction and optimizing vaccine efficacy in low-resource countries. Furthermore, a rotavirus vaccine administered at birth could prevent neonatal mortality and reduce the risk of intussusception 2. An oral human neonatal rotavirus vaccine candidate (RV3-BB) has been developed from the human neonatal rotavirus strain RV3 (G3P[6]) 2 , and a recently published Phase IIb clinical trial showed RV3-BB was efficacious in preventing severe rotavirus gastroenteritis via a neonatal or infant schedule in Indonesia2. The overall goals of this project are to develop and implement commercially viable bulk and drug product manufacturing processes of a stable liquid formulation for oral delivery (without pre-neutralization) that is affordable in the developing world (Fig. 1). The consortium working on this program is sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation between Batavia Biosciences, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, BioFarma, and The University of Kansas. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Effect of Formulation Variables on the Stability of a Live, Rotavirus (RV3-BB) Vaccine Candidate using in vitro Gastric Digestion Models to Mimic Oral Delivery

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    In this work, two different in vitro gastric digestion models were used to evaluate the stability of a live attenuated rotavirus vaccine candidate (RV3-BB) under conditions designed to mimic oral delivery in infants. First, a forced-degradation model was established at low pH to assess the buffering capacity of formulation excipients and to screen for RV3-BB stabilizers. Second, a sequential-addition model was implemented to examine RV3-BB stability under conditions more representative of oral administration to infants. RV3-BB rapidly inactivated at < pH 5.0 (37 °C, 1 h) as measured by an infectivity RT-qPCR assay. Pre-neutralization with varying volumes of infant formula (Enfamil®) or antacid (Mylanta®) conferred partial to full protection of RV3-BB. Excipients with sufficient buffering capacity to minimize acidic pH inactivation of RV3-BB were identified (e.g., succinate, acetate, adipate), however, they concomitantly destabilized RV3-BB in accelerated storage stability studies. Both effects were concentration dependent, thus excipient optimization was required to design candidate RV3-BB formulations which minimize acid-induced viral inactivation during oral delivery while not destabilizing the vaccine during long-term 2–8 °C storage. Finally, a statistical Design -of-Experiments (DOE) study examining RV3-BB stability in the in vitro sequential-addition model identified key formulation parameters likely affecting RV3-BB stability during in vivo oral delivery

    Formulation development of a live attenuated human rotavirus (RV3-BB) vaccine candidate for use in low- and middle-income countries

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    Formulation development was performed with the live, attenuated, human neonatal rotavirus vaccine candidate (RV3-BB) with three main objectives to facilitate use in low- and middle- income countries including (1) a liquid, 2–8°C stable vaccine, (2) no necessity for pre-neutralization of gastric acid prior to oral administration of a small-volume dose, and (3) a low-cost vaccine dosage form. Implementation of a high-throughput RT-qPCR viral infectivity assay for RV3-BB, which correlated well with traditional FFA assays in terms of monitoring RV3-BB stability profiles, enabled more rapid and comprehensive formulation development studies. A wide variety of different classes and types of pharmaceutical excipients were screened for their ability to stabilize RV3-BB during exposure to elevated temperatures, freeze-thaw and agitation stresses. Sucrose (50–60% w/v), PEG-3350, and a solution pH of 7.8 were selected as promising stabilizers. Using a combination of an in vitro gastric digestion model (to mimic oral delivery conditions) and accelerated storage stability studies, several buffering agents (e.g., succinate, adipate and acetate at ~200 to 400 mM) were shown to protect RV3-BB under acidic conditions, and at the same time, minimize virus destabilization during storage. Several optimized RV3-BB candidate formulations were identified based on negligible viral infectivity losses during storage at 2–8°C and −20°C for up to 12 months, as well as by relative stability comparisons at 15°C and 25°C (up to 12 and 3 months, respectively). These RV3-BB stability results are discussed in the context of stability profiles of other rotavirus serotypes as well as future RV3-BB formulation development activities

    Developing a manufacturing process to deliver a cost effective and stable liquid human rotavirus vaccine

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    Despite solid evidence of the success of rotavirus vaccines in saving children from fatal gastroenteritis, more than 82 million infants worldwide still lack access to a rotavirus vaccine. The main barriers to global rotavirus vaccine coverage include cost, manufacturing capacity and suboptimal efficacy in low- and lower-middle income countries. One vaccine candidate with the potential to address the latter is based on the novel, naturally attenuated RV3 strain of rotavirus, RV3-BB vaccine administered in a birth dose strategy had a vaccine efficacy against severe rotavirus gastroenteritis of 94% at 12 months of age in infants in Indonesia. To further develop this vaccine candidate, a well-documented and low-cost manufacturing process is required. A target fully loaded cost of goods (COGs) of ≤3.50percourseofthreedoseswassetbasedonpredictedmarketrequirements.COGsmodellingwasleveragedtodevelopaprocessusingVerocellsincellfactoriesreachinghightiters,reducingorreplacingexpensivereagentsandshorteningprocesstimetomaximiseoutput.Stablecandidateliquidformulationsweredevelopedallowingtwoyearstorageat28°C.Inaddition,theformulationpotentiallyrendersneedlessthepretreatmentofvaccineeswithantacidtoensureadequategastricacidneutralizationforroutineoralvaccination.Asaresult,theformulationallowssmallvolumedosingandreductionofsupplychaincosts.AdoserangingstudyiscurrentlyunderwayinMalawithatwillinformthefinalclinicaldoserequired.Ataclinicaldoseof6.3log10FFU,theCOGstargetof3.50 per course of three doses was set based on predicted market requirements. COGs modelling was leveraged to develop a process using Vero cells in cell factories reaching high titers, reducing or replacing expensive reagents and shortening process time to maximise output. Stable candidate liquid formulations were developed allowing two-year storage at 2–8 °C. In addition, the formulation potentially renders needless the pretreatment of vaccinees with antacid to ensure adequate gastric acid neutralization for routine oral vaccination. As a result, the formulation allows small volume dosing and reduction of supply chain costs. A dose ranging study is currently underway in Malawi that will inform the final clinical dose required. At a clinical dose of ≤6.3 log10 FFU, the COGs target of ≤3.50 per three dose course was met. At a clinical dose of 6.5 log10 FFU, the final manufacturing process resulted in a COGs that is substantially lower than the current average market price, 2.44 USD per dose. The manufacturing and formulation processes were transferred to BioFarma in Indonesia to enable future RV3-BB vaccine production

    INOSITOL (1,3,4) TRIPHOSPHATE 5/6 KINASE1-Dependent Inositol Polyphosphates Regulate Auxin Responses in Arabidopsis

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    The combinatorial phosphorylation of myo-inositol results in the generation of different inositol phosphates (InsPs), of which phytic acid (InsP6) is the most abundant species in eukaryotes. InsP6 is also an important precursor of the higher phosphorylated inositol pyrophosphates (PP-InsPs), such as InsP7 and InsP8, which are characterized by a diphosphate moiety and are also ubiquitously found in eukaryotic cells. While PP-InsPs regulate various cellular processes in animals and yeast, their biosynthesis and functions in plants has remained largely elusive because plant genomes do not encode canonical InsP6 kinases. Recent work has shown that Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) INOSITOL (1,3,4) TRIPHOSPHATE 5/6 KINASE1 (ITPK1) and ITPK2 display in vitro InsP6 kinase activity and that, in planta, ITPK1 stimulates 5-InsP7 and InsP8 synthesis and regulates phosphate starvation responses. Here we report a critical role of ITPK1 in auxin-related processes that is independent of the ITPK1-controlled regulation of phosphate starvation responses. Those processes include primary root elongation, root hair development, leaf venation, thermomorphogenic and gravitropic responses, and sensitivity to exogenously applied auxin. We found that the recombinant auxin receptor complex, consisting of the F-Box protein TRANSPORT INHIBITOR RESPONSE1 (TIR1), ARABIDOPSIS SKP1 HOMOLOGUE 1 (ASK1) and the transcriptional repressor INDOLE-3-ACETIC ACID INDUCIBLE 7 (IAA7), binds to anionic inositol polyphosphates with high affinity. We further identified a physical interaction between ITPK1 and TIR1, suggesting a localized production of 5-InsP7, or another ITPK1-dependent InsP/PP-InsP isomer, to activate the auxin receptor complex. Finally, we demonstrate that ITPK1 and ITPK2 function redundantly to control auxin responses, as deduced from the auxin-insensitive phenotypes of itpk1 itpk2 double mutant plants. Our findings expand the mechanistic understanding of auxin perception and suggest that distinct inositol polyphosphates generated near auxin receptors help to fine-tune auxin sensitivity in plants

    Parallel Affinity-Based Isolation of Leukocyte Subsets Using Microfluidics: Application for Stroke Diagnosis

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    We report the design and performance of a polymer microfluidic device that can affinity select multiple types of biological cells simultaneously with sufficient recovery and purity to allow for the expression profiling of mRNA isolated from these cells. The microfluidic device consisted of four independent selection beds with curvilinear channels that were 25 μm wide and 80 μm deep and were modified with antibodies targeting antigens specifically expressed by two different cell types. Bifurcated and Z-configured device geometries were evaluated for cell selection. As an example of the performance of these devices, CD4+ T-cells and neutrophils were selected from whole blood as these cells are known to express genes found in stroke-related expression profiles that can be used for the diagnosis of this disease. CD4+ T-cells and neutrophils were simultaneously isolated with purities >90% using affinity-based capture in cyclic olefin copolymer (COC) devices with a processing time of ∼3 min. In addition, sufficient quantities of the cells could be recovered from a 50 μL whole blood input to allow for reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) following cell lysis. The expression of genes from isolated T-cells and neutrophils, such as S100A9, TCRB, and FPR1, was evaluated using RT-PCR. The modification and isolation procedures demonstrated here can also be used to analyze other cell types as well where multiple subsets must be interrogated

    Simple replication methods for producing nanoslits in thermoplastics and the transport dynamics of double-stranded DNA through these slits

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    Mixed-scale nano-and microfluidic networks were fabricated in thermoplastics using simple and robust methods that did not require the use of sophisticated equipment to produce the nanostructures. High-precision micromilling (HPMM) and photolithography were used to generate mixed-scale molding tools that were subsequently used for producing fluidic networks into thermoplastics such as poly(methyl methacrylate), PMMA, cyclic olefin copolymer, COC, and polycarbonate, PC. Nanoslit arrays were imprinted into the polymer using a nanoimprinting tool, which was composed of an optical mask with patterns that were 2-7 mu m in width and a depth defined by the Cr layer (100 nm), which was deposited onto glass. The device also contained a microchannel network that was hot embossed into the polymer substrate using a metal molding tool prepared via HPMM. The mixed-scale device could also be used as a master to produce a polymer stamp, which was made from polydimethylsiloxane, PDMS, and used to generate the mixed-scale fluidic network in a single step. Thermal fusion bonding of the cover plate to the substrate at a temperature below their respective T(g) was accomplished by oxygen plasma treatment of both the substrate and cover plate, which significantly reduced thermally induced structural deformation during assembly: similar to 6% for PMMA and similar to 9% for COC nanoslits. The electrokinetic transport properties of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) through the polymeric nanoslits (PMMA and COC) were carried out. In these polymer devices, the dsDNA demonstrated a field-dependent electrophoretic mobility with intermittent transport dynamics. DNA mobilities were found to be 8.2 +/- 0.7 x 10(-4) cm(2) V(-1) s(-1) and 7.6 +/- 0.6 x 10(-4) cm(2) V(-1) s(-1) for PMMA and COC, respectively, at a field strength of 25 V cm(-1). The extension factors for lambda-DNA were 0.46 in PMMA and 0.53 in COC for the nanoslits (2-6% standard deviation).close171