48 research outputs found

    Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the external auditory canal: case report.

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    This study reports a case of mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC) of the external auditory canal, which to date has only been described once in literature. Because the lesion is extremely rare, it is particularly difficult to classify it into stages following normal diagnostic parameters. This obviously limits the possibilities of treatment that consequently are either empirical or based on those of squamous cell carcinoma. The problems in the diagnosis and the possible methods of treatment of mucoepidermoid carcinoma are discusse

    The RNA Helicase DDX6 Controls Cellular Plasticity by Modulating P-Body Homeostasis

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    Post-transcriptional mechanisms have the potential to influence complex changes in gene expression, yet their role in cell fate transitions remains largely unexplored. Here, we show that suppression of the RNA helicase DDX6 endows human and mouse primed embryonic stem cells (ESCs) with a differentiation-resistant, “hyper-pluripotent” state, which readily reprograms to a naive state resembling the preimplantation embryo. We further demonstrate that DDX6 plays a key role in adult progenitors where it controls the balance between self-renewal and differentiation in a context-dependent manner. Mechanistically, DDX6 mediates the translational suppression of target mRNAs in P-bodies. Upon loss of DDX6 activity, P-bodies dissolve and release mRNAs encoding fate-instructive transcription and chromatin factors that re-enter the ribosome pool. Increased translation of these targets impacts cell fate by rewiring the enhancer, heterochromatin, and DNA methylation landscapes of undifferentiated cell types. Collectively, our data establish a link between P-body homeostasis, chromatin organization, and stem cell potency

    Uma experiência de coleta seletiva em condomínios residenciais

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    Neste texto, relatamos uma experiência de coleta seletiva de resíduos e Educação Ambiental em condomínios residenciais do bairro Engenheiro Goulart, na zona Leste de São Paulo. Os idealizadores e executores do projeto foram alunos do segundo ano do curso de Gestão Ambiental da Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades da USP (EACH-USP), contemplados com bolsas da Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária. O foco principal do projeto foi a abordagem técnica de coleta seletiva dentro de condomínios residenciais, com o objetivo de inserir o trabalho da cooperativa de reciclagem da região dentro da rotina dos condôminos. O grupo trabalhou com a sensibilização e a conscientização dos moradores a respeito da temática ambiental e social. A abordagem de cunho social foi de grande relevância, visto que o grande potencial de renda para a cooperativa era inexplorado devido a dificuldades de acesso. Esta intervenção favoreceu aos condôminos e trabalhadores da cooperativa uma nova maneira de olhar a região na qual habitam

    Dynamics of BAF- Polycomb Complex Opposition on Heterochromatin in Normal and Oncogenic States

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    The opposition between polycomb repressive complexes (PRC) and BAF (mSWI/SNF) complexes plays critical roles in development and disease. Mutations in the genes encoding BAF subunits contribute to over 20% of human malignancy, yet the underlying mechanisms remain unclear owing largely to a lack of assays to assess BAF function in vivo. To address this, we have developed a widely applicable recruitment assay system and find that BAF opposes PRC by rapid, ATP-dependent eviction, leading to the formation of accessible chromatin. Reversing this process results in reassembly of facultative heterochromatin. Surprisingly, BAF-mediated PRC eviction occurs in the absence of PolII occupancy, transcription, and replication. Further, we find that tumor suppressor and oncogenic BAF complex mutations result in differential effects on PRC eviction. These studies define a mechanistic sequence underlying the resolution and formation of facultative heterochromatin and demonstrate that BAF opposes polycomb complexes on a minute-by-minute basis to provide epigenetic plasticity

    Mastoid osteoma.

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    Remissione Di Leucemia Acuta Promielocitica Complicata Da Patologia Otologica

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    Objective: Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) comprises approximately 10% of the acute myeloblastíc leuketnias (AML). Extiameduilàry inuoluements at presentdtion or relapse is an infrequent complication of AML and extremely uficotnnlon in APL. Material and Method: The case report of a 22-years-old female uith APL who relapsed with extramedullary disease and a reuiew of the líterature are presented. Results: The patient with cytogenetically and molecularly confirrued APL deueloped extramedullary relapse in middle ear and externai auditory canal after tredtment with chemotberapy. Blood picture, bone ruarrolt) aspirdte and lumbar puncture were negatiue for leukaemic cells. A reuiew of the literature reuealed only eleuen cases of APL complicated by otological dísease. tion if otouhea is present (relapse in tymp(tnic cauity with iy*pant, membyane perforation) and/or CT scan (otological disease uith noimal eardrum). The aboue to reduce exploratiue myringotomy in pat.i

    Ipoacusia improvvisa

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    We performed a retrospective study during a one year period about patients complaining sudden hearing loss who went to emergency department. It was anlyzed the literature about treatment of this disease. Authors examined 115 patients affected by sudden hearing loss aged 16 to 60. All the patients were submitted to the otolaryngologist examination and then to an audiometric test. 78% out of all the examined patients were affected by sensorineural hearing loss. 13% out of all had mixed hearing loss. 9% had normal audiogram. The disease evaluation is strictly linked to its seriousness and the surgery timeliness, from which depend greater chances of recovery